Tillamook GRIPPED BY A LION AN OLD INDIAN LEGEND. Headlight THEY PUZZLE GREAT MINDS. TREASURY RELICS THINGS HE DIDN’T KNOW. OLD ENGLISH JURIES. They Were Many, but That Didn't Keep Him From Giving an Opinion. A well kDown architect was sum­ moned as h witness In a Loug Island court In a suit over tbe coat of a build­ ing The lawyer wins*« duty It was Io cross examine started In to attack tbo credibility of tbe witness. "Do you kuow bow much a 1 hundred these bricks cost?” I ”1 do not." "Do you know how much this ce ment cost per bag?” "No.” “Do you know bow expensi is down here?” “I can t say that 1 do exactly." Tbe lawyer looked at tbe witness with One scorn. And yet you pretend to come here can — and qualify as an expert. How you give any kind of an opinion on bow much this building ought to have cost when you don't know tbe prices of tbe material it's made of?” The witness looked at the lawyer with a flush in bls eye that boded ill. “Well," he said, "1 don’t know the price of needles nor the price of thread nor bow much cheap cotton material costs, but 1 don't hesitate to express a solemn opinion that that suit of clothes you're wearing cost about $5.50."—New York Post. They Wars Fined or Beaten For Not 8-mpls Words Too Profound F«r H m - Reaching a Verdict. man Understanding. I Not always enviable was the lot of <).—Can there be two kinds of Infini the old time juryman, for there was Historical Treasures on File In Livingstone’s Fearful Ordeal and tl>*s or two Infinite since«? alwuys tbe prospect of trouble If the A.-Tbe writer of this question must the Auditor's Office. His Narrow Escape. vadlct did not gratify tbe higher pow dec ide. Tbe nearest star Is distant I ers. Thus tbe failure of a jury to con­ twenty five trillion mile« Write a row I vict Sir Nicholas Throckmortou made of uulta 111111... to tbe star and let ACCOUNTS OF G. WASHINGTON. A BATTLE WITH A MANEATER Queen Mary “111 for three days." aud esc h unit represent one mile; then the she came out of her sick chamber to I distance represented by a line of 1'1 fine tbe disobliging jury (menuwhile twenty-five trillion mile« long, suti These Cover a Period of Eight Yeare Ths Wounded and Maddened Monster, confined in prison) the sum of $10,000 merge* all human powers of Imagine th« and Are In the Handwriting of In a Paroxysm of Dying Rage, a bead. I tlon But write a row of 222222.. twen- Caught the Explorer In Hie Jaws and Croat Patriot —Receipt« Signed by Elizabeth followed tbe same plan, ; r.v five trillion miles long; then tbe Shook Him as a Terrier Would a Rat. Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. and the practice of fining English Ju' unrulier of miles represented would be ries did not cease until 1670, wbeu a David Livingstone, the famous Afri­ , twice a» great. Then write a row of Tbe archives of the United States flue inflicted by the notorious Jeffreys can explorer and missionary, once had 999999.. equally long, aud tbe distance ’ treasury are rich with relics. In the was rescinded on appeal. a singular encounter with a wounded . expressed would be nine times as great files of the office of the auditor of the I In some old time "courts of quarter lion that almost put an end to tbe ex­ as that represented hy tbe F*. treasury department may be seen tbe sessions" tbe injunction to lay their plorer'* remarkable career before it But no human can thluk of tbe dis canceled check »bowing the payment beads together bad to be carried out bud fairly begun. But tbe story must ' tnnee expressed by the F*. Let the by Jurymen in literal fashion. Wbeu be unfamiliar to many persons who j first row of figures extend twenty five to Lafayette In 1824 of F-W.UOO by the they began to consider tbe verdict they have never read Dr. Livingstone’s trillion or fifty or n thousand trillion United States “in consideration of bis books Tbe adventure occurred while were supposed to dive beneath tbe tulles to the east; then a row could be services and sacrilices tn the war of be was living among tbe Bakatlas. not level of the Jury box and remain in extended toward the west Mauy mH the Revolution." William H. Craw­ far from tbe present town of Mafe- that cramped position until a decision Hons of years would be required to ford. then secretary of the treasury, kiug. This account la from bls own was reached. write the long rows Suppose that signed tbe warrant, nud in tbe char­ narrative: Meanwhile the court usher stood you write ITs both ways during a thou­ acteristic French bandwriting on the Tbe people of Mabotsa were trou­ near the box armed with a long wand sand million years each. Then tbe dis­ reverse Is the indorsement of Lafa­ A canceled check or warrant bled by lions, which leaped into tbe of willow. If any juryman ventured tance in mijes would be thinner than yette cuttie pens by night and destroyed to emerge above tbe surface before the a spider's thread when compared to for $15.000.000 represents the payment for the Louisiana purchase under the their milk and draft animals. They twelve minds were agreed down came an infinite distance. even attacked the herds boldly by day­ the wand on the bead of the offender. There are possibly fifty [tersons now treaty of 1803. light and although several expeditions —Chicago News. living able to tbiuk one new thought I The purchase under the treaty, char­ against tbe wild beasts were planned They are the mighty of the earth, and acterized at the time as "Seward's fol­ CROOKED BILLET INN tbe people had not the courage to car­ are all transcendent mathematicians ly." of Alaska is evidenced by a war­ I ' ------------- MOTIONS OF PLANTS. ry them through successfully. Not one of these even tries to tiegin to rant for $7.200,000, signed by F. E. London's Oldest Public House and it> It Is well known that If one in a think of infinity or eternity. They all Spinner, who at the time was secre­ Romantic Interior. Some Forms of Vegetable Life Have troop of lions is killed tbe others leave know better. Only tbe sujierflclal tary of the treasury. The wording of The Crooked Billet, an inn which the Power of Choice. that part of the country. I therefore the warrant begins aud runs, "Pay to str!' e to think of the two words, so stands upon Tower hill, boasts Itself, One of tbe chief distinctions between went out with tbe people to help them the undersigned envoy extraordinary my questioner must answer bls own suys tbe London Graphic, as tbe oldest vegetable and animal life is that ani­ destroy one of tbe marauders. We question, for I cannot even hope to se­ and minister plenipotentiary of bis public bouse In Loudon. How far back mals have power of choice and of vol­ found tbe animals on a small bill cov­ cure a glimpse, lasting a thousandth majesty tbe emperor of all the Rus- I its history goes It would be Impossible untary motion, while vegetables and ered with trees, The men formed called for pay- sins." This warrant part of one second, of tbe meaning of to say. Tbe records are wanting, but plants grow only mecbnnlcully by nat­ round it In a circle and gradually so paid through ment in coin and was one of the following list of words: closed up. Being below on the plain a private bank- there is every reason to believe that ural law. But tbe microscope seems to Mind, space, time, duration, infinity, the Riggs bank, then tbe inn dates from tbe time of Henry show tbut many vegetable forms cau with a native schoolmaster named Ma- eternity, beginning, end, space aud lug institution of Washington, after VIII. Certainly no London inn Is more move as easily as can animals. ba I we, I saw one of the lions sitting being Indorsed by Edward de Stoecke. in electrons.—Edgar Lucien Larkin romantic In tbe matter of sliding pan­ There Is a plant called Volvox globa- on a piece of rock, Mahalwe fired at the Russian minister at that time. New York American. him, und tbe ball bit the rock. The The purchase of the Philippine Is­ els and concealed doors, secret rooms tor. so minute that millions of it could Il<>u bit ut tbe spot as a dog does at a lands from Spain is represented in the aud underground passages—one of be put in a wineglass, which Is seen stic k or stone thrown nt hint, and then, FOUR SOULS EACH Important fluaueial transactions of tbe these reputedly leads to tbe Tower— to whirl like a top across tbe field of tbe microscope. Some plants found in leaplug uway. broke through tbo dr- government by four warrants of $5.- and thick wulls richly carved. cle and escaped. The Bakatlas ought lu tbe principal reception room are our ponds, which are still more minute, Curious Beliefs of ths Savages of West (1)0.000 each. As a treaty cannot be to have speared him in Ills attempt to Africa. [ entered Into by one country directly t to be seen some magnificent oak pan­ move habitually, as with an apparent get out. but they were afraid. West African religion Is particularly with one with which It is nt war. the elings, a quaintly carved frelze above purpose. Darwin, who gave closer study than When tbe circle was reformed we generous to the human beings, to each warrants were indorsed by Jules Cam- tbe door and a no less richly carved saw two other Hons In it. but dared of whom It allots several souls, four bon. tlie French minister, who had del­ uiautelplece. The celling is covered any other naturalist to climbing plants, not tire lest we should shoot some of being the usunl number Duly one Is egated authority to represent the Span­ with a number of strange devices, with stated that these seemed to exercise CURIOUS HERMIT CRABS. the people. The beasts burst through a female head—believed to represent the liberty of choice. Their tendrils. tnunortnl. however. Tbe others, though ish government. the line, and as It was evident the men troublesome enough during the own ■ Queen Elizabeth—in tbe center. The In climbing over pieces of wood with | The Panama canal purchase repre- They Keep Housemaids, snd Also Uss «»«•« Ilf.. I,.. ' willed the largest financial transaction windows looking out upon tbe street boles, will try one hole after nuotber could not face their foes we turned er's life, cease to be at the same time Sponges For Protsction. until they find one that pleases them. back toward tbe village. It has been said that crabs ure ns as the body. They are the shadow of the government The payment wns are fastened with shutters clamped He saw one tendril withdraw Itself In going round the end of the bill artful as "a barrow load of monkeys.’ soul, the dream soul and the bush soul j made by a common draft, payable to with huge Iron bars. 1 saw a lion sitting on a piece of rock, Oue soul seems more than many of “J. Pierpont Morgan & Co., special dis­ There is a tradition that Oliver Crom­ after having located Itself in a bole for and no one who bus read Professor about tblrty yards off, with a little Edward Step's “Messmates; A Book of us can manage, but the poor African bursing agent.” through whom it was well once lived (or lodged) at tbe thirty-six hours. Other plants will run a long way bush In front of him. I took good alm Strange Companionships In Nature." has a bad time between the four of p.ild to the French company, the for­ Crooked Billet. The place was known over tbe grouud, refusing to climb the at him through tbe bush and fired both them. He never knows when some mer owner. Tlie late J. Pierpont Mor ­ lu those days ns "the old bouse at tbe will deny that there Is considerable trees in their path until they come to a barrels. truth In the remark Amazing Indeed enemy may plunge a knife Into his gan himself indorsed the draft A bottom of the Minories." peculiar species of tree, to which they Tbe men called out "He Is shot, he are some of the revelations wblcb tbe shadow. thus causing liftn to sicken ' short time previous there bad been Is- at once cling.—Harper’s Weekly. Is shot!" Others cried, "Let us go to professor innkes regarding crabs. and die, or when his bush soul, which ' sued a warrant for $10.000,000, cover­ Choate and Depew. him I" At an annual dinner of the St. Nich­ lie relates, for Instance, bow the takes the form of an animal, may rush ing tbe cost of the canal zone, an area Misuse of the Dictionary. J saw tbe lion’s tall erect In anger common hermit crab actually keeps a Into danger und got hurt, nnd. ns for of ten miles on each side of the canal. I olas society Ambassador Joseph H. I Since tbe time of Johnson tbe dic­ and said, 'Stop a little till I load housemaid to clean out his bouse. his dream soul, that is particularly ' i As these canceled checks are held as Choate was down for tbe toast “The agalnl" I was in the act of ramming When lie first starts life tills particu­ troublesome, as ft wanders from his r»>ceipts, It could happen, in case of Navy," while Senator Depew was to tionaries have attempted to record the down the bullets when I heard a pronunciations prevalent among the lar specie« of crab hunts for some large body during sleep and runs the risk of their loss, that the government might respond to "The Army.” shout, and, looking half round, 1 saw shellfish's shell In which he can Hve being caught by witch traps. When not be able to show that the moneys Depew began by saying: "It’s well to best speakers of English In their gen­ tlie lion In the act of springing at me. have a specialist. That's why Choate eration. That they should dictate pro­ at ease, rent free. He usually chooses this happens Its place Is often taken I were nctually paid. Not less interesting as relics are “Ac- is here to speak about the navy. We nunciation was, of course, as ridiculous He caught me by the shoulder, and a large whelk shell and Introduces n by a nasty stranger spirit called a we both came to the ground together. large seaworm, belonging to what is "slsa,” which seems to have no other j counts—G. Washington with the Unit­ met at the wharf once, and 1 never as It would have been futile. But, as Growling horribly, be shook me as a known ns the "nereis” family and object but to cause misfortune and ed States, commencing June, 1775, and saw blm again till we reached Liver­ In the case of Caesar, the honor of dic­ terrier dog does a rat Tbe shock pro­ which grows to a length of stx or sickness to the being who forms Its euding June. 1783, comprehending a pool. When I asked how he felt he tators seems to have been thrust upon space of eight years.” Under tbe cap­ said he thought he would have enjoy­ them. Those who found themselves duced a stupor like that felt by a eight Inches, to keep tbe Interior of temporary habitation. Most of the tribes have the Idea of tion are three or four dilapidated calf ed the trip over if he bad bad any wallowing In the slough of despond be­ mouse tn the grip of the cat It caused tbe shell clean. The crab feeds heart! a sort of dreaminess, in which there ly on sea creatures that wander care­ an underworld nfter death, neither bound account books in tbe handwrit­ ocean air. Yes, yon want to bear cause of conflicting pronunciations wns no sense of pain or feeling of ter­ lessly Into the shell and throws the in heaven nor hell, but much like the ex­ ing of tbe great American patriot. Choate on the navy.” appealed to tbe dictionary ns their ar­ These accounts were mostly kept while ror, although I was quite conscious of digestible pnrts of them about the isting world, only dimmer. Among the Choate responded: ’Tve heard De­ biter nnd protector, and for their fu­ he was on the march, but they were floor. The nereis worm promptly con Tschtfl tribes tbls idea is well defined pew bailed as the greatest nfter dinner ture safety exalted it to the position svhat was happening. This placidity Is probably produced tn alt animals sutnes these remains and keeps tbe Tbelr shadow world has a name- brought up with great accuracy from speaker. If after dinner speaking, as of a despot. Thus, while nobody day to day. srnbmandayl—and they even know the I have heard It described and as 1 be­ searches the dictionary to avoid those killed by the carnivora, and, If so, it Is shell ns clean as a new pin. At the etid of each book there Is a lieve it to be. is the art of saying noth­ The artfulness of this crab. too. Is way to tbe entrance, which Is across a merciful provision of tbe Creator for words which It stigmatizes as slang, strikingly Illustrated by tbe Ingenious the Volta river. This place has its comprehensive recapitulation. Individ­ ing at all then Dr. Depew Is the most the pronunciation flend Is continually lessening tbe pain of death. ual money and funds of the govern ­ marvelous speaker In the universe.” As be bad one paw on tbo back of manner In wblcb be protects himself markets. Its towu and Its interests, but devouring Its pages lest be commit the ment expended by him are specifically my bead, 1 turned round to relieve my­ against the large fish which look npon everything Is felt In a more indistinct unpardonable sin of uttering a syllable indicated In a footnote be calls at­ Returned the Compliment. self of the weight and saw bls eyes him as an excellent article of food way. not sanctioned by Its authority.—Rob­ tention to a particular item which he Sometimes he Induce* n sponge to Shortly after tbe workmen bad fin ­ directed to Mabalwe, who was aiming ert J. Menner in the Atlantic Monthly. appeared to have paid, but for which grow on tils shell Sponges In a living ished tbe landlord took especial pains Meat For Jurymen. at him from a distance of ten or fif­ At one time It was the common duty lie had no voucher. He deducted tbe to show to each tenant the bill for teen yards. The gun missed tire In condition give out n strong odor, wblcb nmoiiiit of the Item from his credit The Deaf and Dumb. doing over bls fiat The householders both barrels The animal immediately Is distinctly unpleasant to flsb. and of both the plaintiff and defendant in until tbe matter could be definitely set- regarded that attention In different In early times It was an opinion, even a dogfish will not attack a crab an action to provide refreshments for left me to attack blm nnd bit his tlexl. All of Ills accounts are express­ lights, according to tbe Improvements maintained even by philosophers, that the Jury empaneled to try it. and from thigh Another man. whose life I had protected In this manuer. ed in English money. they bad fought for and got. Some tbe education of the deaf and dumb this arose tbe practice (which survlv saved after he had i>een tossed by a A contemporaneous account book kept looked frightened, thinking It portend­ was impossible. It was then believed Two Kinds of Snobs. ed until 1870i of denyiug them "meat, buff>il». tried to a|>ear the Hon, upon An Interesting sense history Is thnt drink or fire" while deliberating upon I by Caleb Gibbs shows the personal ex- ed a raise In rent some apologetic, oth­ that language could be acquired only which he turned from Mabalwe. aud j Iienses of Washington and his military of the won! snob, a term of obscure their verdict Later on It became usu­ ers deflant Tbe third floor right man through the medium of the ear. as seised this fresh foe by the shoulder. | “family.” meaning, uo doubt his Im- was noncommittal. Three days later shown by the couplet of Lucretius: origin. In Its earliest use. in 1871. mean al for tbe person In whose favor the At that moment the bullets tbe beast mediate staff The entries are usually he called at tbe landlord's office and To Instruct the deaf no art could ever lug a shoemaker or cobbler Now verdict was given to offer the Jury a I had received took effecL and he fell reach. headed. "Headquarters, on the march." showed him a slip of paper. It was a 1 down dead Tbe whole wns tbe work there Is a distinction between the Etig dinner and sometimes a guinea or so For the most part they cover purchases No care Improve them and no wisdom teach. of a few moments nnd must have llsh sod the Amerlcun use of snob—a for their trouble. This practice led to of food supplies, but now and then are bill for six shirts, some socks and ties, a hnt and a blue serge suit. been bls paroxysm of dying rage. In distinction due to the Influence of arts so much abuse that It was found neo such entries as: The first mention of Instruction for "What's this got to do with me?” tbe the deaf and dumb Is found In Bede, tocratlc as compared with democratic essnry to pass a law prohibiting It— order to take out the cbarm from bltu "To cash for a broom that Teter landlord asked. tbe Bakatlas on tbe following day traditions An English snob is a man London Graphic. A. D. 8G5. No other case is met with (»light some time ago. sixpence." “Oh. nothing." said tbe man. "Just who falls short of the perfect aristo­ made a huge bonfire over tbe carcass, “Cash [»aid for mending the chariot, an Interchange of courtesies. Nothing for some centuries. Rudolfus Agríco­ wblcb was declared to bo tbo largest crat through a tnlnt of democratic vul la of Heidelberg makes mention of an 1 shilling ” Garrick's Wit like being neighborly, you know.” garlty An American snob Is a man ever seen. educated deaf mute in bls "Dialec­ David Garrick on one occasion pass­ “Agreed with Peggy for 4 shillings who falls short of the perfect demo ed Tyburn as a huge crowd was as­ per month for tbe general's washing Besides crunching tbe bone Into tics,” 1480. It was not until 1620 that F«w Russians Wear Hats. splinters, eleven of bls teeth bsd pen­ crat through a tulnt of aristocratic ex­ sembling to witness tbe execution of a i nnd 4 shillings per doaen for the gen­ Instruction for the deaf and dumb be­ Tbe male population of Russia wear­ gan to be general.—New York Ameri- etrated tbe upper part of my arm. Tbe clusiveness.—New York Post crludual "Who Is be?” asked tbe I tlemen of the family." ing hats la In tbe greet minority aa can. bite of a lion resembles a gunshot great actor of a friend who accompa­ Among other things of Interest In the .Compared with the vast number who wound. It Is generally followed by a Canafboat Travel Bsfors Railroads. nied him auditor's office are books showing al- great deal of sloughing snd discharge, So prodigiously good was the eating "I believe bls name Is Vowel." was lowances to members of congress to purchase the Russian cap. Tbo sea­ A Pond on the Farm, | nnd from Washington. In the Thlr- sons are practically winter and autn- Why not build a good poDd on tbe and ever afterward pains are felt pe­ and drinking on Irannl these sluggish tbe reply. mer. ao that the tranaltion from the farm? Tbe government will stock it riodically In the part 1 bad on a tar­ but most comfortable cnnalboats that ”Ah.'' said Garrick, ”1 wonder which (teenth congress $963 for mileage la re- tan jacket, wblcb 1 believe wiped off there are legends extant of an English of tbe vowels be Is. for there are sev­ [ celpted In a faint uncertain band "D. cloth cap Is to one of fnr, tbe straw with fish; It will furnish water for hat coming In for slight attention dur ­ traveler who. coming to Bolgiutn for a eral. At all events it la certain that it Webstar.” A payment of $560 for 111 tbe virus from tbe teeth that pierced your stock the year round by Installing tbo flesh, for my two companions In ereek and traveling In one of these > ven­ Is neither U nor If (day*' attendance la ahown to have ing a brief period In midsummer. Tbe pipes and hydrants-to keep the water the affray have both suffered from tbe eels, was so delighted with tbe fare been made to Henry Cla> - Harper s student class, which aggregates many cool and sanitary, and when winter thousands, and tbe official class, which Weekly. usual pains, while I have escaped with there that he went backward and I for­ comes It will furnish a fine place for Scientific Problems. la still more numerous, with those In ward from Ghent to Bruges all th« only tbe Inconveuience of a false joint "Much euergy is not utilised. There the amusement of tbe young folks. the city who wear a uniform rap with rert of his life.-From Timba' "1 Eng- ought to be some way of conserving In my limb. Then it will supply tbe material for Bowling. llsh Eccentrico." the rays of tlie sun." Rowls, or trawling, is one of tbe most an official or semiofficial cockad* con­ tbe Ice crop to store away for summer » k “Ye*. and look at all tbe energy that I popular and ancient of English pas­ stitute a vast army of people who do use.—Successful Farming. Old China. not wear hats. goes to waste In chewing gum If we time«. Its origin being traceable to the Setting Him Right The beauty of old eblna Is often de­ could only harness the gum cbewera. suppose the titled personage you twelfth century. It was held In such “ 1 stroyed by brown spots which appear Giving Her a Job. Measuring Him. disfavor for years that laws were en­ on the surface. An effective way to any you are going to marry Is mention eb?”—Pittsburgh Post Mrs. Strongmind—Onr society has " ife — James, do you know that you acted sgalnst IL and It was ao Ille­ remove these Is to bury the dish In tbe rd In the Alnntnach de Gotha?" said era a very small man? Hnsband-How appointed me chairman of a commit­ gal pursuit Alleys were bnllt how­ earth, covering It completely. Tbe the Inquisitive newspaper man. Wall Trained. tee whose object Is to try to bring I "No. Indeed," retorted the lovely sc I Hanston—I'd like to go stxrattng to- ever. aa It could not be played out of ridiculous! 1 am nearly six feet la about a reduction In rents. Strong­ darker spots require more time to re­ bright. Wife — That makes no differ- "Of course he ain't In nn al Kiorrow If 1 could only get a dog that doors during the winter, and the game move them than tbe lighter ones. Tbls tress *n,e Whenever | ask you for money mind—I'm glad to bear It my dear. I Hi you thluk he's a Juke?“— was well trained Ethel—Oh. I'll let flourished In spite of opposition. In to go shopping yon ar« always short- Yon can begin at once on my trousers. tnetbttl* then. Rhe can stand tbe beginning of th« eighteenth cen­ London Tit Bits. cate china.—New York Telegram. —London Tlt-BIta. on her head, and shake bands, and tury greens began to Increaaa. while Her Verdict. ___________ ' play dead, and say prayers, and do lots th« alley« were rigorously and sbao- Universal. How Did She Know? Going Too Far. fl nslmnd- You can put this down aa ,',f tilings.-Tuck, lutely suixpresaed It «non became a Aont—I don't like to see you dan­ “There la one thought which cornea settled If I ever get out of It you will j royal game, ami no gentleman's place dally to every man " tbe air Hearer—There you are! W« gling about with mere boys all tbe never vntch me In matrimony again I ww complete wltbojt a bowling green Poor Sewing. “What's that?“ «ven have to rent tbe air now It'g time. What do yon find so entertain­ Wife You won't If yon depend on m« "Theres s fellow who m hoping for 1 —New York I’reaa time we had a change of government ing in thnt smooth faced young “That nothing la too good for Mm."— for reference - l*lillndelpbi* Ledger ; • crop failure." Thorpe? Niece- Why. annt hfs face —I’athfluder. Chicago Itecord Herald. There 1» always hop« in ■ man that 'That seems unusual What has be isn’t so smooth aa It looks I— Bashen The man of writ rarrteo In hin very sown?” actnslly and earnestly worts In Idle­ Transrrlpt Klther I will find a way or 1 will presence a power which controla and •Wild o«ta.”-Louta ville Courier Jour ness «lune 1« there perpetual despair.- make on«-81r Philip Sidney. c<>niiiint>dn. Old Saying. t'arlyle. J ML __________________ There Is great force bidden tn a **eel command. Th« Incidents That Led Up te *h« Naming ef Poughkeepsie. During the days when the Indians still held sway on tbe banks of the I Hudson there was a tierce battle be- j tween tbe Delaware and the I’equot , tribes. The former wou. and among j their captives was a handsome young 1 Peqnot brave. He was offered bls life J if be would swear allegiance to the i Delawares and be branded with their j tribal mark —the turtle. He refused, and preparations were then made to kill him As his enemies were on the (mint of doing this s young ludiuu girl . broke Into tbe circle and I ■egged for bls life. She had at one time t>eeu a I’equot. but bad bqeu captured by the Delawares snd forced to Join their tribe. Her ap|>enls were so tomhfug that the warriors were debating tbe matter when the party was attacked by still another enemy, tbe Huron In dlans. in the excitement tbe girl cut her lover's bonds, but tbe two fouud themselves in tbe midst of a tierce but tie and eventually became separated Tbe young warrior escaped, but the girl was captured by a Huron chief Determined to rescue her ut any cost the I’equot brave dlsgulstsl himself as a medicine man and entered the cnuip of tlie Hurons. By some pretext be gained admission to tbe tent where tile girl was kept prisoner, nud late at night they managed to esciijie in the darkness. Their flight was soon dis covered and pursuit began, but tbe young couple reached tbe river fur enough in advance of their pursuers to embark in a canoe and push off from shore. They were still followed, but tbe warrior was young mid strong und succeeded in getting his little craft safely Into a cove at tbe Junction of the great river nnd a little stream en terlng Into ft between two high, pro tecting banks, where they bid. aud later found a friendly tribe Rejoicing thnt the place had been a "safe harbor" for the girl and her lov er In time of peril, it wns so designated in the I’equot tongue, the Indian eqiilv nlent being “Apn keep-slnck." Today, after having Altered through the Dutch nnd English tongues. It fa known us Poughkeepsie.— Ladies' Home Journal Mt