YOU BELIEVE THAT | WHEELER, OREGON, ! The Manufacturing City on to G row and thaï MENT in W heeler Property will be Profitable. I ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You cuill make money by Investing in cuheeuer For information regarding Wheeer, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Tillamook Office : Portland Office Care of F. R. BEALS. 327 FAILING BUILDING. * Referendum Ordered by Petition of the People I Notice of Hearing of Final Account. Notice of Sheriffs Sale of Real Property. A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That N otice is H ereby G iven , that the undersigned has filed his Final Account as Administrator of the by virtue of an Execution and STATE UNIVERSITY BUILDING REPAIR FUNp---^r^by»»thorhy Estate of Andrew F. Bibby. de­ Order of Sale issued out of the Cir of Mr. H. J. Parkison, us Secretary, Oregon Higher Educational Institutions On your front porch can be lit ceased, and that the County Court cuit Court of the State of Oregon, ment League, No. 409 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon. — Its purpose is to p - every night until midnight for TiEamook County, dated the of the State of Oregon for Tilla ­ I vide funds for repairs and nddi’ icns to the State University Buildings, as toiio . . and register not over 14th day of October, 1913, in the mook County, has set Monday, the brary Building, thirty thonsan-d dollars ; Engineering Building, fifteen tnousanc Wet nr NO fifty cents per month cause wherein Martha M. Bauer 3rd day of November, 1913. at 10 lars ; Dendy Hall, ten thousand dollars ; heating plnnt, ten thousand dollars.______________ s* ----- ■ on the meter. ) o'clock a.m , as the time and place was plaintiff, and Helen Louise 1 for the hearing of said account and Giiday and E. N. Crockett were de­ 300 Yes. . any objections there may be to the fendants. upon a judgment and de­ T illamook E lectric L ight and F uel C ompany cree rendered and docketed in snid ' same. court in said cause against said de­ Dated September INtb, 1913. 301 No. W ill S palding , Manager. fendants, Helen Louise Giiday and J ames B ibby . Administrator of ttie Estate of E N. Crockett, and in favor of said plaintiff, Martha M. Bauer, com­ Andrew J. Bibby, deceased. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON NEW BUILDING APPROPRIATION-- manding me to satisfy the said Referreil by authority of Mr. H. J. I nrkison, as Sei reta y, Portland, Oregon.—Its judgment and decree, amounting Notice to Creditors. I nstitutiokis Betterment League. No. 409 Oregonian Build itg, ’ J<(1ern fireproof ad- to the sum cf $85O.fX) and interest purooae ia to provide funds to construct, equip and fur . p|ant to the tram». Notice is hereby given that the flit reon from the 3rd day of August, miaiatration and class-room building, nnd to extend the hei j"* ‘(J iqo . cx X).) Vote YES or NO. firm of Gordc’n A Rhodes, a corpor- 1912. at the rate of 10 per cent per The amount appropriated therefor is one hundred thousand d ation, has assigned all its assets to annum; the further sum of $35 (X) the sum the undersigned a8 assignee for attorney's fees, and > »>■- ...» of CLEAR UP SALE. 302 Yes. the benefit of credi?«™ in propor­ $37.00 costs and disbursements, by tion to their reepe’c,ive claims. the sale of the real property be­ Nothing Reserved. 303 No. All persons having clai«"**8 against longing to the defendants, and said corporation are hereb v notified i hereinafter described. Now, T herefore , in order to to present their claims, und« r oa,h> All Pyrographic Wood satisfy the said judgment and de- to the undersigned, at his offic “ in STERILIZATION A.CT— i~>- — I will, on the 22nd day of while they last one-half Tillamook, Oregon, within th.’ee "ee‘ 1913, at 10 o'clock a.m. months from the date of the firs/ , November, Novf off regular price. it the front door of the County publication hereof. G'urt House in Tillamook Citv, E. J. C lavssen , Come early and make ()re, 'on. sell to the highest bidder Assignee, the same Lei ng persons contineil tn sv mv NO. _ ’n , public auction, hirst publication, October 2, 1913. for ca your selection. flip a/iri real property, situated in 304 theCmintx ’ of Tillamook and State Yes. Burning sets and eup- of Oregon? d/ei r’,bed ?• Notice. All of the so ’ «then«! one quarter phis. 3Ofi No. ’ 9°u‘h N otice ia hereby given, that in of section 31. in accordance to Section 5, of Chapter of range 10 west ot " illamette Meri­ 142, Laws ot 1913. the County Sur dian. COUNTY ATTORNEY ACT—Referred by authority of Mr. J, E. CrtHb. No. «1 Dated this 23rd day o{ October, veyor of said county has tiled in W orcs« ter Building. Portland, Oregon. Its purpose is to provide n District Attorney this office his certificate, of the com­ 1813. lor tach county in the State, ami to fix their salaries in lieu of the- 'present • system of pletion of that certain contract he H. C sex ., ha "', Reliable Druggists. having a Diatrict Attorney for severs! counties, clothed with the authority to appoint tween M. J. Jenck and Tillamock Sheriff of Tillamook CounF.v, Ore. , deputies for other counties. Vote YES or nu County, running from Hebo, to Let us fill your Prescription. Cloverdale. Oregon, from Sta C X 300 Yes. O tc Sta 38 X 2H, in accordance with Avoid Sedative Covgh Medicine«. Tillamook, Oregon. the plans and specifications, and If you want to contribute directly any person, firm or corporation to the occurrence of capillary bron- i 307 No. having objections to file to the com­ chitis and pneumonia use cough ■ pletion of said work may do so medicines that contain coaid any per_ County Clerk. pneumonia and other, germ dis­ eon or persona on account of any injury received in the course of his employment. eases. That is why pneumonia Vote V bs sf I never results from a cold when Henrv A. Johnson, a business .Chamberlain's i 308 Ye*. Cough Remedy is |man of L'Anse. Mich., writes- used It has a world wide reputa­ — — . -For years, Foley a Honey and Tar tion for its cures. It contain no 300 No. Compound for coughs and colds1 nmq>hine or other sedative. For I s teen our family medicine " e sale by ljttut'j Drug Store. " £1».e it to our children, who like iti The giving of each of the two ’ ns to tb e desirability of the pos- ; bas been the marvel of the x rorld. Ion ttccount of its pleasant taste It houses of the Philippine Legists- session of Philipp*«», students The progress in education has Keen 11» • ”*,e cure for coughs and colds ” | A Marvelous Escape. __ •---— vMMVNIIVn Ure a Filipino majority is nut the >,„«... —------- --------- •---------- t It contains no opiates For sale by ’My little boy had a marvelous t have ,.i nl .. most unanimously agreed • * but - a .... little ■ less wonderful, The changeable weather of early I all druggists. escape." writes P. F. Bastiams of’ fall moat aalient feature of the change that the sdniinistnition of the ia. on coughs and colds One of the ships that «rent to the Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope. «hat bringa in plan of government. The veto lands kjo bees the moat benevolent have a weakening effect on the It occured in the middle of the system, l>ower formerly vested in the resi­ and practically beneficent in the rescue of the Volturno was loa «led and may become chronic. They Make You Feel Good night. He got a very severe attack the dent commission. with a majority history «if colonies. Instead of es- with oil and poured it on The pleasant purgative produced of croup. As luck wcuid have it. I I se Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ t*. by Chamberlain's Tablets end the ■ had a large bottle of Chamt>erlain's pound. It has a very soothing ano of American members, has been ploitiu* the Philippines, Uncle Ssm troubled waters with good reaul B. . healthy condition of body and I Cough Remedy in the house Aft-r healing effect on the irritated and taken away and placed in the hands Ims pursued a policy of helpful- All were not saved iu the stor k mind which they .... _____ create make ____ ___ one > following the directions for an hour inflamed air passages, and mil but the record of rescue is remai of the president While there has ness to the inhabitant*. It is a •«" sale Lamar The able under the circumstances. ! feel joyful For F— 7 — •- • by — • ------- ’s snd twenty minutes he was through help very quickly. bean a wide diversity of opinion *chisv*m«nt in aanitation alone | Drug Store. . all danger." For sale by Lamar’s known family medicine that results. For sale by aU druggi** I Drug Store. Wood to Burn- ! Ï.XgBHsss« ’»• “ C. L CLOUGH CO. I I I I < I r V 9 Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers