Tillamook Headlight, October 23. 1^1-3 I Notice to Hunters. FINE BALANCING FEAT. Hotel Tillamook TUESDAY, Oct. 2« 1-3) p in. Notice ie hereby given that 1 have CONVENTIONS *EXT Business Session. GRKEriNG: To the people of city leased the hunting rights on M. W The Dancing Glass on th. Kn.v., WEEK IN CITY. ‘‘Butter and Cheese Yield,w Adam and country, you «re specially in­ Harrison’s farm, and forbid any the Bottle®. Schmelzer, Tillamook. I i vited to come and make yoirselves person from hunting there without Take two bottles of the same height Oregon Butter and Cheese Address. Guy M. Lambert, U.S. at home anytime All are welcome my permission Those who do so Insert In each a cork, the top of wh|cu I__ EXCURSION TICKET Dairy Divinion. I No style nor ‘ dress up” necessary. will be prosecuted. E- N. Cruson. has been cut Into wedge or gab)e Maker’s Association. “Dairy j shape. . Place the bottles on the table Development in Tillamook Price 50c. I This elegant, modern hotel was irl he'p boost Tillamook City CLUB GIVES BANßUET Good for First Class Passage ■ each other. Put tbe blade of « lllb|e Health and Strength. mook. officially stumped and presented with 1 ami county. We solicit your pat-- home-keeping kulfe ‘ ‘ uch cork - their polo« a|. TUESDAY, Oct. 28. at 6:30 p in. The woik of a I checks attached. No stopovers, Must ronage and good will. We want ----- call ...ii in ------ most ---------- but not quite meeting 10 iD I lllH Oregon Dairymen’s Associa Banquet, given by the Tillamook carry woman makes a constant all baggage on your back, ■ m > u to use our Parlor, triaiio. reaejj her strength and vitality, and sick­ ■ uilddte and their bundles projecting baggage checked. Coin inert ial Club. tion Hold Annual Meeting. I ing, writing rooms, dining room, all ness comes through her kidneys the opposite sides. Holding the lilades Dairymen. and bladder oftener than she knows with tbe thumb und forefinger, take a Fir.t train leave« Presbyterian Station 1 at your service. The annual convsntions of tbe I A La Carte service in dining Foley Kidney Pills will invigorate small wine or liquor glass half full o( WEDNESDAY, Oct., 29, 10:09 a. in. Friday, Oct. 24, 1913, at 6:30 P. M. Oregon Butter and Cheese Maker's and restore her, and weak back, i room, order and pay for what you nervousness, aching joints and ir­ water and balance it upon the |)0ioU H Dan- Train leaves every 30 minutes. Association and the Oregon Da ry- Welcome to Dairymen, J of the two knives. 1 want. Tbe best always served at Tillamook Ptau, President regular bladder action wiil all dis men’s Association will be held in This will require a little adjustlog 'very reasonable prices. appear when Foley Kidney Pills County Fair Association. Tillamook to Alaska via Steamer this city next week. The former or Response—Annual Address, J. M. Try our special business lunch are used. For sale by all drug­ of the distance between the bottles or will hold ie convention on Monday Elmore. of the quantity of water lu the glass, gists. Dickson Shedd», Pre». Oregon ! on week days, nice A La Carte but after a few attempts you will fl n( j and Tuesday at theTdlamook Com­ Special brand of seasickness guaran­ Dairymen's Association. i lunch Sunday, 12to 2. Cheaper and that the weight of the gluss Just bal­ mercial Club room, commencing at teed. Fust before taking your life in ances that of the knife handles. 8 o’clock on Monday eveuing, and “Contagious Abortion,” Dr. W. 11. your hands as those who have tried it I less trouble than cooking at home Lytle, Salem, State Veterinarian. after church. By drawing a few drops of water latter ou Wednesday and Thursday will tell you that sometimes the ocean from the glass this will rise a little Try Our Suuday Dinner. at the same place. This is the first WEDNESDAY, Oct. 29, 1:30. p m. is not a millpond. with the kuife blades. If now you take Business Session. time that these associations have Special, 75c. a thread with a metal button or a visited this part of Oregon. It is ex­ Address, Dr. James Withycomb, Alaska to Switzerland. 6 to 8 p. m. small piece of lead tied to It aud lower Corvallis, Director Oregon Ex­ pected ’that considerable interest BEGINS it® forty-fifih school year this Into the water thé glass and the Consomme En Tasse. The happy travellers will be person­ I periment Station. will be taken in the conventions, not SEPTEMBER IS. 1313. Cream of Chicken. knife blades will descend They rise ally conducted overland to New York, DEGREE COURSES i" uiany phasesof again as you withdraw the weight only by the visitors, but by those Address, Prof Roy Graves. Cor­ from whence they will sail on a pri­ Mission Olives, Sweet Pickles. vallis, Dairy Dept. Oregon Agr AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING. HOME connected with the dairying busi­ vate yacht. No flirtations will be Royal Chinook Salmon -AuJHuerre E conomics , mining , forestry , com ­ The glass behaves as If drawn by (be College. ness of thia county. Both asnocia- thread, and you can make it dunce up Potatoes Duchesse. allowed. All lovers will have to take merce . PHARMACY. tions will have excellent programs WEDNESDAY, Oct. 29, 8:00 p.m. a seat by themselves. and down like a marionette.—New York Westphalian Ham, Tokay Raisins TWO-YEAR COURSES in agricul ­ Address, Prof T. D. Beckwith, World. and fins speakers. ture . HOME ECONOMICS. MECHANIC Apple Fritters, Brandy Sauce. Corvallis, Oregon Agri College. ARTS FORESTRY. COMMERCE. PHARMACY Prizes will be awarded for the Switzerland to the Philippines. Fried Spring Chicken, A La Mary ­ highest butter and cheese scorers, Address, M. S Shrock, Portland. TEACHER’S COURSES in manual A WABBLY COMPLIMEN I • land. Here the party will learn the ways THURSDAY. Oct 30, 10:00 a.m. traiuing, agriculture, domestic science amountingtoj$250, and in the cheese Roast Prime Ribs of Beef — Jus and art. scoring, no doubt, most of the •‘Silos and Silage,” Mr. Barr, Cor­ of the jolly Swiss and will telegraph It Came While the Comedian Wai Natu ral. ahead for the great flying machine re­ vallis. I’. S. Dairy Division. MUSIC, including piano, string, band Working the Dignity Act. prizes will be carried off bv the Mashed Potatoes-Steamed Potatoes. instruments and voice culture. Francis Wilson, the actor, always a local makers. This will be in what Address, Hon J D. Mickle, Port- cently chartered by Tillamook citizens Fried Parsnips — Green Peas. land, Oregon Dairy and Food to give its maiden flight here and' A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled collector of Napoleonic relics, had is known as the Snuffer building. Heavenly Twin Sundae whicii is now taking parties from the Commissioner. "T he E nrichment of R ural L ife ” played nt a town In northern New York Sugar Waters. Secretary’s Iuvitatiou. and a CATALOGUE will be mailed free state, and on the morning following his summit of Mt. Blanc. Thii machine THURSDAY, Oct 31, 1:30 p m Green Apple Pie—Pumpkin Pie. on application. performance, while on the way to bls Secretary Kent sentout the follow “Dairy Herd Development,” Ed. will transport them all to Manilla. Address H. M. T ennant , Registrar, train, he passed un antique shop and Tillamook Cream Cheese. ing circular letter to tlie butter Gary, Carlton. «w7-15to»9) Corvallis. Oregon. saw in the show window a cameo with Toasted Bente. Philippines to Denmark. and cheese makers and dairymen, Address, Grant Dimmick, Oregon the heud of the great Corslcau itpoa it Tea, Coffee, Milk. Coco. The same machine wiil carry you to to be present : City. He went In to dicker for It Eugene, Oregon, October 15, 1913. the home of the Dane. An interesting THURSDAY, Oct. 30, 8:00 p.jn. I The deal was about closed when the Dear Sir: item on this trip will be a short stop ­ A Christensen Goes East. I shopkeeper, a nearsighted, elderly The Oregon Butter A Cheese Mak Address, Prof. H. T. French, Cor­ over on the planet Mara where you | vallis, Extension Dept Oregon man. squinted at Wilson and said. er’sand the Oregon Dairymen’s As Andrew Christensen, cheese maker’ can take observations on their new Agri. College. ■ociation will meet in joint annual "Look here, ain't you an actor?” , at the Tillamook Creamery, left on j i§FG00D CLD I.W. convention in Tillamook City, Octo­ canal. Wilson drew himself up. Five Minute Talks ber 27-30, 1913. The ¡¡rat two days ' Monday morning for Chicago, where lie "I am a clergyman," be said in ac I I of the convention will he devote 1 I The Banquet. offended tone. ‘ will attend the National Dairymen’s ! Denmark to Ireland- I more particularly to problems of "I beg your pardon,” said the dealer One of the pleasant features of As extremes are much appreciated Convention which will be held from manufacture and the last two days “You see. 1 thought you looked some to mutters connected with milk pro the Convention will be a banquet in this age of the world, it has been Oct. 23 to Nov. 1. Mr. Christensen, i tiring like that siuging fellow, Franck d action. given by the Tillamook Commer­ decided to exchange the flying machine Mr. Barber of tbe Mohler factory, and Wilson." Owing to the lateness of fixing cial Club on Tuesday evening at Mr. Schmelzer of the Red Clover fac ­ for a submarine boat which will carry the Oates tor this convention it is “I hope." said Wilson with great dig I the Hotel Tillamook. This will be tory will have cheese entered for scor ­ under the channel, thereby saving you • impossible to announce the details nity. "that you would not liken me t< WHISKEY of the program at this time, but the first public banquet served at you from seasickness. You will be ing at the Chicago show. The entering a mere comic opera comedian.” you can tie suie that it will be the city’s new and up-to-dat" hos­ greeted in old Ireland with plenty of of Tillam; cheese in the national "Well,” said the shopkeeper with s worth your while to attend. A pro telry, and having sn experienced song and laughter. contests has been a means of advertis-J superior air. "1 seen him at tbe opert rata fund of $25 ¡.00 will be distrib­ ing Tillamook County extensively, and I bouse lust night, and to tell you tbi uted among the exhibitors of butter chef, the management will spare As the personal conductor will have the men who are going to the trouble I truth he wasn't so awful rotten."- and cheese scoring atiove 90 points no trouble to make this a succass. similar to the-pro rata distribution The menu is as follows Saturday Evening Post. business of importance which will de­ of placing their cheese up for scoring I < f lust year. Other premiums will tain him for some time in the Emer­ should have credit for their enterprise. I S oup . Le announced later. The Whiskey With­ What English Means. ex T asse . ald Isle. You will all be left at liber­ While gone Mr. Christensen will put If you have never been in Tilla­ M ission C onsomme O lives . S weet G herkins . ty to return home in any manner you forth a special effort to bring his pat-1 Mrs. Smith —What nre you reading out a Regret mook you should by nil means plan John? Mr. Smith—I am reading Her to attend this convention. If you R oyal C hinook F ish e::ted agitator before the cheese makers ' S almon aux F ine may see fit. Pure, mellow, with a flavor bert Spencer's “Principles of Biology." have been there you will surely herbs of the country. Mr. Christensen’s that tickles the palate and want to go witli ‘‘the bunch” at Mrs Smith —Why—what—what's that P otatoes G astronome . lingers in the memory. patent has given satisfaction in every this time. Just as soon as you get F ried S pring C hicken , S outhern John? Mr. Smith—Herbert Spencer'» MRS EDWIN E KOCH, thin letter begin making arrange­ FOR SALE BY way to those who have tried it, and it “Biology.” I.et me read yod an ex­ S tyle . Teacher of Piano. ments to lie present The Tilla E F.’.LAUGHLIN, is hoped that he can now get it before tract—Iris definition of life. Listen: C andied S weet P otatoes . mookers are planning a royal re­ Tillamook, Ore F rench P eas "It consists of the definite combina­ Mrs Koch has studied under the the cheese makers of the country in caption for us, anti as this is the S andlake C ranberry S auce . best teacher in Portland, prior to such a manner as to make it a finan­ tions of heterogeneous changes, but first time either association ha» T omatoes au M ayonaise . attending Chicago Musical College simultaneous and successive. In com­ met in the “Cheese City” there N ut S undae . and the Oberlin Conservatory of cial success. should be a big attendance from bination with external coexistences and S ugar W afers . Music. Has had a teaching experi ­ “the outside.” sequences." T ili . amixik C ream C heese . ence of ten years. Arrungemets We want to make this convention "Why. John, what In the world lathe T oasted B ents are now being made for lessons at latgely a sort of experiment meet man talking about?" C afe N oir . tku- Studio. 7th and Stillwell Ave., ing. Leaders will toe assigned to On Thursday, October 30th, at 1 "I am astonished at you. Jane. Why, Tickets can be obtained from Dr. in the Rees residence various topics, but we want the Recitals and Musicales will be p.m., . at the old Norman Olds’ this Is the work of the great English actual experience of many people S. M. Kerron chairman of the en- place at South Prairie, Stock, Im­ given for the benefit of the pupils. scientist" So go prepared to give to your tertainment committee. Covers will plements, etc., belonging to F. R. fellow dairymen the tilings you "Yes. I know, but what is he writing Cutland. be laid for Ilk). It is estimated that Notice. have found worth while, whether it shout?" 20 Tons Oat Hay. there will be about 50 visitors from be along the line of milk produc­ "He Is defining life, I told you What 3 Cows. Zweifel is now successor tion or dairy manufactures. Pres. outside to entertain nt the banquet, to Kasper R. R Yearling Heifer. did you suppose be was writing Roberts, in Tillamook Townsend,of the Butter Maker’s will leaving 50 ticke’s to be disposed of County. _____ the Set Double Harness. All accounts owing about?" nuuiiiic start ttie I ball >< bii i rolling on mu uh on Monday . luu'.nn , , Hack J. R. Watkins Medical Co. are pay­ "Good gracious! I thought he w«s night, und President Die* »on of tliej U,,,O,,K locul [»copie. Set Steel Harrows able to Kusper Zweifel. trying to get n potent on a clothe»- Dairymen will muke his bow Wed­ 50 Chicken. R. R. R oberts . nesday morning. The results of n horse."—London Titdiits. Harpoon Hay Fork. K asper Z weifel . practical experiment on “Quality Drowned on Sunday. Trip Rope. Tillamook, Ore.', July 23rd, 1913 of Milk its Reluted to Cheese Yield” «Hay Knife. Birds Shot With Water. Guy William Ross was drowned SSJ2 is promised toy one of the leading 2 Shovels. Cranberries. Shooting a humming bird with tliv Tillamook cheese milkers. T is no on Sunday on Garibaldi beach and with the problem of buy ng Harness 3 Tons Grass Hay. Sandlake cranberries are now on do iht will be nil exciting number. his tody was not recovered until you wiil find it distinctly advanta­ smallest bird shot made Is out of the 3 Heifer Calves. There will be no difficulty over Tuesday. Ross, C. C Byers and the market. All the stores in Tilla- geous to come and do vour select question, for the tiniest seeds of lead Span Mares. ruilrouil rules. Ttie summer beach mook have them, be sure and get ing here. You will get the best would destroy tils coat. The only way Wagon, etc. rates will be in effect. Ttie fare for | Mr. Woods went to the Twin Rocks qualities, the most thorough and tn which the bird can be captured for Steel Benin Plow. ttie round trip is $1.09 tr< in Port in a row bunt,and while returning a yours, the price is $3.00 per box. conscientious workmanship and be commercial purposes is to shoot idm Horse Cultivator. land or Hillsboro. Trains leave, breaker struck the bout and capsized charged the most reasonable prices. with n drop of water from a blowpin Milk Can. For Sale. Portland every morning, arriving' it. Ross was standing up in the We can supply single or double or a fine Jet from n small syringe. Hay Rope. One and one half year old regis­ in Tillamook about 4:00 p.m. Cor­ Sets or any single article that you Skillfully directed, the wnter stuns Pally respondingly low rates from all, boat at the time and was thrown in tered Ayershire bull for sale, also may be in need of. 3 Hay Forks. points on the S P., the I) W. R. R to the breakers ind was drowned. two spring calves. Eugene Atkin­ him He falls Into a silken net and Grind Stone A N. und the P. R. A N. railroads | Ttie other two men clung to the limit before be recovers consciousness Is son, Sandlake, Ore. D. S. C lark , Auctioneer. When you buy your ticket ask I lie suspended over a cyanide jar. This whi h drifted ashore On Tuesday ii gen I tor u round trip rute to Tilla must be dene quickly, for If he comes , the body of Ross was washed ashore mook Beach. to bis senses before the cyanide whiff Don't forget the date. “Meet Me and Coroner Hawk held ¡in inquest snuffs out his life be Is sure to ruin In Tillamook.” on the remains. Ross was a son of his plumage In bls struggles to escape. Sincerely yours, C. W. Ross, of Portland, and was a F L K ent , Humming birds rnrv in size from spe­ Sec. | single young man 22 years of age. cimens perhaps half as large as a The object of these conventions Mr. and Mrs. Ross came in and took sparrow to those vrrcely bigger than is to get the dairymen and butter , the remains to Portland. a bee. and ’cheese makers together, and j Rifled Firearms. with that object in view all the I Thinks Tillamook is O.K. In tbe South Kensington tnnsenm dairymen and cheese unit butter are Severn I wheel lock muskets wit11 makers of Tillamook County are Judge C. R. Worrall is n guest of rifled barrels made during the rclgu of cordially invited to attend. Ttie Charles 1.. If not earlier. Such barrels of Ilia cousin, P. J. Worrall, mana­ meetings will be held in the rooms were then usually called "screwed." ger of the Hotel Tillamook lodge of the rillumook Commercial Club, Zacbary Grey In a note on "Hndlbrns.' Worrall was for many years a pro­ and it is hoped tliat the dairymen part 1. canto 3. 'Ine 533. snys that minent lawyer and politician of In­ will not only attend in large num Prince Rupert stiowc*} bls skill aa ■ diana, afterwards one of the lead­ tiers, but will take part in the dis- marksman by hitting rsv Ve In succes- ing bankets of New Mexico. He has elon the vane on St. Mnry.v Stafford cussioa. spent the hist few years connected at sixty yards with a "screwed" pistol. The Programs with some of ttie leading hotel« of — londoo—Notes and Queries F. I- Kent, who is secretary ol California. Tbe Judge is very much both associations, has iirisngol the pleased with Tillamook and pre­ A Very Mad Dog. A little girl came running to tell programs. These air »object to dicts a wonderful growth and future nlioiit a mnd dog she bad seen. "Me change a« he was doubtful whether | for the citv. Asked as to his opin­ saw a mad dog?" she gasped, but tbe ion of Tillamook, Judge Worrall some of the |>er»ona he placed words seemed too tn me to do justice said “The push and energy of your the programs would be able to to ttie situation "Oh. he was mad. business and professional citizens, present. mad!" she added, frowning and pump­ the high standing and efficiency ot Butter and Cheese Make:a ing her fists "He was furious." — your schools, the general moral Harper’s Weekly. MONDAY, Oct. 27, 8 p m. tone of yoor people vour "hun-hes, AddiVsa of welcome. Chas. Kun xe. the modern new buildings, the fine Sad Realities. Rea|H>nse, annual address. Pres T. pa veil streets, yourlive newspapers, Tlie honeymoon Is about over when S. Townsend, Oregon Buttes ami and. above aP, your active, up to- he lx-gins to notice that the sleeves st t hevae Maker's AMociatiou. | date Commercial Club, all impress her kimono are trailing In the butter Address, A. II. Lee. Portland. dlsb a »t ranger as making your good TUESDAY, (k-t. 28. IOn.ni And then she discovers that he rbews City of Tillsmook an exceptionally "Quality,'' I. I’. Holgersen, Junc­ toast as though he had a gnidf» giKXl place to live, and you should tion City. against ft.-Detroit Free Press have 500 inhabitants tn a short "Factory Inspection,'' l_ It Zieiner. tim«.” Judge Worrall will proba­ Portland, l»eputy Dairy and There nre nbyxses that love run not TIUUWMOOK, OREGON bly lixate here and later make some Food Commissioner. cross. but it can bury Itself Io them.— (iuveetments. Balzac. » TRIP AROUND THE| WORLD______ | I OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE -HiliP® Auction Sale. [HARNESS W.A, Williams & Cc WE MANUFACTURE SILOS Come in and see for yourself what we make before you Buy. We are always ready to talkSilo and Ensilage with you. We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter. The Best Made. We Guarantee Our Prices’ to be Right. We carry a complete line of Fir. Spruce and Hemlock Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish. flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. Ii} oui extra thick shingles, none better. F. COATS LUMBER CO