Tillamook Headlight, October 23, IOi3. Advertising Rates. and notwithstanding that there is a State electiou next year, the appointments will hold until the election of Novemla r, l!HH. That, in brief, is the county at­ torney act. There are some few good as well as bad features about it, one of wlii- b we will touch upon. There are quite a number of counties about the size of Tillamook, where there is not sufficient work to justify pay a large salary for doing lit­ tle work, while, on the other hand, the larger counties should each have a county attorney. It is up to the people to deciotence dangerous and undesirable citi­ the snap shot man came in for of Jehovah. ‘‘He maketh the deep zen. Go it, Bro., we are pretty another kind of "roasting,” this to boil as a pot” is one Bible des­ well used to that kind of truck, time of a Complimentary char­ cription. John in Revelation re­ for we have had more free ad­ acter, at the banquet. It does peatedly talked of the sea giving up vertising and notoriety in the not require a very long vision to its dead and in his vision of the Herald for the past fifteen years see who have got Bro. Tromb­ new heaven and the new earth he than any other person in the ley by the seat of his pants. Say. assures us “there was no more county, We must consult modern Bro. Trombley, wouldn't it be sea.” a good idea for iis to keep re­ writers to find appreciative descrip­ Patronizing home industry is publishing the dirty detective tions of the sea in its milder as­ something that business men But even modern writers story so as to fasten the blame pects. like to see newspapers boost for on the minds of the citizens who prefer to dwell on its resistless and these days, and to be loyal to were responsible for that sneak­ remorseless |>ower. This character­ their own vicinity, this is what ing, un-American method in an ises the most quoted passage in By­ the newspaper men are doing. endeavor to ruin the characters ron. his npoetrope to the ocean in But at the first of the month and reputations of some of our “Childe Harold.” the newspnper man is surprised We know not how long ago the business men. Shame on Bro. to be presented with an account Trombley. He has never said first man dared to defy the sea in on a bill head printed in ano­ his primitive dugout We must one word to defend these busi ther town and county. ness men and is allowing those agree with Horace that his heart who concocted the dirty plot to was ‘surrounded with oak and We want to congratulate the use his paper to abuse the snap threefold braes.” But he inspired business men whoaignitledtheir shot man tiecause he could not emulation and as early as 3000 B C. willingness to help out with the be induced to keep it out of the Egyptian vessels large enough to two conventions. It allows the Headlight, which F. R. Beals be culled ships buffeted the wave* right spirit and is encouraging endeavored to do bv going to The Phoenicians waxed rich to those who have to arrange Carl Knudson and getting him through commerce carried on wi’h these affairs for the city to have act as a “go between.” What such primitive crafts. -The Carth that kind of financial support. was the reason, Bro. Trombley, aginian sailors, without chart or Without co-operation it is much that he wanted to suppress it y compass, following the north star, visited the British Isles. The bold harder to make a success of any thing taken in hand. Norseman, with methods all his Six months... Three months I Editorial Snap Shots. The Farmer Victim. Forced to Vacate Sal Entire Stock of Wen’s and Boy’s high grade Clothing, Shoes Hats and Furnishings, Etc-, must be sold at a great sacrifice '¡he lease on my store has expired and cannot be renewed, un- able to get a suitable location for my business and must disposed of all Goods on short notice. Here is your chance to get the best at prices that will surprise you. They must be sold and v e sore gon Dairymen's Association from self-administered calcitration. iner's campass in the thirteenth TILLAMOOK. OREGON conventions were greatly inter­ They were so angry over Mr. Taft'a century. Thereafter seafaring men esting mid right to the point. part in the Canadian reciprocity were no longer the mere t(>ort of chance It took 500 years longer to President Townsend hammered pact removing duties from agricul­ it into the butter makers to turn tural imports that they began an develop precisely planned sails and out lietter butter, mid in turn insurgent movemeut that resulted ringing. In another century steam the butter makers hammered it in a echisin of the party that had was applied to navigation. This into the dairymen for taking maintained protection of American was the greatest boon yet. The unsanitary milk to the cream­ industries and given the country n placid sea under ”a hot and copper It s Import ! Where you invest your . eries mid expect them to make prosperity unparalleled in modern sky,” that was the despair of Cole­ first class butter from milk that annals. The two factions believing ridge’s “Acient Mariner” in his money. The Western Loan and Invest- j was "off.” The same thing in protection indulged in such “painted ship on a painted ocean.” ment Co., of Salt Lake, Utah is now open ! applied to cheese, sweeter mid mutual slaughter that by a minority had no terror for the steamship. to make you a loan or build you a home on / cleaner the milk when taken to vote an oft-repudiated party was The extreme length of a sailing ves­ the small monthly payment plan. sel before the introduction of steam the factory, better the cheese. permitted to slip into |>ower with was 2fi0 feet. The ocean greyhound A. McNAIR, President. free rein to again try out theories of today is sometimes over four D L. SHRODE, Vice-President. to which its advocates had clung Those who complain about CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer, times that length and proportion­ Board of Appraisers — taxation must blame the sover­ with a faith worthy of a better cause ately large in other dimensions. E M BALES F. H. MIICNK. eign will of the people foraome notwithstanding their oft-proven Man han chartered the ocean cur R. K ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. of the extra burdens they have im practicability. rents and ascertained and avoided , ... . Board of Trustees— The American farmer is now con JOHN I.ELAND HENDERSON. B. I. BEALS to pack Take, for illustration, the usual course of the typhoons. the eight hour law. The tax­ fronted with competition of pro­ He has stretched cables along the I- G SMITH. W. G, MCGEE. payers now have to pay lit the duct» not merely from Canada, but ocean floors. He han walled out rate of eight hours work and from the entire world. The new the tides at Galveston and driven ten hours pay, which greatly tariff admits free of duty the live the sea back from Holland. And increases the cost of road build­ stock and agricultural staples of all lately he han learned to send, with In anticipation of it ing anil other labor the taxpay­ countries. out aid of wire, message« in everv bor or Trade—Tillamook Co Land, City r ers have to pay for. But here American capital has made invest­ direction over the watery main, \ acant lot* in all addition« and Merchandise ments in other land«. With modern is a moat surprising thing that night or day. He has built ships must not l>e overlooked, 621 improvements in transportation to withstand every accident and and cold storage this competition citizens in this county voted for I is genuine and real. And if ex eqiupped with devices for every this additional taxation and 463 They ate floating I perienee is worth anything, the in. emergency. against, the vote showing no palaces carryin» all the conven- •jury to the farmer will not stop strong in the country precincts E HENDERSON, iencea »nd luxuries available cn SIDNEY ' JOHN LELAND HENDERSON when the measure waa referred i with this competition. He will find land. President. I Secretary-Treae liis home market failing him more to the people to vote on. Are) But ths unsinkable Titantic, cost­ you one of those who voted for ",orr' 0Jro««rh ,hf inability of Attorney-at-I.aw and Notvrv ing more than the United Staten iFnblic. Those consumers to buy. Every cut in the eight hour law ? paid for Alaska, collided with an wages in a factory streets the prices who did *<> are exceedingly in iceberg and waa crushed like an Every idle consistent if they complain the farmer receives. eggshell. It sank “like a drop of man means a curtailment of de- about additional taxation, i ............... rain” into the Atlantic, carrying ___________ ' niand for food products, A few with it 1503 souls. Now comes the years ago u statisticisn named The county attorney act is to IXivis envolv«d a theory as to the Vol t urao, beaet by flames and tossed give each county a pros-cuting price of wheat. He figured out the by atorm. with 13K passengers attorney, anil it is referred to |gM«ible area in which wheat could perishing in the presence of ten other tiie people to lie voted on next be profitably grown and then esti* ship« that rushed to the rescue in rvs|s»nse to the call of the wireless week. If it carries it will give 1 mated the | opulation and its nor­ Lloyd's Register tells ra that 'AMD (INCORPORATED». Tillamook a county attorney at mal increase. vessel« of various nites ere wrecked He also ascertained every year! He that tames the sea a sali.ry of (t.'JUO from the State' the annual consumption of wheat funds, whereas a deputy is now’ per capita, By an easy matheniati- may “loose the bands of Orion.” paid $I