^‘tUmook Headlight October 1(5. Iöi3. Frank Reynolds. Court Business. Charles Fleck .. ............. ^ûrk* Munson, do___ ____ 111 60 I Herman SchlapoL ’ I have many frieuds here whom Pacific Tel. Co Ed Blum............ .......... 3.25 I kave known for years who can Pacific Tel. Co. ’ . ’ .' ................. 14.80 a Bium.......... ;;;;.............. 3 85 testify an to my sobriety. I was not Ralph Blum.... ........... 13.20 intoxicated at the time the ship was Ike Quick........ ................ Jame. Christensen 40. U0 nearing shore or after, and further, Lad Quick.......... Elmer Hopkins ......... , 1 have never been under the influ John Proctor . .................... » OFFICERS BEAMED PQP ence of liqucr.” Adolph Scheid................... i Captain Williams will remain in Fred Blum_____ ................ *! SHIP’S WRECK. I the city a few days to adjust all Lis Benton.......... ............... R Funk ... .......... J,' Licenses of Captain and Sec- affairs of the ship and then proceed ¡Emitter of the petition of C Jack Jenniugs........ !5 ond Mate of Glenesslio Tem- , to England. Four of the sailors W A BigKs and 0ther8 ,or “ F Wilson............. have gone to Nehalem to accept Claud Ackley ...... i® porarily Suspended. *?. road oo the report of the {ohn Tucker....................... work in a sawmill and others will ri of County Road Viewers, re- ,loyd Woods...... >2 Findings of the court of inquiry ship on the German bark Thielbek.' , „.favorable as to the location C Dye................... ;............. !5 '»Paneled to determine re«ponsi- The six apprentices are to be sent I Lroad, which was accepted W E Noves ............. 5 bility for the loss of the British ship Ihome on the British ship Westgate. Lucas ....... map and field notes, filed and Thad NJ Dye............... 2 Glenesslin at Necarney Mountain, —Oregonian. road considered a public high Roy \\ illiams................ - October 1, as announced on Mon- Death of Peter Byrom. Dolph Tinnerstet 2 day at the office of British Consul A L Thomae .............. ’ 8,4« on Bayocean Road, 5 Thomas Erskine, were that the We are sorry to announce the John Naegeli............. / W n,da were opened for the Bay- E. Heriug................ To re-establish myself in the •_ license of Captain Owen Williams death of Peter Byrom, who died at mroad a* follows: A. Aretill, C. D. Samuels........... .......... 5 as master be suspended fora period his home at Garibaldi on Sunday, .station 26 to station 45, $6,500 ; Frank Dye............. ............... 5 of three months and the license of after being in poor health for a 14Soo, do., $4.009 ; T.B.Potter Howard Woolfe ..'. /;// 2 Second Mate John K. Colefield be long time, cancer being the cause Lou WilBon ................. t»Co., ditto, 31,000. Jas. Tucker................ suspended for six months. British j of his death. The funeral took ft.T. B. Potter Realty Co. also Glen Woolfe .............. . And to boost for Tillamook, I will appreciate a 2 Consul Erskine said the penalties place on Tuesday under the direc­ fitted another bid, from sta- Joe Monahan.................... ' " tion of tile Masonic Lodge of Bay 0 imposed were deemed just, but that call from all of my old customers, and have no *45 to 60, for $5,800. The Court Claud Hanssey............. 6 himself and other members of the City, the intermeut being at Bar D. Billings ..................... scruples about meeting them. My policy when q-turday decided to accept the Tom Kunistis .................. 5 court. Captain Davidson, of the : View cemetery. j® bid of the T. B. Potter Realty Gust Konistis ......... . 2 Lord Templetown, and Captain I He was born October 24, 1829, in here before was to treat you the best I knew how isd the contract had to be sent C. Mills ...................... ’.’... 5 Dalton, of the steamer Border Denmark. After completing his and to give you honest work for your money, and Mtltnd to be signed by the H. B. Juhn6on...................... S Knight, disliked being compelled early education in Ripe Denmark, Russ Johnson ................ rt,ny before it could be dis- H. Brooks ....................... Peter Byrom served an appren­ this will be my policy in the future. ' to pronounce them. teff’of. and with that mind the Hull Johnson .... ........... . j The result of the investigation ticeship of five years at the trade It will be a pleasure to me to know that I have ^decided to adjourn until to- Ike Steinnon .................. . of manufacturing clothing mater­ 1 was summarized as follows : Geo. Davis........................... pleased you anti 1 will make every effort to do so, 1 ials. Ambitious to enlarge his : That the master, Owen Williams I day, Edwards...................... Property owners and business Tom active sphere, he went to Hamberg, ’ was negligent in his duty and the have had 22 years’ experience in the Sheet Metal H. B. Johnson..................... gen guaranteed to pay $2000, leav- Sam Tomilson................ - court orders that his certificate as Germany, in search of employment, Business anti you get the benefit of that experience. w only $2000 for the county to pay. R. Stasek ............................ / ) master be suspended for three and there engaged in a wholesale E Stasek.......................... merchantile house for three years. J months. load District No. 1. 1 have come to stay and my ambitidn will be to 2.03 C. Weagel........................ > That the first mate, I.. W. Hawarth, In 1852 he went to Australia, re­ pF Thompson---- 44. 00 W. I- Vetch ...................... please you first, last anti always. maining for seven years, success ­ [pF Thompson .. j is reprimanded for not acting im- Vetch ............................. 7.70 Carl fully employed in mining pur. ¡iilton 4 Co......... Jas. Stasek ............................ I mediately on his being notified in 6.60 Respectfully, Mohler Mer Co ...... suits. Going from there to New ! time to save the ship. 2000 00 sid Paul............................ ;;;; Bick 4 Riefenberg Frank Paul ........................... Zealand, he continued his mining 2.30 [ That the second mate was acting j,n»4 Lucas...... Vaughn........................... 1000 00 Guy MM Mead............ j under orders, but showed great operations two years, at the same Ben Darby .............................. 50.00 MM.lead A Son., I negligence in running as close to time also making considerable D. B. Darby ......................... 6.15 fieo W Phelps ... Jeff Wallace ........................... SHOP IN BRODHEAD BUILDING k shore without insisting on the money as a newspaperman. I.eav- 10.65 Total A Anderson... Bob Nelson ............................. i master coming on deck, and also ing the island in 1861, he sailed . 155.30 M X Mead & Son Formerly with McNair Hardware Co. . 18.75 E Larsen ....................... ...... . when the master did not answer his along the Pacific ocean to British ria Wall.............. 13.45 A Wilkes.................................. Columbia, locating at Victoria, on Miner............ I second call, in not taking matters 3.75 A Holden ................................ Cbirni Easoni........ i into his own hands and ordering Vancouver Island. Eight years 11.25 George Tone ........................ fm Barker........... A Holden ............................ . . 1 the crew towear ship in the critical later, in 1869. Mr. Byrom came to 7 50 jEEaWm............ George Tone .......................... 17.50 [ position in which he considered the the United States, and has since I Worthington 25.00 J Hoffert................................... I Kebbe .............. vessel to be, and the court, there­ been a resident of Oregon. In 1871 Mrs J Sol wise ........................ 7 50 F Ktbbf................ fore orders that his certificate as he settled in Astoria aa a hotel em­ J M Lüsberg ........................... 7.60 Martin Hart............ E Larsen.................................. second mate be suspended for a ploye, a work that lie followed a 61.25 J E Rittenhouse ... H A Kinnaman........... .......... number of years. Coming to Gari­ term of six ni nths. 22.50 Gilbert laddach... W Lyster.............................. baldi, Tillamook County, in 1879, - 30.60 T Captain ’ s Versions Told. liMCO Barker ...... 2 50 Mrs J Solwise......................... he bought hie present property, Hugo Klein ........... Captain Williams made the fol ­ Willard Johnson .................... 2.50 htSchlappi........... lowing statement on Monday, this and has since held a leading posi­ 7 50 Arthur Holden ...................... Albert Easoni ........ R?ad District No. 3. being the first time he has re­ tion among the progressive and en­ 14.00 DTedder................ 10.50 A. Arstill and M. J. Jenck .. 236.00 counted in detail events leading up terprising citizens of the place. i A Crawford ........ For a number of years he ran a 5 00 F. C. Feldshain...................... 35 95 to the wreck : B»Kal« .............. 5.00 Cloverdale Mer. Co.............. 49.73 hotel in Garibaldi, keeping a popu­ “ First of all, September 29 I was 3.75 Beaver Lumber Co................. 224.38 5.30 Yellow Fir Lumber Co........... 71.72 coming inshore and a; night time I lar house of entertainment, and be­ 1 23 W. R. Robedee........................ 3.90 sent hands aloft to see if we could coming widly and favorably known 5.04 Albert Boor............................. 12.00 pick up any lights, as I had not as a most genial and accomodat­ Merila.................. 1.68 Lamb-Schrader Co.................. 41.03 Been anything after leaving Santos. ing hoBt. He built several resi­ Aber................... Robinson............. 30.65 Roads, Bridges, Etc. At this time we were steering a dences in the town, and for a num­ 36.25 a Alleg................ course for the Columbia River. ber of years served as postmaster. ttaie Crawford ...... 31.25 Feeney & Bremer.................. How Tilden............. 33.10 David Martiny ....................... Next day the wind came from the Politically Mr. Byrom supported EH Gary................ 7.50 F. L. Sappington................... northwest and north-north-west, the principles of the Republican Frank Hadley ........................ ■lilt Crane............ 8.75 which headed the ship towards party, and had served as school R. F. Zach man ........................ 7 E Allen .............. 2.50 HE City and the Country are bound to­ Beall & Co ............. .............. shore. About 8:30 p.m. we sighted director. Fraternally he was made Geo Knight............. 18.75 a Mason in Astoria, Ore., and was X Undolt .............. gether by the telephone line. 10 00 Alex. McNair Co..................... Tillamook Bay light, which put the A Lndke................. 14.35 King & Smith Co................. ship in the position where I ex­ a charter member of Til amook The farmer and his family use the rural telephone con­ James Christensen ................. AS Tilden ............. 14 35 Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Religiously pected to Bee her. stantly, calling up each other and the market town on all iio Thompson .... 5.00 King ■* prophecy of impending starvation 2,000,000,900 acre« now under culti­ °K«r ..................... 35.00 H. M. Farmer........................ 100.00 dressed, and told the second mate AL Biglow . ., : is that science will find a way. It vation are producing but a quarter* 96.00 R. L. Shreve........................... 83.33 W'laom......... 4.50 C. A. Johnson.......................... 1 83.33 to call me sharp at 2 o’clock. As I is predicted that science will in of what they might, and at ho me «Goodspeed.................... 252.54 B L. Beals............................... 75.00 war 20 miles offshore at noon, at | time take the life-giving elements future time will produce. This fact FR Elliott.................. 35 00 W. S. Buel I.............................. 133.33 12' 45 was about 16 miles offshore. 36.00 O. G. Svenson ........................ 50.00 At 2:10 the second mate came to from earth and air and transmute would permitanothermultiplication Fid fir T Tel 7"' 1 ' ’ Co • ' ............ ’ • • • • ■ rtofic A V Tel them into food direct, without put­ of tfie world’« population by four 27 00 H. Crenshaw........................... 75.00 J'Coats Lumber Co ......... 3 00 Vida A. Millie........................ 133.33 call me and simply said : ‘ It is 10 ting them through the chemistry before starvation became acute. u J Pett«ye............. Clearly scientific discovery is not 60.00 K. Mill......................................... , 100.00 minutes past 2.’ He did not say of grain growing, beef raising, egg C. Holden........................... the ship was appraaching land, I producing and milk secreting. to be our la.t resort for a long time Xw‘."............ ••••■ 25 00 j. Horner Mason........................ 18 12 600 did not come out immediately, aa I Wonderfol achievements of science to come, though our ever present County Poor. 3,75 ......... 48.12 L. S. Hushbeck ..................... 10.00 had not been warned of any danger. in finding substitutes for exhausted hel p in the matter of better agri ^“•Reust... ; 10.08 30 A tew minutes later the first mate natural resource« are pointed to aa culture and economy of uae of what Mohler Mer. Co..................... 3 7 00 10.00 Tillamook Meat Co................ we produce. Our first problem in came to call me and said that the »B Sutton ... . ; ............. 10.00 W. E. Southwick..................... 7.00 ship was getting pretty close in­ proof of the reasonableness of this the matter of increacing the food expectation 2 10 42.59 • GM. ...................... —’’ 25.94 R. N. Henkle ......................... 29.80 shore I Statistics do not show any need supply ia to get lietter farming W. D. Gladwell ..................... 12 65 Borns-.:;;;.................. 250 Tillamook Feed Co................ 12.00 “I at once jumped out aud found to place our reliance for food for done right here in thia country and J Hiner... .......................... 80.00 Nelson 4 Co............................ in thia state. Development of un- On your front |M>rch can tie lit J*»1 H«n.on .”................ 9.15 the ehip was pretty close. The first the enhanced million« of the earth uaeoint it can be «aid 66.01 and called all hands on deck to on the meter. Miacellaneous Oregon, for ex anon.. 60 00 2.« take in the mainsail and crceajack that we have but begun to scratch improvement. Tillamook Iron Works ........ 60.00 ample, could send to market twice 23.10 rEllUon. ....................... 52 50 E. D. Hoag............................. 17 00 i and srjuare the lyarde and to get the earth's surface in the matter of as much food product« as site now T illamook E lk *, rvic L ight ani > F ukl C ompany ^.«asaen ................... food production. There are ap|>ox- ,B«tte.... 45.00 E. G. Anderson....................... 2.001 the ship around a« quickly as pos­ does, with no addition buL, lietter JjAjMia: W ill S palihno , Manager. William« imately 2,,nd Edner, was in ses j^week and transacted the ¿ag business: .ordered that the claim of ^ Johnson for $25) damages Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO I Have Come Back Sheet Metal Business T A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp MOS"-:....... Si".«*