Tillamook Headlight, I Octol'er 2:i._im3. . Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord food superstitions that is cleared. Of course, the it requires a vote of the pc »pie, will they vote favorably or un ­ change in going to .»ring about L egal A dvertisement »: Oy.k w.rrisr. Won’t Eat D.sr For 10 considerable complaint, as most favorably if it was submitted to First loaertion, i>er line .. f Fear of Becoming Timid. 5 ¡changes do when it touches a them ? Wliat seems to lx- dis- Each subsequent insertion, line In rural Germany one »till meets Business and professional cards, I person's pocket book. No one courigiug in building a new with s supers, iti'.u I but he who e,..s 1 month.................................. .. 1 CO will lie able to blame tlie Coun- road or pro|»erly surveying and Homestead Notices................... 5 001 tv Assessor or other officials rebuilding >■ former road is the during ii thunderstorm »ill * I by lightning. Abs.nihing bom fo<- Timber Claims ................. io in1 5 I who follow tile new land for as­ time it takes to finit h it when ’during an ei-lipse ¡» Locals per line each insertion \...... sessing land and preperty at its the cost exceeds a certain sum. .... . also a ts lief tl»" ui eating toe Display advertisement, an inch, 50 full value. We miss our guess which entails a large amount of H,.sh of any sulm.il ’■”« absorbs that month................................ All Resolutions rtf Condolence und if the dairymen of the county money being tied up in a roa I „„hnsl’s . Imrai teristh-s. l l,,H 1,11 Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. do not wake up to the fact that with no benefit to lx- derived. dlan tribe highly prizes tigers flesh ns Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. they are assessed too high anti We believe it would be good r,.,<| for mw>. but forbids womeu lo Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, are paying too much taxes be­ idea to build the Sandlake road sh ( it lest It iniike ...... too aggressive. I etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ i Ill the Kongo women ure forbidden cause land speculator», to fea­ under that system, which would ' ing five line“. Í to ent birds of prey on the same princi­ ther their own pockets, have give it relief in one year, anti ple but lire encouraged to eat frogs, Afa&fi RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. j forced up the price of land t»e- the Bayocean road could be put wliieli the men on uo account ever J?"* I vend its actual value. Most of through in two years by the t,,u Ii In the Caroline Islands black- (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) 01A«, 1 .So tbe dairymen are good at figures same system. This would he birds are a favorite dish with women, One year....... •Style, 75 and we will leave it to them to one project in each road dis­ Six months.... but nmti must not ent them, because 50 Three months figure it out how much extra trict, and we think it only fair Ii one did nml afterward climbed a co­ Perfect Bake, taxation they are paying on ac­ that other parts of the county coa tree be would surely full to the Entered as second class mail mat­ count of inflated valuations. I A Fuel which have tieen benefited with ground aud be killed. ter July, 18»», at the post office at Saver Tillamook, Ore., under the act of When they have done this then good roads should lend a help-| Among the Dyaks warriors moat not they ought to know who to ing hand and help boost for eat venison because It would make March 3, 1879. »5 CALLON 1 J Some housewives who AtL COPFLQ f f display » reuiarkubla place the blame upon for plac- good roads in places where they them as timid as the deer. Fowls and rlslrvoir j amount of broad, bound, i WILL GIVE I co tn tn on sense along ing ficticious valuat’ons and have patiently waited so long eggs are forbidden to women of a Ban­ BOILINC f other lines, persist in the Ï7 4Í VCU WATER tu tribe because on eating either a / I “watered stock" in the dairy and deprived of a way ont. Let 1 > delusion—and it is a de- woman would eerlttlnly fly into the hislon-that they arc real ­ lands of this county. us all show a magnanimous brush and never again be seen. Again, ly practicing economy by t..,ln« to Kctoloug-to get spirit in boosting for good roads the flesh of many animals is forbidden rt.suits—out of an old. worn- out range merely to save the The effort to deprive the State ; all over the county, for it does because the animals themselves—for