Or*-- « TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 23, 1913. ^heJ tbe ho S,1° and A Saving Plan 1 he County Court granted a fran­ as glod i .,Ue “U‘Ca“ ‘«rmshyou chise to F D. Small and D. C. Urie the .^ °r- Talk to uae the waters of Trask river at co of nTr°? F Cou,i Lu”be' a point iu section 30, township 1, Just about the best plan for saving °’ Tillamook about it. south r.rnge 8 west, for power pur­ money is to set as a mark a certain sum poses and to supply the people | o Tillamook City and contiguous ter to save in a certain time. It is the aim of this bank to visited»! °.u "ay back he ritory with electric light and power, he b/°‘heri" Colorado whom also a franchise for the use of pub­ Then strive with grim determina­ give the best banking service he haJ n“‘ «een for 27 years. lic roads, highways and streets for tion to reach it. Figure how much of possible—and uie do it. John Morgan and family left on poles, etc. It is stipulated that the income must be set aside regularly Tnesdav for A.hl.sff, ore. M°r" work must commence within one It is also our aim to have to do it. ■Jorgan ha. rented his farm and year and be completed in If the best equipment such as where he*» Win,‘r Bt Aal‘Ulld’ months. The franchise is for 31 Deposit the money in our Savings e he lias a sister residing. years. Modern pire Proof Banking Department or on our Certificates of wlwi Ti“atnook Headlight and the James Hughey and Wesley Rush, Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ Deposit -which we issue any time in 10«k7 ?reKOn,an’ Jumiary administrator of the estate of Myta any sum from a dollar up. lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe «’•5, for $1.75. with a set of the suc­ Hughey, deceased, vs. Hiram W cess kitchen knives free. This offer Smith, is a suit tiled in the circuit Deposit Boxes—and cue have Then when you have reached your 18 open until 31st October, 1913. court in which plaintiffs pray the them. goal you will have won a thousand I C E. Reynolds returned Monday court of equity will assume juris­ battles. You will repeat your achieve­ from the East after being away four diction of the suit and upon the . '«onfhs He went East to attend final hearing thereof will enforce ment in less time and with less effort. the Gettysburg reunion and while a forfeiture and cancellation of the You will probably set your next mark t1 lere V181,ej relatives in different lease and oust the defendant there­ higher. , states. from aud restore the same to plain­ Adopt this plan ntow, and bring in Mr. Henry Cook and wife left on tiffs, and remove the cloud upon Sunday for Oakland, Cal., where the title of plaintiff's preqierty by your first deposit. they expect.to reside for the future. reason of said lease, and grant IMr'. Cook’9 mother has been plaintiffs such further, other and i oldest CAPITAL . visiting here and they accompanied different relief as a court of equety seems meet and proper in her home. bank the premises. ■ J' •'Hex. Mayer, adjuster for the coun supervision Fire Association of Philadelphia, Twelve business men, most all of adjusted the fire loss on the Crystal whom have recently located in this Laundry and paid the loss which city, applied for membership in the the club on that occasion, mid wide experience, especially as to TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Chris. Nelson, who is making was $1000 in full. J. T. Stephens Tillamook Commercial Club, which served a dainty lunch. The newly different kinds of, pavement. He cheese at the Tillamook Creamery, is agent for the company President, said that when Eugene commenced makes that many more to join the elected officers are: B. S. Clark, auctioneer. will make cheese at Beaver next boosters’ band wagon, vix , O. A. Mrs. Webster Holmes ; Vice Presi­ paving its streets n large number of The body of William Franklin I Piano for rent. Inquire at this season. was brought to this city on Friday Scboltz, H A. Franklin, C. W. Mil dent, Mrs. George Willett ; Secre­ persons howled about the bitulithic | office. Attorney H. T. Botts and wife from Forest Grove. The deceased ler, J. Stainbach, W. A. Kilbourne, tary, Mrs. Henry Crenshaw. Fol­ pavement, conseipiently other kinds Leave orders for wood with will leave Friday for Missouri and was the son of Frank Franklin, of J. W. Eitwall, Geo. P. Winslow, O, lowing are the months the ladies were tried, the result of which is will be away from the city about Oretown, and the remains were G. Parker, J, I. Larson, Frank Hyd- will entertain: November, Mrs. C. best told in Mr. Stork’s own words: Shrode. D. C. Baroes anil John Ebinger. H I. Clough ; January, Mrs. Webster “The bitulithic pavement that was taken there for burial. Empty sacks wanted—Lamb- six weeks. C. I.amb, who takes a lively interest Holmes; Marell. Mrs. Alex McNair laid down in Eugene seven years The very best Eastern oysters at ■ Schrader Co. The County Court closed the con in the club, rustled up most of the and Mrs. T. H. Goyne; April, Mrs. ago is just as good today as it wui | Stylish City Photographs at the the Clam Market. Full quart 75c, tract with the T. B. Potter Realty new members. The janitor sprang George Willett ; May, Mrs. John when it was first laid, while other pint 40c., sealshipt, large can, 65c, Co. for the building of the first sec­ I Tillamook Studio. a good like on Mr. Lamb when he Groat; June, Mrs. H T. Botts and kinds of pavement have gone to tion of the road to Bayocean, the pieces.'1 He compared the laying I "Drifted Snow” Flour at the small can, 35c. saw him posting the names in the Mrs. Homer Mason; July, Mrs. of bitulithic to making bread, when, # For sale or rent, Five Roomed property owners and business men I Tillamook Feed Co. Fred C. Baker; September, Mrs. B. club rooms, in saying ‘It looked as for lack of heat and other causes, ! Headquarters for auto livery.— House, with one acre of land, close putting up $2000 to a like amount though a revival was going on and C. Lamb ; October, Mrs. Henry it means a bad batch. to the city and Dorouglity slough. given by the county. I Ed. Hadley, phone 11W. Mr. Lamb was the head preacher,” Crenshaw. See Chris. Nelson. W. H. Hoskins has been laid up Plant Bulba Now. I Try acme of that kippered sal- J. M. Stark, of Eugene, was in the The annual meetingoftheShakes- Miss Mae Cook left on Monday for this week as a result of an accident city last week looking overthe hotel New imported ull colors syacynth I mon at the clam market. San Diego, CaL, where she will join in the Tillamook Feed Co’s store peare Club was held at the home of I R. B. Kaufman has opened a her relatives who recently moved on Saturday. He was wheeling a Mrs. Homer Mason, whoentertained situation. Mr. Stark is a man of bulbs. $1.00 doz. at Clough’s. I shoe store on First Street. truck somewhat hurridly when one there from this place. | For Fine Photographs at popular What about those photographs of the handles struck him in the I prices— Tillamook Studio. you have promised this ’Xmas, no side, injuring his ribs. a Captain W. D. Stillwell has gone better place than Monk’s Studio, Remember the Evangelistic servi­ I to vie*t a brother at Yamhill. ces each evening at 7:30 at the get your orders in early. I Call up the Mutual Phone for a W. J. Warner, the chemist at the Nazarene Church, conducted by | date at the Tillamook Studio. milk sugar factory, will leave the Dorman D. Edwards, formerly of Tillamook. Mr. Edwards ie pastor I A marriage licence was issued to first of the month for California, of the Nazarene Church, at .Hunts­ and Mrs. Warnerwill go east. I JoeTrenkeler and Mary Spech. ville, Wash., and is here fora short For Sale,—Furnishings of five series of Evanglistic services. A I Glasses fitted. Any kind, any * room house, mirrors, rugs, new welcome is extended to all. style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. Before you buy your feed, see Singer sewing machine, etc.—W, J. By advice of the Attorney General Shrode, he will save you money. * Warner, opposite Martiny’s. the Board of Directors of the Tilla­ Judge Webster Holmes dismissed mook County Fair Association re­ Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. the jury on Monday, as the case of commends that the Fair Association Fred Kebbe and Pete Langhardt I dissolve and turn overtlie fair busi- ' per pound. • had been settled out of court. I ness to the County Fair Board and The Priscilla Club wi 1 meet Fri­ For Sale or Exchange.-Shetland County Court. A meeting of stock- ' day at the home of Mrs. J. Francis pony team, surry and harness. holders will be held on Saturday, I Stranahan. prop- ^e are in a position to make Will trade for Tillamook city Lum- Nov. 1st, at one o’clock at the court house, to consider this matter erty. Inquire at A. F. Coats •ome long time farm loans. First her Co. The Til amook Electric Light and National Bank. The Tillamook Feed Co. offers Fuel Co., at a meeting of the city Rosenberg Bros, will give you feed: council on Monday evening, asked lev prices on all kinds of hay anil the following cash prices on $26.00 for a new franchise for light and White oats. $33.00 ton ; bran, feed in ton lots. • ton; shorts, $28.00 ton; midds, power purposes. The ordinance was C. J. Crook has bought several $37.00 ton. read for the first time and will be * «crea of land near Corvallis and taken up at the next meenting. F. A. C. U. Berry, of Portland, and has moved there. C. L Huston, of Astoria, came in D. Small and D C. Urie have also S If ou'work does not suit you tell on Tuesday They are interested asked for a franchise for the same1 »; if it does tell your friends. City in the building of the jetty and will purpose, and this was also post­ transfer Company • poned. bid on the work. See Rosenberg’s for prices on Dr. E. E. Daniela, the new Chiro­ A message was received in this feed and hay. Largest stock in practor, successfully treats all ner­ city on Tuesday by George Colin Tillamook County. vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. from San Diego that William Olson, Bring your chickens to the Tilla- Consultation free. Office Com­ a former resident had died. He was a prominent citizen of Tillamook Meat Company's Market. We mercial Building. for several years and engaged in W 12c. per pound. • The Grey Eagle Mill ie now loca­ the steam boat business as well as A good gentle family horse, ted on Fawcett Creek. All kinds of the cannery and grocery business uXXy and harness for sale at a dressed and rough lumberon hand. The rews came as a surprise to his “»nfain. See Shrode. Prices reasonable.—Grey Eagle Mill friends here, for it was not known Attorney S. S. Johnson has re­ Co. Both phones. he was sick. He is survived by his ared his offices to Rooms 107 and “Sure Milk,” the new cow feed wife and daughter, Mrs. A J. Cohn. ■U-0.0.F. Building. . guaranteed to produce more milk J. L. Lawson, who came from . *he City Transfer Co. has moved i for the money than any other feed Eugene, has opened a neat and '■»office into one of the stores of on the market. Call and see # it. attracted fruit,candy and cigar store O. O. F. Building. Tillamook Feed Co. in the Lamar building in 2nd Ave J»« Wilson and J. J. McGinnis, of Dawson Bros, will meet all trains East, and to be one of the boosters ¡J '• ’’nd*rwent operations at Dr. with bus. and will handle passen­ of Tillamook City. He believes in gers and baggage to all parts of the business men supporting their • • hospital on Tuesday. J^uraen“' in tJle Pavement case city. Call or phone at the Livery home newspapers, for he believes they are the best liooster. for any **ma