Tillamook Headlight, November 6, I©l3 light and turn the city I per cent ot the gross power I earning« of the company. The present ’(TIMBER TAXED TIMBER taxed HIGH. FRANCHISE. I company 's franchise will expire in 3 City Council Has Applica­ tion Under Consideration. years. However, it is seeking for a P. S. Brumby Complies Data new franchise to begin at once. to Prove Contention. Both franchises were laid over for I Figures have been compiled by further consideration. A— — WE MANUFACTURE SILOS P. S. Brumby, a Portland timber man and director of the Lumber­ On Monday evening the city council ---------- ‘ tin regular session with the follow- i Railroad Commission Favors mens National Bank, showing the * oembcr- present: Chairman Har- average tax paid on timber lands Some Monopolies- t in Clatsop, Columbia. Washington councilmen Leach, Keldson, S alem , Ore., Det 29.-The State 1,"d ____ Ti" _ “’nu”k counties, covering ¿¿and Dick! Recorder Todd. | , Railroad Com.n.ssion fl on alate rec I the Bf levies decUrM from counties, 1906 to thl 1912. . covei fi Mr. . . went “,e i gjtion was made and carried assess- ord today as opposing the establish- re(ut(, th(j cIahn that hM been „ jure» . property on the north end of 2nd ment of certain competing utilit.es advocate8 __ o{ _ ai lM been thal made ____ lc ..uo jh East for street improvements, in towns and cities where it is I*™- gon tiu.ber laDlld are tax n9t that oa. Ore­ by advocates of siugle improvement is a stretch of sible for those having a monopoly I.. - -------- .„use naving , gon timber lands are not paying ...yh,g which has been laid at a cost I to be regulated so as to give satis­ their just proportion. “1141.50, and •• assessed to Garret factory service. P. W. Todd, City “In 1905 the average tax paid for fird on the east side of the street and Recorder of Tillamook, notified the each section cf timber on a body the Mount Vernon Creamery Co. on Commission several weeks ago that embracing holdings in Clatsop, me vest side of the street. application had been made for a Columbia, Washington and Tilla­ On motion a walk is ordered in on franchise for a second light and mook counties,” said Mr. Brutnby, He south side of 12th street from power system in that city. E. J “was $110.15. The tax had risen ¿¡¡Kwell Ave. to 2nd Ave. West Claussen, a lawyer representing the regularly every year and the a ver­ Motion made and carried that assess­ prospective promoters of the new age paid per section for the i satile ment be levied for graveling west of system, wrote that the present one body of land has been: In 1906. I jni St, »Is0 Pinking alleys in Block did not give adequate service, in I 1 $136.38; $240^ in 1907, $149 86; 1908, I .„d 2 between Stillwell Ave. and 2nd reply to his letter the Commission ' ’ * ; 1909, $250.31 ; 1910, 1 $300 ; Ire. East. aaya: 11911, $363.62 ; 1912, $448.90. The time set for levying assessments “It is now coming to be reconized “Canadian timber is taxed $140 iiNov. 17. that competition cannot in all in­ ' per section. Compare this with ‘ After the regular routine business stances regulate rates in public j$448 90 per section, and you will wM transacted and bills were allowed. utilities, and that one company see what an excessive burden i our The ordinance relative to an electric properly regulated and adminis­ timber owners carry. The tax light and power franchise which Mes- tered can generally give better aud makes it impossible for a poor man in. Small and Urie are desirous of con- cheaper service than two. It is a to hold timber, and it is this „„- vcuring was taken up for discussion. waste of capital and a disadvantage ditiou that is forcing the centraliz­ The site has been secured up the Trask to a city to have two sets of tele­ ation of ownership of timber tracts TILiLifl MOOK. OREGON River and the county has granted the __ Tillamook ________ I phone and electric light wires and into strong hands. In tompany a 30 year franchise, and now poles cumbering the streets when County, where the timber is remote ifranchise from the city of Tillamook one can be made to serve the same from settlements, the average is «desired. $115 20 per claim of 100 acres. The Tonight. I purpose. The council expressed a desire to Tonight, if you feel dull and I “Most utilities are natural mon­ 1911 tax in Columbia County aver­ stupid, or bilious and constipated, hire some explanations in regard to opolies and the highest efficiency aged $276 for each quarter section. take a dose of Chamberlain’s the matter whereupon Attorney E. J. and lowest rates are only possible In Columbia County the timber is Tablets and you will feel all right ■ Claussen introduced Mr. Siebien of when each one has the entire busi­ closer to the settlements and spec­ tomorrow. For sale by Lamar’s | San Francisco, who has charge of the ness of a given city or territory. ial taxes have been levied for road Drug Store. promotion of the proposition and rep- Now that we have the right aDd and school purposes. “Comparing the tax on timber tewnts monied men of that city. Mr. duty to regulate all public service I do Sheet Metal Work exclusively and it Siebien stated that the prospects for a corporations the ill effects of mon­ lands, with that assessed against farmlands, it is very easy to see that water power plant to furnish light and opoly may be escaped and at the is my aim to do the best work and give the power for Tillamook City and its fut­ same time the benficial resultB of timber is paying at least its full best service possible in this line. proportion. If a farmer paid $276 ure needs, looked very good and was economy aud efficiency realized.” taxes on a quarter section he would ■ore to gome, but that it would come The Commission admits that in easier if the people of the city were in some instances competition has consider the charge extortionate. I have had experience in this line which iymp«thy with the proposition. He been of advantage, but says that it In 1912 one-half section of timber means money to you. Because my work is dwelt to some extent upon the future has been its experience that the in Columbia County paid a tax of $856.98. How long would a farmer prospects of our city and spoke of the stronger companies usually absorb right- My material.is the best and true to exist in Columbia County if he paid prospects of a pulp mill for our town. the weaker ones. 1 a proportionate tax? How much gage, My service is prompt and I guarantee Come in and see for yourself what we make before you Buy. We are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you. We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter. The Best Made. We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock Lumber, ami always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish, flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. Try our extra thick Shingles, none better. A. F COATS LUMBER CO. Parker’s Sheet Metal Shop He contended that water power would better is it tor the public to have be much cheaper than steam power Colonial the timber in the hands of private and would give us a strong leverage in Portland to Get owners who protect it from fire and Butter. lecuring manufacturing plants. pay these taxes, rather than the After Mr. Siebien had completed his S an F rancisco , Oct 31.—More talk Councilman Keldson gave his than 100 tons of Australian and hands of the Government or state haws in regard to the matter which New Zealand butter went on the and untaxed? In Tillamook County »ere to the effect that while he did market in San Francisco today. the timber owners pay 85 per cent not want to stand in the way of prog­ This is the first of the shipments of all the taxes. Do our single ress at the same time he felt that our stimulated by the reduction of the taxers think this is not enough?” present lighting company was giving duty by the Underwood bill to 2} Notice. a very good service, and as it had had cents a pound. The butter was many obstacles to overcome in the brought in cold storage on board NOTICE is hereby given, that in put, he felt that now when conditions the steamship Tahiti, which ar accordance to Section 5, of Chapter »ere improving they ought to be allow­ 142, I.aws ot 1913, the County Stir rived from the colonies yesterday. veyor of said county has filed in ed a free field at least for a time The exact amount was 208,000 this office hie certificate, of the com longer. pounds. The total receipts of the pletion of that certain contract be Councilman Leach stated that he had butter in San Francisco for the day tween M. J. Jenck and Tillamook u much sympathy for the present were 231,000 pounds, ten times as County, running from Hebo, to eompsny as anyone had, but that he much Australian butter coming in Cloverdale, Oregon, from Sta C X O to Sta 39 X 36, in accordance with thought that if the new company want- the plane and specifications, and id to come in here and aevelope our as California butter. person, firm or corporation There is a great deal of curiosity any having objections to file to the com­ sources and build up the country and about this Australian butter. Deal ­ pletion of said work may do so (ire us a cheaper light and power, that ers and grocers are desirous of within two weeks from the first it was up to us to take advantage of publication in the office of the thiatndeavor. He said that you can’t knowing its flavor, because on thia County Clerk. depends the extent to which it can huild up a town unless you allow capi­ Dated this 10th day of October, be sold. All admit that it can be A. D. 1913. ta to come in and help you. J. C. H olden , Mr. Spalding, manager of the Tilla­ produced in the colonies and ship­ County Clerk. mook Electric Light and Power Co., ped here, paying the small duty, more cheaply than the California «¡dressed the coundil and stated that Notice of Hearing of Final it was purely an economic question article. Account. The heaviest shipments are ex Steam vs. Water. He stated that he N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That W given the matter thorough investi- pected in the Winter months, not the undersigned has filed his Final because butter is then higher in Account as Administrator of the ption and had come to the conclusion that by the use of refuse from the mills California, but because production Estate of Andrew F Bibby, de­ ceased, and that the County Court “fuel, that steam would be as cheap is at full swing in the colonies, the of the State of Oregon, for Tilla seasons being reversed and prices rnook County, has set Monday, the • water; that he had looked into the being lower in Australia between 3rd day of November, 1913, at 10 **ter proposition and had found that September and March than at any o’clock a. m , as the time and place w occount of the low water in the for the hearing of said account anil •Burner that it would be very costly to other time of the year. Part of the present shipment has any objections there may be to the b*p the supply up to where we could same. been apportioned to Portland as Dated September 18th, 1913. Pt proper service at all times and that J ames B ibby . ® eonsequence it won Id not be possible an experiment. Administrator of the Estate of k rit any cheaper rates. He further Andrew J. Bibby, deceased. ••«ted that if the people had any griev- Bids for Bar Received. “**• they could call on the Public Ser- Notice tc Creditors. When bids were opened for the con­ Commission of the state for relief. Notice is hereby given that the Comncilman Bales said he was in struction of the north jetty at Tilla­ firm of Gordon 4 Rhoden, a corpor­ mook, in the office of Major Jay J. ation. has assigned all its asset» to •Fkpethy with both the old and new Morrow, corps of engineers. United the undersigned as assignee for "1®psnies and that he thought the the benefit of creditors in propor­ DOneil should go slow and see that no States army, at Portland at 11 o’clock tion to their respective claims. kpstice was done, at the same time Monday morning, three tenders were All persons having claims against ,e«houid not stand in the way of made, all being by Portland firms. The said corporation are hereby notified lowest was that of Giebisch 4 Joplin, to present their claims, under oath, r’Tni. who submitted a bid for $6'29,624. The to the undersigned, at his office in Cwnctlman Harrison stated that he bids will be forwarded by Major Mor­ Tillamook, Oregon, within three ** inclined to welcome capital or any- months from the date of the first tkin« that meant for the future devel- row to Waahing soon for approval. publication hereof. E J. CLAfSSEN, The Giebisch 4 Joplin bid was $83,- ***>t of the county, but that it was Assignee 085.50 lower than the next highest ••pinion that the council should go First publication, October 2, 1911 | proposal, which was submitted by Ro ­ •kwsnd not give away something that bert Wakefield, and amounted to $712,- be very valuable to the people Ohio. City of Teledo J 709.50, while the bid of the Cascade Atate of Lucas County. near future. He counselled a Construction company, the third bid­ investigation of the matter. der, was $141’347 higher than the low Councilman Dick seemed to be very or $770,971. •*h in favor of sticking to the old bid, Some of the equipment will be furn­ HUNDRED DGLLA.- '•Hny, and not granting a franchise ished by the gohernment, it is said, as ca»e ofCatairh that cannot be cured by the uaeufHALLS CATARRH CURE k «nother company until the town has they have a piledriver, two locomotives Sworn to before me and fiubacr>n and said that by all means For Children There Is Nothing Better. ^•bouid not grat a Chinese wall A cough medicine for children our town and exclude outside must help their coughs and colds without had effects on their little stomachs and bowels. Foley’s Honey and Tar exactly fills this need. No opiates, no sour stomach, no constipation follows its use. Stuffy colds, wheezy breathing, coughs and croup are all qnickly present company desires a 25 ** franchiss and will agree to re- helped. For sale by all druggists. *U1. "*w company desires a 30 year from the city. It closed the 1 today for a power site six miles ’ *• Tr**k rtWr’ my pre«ence, thifi 6th day of December, A.D. (Mob UM. A. W GLEAAON. Notary Pvbbe Hall'* Catarrh Care it taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu­ cous surfaces of the system. Semi for testimonials free. F L CHENEY A CO , Toledo, O. Foirf by all Drufffists 73« Take Hall s Family Pills for eonstipstioa Cause of Insomnia The moat common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach and constipation. Cham berlain'a Tablets correct these dia- orders and enable you to sleep. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. satisfaction. c. I with the problem of buying Harness you will find ii distinctly advanta­ geous to come and do your select | ing here. You will get the best qualities, the most thorough and I conscientious workmanship and be charged the most reasonable prices. We can supply single or double Sets or any single article that you may be in need of. This is the time of year to think of your heating problem fur your home. A HOT AIR FURNACE is what you need. aud talk it over. Come and see W.Ä, Williams êc Cc <^2t £ndt of Phone Mutua’. d Wtf •nd long hour« of eqxxura will find you dry and comfortable if you wee» a TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER with the famous Rrfl«-« Edges (sat'd) that pre­ vent water from running in at the front when buttoned. No wet weather coat ao useful aa a Sliclter. No Shelter so waterproof, durable « neat in appearance aa th« I i»h tJrand iiejita» Gel yours today and be prej-ared fx ruin. $3.00 Everywhere Why You Need) aNewRande r. A. J. TOWER CO. 1,12 áíwup Tower Canadian Limited Toronto I A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp On your front porch enn l>e lit every night until midnight and register not over fifty cents per month on the meter. T illamook E lectric I. k ; iit F uel C ompany WILL S p ALIUNG, Manager. Perfect Baker A Fuel Saver it SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BOSTON Thrta Othat Stolta and Home bontcwtvcR who IS CAI I OF« fl I up lay a remarkable ALL CO»*«»» amount of broad, wound, u. M RVGIH common nenne along WILL tSdl other line«, pernlht in the rtXJ |»OiUMC VVAflM delusion— and it is a d«j- luHlon—that they arc real­ ly practicing economy by trying to get along—to get rcNults—out of an old. worn- out rang.) merely to aavu the price of a new one. Your old range or atoro wax put together with putty and Htove bolt« and probably you can allele a pen­ knife In the aearn* and Joint* any­ where on it where the xtovo putty baa crumbled away. When n range gota In that condition. It tnkea fuol yn mgh to warm all outdoors in order to gut your ovon hot enough for baking—and then you run the ri«»k of burning whatever is In the oven. You can soon burn up the price of the best range ever made n a useiesH waste of fuel In an old, worn-out store or rang«r-aud that’s ueitiier prartlral economy nor good management. if you would practice real economy In your household management, it will pay you, the n« it time you are in town, to rail at our store and Inuulra closely into the perfect baking auesree. Aih a» to «Aee« you the greateet expansion n<»r contraction can affect Imgroeement ever pwt into » ranae — or open them. make» Mcjootia 36()% »tronger wAere other range» are weahett. Half The Fuel Pure Asbestos Lining In addition, It Is llne<| with pure asbestos buaid, tow red aiui an Other Exclusive Feature« II'. ins t>..l range al any prise, and ilioulil be Lu kiu-beo. FOB SALX BY ALEX McNAIR & CO.