price ol n new ono. Your old range or stove was put L’niversity of fund« for main­ not show the right spirit to op­ example. swine—are disagreeable to together with putty and stove bolts pose roads in other districts after or have untidy habits. — Es- the eye tenance and up building pur-; and probably you cun stick u pon- Watch the Tillamook cheese they have been obtained in our change. knlfe In the seams and Joints any­ poses is to be deplored, but the’ where on It where the stove putty bus makers pack off the prizes next crumbled away. When a ranco c< ta knockers” have succeeded for own vicinity, week. In that condition, it takes fuel em.uc.h BAD FOR PRONUNCIATION. several years, through the new to warm all outdoors In order to Bi t your oven hot enough for baklng-and then you run the risk of burning what«.. The Sterilization Law If you are a friend of the pub­ i double system of legislation, to Is In tho oven. You can soon burn up tbe price of the best range evermLI Silent Reading and Neglect of Con­ stunt the progressive of the 1 1 n useless waste of fuel In «Ji old, worn-out stove or range—ana lic school turn out November 4 versation Are Harmful. neither practical economy nor good management, “ and vote “Yes” for the Univer­ State L’niversity. This places (TO EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT) If vou would practice real economy In your household management u Perhaps tho most potent uf influ- will pay you. the next time you uro in town, to call at our store and lnani£ Portland, Oregon, sity appropriation, for it is in Oregon at tt disadvantage, for euces toward diverse pronunciation, closely lulo the perfect baking and remarkable fuel suvlug Qualities of tba October lflth. 1913. need of funds for necessary im­ California and Washington are’ especially difference In accent. Is tbo not only leaving this State be-| We believe that Sterilization l.aw filet thnt we seldom or never hear in provements. hind in the advancement of their should be rejected because it does conversation a vast number of words universities, but also in good not sufliciently guard the gaiety of which nevertheless constitute an im­ Just a little snap shot to show roads. For the information of our the insane and feeble-minded and portant and indispensable part of our how absurd the “inspired” edi­ readers, the State Legislature all prisoners in the State Institi! vixnbulnry. torial writers make Bro. Trom­ appropriated certain amounts of "By silent reading and Degleet of tions. bley appear. Another column money to improve the Univer­ i If this law is approved by the conversation language itself." declares of dope appeared in the Herald sity, which had been sadly ne­ people and i» constitutional, it Wll| Richard Grunt White. “Is coming into which says that we do not own glected for several years. Then, disuse." The result of this practice Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges he possible for only two met', cue Is not only that we are always men­ a foot of property in the city it seems that those who are not a superintendent of a State As; him, tally registering pronunciations pecul­ ft is the only range made entirely of open iron grate—you can tee IL and is in no wise effected by the malleable iron and charcoal iron. Char- beat escapes — no cold air get» into in sympathy with the school without an oath or affidavit, with iar to ourselves, which we have no coat iron won’t rust Itke steel—mallaeble the oven — eaves half the fuel and pavement, and for that reason and university systems of the out a trial or hearing, without .. means <-f ascertaining to be uncommon iron can’t break, and while the first assures perfect baking. we should keep quiet. We own coat of a Great Majestic may be more State, by the aid of our new I notice to the insane person or or ridiculous, but also thnt the uatural Movable Copper Reservoir than some other ranges, it outwears 3 property within a stone's throw The reservoir is all copper, heated fangletl legislative system, have prisoner, or to any friend, relative tendencies of our language, unrestrain­ ordinary ranges. like a tea kettle through copperpock- of the Herald office with assess­ used this, if possible, todeprive or guardian, to cause any insane ed by the conservative force which oc­ et (stamped from one piece of copper) Half The Fuel ments amounting to several setting against left hand lining of fire the University of necessary person in the State institutions to casional use in conversation might ex­ box. It boils 15 gallons of water in a hundred dollars for pavement funds, anil nt the same time The Majestic is put together with Jiffy and, by turning lever, the frame- , be sterilized, spayed, castrated or ert rapidly foster new pronunciations rivets (not bolts and stove putty) and sewer That makes Bro. reservoir—moves away from fire. making it absolutely air tight, like an and help to cripple its usefulness. otherwise mutilated bv any '‘sur­ and produce a diversity of pronuncia­ Thia feature is patented and can ba engine boiler. Tho Joints and seams used only Trombley look ¡silly, which is It is now up to the people to on the Majestic. will remain air tight forever as neither gical operation” the S’ate Board of tion even among tbe most careful Ask us to show you the greatest only on a par with the other expansion nor contraction can affect improvement ever put into a range- determine whether the Univer­ i Health may be pleased to order. speakers. or open them. makes Majestic 3009b stronger where silly truck he is fool enough to sity i" to have these necessary All these Influences obviously sup­ Nothing is required by law but ap­ other ranges are weakest. plement each other In resisting any publish for those who hold him Pyre Asbestos Lining funds or not, and if they would proval by the State Board of Hue re Other Exclusive Feature« trend toward uniform pronunciation by the seat of tbe pants. Bro. get out and vote there is no In addition, It Is lined with pur© It’s the best range at any prior ports of the superintendent. and facilitate the progress of the tend ­ asbestos board, covered with an and should be in your kitchen. Trombley does not own a foot of doubt but what a favorable vote, There is nothing in the law to encies of speech peculiar to our Eng­ realty in the city, so had better FOR SALE BY would be recorded for the Uni­ prevent all of this being done be lish tongue.—Robert J. Menner in At­ take tiis own medicine and keep versity. The enemies of the fore any of the work is made public. lantic Monthly. ALEX McNAIR & CO. quiet himself. i University have a great advan-' We do not think any two men or ' tage in the special election, for any combination of men should A Fleet Street Story. Henry Arthur Broome, in "The Log Tillamook City will extend a the reason that there will be a have this power over the bodies of of a Rolling Stone.” says that in 1871 cordial welcome to the Oregon small vote cast. Then thereare insune persons or prisoners. It is he was engaged In wood engraving for Butter and Cheese Milker’s As­ those who go to the polls and true that the law says the insane Punch when one day, at the end of the vote “No,” or not at all, on the person or prisoner may appeal from sociation and tile Oregon Dairy­ measures to lx' voted on tiecause the order of the Slate Board, but it week, short of money, ho stood gazing men's Association next week, longingly nt the cherries on a coster­ they do not approve of that sys­ does not require that he or she and it is hoped that the cheese monger’s barrow which stood nbreast Lisle Ross Killed by Tree. tem of legislation, or care to shill have any notice white ver, and of the offices of the London Telegraph. makers and the dairymen of the take part in it. These two this makes appeal impossible, ex­ His gaze arrested the attention of a county will turn ont and parti­ Lisle Ross, of this city, who was cipate ill the proceedings, for it things are liable to prove dis­ cept by the kindness of the super­ gentleman whom be bad often seen working for the Sunset Timber Co. astrous to the University mea­ intendent of the asylum or peni­ there before, though not at midday. will be a get together meeting near Timber, was killed last Fridiy sure, for the enemies of the tentiary Then a kindly deed was done. The for the purpose of hearing in­ evening, Oct. 17th, by a tree falling on You don’t know how much real comfort you gentleman, a veiling bls gaze from me teresting addresses on dairying educational system of the State J We recommend that thia law be him, a limb of the tree penetrated neir can take out of a rainy day until you have a moment, purchased two paper bags worn a and other important subjects. are actively at work and will go rejected by voting 305 X No. the hip severing an artery, causing a of this fruit. Then, placing one of to the polls to accomplish their We do not say the present officers If anyone ought to feel at home TOWER’S FISH BRAND hemmorhage from which he died. TU them In the pocket of his capacious purpose. We appeal to the would abuse the authority granted in Tillamook County it is the tree struck him about six o’clock in REFLEX SLICKER voters of Tillamook County to them by this law, but we believe dust coat, he turned to me with the butter und cheese makers and sweetest smile imaginable and without The on/« slicker with the famow Reflex Edge and he died at 8:30. go to the polls November 4 and the history of mankind proves that (pat’d) that prevents waler from running in dairymen of other parts of the a word offered tile other one to me, The body was brought to Tillamook at the front. Made for hard ©CTvice. Two vote "Yes” for the L’niversity such seciet power is too great to which I gratefully accepted. He thon state, but let us give them the colors—black or yellow. on Sunday and on Monday morning >t glad hand of welcome to the appropriation, and in doing so tie given any body of men over passed ou and went upstairs to the of­ 10:30 the funeral services were held it $3.00 Everywhere. the citizens will show that they other men. women, and most of all fices of the newspaper. That was my great cheese producing country SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. the M. E. Church. Rev. Weber, pastor, are not in sympathy or league over the helpless insane persons first introduction to the prince of jour­ of the N ortliwest. And more A. J. TOWER CO. officiating. Interment took place at with “knockers” who .are at­ and prisoners nalists. George Augustus Sala. BOSTON than that Let the “outsiders” the I. 0. O F. cemetery. Tower Canadian Limited, tempting to undermine the ed ­ (Signed) M G. M vnly , see that Tillamook dairymen Tomato 1C13 Lisle Melville Ross was born in The A Limit to Hi» Power. ucational system of Oregon by ■ E mmett C allahan , are a live, progressive bunch Dalles, Jan. 2«, 1890. He was one uf A curious historical anecdote is band­ invoking we should have said H enry E. M c G inn , by attending these meetings in four children born to Margaret tnd ed down from the time of James 1. abusing the referendum law. P erry J oseph G reen , James, being in wuut of £20,000, ap­ 1 rge numbeis. The w.iv to W ate » John Even Ross. A sister, Jessie Eve­ T hesev C annot L ora C. L ittle , make these conventions n suc­ plied to tile corporation for a loan. R eflex E dce R un h A t lyn Ross, now in Vancouver, B. C., » T he I ront . J. If. B lack , P rotect Y ou a There are several road pro- cess—we feel confident they are Tbe corporation refused. The king brother, Bruce Wallace Ross of the I’. W S. U'R en , going to he is to work toge­ jects under consideration that insisted. "But. sire, you cannot com­ S. Navy, and a sister, Morn* Clark • M atilda M. G reiner . pel us.” said tbe lord mayor. "No,” ther and pull together and come should be undertaken as soon Parkhurst, and his mother survive him. I disapprove of tlie law because exclaimed James, "but I’ll ruin you together. The city hns lx*eu as possible, neither of which accomplishes nothing, it and the city forever, i'll remove my may be fortunate this year in having can be completed in one year, several large gatherings, and as and a citizen of Nehniem bus an engine of tyranny and oppres- courts of law, my court itself and my parliament to Winchester or to Oxford this is the lust for this year, we asked the editor a direct ques­ sion and i» rot. and make a desert of Westinluster, (Signed) C. E. S. W ood . feel frank in saying wlfiit hos­ tion and to answer it yes or no. On your front porch can be lit and then think what will become of pitality the business men have We presume this grew out of a every night until midnight you!" "May it please your majesty.” and register not ov provided for these occasions snap shot last week in which we Home Keeping Women Need replied the lord mayor, "you are at fifty cents per mouth Health and Strength. that our guests have gone away stated that we were opposed to liberty to remove yourself and your on the meter. The work of u home-keeping courts to wherever you please; bnt feeling that they had been loy­ the county bonding itself for ally entertnined, mid praising road work. Our friend at Ne­ woman makes x constant call in sire, there will nlways be one consola­ I illamook E lectric L ight and tier strength and vitality, aod sick­ tion to the merchants of London— Tillamook citv mid county, as halem wants to know whether ness F uel C ompany cornea through her kidneys well ns Tillamook people, for the Headlight would oppose or and bladder oft^ner titan she knows your majesty cannot take tbe Thames ill S palding , Manager. the progress we have made in favor tbe County Court borrow­ Foley Kidney Pills will invigorate along with you.” ing a certain amount of money and restore her, and weak back, this neck of the woods. a « « « ><*■«« ■ nervousness, aching joints and ir- Tru. Kindergarten Spirit. to complete a piece of road in regulai bladder action will all tiis Master Harold bad returned after hfs one season so that the people appear when Foley Kidney 1 ills first day at a kindergarten school, says Those who own agricultural can have the use of the road. are used For aale sale by all’ drug- tbe Manchester Guardian. hind and valuable city property < )ur answer is, Yes, provided gists | "Well. Harold," said a friend of bls mid hold it for speculation will the new law was followed, and mother who was calling, "bow do you have to pity more taxes in the in that case it would not lx- ne­ i Chronic Dyspepsia, like school? I suppose you are tbs CLEAR UP SALE. future, for the assessor will have cessary to bond or Ixirrow a The following unsolicited testi- youngest there.” ■ Babies will grow and white the) to assess all property at its full large amount of money. Pro­ monial should certainly , be - - suffi­ "Ob. no." said Hamid Indignantly, ■ are growing, you should have thetn Reserved. vulue hereafter- It will bable our Nehalem friend has cient to give hope uud courage to dm whig himself to bls full neight and persons afflicted with chronic help the city's treasury some, in mind the building of ii road dyspepsia : " I have been a chronic tbrvwlng out bls chest—"ob, no! Homa 9 photographed often enough to»--, All Pvrographic Wood for a great d-’-nl of city property from Nehniem to Wheeler, amt dyspeptic for years, and of all the of our cbape come In perambulab»»«,’ a record of each interesting stag* is held at exorbitant prices and, to obtain it with as little delay medicine 1 have taken, Chamber- I while they list one-half of their childhood. You will As Far aa He Could Go. of course, tbe assessor will have its possible is whnt he is endea Iain’s Tablets have done me more off regular price. good than anythieg else,” says W. I “1.” she said proudly, "can trace m» tlie collection of baln'a p>c9,rt* to assess it for wluit it is held voting to solve. I.et us make G. Mattison. No. 7 Sherman St., back to armor and shirts or more and more as the years go bi for. But in regard to agricul­ a suggestion, in round figures Hornellsville, N Y. For sale by ancestry matl." I Come eirly and make i tural lands, we are afraid it is say the road mid bridge would I-smar's Drug Stole. ’I started to trace my ancestry back Monk’s S.udio your selection. going to stagger a large num cost once." be replied, "but my wife made ■ mid to get the road tier of dairymen when they thid completed in one year, take Quick Help to Backache And me stop »hen 1 got to shirt turn 9 Butniug sets and etip their farms assessed nt the high Sltl.tMMl for the next three year* and overalls.”—Judge. Rheumatism 9 phis. I valuation« which the land spec­ from the road apportionment of The iiian or woman who wants I ulator« have raised them to. It that district, ami in th it way quick help from bschncheand rheu-1 Good Names and Riches. A rras! name la better than greM « will cause dairymen to wonder it would not interfere with other m.itism, will find it in Foley Kidney They act so quickly and riches. • quoted the sage. whv their farms ure assessed at mud work nor increase taxation. Pill* with such goo! effect that weak, in­ ‘he rP”°n Why mo« four to six times whnt they were Do this legally and then it active knlneya that do not keep the of of ns are poor." replied tbe fooL-Cln. Reliable n few year*ago,'especially those would not call into question any blood clean and free of Impurities, ctusatl Enquirer. with it large amount of idle ag­ doubt as to county warrants. are tone»! up and strengthened to Let us till yCllr Prescription. « ricultural land, for this will lie Now we nre g< Ing to ask our healthy vigorous action. G< od re Rexln your web. .nd (lod wn) m suits follow their use pr. mptly. T 11 in o >k, Oregon. « assessed tbe same as the land Nehalem fi lend a question. Aa For • tie by all druggist«. Pij Jon with t bread.—I till« « IT otmu Advertising Rate«. Delivered A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. Why You need a New Rande ^be ^illamook Ijeabligbt, Editorial Snap Shots Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron K