Tillamook Headlight, October 23, Iöi3. JACKSON ACCEPTS BID. | ONE OF ERIN’S FAIRIES. u. S. Road Engineers Prepar A Tricky chap la Ireland’s Little Old ing for Work in Vicinity Man, the Leprechaun. ♦. of Medford. I The story of tbe b„y who was ex­ M edford , Or., Oct 18.—With the acceptance by the County Court to­ day of the bid offered by H. B. Wood, representing a Chicago, Ninneapoiia, New York and Cincin­ nati bond syndicate for $500,000, Jackson County Highway boqds, at $8 .90 P«r $1000, plua accrued in­ terest, road-building in Jackson County will soon be on in earnest. State Highway Commissioner Bowlby said yesterday that he ex­ pected to start work on the Siskiyou grade in thirty days and have it completed by the first of the year, in time for surfaceing in the Spring. Meanwhile the county has signed a contract with the Beaver Portland Cement Company, of Gold Hill, for 50,0C0 barrels of cement, to be de­ livered by June 1. In addition to this activity, United States Road Engnineers Harrison, Hughes and Crossland are in Med­ ford laying out the improvement of the rural highways, as outlined by Engineer Burrell last year. Thirty thousand dollars are available from the Government, and 50 miles of rural routes off from the main high­ ways are to be improved. Glenesslin Bayer Loses >500 on Purchase. Messrs. John Caarimen and A. Bremmer, of Astoria, who pur­ chased the stranded Glenesslin which is now nestling safelyainoug the rockB at the base of Necarney mountain, came in last week to look at the ship, having purchased it for $550 sight and unseen. It required only one look and they were satisfied that they had made a poor buy. They were then perfectly willing to accept the offer of H. A. Bell and L. A. Ullfers, of Nehalem City for $100 cash who were on hand to take a long chance of saving store to that value. The Gleneeslin is listing about 26 degrees at pres- eut but is still laying hard against the rocks. Her hull has been sub­ ject to a terrible strain but seems to be holding together better than expected at first, although her stern has been stove and her cabin car­ ried away completely.—Nehalem Valley Reporter. hibited throughout Scotland as a genuine Irish leprechaun leads oue to ask what exactly a leprechaun Is, for. of course, each variety of fairy has its special characteristics The leprechaun Is peculiar to Ire­ land and Is In the form of a little old man. by profession a maker of brogues. He is only discovered by the sound of the hammering of his brogues, and any one capturing him can induce him by threats to reveal where his wealth Is hidden. But no one yet has laid hands on that wealth, for If you take your eye off the leprechaun for as much as a secoud he has the power of vanishing, however tight you may hold him. And his ingenuity in making you glance away Is always successful. Ouly once did that ingenuity fall, and even then the treasure escaped un­ pillaged. A careful peasant, proof against all temptations, kept his eye on the little brogue maker until the money was revealed in a field of ragwort. But be bad no bag. So be tied bis garter round the particular plant under which the money was bid and went to fetch one. only to find on his return that every ragwort In the field was adorned with a red garter—London Chronicle. FATHER OF ALL HOT SPRINGS. Carlsbad’s Famous Sprudel and White Robed Prieeteesee. MODERNIZED THE ANGEL PERSIAN OPIUM. Notice of Hearing of Final Account. Mounted on Ball Bearings, It Now Acte aa a Weather Vano. Turning the Poppy Juice late Dried Cakes For Export. N otice is H ereby G iven , That tlie undersigned lias filed his Final Account as Administrator of the Estate of Andrew F Bibby. de­ ceased, and that the County Court of tlie State of Oregon for Tilla­ mook County, has set Monday, the 3rd day of November. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m . as the time and place for tlie hearing of said account and any objections there may be to the same. Dated September 18th, 1913. J ames B ibby . Administrator of tlie Estate of Andrew J. Bibby, deceased. There are mauy kinds of angels ranging in style from those we read about lu the Bible to those who bring I out talent on Ibe stage. It has remain ( ed. however, for a writer lu the Amer : lean Machinist to discover a new type : of the seraphic assortment. This an- ! gel is "ball bearing" and entirely tin I like the common or garden variety j of augels. It stands on top of the fa- I mous tower known as the Campanile , di San Marco, In Venice, and swings to the wind like a weather vane The statue of the angel San Marco, which surveyed the old city of Lagunes since the sixteenth century, was found but little damaged among the ruins after the collapse of the tower. It was repaired aud now stands again on the lofty height, but is supported tn a very different manner from the old. for it now rests on modern ball bearings. This method of mouutiug allows the statue to be turned around a vertical axis by the wind, so that it swings au­ tomatically into such a position that the angel always presents the small­ est surface to the wind or storm. If one considers that the large wings of the angel, which are eleven feet high, project straight backward, it may be imagined that the difference of the wind pressure is considerable, whether the wind blows against the small front surface or against the side exposlug the large face of the wings. Its The Sprudel is the most ancient of all Carlsbad's fountains, the father of all hot springs, aud still pours forth the greatest flood of all. It rises like a geyser in its basin, a steaming, spouting column an Inch and a half thick and from six to thirteen feet high. Around it stand priestesses, the spring girls, dressed tn lonely white waterproof uniforms. They fix the drinking cups at the ends of poles and catch the water as It comes fresh from the earth’s heart The geologists call Carlsbad's foun­ tains virgin or volcanic.water. They have their sources in no^raiufall sink­ ing to till subterranean reservoirs. Cre­ ated in those glowing Inner laborato­ ries of mother earth, the water here leaps to light and air for the first time. Pagan memories seem to stir in one at the thought. It becomes easy to be­ lieve that the springs bring from re­ cesses where It has lurked hidden since creation some magic, unspoiled, prime­ val energy and that the cheerful, smil­ ing German peasant girls who toll so tirelessly are captive woodland crea­ tures serving forces more ancient ¿ban the gods—Harper’s Magazine. THE DREAM CAME TRUE. But Washington Warned “Light Horse Harry” to Dream No Moro. The relations that existed between General Washington and bls younger friend, "Light norse Harry” Lee—the father of General Robert E. Lee—were exceedingly close and tender. It Is an authentic tradition In the Lee fam­ ily that Washington regarded the bril­ liant young cavalry officer almost In the light of a son. Lee was Inclined to be a spendthrift, and bis lavish use of money often brought on him the paternal reproof of bis older and more discreet friend— and the reproof was often followed by affectionate assistance in extricating him from bls embarrassments. Mrs. Washington was almost equally fond of the young officer, who often made long visits at Mount Vernon. During one of bls sojourns there. Harry Lee remarked to bls host at the breakfast table: “General, 1 bad a singular dream last night, which I must tell you. I actually dreamed that you made me a present of your Westmoreland place.” The next day, at the dinner table, Harry Lee found under bls plate a document—nothing less than a deed to School District Valuations. Eating Crow. Although the use of the expression him of the Westmoreland estate. For Valuation of School Districts, “to eat crow” In a metaphorical sense, some momenta, dazed with astonish­ Road Districts, Cities and Ports of meaning to eat one’s words, may well ment, be stared at his friend. “Now. Harry.” said Washington Tillamook County Oregon, for the have dated from the time of Noah, year 1913. when the bird was first looked upon calmly, "take good care not to dream School Diet. No. as unclean and not fit to serve as food Mount Vernon away from mef’ for man. It seems to have arisen from 1 ............................... $ 323,010 Juvenile Ideas. the old tale of the officer and the pri­ 2 • •••• 112, I/o A little girl once said to me. “Are 3 ............................... 224,930 vate. A soldier, having shot a tame 5 ............................... 248,555 crow belonging to one of bls officers, there people ou the moon?” I said I 6 ............................... 62,295 was discovered by the owner with the didn't know, but that perhaps there 7 ............................... 116,720 bird lu his band. Seizing the private’s were. “Well, what do they do," she 8 ............................... 65,295 gun. the officer commanded him to eat said, "when there’s only a little bit? 9 Tillamook........ 2,048,510 the bird as a punishment With the They must get very crowded. Don’t 10 316,960 firearm pointed at his bead, the soldier they?” Which was almost as perplex­ 11 690,740 fell to, but no sooner bad the officer ing as the query put to me by another 12 251,445 little maiden, who asked. “What do laid aside the gun than the culprit 13 . 117,515 . 547,075 grasped ft and compelled his superior angels do with their wings when they 14 Garibaldi lie down and go to bed?” 15 253,050 to join tn the distasteful banquet The Very quaint was the Idea of a little 16 45,550 private was court martlaled the next girl who was once visiting a house 17 222,875 day. and when he was asked by the where a small child had died recently. 18 76,0e5 examiners what had occurred be re­ 19 She was asked to draw something. So 72,880 plied, “ Nothing, except that Captain 20 141,130 she drew a grave with some flowers Bank and I dined together.” 