Tillamook Headlight, October 23, I9i3 HIS RETURN BANQUET. THE LOVELIGHT IN HIS EYES. It Was a Grand Sue.al Buccaaa and Cost the Majar Nothing. A veteran offi<-er in tbe Col ted States army recently told of tbe ahrewdtH-aa riiapiayed by a major in tbe old days. He bad been appointed to tbe tom uiiiit of an army on an ¡aland iwt a groat way from San Francioco. Soon after hi* arrival there a French Beet droptwd anclirw In the hart «s- Tbe coni ma Oder invited tbe major ■ t«wrd tbe flagship and entertained Idm royally. e Tbe M«, rtm-l tbe worths major tbe uett day tbat lie »»« in honor bound to return tbe cofiipllmeut. but be wa* staggered by the expense involved. To give a l>anquet befitting bis dig- nity as a United States officer enter- talulug a distinguished representative of a foreign nation would mean bank­ ruptcy. as tbe government had not au­ thorized him to draw on its treasury fur such a fiurpoae. and tbe cost of tlie affair would have to come out of bis own jKa ket A bright idea struck blm. He invited tbe naval visitors toet’e face in tbe lu tbe honoebokl outaide of tbe kl< k hour of inspiration sets the eparrows room. Labels for bottles and Jana can singing on tbe housetops. My own be made of It. «Ince tbe name la ensi'y I features are of tbe commonplace type - printed in Ink. and tbe whole label -Dob,idy thinks of regarding them I may be removed with no effort when Ic la outgrown. A hot water bottle twice—yet I. too. hare bad my expert em-va. declares a contributor to Punch. , can be mended wltb adhesive tape; in “They occurred on tbe morning when fact, any rubber hose or container | 1 received a letter from Phyllis, which may bare Its life prolonged by it. Keen •aid briefly. 'Yes, I think so.’ Not a three cornered tear I d a cloth or dark dress become« lnrtclbta when uiu< fa lu that, you may say. but when I I tell you it was the delayed answer to pressed tn place over a small square a proposal of marriage you will under- of IL If any tart« are not at band wb»n I stand. Shortly after reading it I atep- l«al eut into Hie street to walk to tbe the window shade is pulled off the roller adhesive tape will put it ba k office strongly aDd neatly. "And when I "What a «alk that was! Tbe light In my eyes seemed to brighten tbe very have a corn or a tender spot on my sun; tbe song in my heart was echoed Coot.” said tbe trained nurse wbo sug from a hundred motorbuses. Never gested some of these uses, “a little have tbe winds of May wooed so win­ patch of adhesive tape is a great com­ fort and protection from chafing." A ningly a February morning. binding strip of adhesive tape is In­ ''Every mao I met turned bis bead valuable for sheet music tbat is much as if loath to take bis eyes from my in use. Manuscripts, too, can be fast­ Irradiated countenance. Every girl ened together at tbe top with a broad seemed to take tbe keenest pleasure in band of IL” my happiness and smiled at me pret­ Strips of adhesive tape are spien>Ud tily as if inflated by its contagion • *11« «ell/ I thought (in blank verse). for training plants, such as Ivy or Ib.it I'bylli.« now is pledged to me nr, other vine«, against a bouse founds don. for fastening rose bushes or to­ by my troth, these fiaBering glances mato vines to the supporting frani'S allot from Is-uuty's eyes- might make i or for any use In tbe garden wb> n my heart uufailbful.’ string or wire would cut the tender, “It was only when I reached the of growing stalks. —New York Tribune. O' v and looked in tbe glass that 1 dis­ covered tbe large black smudge on tbs end of my nose." AUCTION SALES. COURAGE OF NAPOLEON Elisha Yale Held the First Ono In England In 1700. Tbe first auction gale in England wag held Iti 1700 by Elisha Yale, who bud been governor of Madras and who adopted that plan for selling tbe East Indian wares be bad brought borne Tbe sale attracted wide attention and I was so successful that others immedi stely adopt«1 tbe plan. Before tbe close of tbe eighteenth century England began to place a tax on auction sales, and at times these duties have ranged as blgb as 5 per cent In IMS the tax was repealed, but a charge Imposed on tbe license to be taken out by all auctioneers. Tbe abuses at auctions, caused by combi­ nations of brokers to bld up tbe offer- logs, led to tbe adoption of stringe l : regulation In America auctioneers of a certain class bare also been guilty of manj Impositions on tbe public. Fake "auc­ tion sales" of alleged bankrupt stocks of merchandise, "fire sales" and simi­ lar schemes have long been used to Impose on tbe credulous. At maDy such sales tbe auctioneer baa confed­ erates In tbe crowd wbo start the bid­ ding and continue It until tome legiti­ mate bidder bas offered a price tbat affords tbe promoters a handsome profit Tbe imposition of heavy fines and prison sentences bas discouraged this class of auctioneers In most sec- tions.—Milwaukee Sentinel. The Way It Carried Him From Aapern- Essling to Wagram. Professor J Hol In nd Hose In “The I’ernunality of Napoleon" writes of Na­ poleon's courage He says tbat bis percomility "never stood forth so grandly a« after a defeat." The most serious blow lu the middle part of bis < ureer was that dealt him by the Arch­ duke Charles ut Aspern Essllng. Dorth east of Vicuna. Tbe Austrians were uearly double him in strength, The bridges over tbe Danube bad been broken down in bls rear. His great marshal, lainues. bad been killed, and, lu (act. be bad suffered a terrible re­ verse. All his generals were for re­ treat but be withstood them, and Pro­ fessor Rose ranks the next six weeks "among tbe most glorious of bis mili­ tary career." He secured new troops. deceived bis eDemy by false move­ ments and finally defeated him at Wagram But a decline came to such a pro­ digious man. He himself said at St Heleua that be bad been spoiled by success. It was natural tbat tbe vic­ tor io fifty pitched battles and innu­ merable smaller engagements should come to believe himself omniscient and Invincible It was this hardening of tbe mind tbat betrayed him into tlie Itiissiiiu camiwign. that caused him to retuse all compromise lu 1SI3 and 1814 and that Id him to defeat by bis In­ A Thousand-year-eld Castle. feriors. Wellington and Blucher, at Tam wort b castle, which bas had a Facing a Waterspout. I Waterloo, just a« Hannibal was final­ tbonsand years of checkered existence, Wbat It means to encounter a water ly beaten by his Inferior, Scipio, at stands on tbe site of a Saxon fortress, •pout In tbe south seas is de«< rltied Zama. built by a daughter of Alfred tbe by n writer: "First of all. a black Great, which was formerly tbe seat of tnink. like an elephant's, began to feel tbe kings of Mercia It will be famil­ Putting Trees to Bed. blindly about In midair, hanging from An Interesting met bod of protecting iar by name to all readers of Scott, « <-b>ud It came nearer and nearer peach trees from frost during tbe wlu wbo bas made famous with uncanny speed, drawing up to ter has tureu practiced for several led Ma rm ion . itself as It came a colossal cone of years at the agricultural experiment Of Taniworth tower and town. turbulent sea until tbe two joined to­ station at Canyon. Colo Tbe present edifice is mainly a Early in No­ gether In an enormous black pillar vember tbe earth is removed from a Jacobean structure, standing on a lofty some quarter of a mile bread at tbe circle about four feet In diameter artificial mound and chiefly remark­ base and probably a good thousand round en< b tree, and water is turned In able for a tuultanguar ivy clad tower feet high, uniting as It did the clouds to saturate the noil. When tbe ground and a rather gloomy banqueting ball. and lite sea below. Across tbe darken­ baa lievome soft the tree la worked It was sold to tbe corporation some ing sea. again«! the tbreotenlng cop- back and forth to loosen tbe roots and rears ago by tbe Marquis Townshend, per crimson sunset, came this gigantic Is then pushed o'er on Its side The wbo is on tlie distaff side a lineal horror, waltzlrfg over troughs of torn lira tubes are brought together and descendant of the Marmious. — West­ up water In a veritable dance of death, minster Gazette. fastened with a cord, and burlap cor like something blind, but mad and ered with earth 1« put over them cruel, trying to hod and shatter our Ready For Anything. Tima tbe trees lie snug uutll spring fragile tittle ship " Tbe efficiency of tbe French system when tbe covering 1« gradually loos ened and finally removed and they are of highly centralised government even W'Se Insects. in tbe face of tbe upheavals of nature, raised and propped up.-lloky Mouo In bls ex|«-r1tnetit« to determine has been comically illustrated. tain News , whether it Is the ••ulur or tbe odor of A slight earthquake shock having flower« that attra< ts l>ere and other fu­ been felt tn a pert of the French prov­ But She Hadn ’ t. se' ta M Plateau, the Heigtau soolo- inces. tbe evil .prefect of ooe depart- "What’s tbe matter, old chap? Ton ■nent an Important government official, gl«t bethought him of trying a mirror. Ilr selected a flower of striking color look as If you badn t bad a wink of telegraphed to tbe minister of tbe In­ and strong odor and placed It before an sleep all night" terior as follows: “On the first In­ "I haven't You see. my wife threat excellent glass In wbicli ths reflection forms t but of the seismic tremors I was perfect All tbe insects went ened never tn sfieak to me again If I «ummoned tbe government attorney dkin t come home last night before 10 »tralght to tbe real flower, and not a tbe lieutenant of gendarmerie and tbe single one approached the rvflwtion Io o'eto- k. and I didn't.** r olive magistrate. I hare assumed my “I see You're finding out tbe looe- the mirror. irflfurui end now await your orders.*— aomenesa of solitude because she kept Loudon Mall I her word, eh?" Fast and Blow. "Not by a Jugful I wUb abe bad.** Bedd-DId you have a nice ■ Q(O Whs« Everybody Gets Tired. »■oldie trip? Greene- 1‘art of tbe way. — Exchange If everyt««1y 1« to be tired, what will I Tlie chauffeur went ton fast going get motto!oo-ut | Just turned tmslwewi women have ranged hut t'harle« Rnmner. of whom the late out tbe light fiaWdiv «nafchlngly over It. hand to K L. Gndkio. tbe New York editor hand for a quarter veutury or so.- said New York TrftuiM. Fes Hunting “lie worts his adjective« So hard that In rom in a nit ire where fox bunting It they ever catch him alone they will Is nMi-Ider»«I a «fsirt retching one Io E«sn W stob . n.unlet him " He ftartlng dont r.« know that It tbe rsrdlnal offense The rule la fox huntlns 1« that you may < base tbe I« ualie-ky to pasdl***"« a wedding? Mew It Happened. Mr dreaamak quarry but y,Hi nnn>l nut overtake IL — •he I eag't help that The Chroeik- Meddler—Yen ere ex- Philadelphia I edger er ta IH. sud I'm afraid It would be tn-niele latid for one of your age The m-wv nelm-ky If I were tu go and E rmItre the power of tbe I want suole while my father Is still I'hila del ph la ledger ■nether ton eue F asked the y tmng man willing to pay fnr them I I üí¡ I SENT HIMSELF_ BY MAIL ADHESIVE TAPE. 0ns Uss to Which th. Pa reel England Msy Bs P«t- I An Englishman wished to ev-tomer living th a remote Bvlbaiu. one of the suburbs st by paying a fee of tbree- Tbe gentletusa l«ncg a mile. gentleman bad had ■r beard of such a thing, and ft is said tbat very few in England know th h it can be done. <,q>ting the offer, the gentleman plfl' cd In « barge of a messenger fan liar with all parts of tbe city and MX>n _ on hi» way The boy carried was___ a printed slip on which was writteu s de«- rlption of tlie "psrceF in charge under tbe bending. "Article required to be delivered.” and before leaving tbe customer's bouse both tbe cus­ tomer and tbe gentleman were re­ quired to place their signatures on the iwqier. The limit In weight for anything de­ livered by parcel post In England is generally understood to be eleven p uds. but there is one clause which read«. "A person may be conducted by express messenger to any address ou payment of mileage fee."—Argonaut A. McNAIR, President D L. SHRODE, Vice-President. CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer Board of Appraisers — E M BALES F. JI. MIICNK. R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. * Board of Trustees— JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS I. C. SMITH. W. G, McGEE, is Í0 g A. C. EVERSON, Th» Playwright's Fame Clung to Him Better Than His Riches. L'ion Bou' i'tiiilt re- eived £300 for his «bare in the authorship of "London Assurance.” Tbe way in which be spent tb.it sum was an indication of things to come Be bought two horses, a cab and seven new coats. His ex- travagauce reacbed a climax over "Babil and Rl Jon." produced at Covent Garden in August. 1872 The money was foil nd by I .ord Londesborough. and Boin-fcanlt (with him Phinchel was under contra'-t to produce some­ thing that might be called dramatic Wbat was produced was a gorgeous and incoherent spectacle, with red lob­ sters recunit>ei)t nt the bottom of tbe sea. BouMcsult. who had run up bills to tbe extent of £10.000 or so. did not stay for tbe production, but betook himself abroad All that persists of this magnificent fiasco Is the boys' cho­ rus. "Spring. Spring. Beautiful Spring." which was retained almost by chance. But Bouckault was better known by bls Irish dramas tbat are fresh today, as "Tlie Shaughraun.” “Arrah na I’ocue.” 'The Colleen Bawn” and tbe like By these be became rich and fa­ mous. but bls fame clung to him bet­ ter than his riches.—London Post i Loan Agent, A u > I Have Come Back To re-establish myself it) the Business And to boost for Tillamook, I will appreciate a call from all of my old customers, and have no scruples about meeting them. My policy when here before was to treat you the best I knew how and to give you honest work for your money, and this will be my policy in the future. It will be a pleasure to me to know that I have pleased you and I will make every effort to do so,"I have had 22 years’ experience in the Sheet Metal Business and you get the benefit of that experience. I have come to stay and my ambition will be to please you first, last and always. Respectfully, SHOP IN BRODHEAD BUILDING Formerly with McNair Hardware Co. I SIDNEY E HENDERSON, No Landlubber. Young Jack Tabbs bas only been in the navy for a few mouths, but there is Dot a more enthusiastic sea dog In tbe whole of bls majesty's service. He recently made application for and re­ ceived tbe usual leave and proceeded to Loudon and his mother's bouse. Mrs Tabbs lives on tbe third floor of a bouse in Camberwell, and wbeD be arrived at her address be stood in tbe doorway and bawled up tbe stairs: "Mother, aloft there! Jack's come borne! Open tbe window!" “Why. Jacky, my dear." cried tbe o>d lady from the landing, “wbaterer'a wrong with tbe stairs?" ■'Stairs!" cried tbe weather worn tar, wltb ineffable contempt "Wbat do I ' know about stairs? J ust you open tbe window and iower a rope to tbe main deck, uud be quick about it!"— Londou Express. fl Fcr Sale or Trade— Tillamook Co Land City Property, Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. Sheet Metal EOUCICAULT’S PROFITS. President. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Secretary-Treas. Attorney-at-Law and Notar» Rubile. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company (INCORPORATED), Abstracts : Real Estate Surveying Insurance BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint, "Females.’’ Our woman «ords have all expert wed vicissitudes of fortune. "Fe­ male." like tbe rest, bas had its day Cbam-er introduced ft under tbe guise of "fenielle" and Shakespeare used It a few times instead of "soman." But it was the eMriy novelists who clothed it with respectability by making all their women "females." So exceed­ ingly resfHstable bad It become in tbe time of Dr Johnson that Fanny Bur­ ney called tbe prin ess royal "tbe sec­ ond female in tbe kingdom ” Even so late as tbe pubUcatton of Tennyson a "Prin< e«s'' Mrs. Browning was able tu write with perfect propriety that the t»oem dealt «ith "a university attend- eo by * females Then dex-adeuce set in till now do «bred of respectability is left to tt ft — I Ix/udou a . udon Standard. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. DOCKS t WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN înd & 3rd AVENÜE WEST Near Fame. A young niau. constant In bis at­ tendance tn a cafe where the art stu dents congregate In r»ria. sat in his usual corner arel surveyed tbe «ene Wbo ta that ' rhapr asked a visitor, "is tie a painter or a sculptor. or whstr ’■vHi. no; noue of those." said a babl- tn»- “He bas a most engaging and Important calling - be is tbe brother of a tsiet"- Raturdsy Evening Post Good Security. .vlltllgao -If I be afther lavlog aecur- Iti .«lull ter ubat I takeaway Will yea 4 throat me Illi nut wake? Kaod* (the gn«er> - Certainly Mllllga0 _ Well, tmn sell me two ar Il)ttu hlUM gB’. ka|e wan av thltu till 1 come agio- Puck. * Meetly All Talk. feel quite well l| I« Sa nerrenary ns air nkuig strength, bold all over tl.e world. Nothing ron hr ihme at nnre hnatlly and pro4>-uity. I MV, ns •, ms I i V». J. \ zn Schuyvcr & Co., General Portland, Orcjoa