6, I0i3. gotlce of Sheriffs Sale of Real Property. N otice is H ereby G iven , that I p)R- U E‘ "EWITT, bv virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Til'amook County, dated the uth day of October, 1913, in the cause wherein Martha M. Bauer *as plaintiff, and Helen Louise Oilday and E. N. Crockett were de­ fendants, upon a judgment and de cree rendered and docketed in said court in said cause against said de­ fendants, Helen Louise Gilday and y N. Crockett, and in favor of said oiaintiff, Martha M. Bauer, com­ manding n>e to satisfy the said indgment and decree, amounting to the sum of $850.00 and interest Babies «rill grow and thereon from the 3rd day of August, they 1912 at the rate °* 10 Per cent per are growing, you should have them annum; the further sum of $85 00 Photographed often enough to keep attorney’s fees, and the sum of *37 ¿0 costs and disbursements, by » rriord of each interesting stagt the sale of the real property be­ of the.r childhood. You will longing to the defendants, and the collection of baby’s pictures hereinafter described. Now, T herefore , in order to «’oreandmoreastheyesrigo bj aa'tiefy the said judgment and de­ Monk s S’.udio. cree, I will, on the 22nd day of November, 1913, at 10 o’clock a.m. at the front door of the County Court House in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand,at public auction, the »aid real property, situated in the County of Tillamook and State of Oregon, described as follows; CLEAR Up SALE. All oi the southeast one quarter of section 31, in township 5 south Nothing Reserved. of range 10 west of Willamette Meri dian. Dated this 23rd day of October, All Pyrographic Wood 1913. H. C renshaw , while they last one-half Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. : I w w * ! ■ • *. • ■ * • off regular price. Come early and make Declared War on Colds. A crusade of education which your selection. aims “that common colds may be­ come uncommon within the next Burning sets and eup- j generation” has been begun by 61010106^ New York physicians, phis. ] [ere ia a list of the ‘’don'ts” which the doctors say will prevent the an­ . '■ :* IH ■: »IB ■ •; nr g a< v! nual visitation of the cold. I •‘Don’t sit in a draughty car.” “Don’t sleep in hot rooms.” C. I. CLOUGH CO. | "Don’t avoid the fresh air.” Reliable Druggists. "Don’t stuff yourself at meal time. Overeating reduces your re­ | n Let us fill your Prescription. ! sistance.” = To which we would add—when g Tillamook, Oregon. „ you tate a cold get rid of it as - quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy most excelleut Sold by Lamar’s Durg Store. I I Would Make Them Better If They i Coaid. The makers of Foley Kidney Pills know that they have absolutely the combination of curative and heal­ ing medicines iu kidney and blad­ der ailments and urimary irregn- larities that it is possible to produce. That is why Foley Kid­ ney Pills are the beat medicine for the purose you can buy. For sale by all druggists. Tillamook PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. Both Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Residence, Tillamook . Oregon. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. J2)K ELMER ALLEN M (Successor to Dr. Sharp!, DENTIST. Commercial Building, ^Tillamook. 0R. JACK OLSEN, KERRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, T illamook B lock , Tillamook ■ Oregon. • (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook . Oregon J OIIN LELAND .HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW’. The Fashionable Tailor Store in Heine Photographic Gallery. 'y H. GOYNE, T. BOTTS, J. CLAUSSEN, - LAWYER. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 2!3 T illamook B lock E Tillamook - T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon. Both Phones. J. E. REEDY, D.V M., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon. yjy C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, - • Both.Phones. Tillamook - T illamook B eock , Tillamook Oregon VETERINARY. QARL haberlach , G. McGKE, - Oregon. M D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office : Next door to Star Theatre. Oregon. j~^R. E. E, DANIELS, QEORGE WILLETT, CHIROPRACTOR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Local Officejn the Commercial T illamook C ommercial B uilding , Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE Tillamook • • Oregon. DOCKS ! WAREHOUSE FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Ind & 3rd AVENUE WEST < leaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Til mook p . . . Oregon. Office : O pposite C ourt H ouse , Room No. 261. Tillamook - • - - X • Oregon. attorney - at - law . Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. '"T SARCHET. dentist . Bay City Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers I T. BOALS, M.D. puv « OSTEopATHIC hysician and SURGEON < BSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Water Permits. South America begina to realize that the Panama Canal will open a Forest J. Ayer of Beaver, lias se­ new commercial era and also direct cured a permit to appropriate water the world’s attention more distinctly from an unnamed spring in Sec. 30, to the group of.I.atin-American re­ Tp. 38, R. 9W. for domestic pur­ publics. All are in an early stage of poses. Geo. Cohn of Tillamook, development and have a future of secured a permit for the irrigation large opportunities. None are worn- of 140 acres of land, including do­ out countries. Their primitive re­ mestic purpoees, the water being sources are still available to make diverted in Sec. 31, Tp. 1 S, low from or mar. Ai an example of the Fall Creek. D. S. Davidson of magnitude of these natural advan­ Beaver, secured a permit for do­ tages take the place of Brazil, The mestic purposes, diverting the wa­ area of Brazil is greater than that ter from Davidson spring in Sec. 32, of the forty-eight states of tit* Tp. 3 S, R 9 W. C. J. Schnabel of American Union. It ia twice that with ita hundreds of mil- a Portland, secured v. x. v. • ». a permit — for of — India — manufacturing, transportation and lions of inhabitants, and fifteen domestic purposes, diverting the times that of France. Nearly all water from Cannery Creek in Sec. of Brazil could be utilized by set­ 21 Tp., 1 N, R. low. The Wheeler tlers. The eastern part ia suitable Lumber Company of Tillamook, for cultivation or paaturage and secured a permit tor manufactur­ has valuable mines. To the weat ing and domestic purposes ; the a vast level region ia drained by water being diverted from an un- the Amazon, but as yet it has few named creek in Sec. 10, Tp. N., R. except oboriginal inhabitanta. There low. H. S. Davidson and R. O. are no deserts such ns are found in Richards of Beaver secured a per several South American states, yet mit for the development of 34 horse­ the present population ia confined power, including domestic pur to the coast strip and neighboring poses; the water being diverted valleys, and a few inland diatricta in from Poland Creek in Sec. 33, like those in which $200,000,000 worth of coffee ia raised annually. Tp. 3 S, R. V W. A broad tropical region adjoins Pains in Back and Rheumatism. long reaches that nre subtropical, and then temperate, n country to Torment thousands of people 1 produce sugar, coffee, cattle, cotton, daily. Don’t be one of these suf­ ferers when for so little cost you 1 rubber and line timber on an im­ can get well rid of the cause. Foley mense scale. Kidney Pills begin their good work from the very first dose They England may have secured au exert so direct an action on the kidneys and bladder that the pain option on a canal route front Colum­ and torment of backache, rheuma­ bia, but ahe will never build a canal tism and kidney trouble is soon dis­ unless Uncle Sam says so. pelled. For sale by all druggists. | % ■ YOU BELIEVE THAT ! 8 WHEELER, -------- OREGON, rV & 7 The Manufacturing City on B ound to G row and that MENT in W heeler Property will be Profitable. ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY You olili make money by Investing in V I «. whppler write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. information regarding Wheeler, wr.ic w For Tillamook Office : * Portland Office :. Care of F. R. BEALS. 327 FAILING BUILDING. I a