21 75,045 on It. Her mother, on seeing It «aid. 22 188,475 “Janie, you mustn't do that; Mrs. ---- 23 243,350 The Sausage. wouldn't like It. You see. it reminds 24 . 490,830 The sausage dates back to the year her of very sad things." “Oh. well,” 25 116,850 897. it has been asserted that the said the child, “perhaps It was tbougbt- 26 58,720 Greeks in the days of Homer manufac­ less«of me, but I can easily turn it Into 27 422.880 tured sausages, but this prehistoric a beehive." And she did, with nil the 28 671.825 mixture had nothing tn common with bees coming out—Hilda Cowbam In 29 20.4,480 our modern product The ancient so Strand Magazine. 30 13,250 called sausage was composed of the 31 Bay City 1,247,630 32 135,275 same materials which enter Into the Tims Enough, 33 554.825 makeup of the boudin of the French “Some women make me very tired." 34 33,020 market and the blood pudding of the | said the first agitatress. “I asked one 35 540,100 French Canadian. The ancient sausage woman If she believed In woman 36 . 53 335 was enveloped in the stomachs of suffrage, and she didn't know; she'd 37 19,700 goats. It was not until the tenth cen- | have to ask her busband.” 38 317,835 tury that sausage made of bashed pork | “Did you find out bow long she bad 38 Nehalem 860,365 became known. It was in or near the been married?" asked the second agi 40 303,290 42 year 1500 that thanks to the Introduc­ ta tress. 49,610 43 60,005 tion lirto Germany of cinnamon and “Yes. Three weeks ” 44 11,930 saffron, the sausages of,Frankfort and “Ob, never mind; I guess she'll do 45 27,490 Strassberg acquired a universal repu­ to call on again tn a year or so.”—New 46 298,945 tation. York World. 47 6,725 48 Wheeler 220,380 He Had Bean Thera. An A B C Curiosity. 49 224 695 “Can you direct me to the best hotel 50 The following paragraph is made op 26,705 51 In this town?' asked the stranger who, of twenty-aix words, each beginning 163,760 53 59.050 after sadly watching the train depart, with a different letter of the alphabet 54 318.225 bad set bls satchel upon tbs station tbelr arrangement corresponding exact­ 55 45,840 platform. ly with the sequence of the alphabet: 36 347,510 "1 can,” replied the man who was A boy certainly does enjoy fun great­ 6? 2Ô1.470 waiting for a train going the other ly. He incites joy. keeps laughing, 67 ....................... .... 115,185 makes noises or plays quits riotously, way. “but 1 hate to do it” Nehalem City .... 44,175 seeming to unceasingly vibrate with "Why 7' City of Wheeler.. 45,190 •'Because you will think after you’ve x-cesalve youthful zestl — New York Bay City ............... . 300155 Tillamook City.. 694.880 seen it that I’m a llar.”-Cblcago Rec­ World. Port of Nehalem.. ____ ____ 3,268,765 ord Herald. Port Mutual Worry. r>_ . of . Bay City.. 5.576,135 Port of Tillamook. Mrs Call-lt’s too bad of you. Ethel, Physical Geography. Road Diet No. 1 .,___. 990 __ 7,293 The following answer was recently to worry your mamma so. Ethel -Ob. well. Mrs. Call. If Road Diet. No. 3.. 1, <10.040! This does not include railroads reply to the question, “From what di­ you'd live with mamma as long as 1 have you'd know which of ns was to «nd other public service corpora­ rection do most of our rains come?” Most of our rains come straight blame.— 8t Paul Pioneer Press. tions which are assessed by the down, but some of them come side­ •fate tax commission. All special Poor Jack. ways | levies must be filed with the Clara-Jack Intends to have all tils ——---- ~~~~ County Clerk and County Assessor own way when we are married. Clara's Told Ono Truth. *** or before December 1st He (during the quarrel!—Then, by Mamma—Then why do you want to your own account. I didn’t tell you a marry him? Clara-To relieve his Henry A. Johnson, a business single truth liefore we were married, mind of s false Impression. of L’Anse, Mich., writes gbe—Too did one; you said you were For years, Foley's Honey and Tar Poor Men. nnwertliy of me.—Boston Transcript onipound for coughs and colds “la the man your sister Is goto' to •• '*en our family medicine We »'ve it to our children, who like it Mo true and permanent fame can be marry rieh?" “Naw. Every time tbs marriage >• * arcount of its pleasant taste It forni led except In labors which pro­ It * . curr f°v coughs and colds " mote the happiness of mankind.— mentioned pa saya, Toor maaf .