Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 06, 1913, Image 1

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Sure Milk,” t,le new cow feed
Produte “ore milk
How to Get Rich.
Live within your means.
Limit your wants while enlarging your
Dispense with luxuries as long as you can
pay only for necessities.
Promote your independence by becoming
a money saver as well as a money earner.
You can buy an interest-bearing Certifi­
cate of Deposit or make a deposit in our
Savings Department every time you have a
spare dollar.
oldest }
coun TY
rv ,
TILLAMOOK jottings
See the guessing contest in the
window of the Tillamook Feed Co.
B, S. Clark, auctioneer.
Costs nothingtoguess. SeeShrode.
Leave orders for wood with i
Misses Kathrine and Myrtle Mills
will leave on Monday forCalifornia,
Our feed prices will astonish you. where they will visit for a few
See Shrode.
Otto W. Felaon vs. J. D. Swank
Empty sacks wanted—Lamb-
et al is a suit filed in the circuit
Schrader Co.
“Drifted Snow” Flour at the court to recover $1.000 on a promis­
sory note.
Tillamook Feed Co.
Mrs. Margaret Nolan came in
Safe deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla­
from Portland Saturday for a visit
mook County Bank.
with her children and other rela­
Mies Iva Earl is visiting relatives tives and friends.
it Hillsboro and Salem.
For sale or rent, Five Roomed
Headquarters for auto livery.— House, with one acre of land, close
Ed. Hadley, phone 11W.
to the city and Doroughty slough.
For Fine Photographs at popular See Chris. Nelson.
prices.—Tillamook Studio.
The United Artisans will give an
Boro, on Saturday, to the wife of invitation masquerade dance at
John Zuercher, a daughter.
the Commercial Club rooms on
Cal) up the Mutual Phone fora Saturday, Nov. 22.
date at the Tillamook Studio.
C. E, Reynolds vs. J. W. Vint
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any and G. B. Lamb is a suit filed in
style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. *
the circuit court to recover $475.00
Before you buy your feed, see on a promissory note.
What about those photographs
Shrode, he will save you money. *
Pleyer Piano for Sale at a bargain. you have promised this ’Xmas, no
Cube seen at City Transfer Co.’s better place thin Monk’s Studio,
get your orders in early.
The Tillamook Headlight and the
The Woman’s Relief Corps will
meet in I.O.O.F.hall Saturday after- weekly Oregonian, until January
1915, for $1.75, with a set of the suc­
cess kitchen knives free.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
Matured, thoroughbred Indian
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
Runner Ducks and Drakes for sale
fir pound.
Lost, a bunch of keys. Finder at 75 cents apiece. Miss Anna
’rill please return same at the Head­ Roenicke, Woods, Oregon.
Five young men were arrested by
light office.
Deputy Game Warden Leach for
are iu a position to make
hunting after sunset, which is a
»me long time farm loans. First
violation of the federal law.
Setional Bank.
Trojan Blasting Powder, leaves
Rosenberg Bros, will give you
Io* prices on all kinds of hay and no bad effect after using. Get
literature and prices from the Tilla­
W in ton lots.
mook Feed Co. See Shrode.
J*F Honey left on Tuesday for
Mrs. G. W. Kiger has been quite
•'“Oha, Ore., to be married to Miss
with an attack ofj rheumatism
Iincy Hathaway.
and Mr. Kiger will take her to Cali­
Hour work does not suit yon tell fornia for the benefit of her health.
»lifitdoes tell your friends. City Football game. Forest Grove
‘loafer Company
High School vs. Tillamook High
Rosenberg’s for prices on School, Saturday, Nov. 8, 1913, ad-
, »nd hay. Largest stock in mission35cents. Game commences
Tillamook County.
at 2:30 p.m.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla-
Be sure to buy a ticket to the
Neat Company’s Market. We football game, between Forest
12c. per pound.
Grove and Tillamook High Schools,
•' rood gentle family horse, at Stillwell Park Saturday. A good
/Nri »nd harness for sale at a game is assured.
[“W b , See Shrode.
Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro
'Attorney S. S. Johnson has re- praetor, successfully treats all ner­
•"'«Ibis offices to Rooms 107 .and vous diseases, rheumatism, etc.
‘« l ao.F. Building.
Consultation free. Office Com­
Redberg was one of the mercial Building.
on the election board in
The Grey Eagle Mill is now loce-
* Nestucca precinct.
ted on Fawcett Creek. All kinds of
etirv T W.
W, Thompson came in dressed and rough lutnberon an'
k . Portland on Tuesday
menua and will Prices reasonable.—Grey Eag'C • J
**«« here for the winter.
Co. Both phones.
A°**>eura ' Better pay a small I
As a result of the election on the
,rf«and get good results from 1 county attorney act, Governor West
appointed M. J Ger.ont count,
Tillamook Studio
be’nK election day it i attorney for Tillamook count,
<*iy day in Til'amook, al- which carries s salary of $ .
wet on the outside.
VARIETY store .
Drop in and Hook Around
lall and see it
Lila moo k Feed Co.
J>aw8cn Bros. wj|1
___ bus,
—■-> and will handle passen-
»° all 1 parts Ol
of me
. • Call or phone at the Livery
barn on 2nd Ave East
Mrs. R. F. Zachman, who spent
two months in the East visiting her
relatives, returned to the city, and
was accompanied by a uiece.
The Board of County Commis­
sioners is in session this week At
this term the Board will have to
It is the aim of this bank to
prepare a budget of expenses for
give the best banking service
the coming year, which will have
to be advertised in the official
possible—and uue do it.
Bigh grade shot gun. Will
trade newspapers
for wood, groceries, furnit lure, rugs,
It is also our aim to have
The Priscilla Club meet with
wue.Writer°r anylhin>i 1 can use.
the best equipment sueh as
Mrs. H A. Franklin tomorrow (Fri­
What have you? Address P.
day) afternoon. The members are,
Box 1,6, Tillamook, Ore.
Modern Fire Proof Banking
Mrs. H. Schults, Mrs. J F. Strana­
W anted to Rent, river bottom land
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­
han. Mrs. C. H. Miller, Mrs. H. A.
s ocked with 20 or more cows on Franklin. Mrs. S. S. Johnson and
lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
shares, close to school. Can give Mrs. E. A. Schultz.
Deposit Boxes--and cue have
good reference.—R. Talbot, 1176
\\ anted: Tillamook County Dairy
Clinton st, Portland, Ore.
Rauch up to $70,000, in exchange
Sidney Paul has been very ill for 100 acre apple orchard, bearing,
with pneumonia and for awhile Dr. Hood River, valued at $35,000,
Wendt, who is attending him, gave unencumbered and $35,000 cash.
little hope of hie recovery, but he Write Chester H Starr. 405 Couch
is a little improved at this writing. Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
100 Boxes King apples received
We have been asked to make a
today, $1.00 per box. Last lot of correction in the matter of the mar­
Kings for the season. Spies, Bald­ riage of Jack Evans to Miss Chris­
wins Spitzenberg and other variet­ tensen, the latter assuring us that
ies $1.10 to $1.25 per box. Bran, she had obtained the permission of
$24.00, Shorts, $25.50 per ton if her mother, which she had not
taken from dock during next ten done. From all accounts it seems
days. Tillamook Mercantile Co.
that Evans was married under an been used from the package, not
amply provided for by the hostess,
The Trask River Literary Society assumed name.
leaving us sufficient for a dose to who supplied an interesting guess
met last Saturday night, when an
County Clerk Holden found the
ing Kame, after which a delighful
interesting program was rendered. remains of a package of Epsom
The Kill Kare Klub met at the luncheon was served, and a review
The subject for debate at the next salts in the ballot box from Union home of Mrs. Bales October 22nd.
of many books and authors were
meeting is, “Resolved That Capital precinct, with this written on it, “F. ( Following the roll cull and business
brought to mind. The invited
Punishment Should be Abolished '* C. Baker, compliments of Union meeting Mrs. Lamar read an en- guests were Mrs. Earskin and
A motion was carried tc give a precinct” . We want to return our i tertaining paper on the character. Mrs. B. C. Lamb. The Klub wiil
basket social in the near future, compliments. It looked as though istics of Japan, after which the
meet with Mrs. Williams on the
and a committee appointed to at­ some one had had a big jag on by usual reading was given. The
regular Thursday.
tend to it
the large affiount of salts that had, social part of the afternoon was
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Oregon.
FREE OF CHARGE—We deliver by Parcel Post all purchases amounting to
one dollar or over to any point in Tillamook County free of charge. Samples sent
upon request. Mail orders filled same day as received. Tillamook Agents for
Butterick Patterns—Winter Style now ready. Warner’s Rust-Proof and Health
Corset, back lacing or front fastening for all liguers. “ Dependon ” Underwear and
Hosiery for Women and Children.
Special Communication
A well - known advertising
manager in New York said re­
cently :
** That there is too much
bargan advertising,weall agree.
But the question is this: Is
there too much of bargains ? No
store is alive if it does not oc­
casionally have real honest
bargains, and not exactly doing
the right thing if it does not
share its profits with its custo­
This has been and will con­
tinue to be the policy of Still­
well’s— “to sell merchandise of
quality only”—goods that we
personally stand back of—at
prices not only consistently
low, with good workmanship
and material, but less than paid
for inferior materials elsewhere.
We know that our customers
will appreciate this, and we
are always ready to present
them the opportunities to save
money, as shown on this page.
Here is advertised an extra­
ordinary purchase of silks, in­
stead of putting them on the
shelf and selling them out
gradually at enormous profits
(like most stores), we are going
to more than share the profits
with you, ** its fortunate for all
of us ” same as we are now
doing on the Coats and Suits,
by-the-way, with all that gener­
ous patronage in our Suit De­
partment last week, there are
nlenty of beautiful, stylish gar­
ments here at great money
saving opportunities.
The Quality Store.
CII 1/
We announce a sale that is a fitting inauguration for the Greatest
Silk Season in years. Briefly told, we were fortunate to make arrange­
ments with a large importer for a portion of his sample line, the lengths
run from 2)4 to 15 yards—they are the Highest Grade Silks in the
market, they embrace the new and exclusive weaves and designs and the
popular and staple Silks.
Buy your Christmas Silks at a great saving.
27in. Messaline, 65c. Yd.— The regular $1.00 quality. Not a full
line of shades, excellent quality and beautiful lustre.
27in. French Taffetas, 75c. Yd.— Sold regularly at $1.25 in colors
only soft, clinging, hoble finish
Beautiful Swiss Taffetas, 65c. Yd.— High naturai lustre, very
mellow, rice, finish. Regular 85c. Heller.
Embroidered Taffetas, 85c. Yd Regular $1.50 sellers, daitily ein-
broidered on excellent quality taffeta.
Colored China Silks, 25c. Yd.—A good range of colors. Just the
same quality you pay 50c. for.
Real Japanese Silk, 59c. Yd. ---Direct from the Orient, 27in. wide,
cream and white, 85c. seller.
Dress Satin Duchess $1 00 Yd.— Imported, $2 (M) quality, rich heavy
pile and every thread pure silk. Black only.
Dress Pean de “Soie,” $1.10 Yd.— -Another great 12.00 value,
suitable for Coats, Suits and Waists. In black only.
Imported Japanese Silk, 45c. Yd.—In [colors only 27in. wide, extra
heavv soft finish.
22in. Silk Espangle, 85c. Yd.— Beautiful heavy quality, regularly
sold at $1.50. Color« only small lengths.
Beautiful Satin Meteor, 85c. Yd.— -Very desirable weave for waist
coats and suits, regularly price at 11.75 yd.
Combined with this display will be 78 separate assortments not men­
tioned in this advertisement.
Not a shoddy or wrinkled garment in our entire department, posi­
tively the very latent Eastern creation*, the very newest arrivals, «mart
tailoring, clever designing, artistically modeled -the very last minute
from Htyledom.
To l>e beautiful—Don’t worry and wear the right .Suit*, Coat* and Hatt*,
So nay* M ihm Grace Kimball, of the Winter Garden, “ The Girl with the
right idea.”