iltainook Itaùiigbt r I riLLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 30, Are You a Money Saver ? Most every one expects to be a money saver some time. Some expect to save when their in­ come is larger ; others plan to save when their expenses are less. People who wait until they can save without effort rarely begin to save • they wake'up some day filled with re­ grets because of the opportunities they have missed. The moral is : Begin regular sav­ ing at this bank NOW ; whatever the income, make the outgo a little less and save the difference. » CAPITAL bank TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK ~ TILLAMOOK_CITY, ORE.___ SUPERVISION SUPERVISION T&LAM00K JOTTINGS ¡i Attorney E. S. Snelling has located in thia city and has opened a law B. S. Clark, auctioneer. office in Tillamook Block. Pisno for rent. Inquire at thia * 1 * F. R. Beala, Frank Severance and , office. > N. G. Boquiat have been summoned [ Leave orders for wood with . oo the Federal grand jury. * Shrode. Miss Kate Witheral, who has Empty sacks wanted—Lamb- been visiting relatives here, left on Wednesday for Burkley, Cal. Schrader Co. A meeting of Corinth Post, G.A. I Mias Blanch McNair returned to R., will be held Saturday, which ' the city Sunday. "Drifted Snow” Flour at the will be the first in four months. A. D. Bechtel has opened a har­ Tillamook Feed Co. * Headquarters for auto livery.— ness and repair shop opposite the Jones-Knudson furniture store. Ed. Hadley, phone 11W. Try some of that kippered sal­ The very best Eastern oysters at the Clam Market. Full quart 75c, mon at the clam market. pint 40c., sealshipt, large can, 65c, For Fine Photographs at popular small can, 35c. prices.—Tillamook Studio. A. G. Beals vs. Vincenz Jacob is Call up the Mutual Phone for a a suit filed in the Circuit Court to diteat the Tillamook Studio. recover money for lumber supplied Glasses fitted. Any kind, any the defendant. Style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * The pavement case, which was to Before you buy your feed, see have been argued in Portland last Shrode, he will save you money. * Saturday, was postponed until the Mr. P. J.Worrall returned on Sun­ 18th November. day from a business trip to Port- For sale or rent, Five Roomed ' land. House, with one acre of land, close Player Piano for Sale at a bargain. to the city and Dorotighty slough. I Can be seen at City Transfer Co.’a See Chris. NeUon. office. Mias May Griffith and Misa Carrol Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Hall came in from Portland on mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. Sunday to assist at the banpuet at, per pound. * Hotel Tillamook. Lost, a bunch of keys. Finder A. Lineback, who has opened will please return same at the Head­ a music store in ths store vacated light office. by A. J. Stillwell, has a superior Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schultz will class of piano on hand. entertain at a Halowe’en party Fri What about those photographs day evening. you have promised thia 'Xmas, no Judge William Galloway came in better place than Monk's Studio, ■ on Thursday to try two cases in the get your orders in earl^ circuit court. The Tillamook Headlight and the We are iu a position to make weekly Oregonian, until January (ome long time farm loans. First 1915, for $1.75, with a set of the auc- ■ National Bank. ceee kitchen knives free. Attorneys E. J- Claussen and Mrs. John Paquet, of Garibaldi, died in this city on Monday from C. W. Talmage have moved their law offices into the Commercial typhoid fever. Rosenberg Bros, will give you Building, using the same offices For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland low price* on all kinds of hay and pony team, surry and harness feed in ton lots. • The annual County Teachers' Will trade for Tillamook city prop-, Convention will be held in this city erty. Inquire at A. F. Coata Lum-1 ber Co. • j November 12-14. Dr. S. M. Kerron was called to If out work does not suit yon tell »•; if it does tell your friends. City Portlnnd last week on account of his sister undergoing an operation, Transfer Company • and on hia return reported she was See Rosenberg’s for prices on feed and hay. Largest stock in improving. H. H. Allger and C. H. Allger vs. Tillamook County. Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Fish Boat No. 0,376 is a auit filed in the Circuit Court to recover $21.15 mook Meat Company’s Market We for materials furnished Olb Harris P*y 12c. per pound. * and Bob Irvin. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McNair, Dr. E. K. Daniele, the new Chiro­ •iter a brief visit here, returned to practor, successfully treats all ner Bandon on Monday. voua diseases, rheumatism, etc. A good gentle family horse, Consultation free. Office Com­ buggy and harness for sale at a mercial Building. • bargain. See Shrode. In the case of School District No. Sid Henderson left on Tuesday 35, against School District No Ih f°r Marshfield, where he has been H. T Botts, attorney for the de employed as surveyor. fendants. has filed a demurrer, and Attorney 8. S. Johnson has re­ M J. Gersoni, acting as district at­ moved bia office* tn Rooms 137 and torney. also filed a like demurrer. :uB- LO.O.F. Building. UH|WAR'S VARIETY STORE TIUUAmOOK> OREGON ‘ Drop in and book Around- The Grey Eagle Mill j. now loca I who intends spending the winter* 5“ °u Creek. All kinds of there. p T’*’ed and rough |llmberoB hanJ Mrs M. O'Hary, wife of the bar­ Price, reawnable-Grey Eagle Mm tier in the old bank building, and Co. Both phone*. • two sona, Floyd and I.iale, returned Sure Milk." the new cow feed I from hopyarda in the valley and guaranteed to produce more milk ( later visited the old folka at home It is the'aim of this bank to or the money than any other feed and nursed her mother through a on the market. Call and see it. serious case of la grippe at their give the best banking serviee Tillamook Feed Co. • home near Oregon City. possibl e—a nd cue do it. Why buy a Silo and pay freight The Woman’s Relief Corps held when the home mill can furnish you its regular meeting last Saturday It is also oun aim to have as good for leas money. Talk with i afternoon in I. O. O. F. Hal), at the best equipment such as the manager of A. F. Coata Lumber which time Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Modern Fire Proof Banking Co. of Tillamook about it. | Dunstan were admitted to member- Dawson Bros, will meet all trains 'ship. 1... ---------- Reynolds, ---_____ _ who ___ Mr. Charles Room, Fife Proof Vault, Burg­ with bus, and will handle paaaen-1 recently returned from Gettysburg, lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe gers and baggage to all parts of the where he attended the reunion of Deposit Boxes—and cue have city. Call Oty. ( all or phone at the Livery Civil war veterans, gave a very in­ barn on 2nd Ave East. . 1 I teresting account of tlie trip which them. Born, to the wife of Allen Page, was enjoyed by all present. After on Saturday, a son ; Sunday, to the the close of the business, the cus­ wife of E Hoag, a son ; Monday, tomary banquet was served in to the wife of Frank Tone, a son ; honor of Mrs. Cynthia Allen ami Monday, to the wife of A. E. Wilks Mrs. Bernice Lucas, whose birth- days occurred this month. Next a sou. meeting will be held November 8. Born, on Saturday, to the wife of Mrs. Alma Schultz, Press Corre- F. W, Christensen, a son. As the spondent. cheese inspector is raising boys and W. C. King returned last week the secretary-salesman for the co­ from a trip of several weeks into operative cheese factories is raising British Columbia. One thing that the gentler sex, we suggest that they impressed Mr. King was the fact do a little swapping which would that the Canadians tire jubilant give to each a pigeon pair. protective policy of the Republican Call f r Warrants, over the passage of the Democratic party, now can come in free, and ... _ ~ ~ ‘ Mrs. Clyde Craver and child, who tariff bill, and are making prepara­ Mr. Kingeaja that the Canadians j orset i prlor to Sept 23, 1913, nndall tions to ship their products into has been visiting relatives here the are not only making preparations to Road Fund Warrants endorsed past summer, left on Monday to this country free of duty. He made send it into this country, but Amer- prior to Sept. 15, 1913, will tie paid join her husband at their home special mention of the fish industry ican money is helping that iudus- '•P011 presentation. Interest ceases , tk’t. 28, 1913. near Phoenix, ^rizonia. She was of Prince Rupert, which had to pay , j B bals , County Treasurer. accotnpaned by Mrs. E. W. Stanley, one cent per pound duty under the try there. First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. It’s a simple matter to start a sav­ ings account here. COUNTY COUNTY „ 1913. The Spur of Approval. The great attendance at our opening last week was undoubt­ edly the greatest tribute ever paid a commercial establishment in Tillamook. We feel deeply honored by the generous expressions of good will, also the kind words about the store and the stocks. We take the splendid triumph in no spirit of empty conceit. The out-spoken approval of the public spurs us on to merit that approval. Your enthusiasm inspires in us larger ideas. The triumph of a day means little. The growth and expansion of this business shows that the public is not blind —not indifferent to our efforts, you have encouraged us much 6y your loyalty. It- is this co­ operation that strengthens us that makes us Leaders. We shall never let an oppor­ tunity pass to present proofs— clear positive attestations, that we are worthy of this public loyalty and confidence. We have builded well in the past. We shall build better in the future. The greater the pat­ ronage of the public—the greater the duty to deserve it. This is a progressive store, the store with a spirit, sincerity. It is a store for all the people— Your Store. Stillwell’s THE QUALITY STORE “ Think of it,” Christinas only a little over six weeks away. Our Art Department is teeming with the newest materials and ac­ cessaries known in art craft. Agents for Warner's hygcnic Rust-Proof Corsets, back and front fastenings, the new models are here for all figures. Tillamook Agents for the Buttei ick patterns. Burson and Dependon hosiery lor Women and Children. More Wonderful News from Our Coat and Suit Department. Women’s and Young Ladies’ Coats. Positively the biggest Valuts ever ollered anywhere at - The most wonderful aggregation of SI5 garments ever assembled at such an attractive price. A direct shipment recently purchased in New \<>rk. I’rotraying up- to-the-minute styles,*in the most fashionable materials and clever treat­ ment in cut and finish. Models you would expect to pay $20 at least for. Other coats of course............................................ lFrora ¿24.48 to $35.00 A Stupendous Sale that will be the talk of the Town Every Women's and Young Ladies’ opportunity to select her ball and Winter Suit - - - - At $17.65 -Actual, $25 Value. 4 These come from one of the best makers. Our buyer when in New York thought he got a pretty good deal, we’ll let you be the judge. These suits are man tailored throughout. They have that grace of line that fashionable women insist upon, and will render long and satisfactory service. Models for all severe, smart, styled, conventional and dressy models. Its such a practice price for such high class garments. better see them. “Well, ” you ■ . Like every fond Mother’s Child, we think our SHOES are the best in town. Not only the good old Calfskin Shoes lor Boys and Girls, with no lining (so the hide may be seen) with a style cut—smart-up-to-date—(no brass toe protectors), and we tell von they will wear. Also “ little gents and Big Girls’ Shoes for Sunday school and dress occasions— the smartest last. Women’s Shoes in the New Picidally lasts, Sporting Boots, “ Tango” Slippers lor evening and dance occa- gions, an ideal Shoe Shop for all that’s correct and Don ...... ’t wait until the last minute and goodness. “P.S.”— —- ----- think you’ll get just what you want. it’s impossible. 1 Î * »