„c?n,a'ne no opiates For sale by Charles Sumuer. H oustuu I 'osi . » •“ rlr»Kgista. Persian opium juice is sold In large , copper vessels by the grower to the merchant in whose bauds it undergoes several processes In order to preserve it from fermentation and decay. On sunny, tine, hot days the Persian earn- vauseries. where opiuiu dealers have their magazines, present an interesting picture. The Juice is brought out to tie prepared into cakes for export. Ou large wooden boards, two and a half feet long and one and a half feet broad, the sticky mass is spread out with spade-like tools to permit the water it coutalns to evaporate. Ex­ perienced workers move from board to board, turuiug over the layers every now and then, that the heat and sun may dry up the exposed surfaces and render the opium tit for making into cakes, lu favorable weather this proc­ ess takes only an hour or so, and the opium is ready for the next mauipula- ( lion. it is now scraped off and Is rolled , Into stiff, dough-like lumps and banded i to a man who divides it into smaller j portions, weighing one pound each, which he passes on to molders, by whom they are pressed into the wood­ en forms and then laid on a large board for the final drying process. When tills Is completed the cakes are rolled up in red paper imported spe­ cially from China. One hundred and forty-four are put In tin lined wooden cases are covered with stroug bides aud sacking. Two cases form a mule load.—Christian Herald. E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. Residence und Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. R. L. R. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, ^Tillamook. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the R. JACK OLSEN, firm of Gordon A Rhodes, a corpor­ ation, has assigned all its assets to DENTIST. the undersigned as assignee for tlie benefit of creditors io propor­ tion to their respective claims. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) All persons having claims against said corporation are hereby notified Tillamook - Oregon topresent their claims, under oath, to the undersigned, at his office in Tillamook, Oregon, within three JOHN LELAND HENDERSON months from the date of the first ATTORNEY publication hereof E J. C laussen , AND Assignee COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. Fiist publication, October 2, 1913. T illamook B lock , Notice. Til mook . Oregon. N otice is hereby given, that in Room No. 261. accordance to Section 5, of Chapter 142, Laws ot 1913, tlie County' Sur veyor of said county lias tiled in T. BOTTS, th is-office his certificate, of tlie com­ pletion of that certain contract be­ ’ attorney - at - law . tween M. J. Jenek and Tillamook Complete Set of Abstract Books in County, running from Hebo, to Cloverdale, Oregon, from Sta C X Office. O to Sta 39 X 36, in accordance with Taxes Paid for Non Residents. the plans and specifications, and BUSHY TAILED RATS. any person firm or corporation T illamook B lock , having objections to tile to tlie com­ - • • Oregon. They Will Steal Anything Bright That pletion of said work may do so Tillamook - They Can Carry Away. Both Phones. within two weeks from tlie first In the west and uorth as far as Hud­ publication in the office of the son bay a species of rat is found that County Clerk. Dated this 16th day of October, QARI. HABKRLACH, lias a tail like the squirrel aud is known as the busby tailed rat, al­ A. D. 1913. J. C. H olden , though more familiarly as the pack ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. County Clerk. rat because of the curious trait tt has T illamook B eock , of packing off with everything it can get hold of and carry. Oue reads a Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Tilluinook ... Oregou. great mauy things regarding the intel­ Real Property. ligence of rats, but from all accounts N otice is H ereby G iven , that these pack rats seem to be the clever­ by virtue of an Execution ami est of the race. BORGE WILLETT, Order of Sale issued out of the Cir Trappers and cnuipers out tell in­ cuit Court of the State of Oregon, numerable stories about them. They for TiKnniook County, dated the ATTORN BY- ATI. AW j will steal knives, forks, spoons, any­ 14th day of October, 1913, in tlie thing. in fact, that Is bright and porta­ cause wherein Martha M. Bauer T illamook C ommercial B uilding , ble, nud will carry the stolen articles was plaintiff, and Helen Louise to their nests to play with or take Gilday and K. N. Crockett were de­ Tillamook . Oregon. fendants, upon a judgment and de­ them somewhere and leave them in cree rendered and docketed in said place of other articles they steal. Dr. court in said cause against said de­ Merriam, the linturallst. was told a fendants, Helen Louise Gilday and T. BO ALS, M.D. story by a hunter which Illustrated’ E. N. Crockett, and in favor of said plaintiff, Martha M, Bauer, com­ this odd fancy of the pack rat. The hunter had gone to sleep, leav­ manding me to satisfy tlie said PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ing a knffe sticking In a log. He was judgment and decree, amounting Surgeon S.P. Co. awakened in the night by a noise to the sum of $850.00 and interest thereon from the 3rd day of August, which be discovered by the light of 1912, at the rate of 10 per cent per (L O. O. F. Bldg ) the campfire was made by a couple of annum; the further sum of $85 00 pack rats sitting on the log in which attorney’s fees, and the sum of Tillamook . • Oregon. the hunter bud left the knife. Tbe $.37.60 costs and disbursements, by knife was gone aud the rats were try­ the sale of the real property be­ ing to put a stick about n foot long In longing to the defendants, and g M. KERRON, Its place. They were making an ef­ hereinafter described. Now, THEREFORE, in order to fort to get the stick to stand up in the satisfy the said judgment and de crack, but not having the skill to In­ cree, 1 will, on the 22ml day of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON sert It properly It fell repentedly. nink November, 1913, at 10 o’clock a.m. T illamook B lock , ing the odd sound which had disturbed at the front door of Hie County aud awakened the owner of the knife. Court House in Tillamook City, Tillamook - ■ • ~ ■ Oregon. Oregon, sell to the highest bidder —New York Sun. for ct-sh in hand.at public auction, the said real property, situated in By Their Ribs You May Know Thom. the County of Tillamook and State L'mlirellas sometimes apeak louder of Oregon, described as follows: C. HAWK, than words. Tbe traveling English­ All of the southeast one quarter man bad become so cosmoiiolltiiu that of section 31, in township 5 scutli the umbrella mender could not tell Ills of range 10 west of Willamette Meri PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, customer was English until be opened dian. Dated this 23rd day of October, tbe umbrella. Then he said: 1913. Buy City .... Oregon. "English, I suppose? Anyhow, your II. C renshaw , umbrellu Is. Umbrellas have a dis­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. tinct nationality, especially American SARCHET, mid English umbrellas. By tbelr rllm you may know them. American urn Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines The Fashionable Tailor If you want to contribute directly lirellas »ro best provided with those to the occurrence of capillary bron­ supports If Intended for a lady an chitis and pneumonia use cough American umbrella has nine ribs. If medicines that contain codine, mor­ Cleuning, Pressing and Repairing for a gentleman ten or even twelve, as phine, heroin and other sedative« a Specialty. against eight ribs in English nmbrel- when you liuve n cough or colrl. An expectorant like t huiiilterliiin's Ins for either sex. Even thia number Remedy is what is needed. represents a big cut in fhe anatomy of Cough Store in Heine Photographic I hat cleans out the culture beds or an American umbrella, which former breeding places tor the germs ol Gallery. ly contained twelve or fifteen ribs for pneumonia and other germ dis­ a woman and aa high aa twenty for a eases. That ia why pneumonia never results from a cold when H. GOYNE, gentleman.”—New York Sun. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used It has a world wide reputa­ Reading Hia Fortune. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tion for its cures. It contain no A negro, having won a dollar at a morphine or oilier sedative. For crap game, decided to apend It on hav­ sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Office: OI'P ohitk COURT Housg, ing his fortune told. The fortune A Marvelous Escape. Tillamook . teller led him Into a gloomy room with - Oregon, dirty hangings and misty red lights “My little boy had a marvelous escape, ” writes I*. F. Baatiama of Sho took his palm, traced It with a J. CLAUSSEN, dollar, spread out her cards and then Prince Allert, Cape of Good Hope. It occured in the middle of the . LAWYER, said: night. He got a very severe attack “You are very fond of mualc; you of croup. As luck would have it, I DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. like chicken; you have won money at had a large bottle of Chamlierhtin’a 213 T illamook B lock crape, and you have been In Jail.” Cough Remedy in the house After Tbe negro looked at her with bulging following the directions for an hour Oregon and twenty minutes he was through Tillamook eyes and finally ejaculated: "Mali goodness, lady—why, yo’ Jest all danger.” For «ale by Lamar’s read mab inmost thoughts^—Ex- Drug Store. J K. REEDY, D.V M„ ebangk. The changeable weather of early fall brings on coughs and colds Two 8teried. VETERINARY. Elmer, aged six, accompanied tils that have a weakening effect on the system, and may lieconie chronic. Both’Phonea. father to the circus one afternoon. Use Foley's Honey and Tar Com Among tbe many strange and bewil­ lamnd. I* has a very soothing and Oregon. dering things he saw was one man healing effect on the irritated and Tillamook . stunditig on tbe shoulders of another. inflamed air pun-agei*, and will it is’a well "Look, papa!” lie exclaimed. “There's help vnL LA MM for each and every rugjfi«(4 7 ft« Take Uaii • Laualy I'UU for cuaaUpaUoa. I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office : Next door to Star Theatre. E. K, DAN1KIA CHIROPRACTOR. Ixx al Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE