Tilïnmook Headlight. October lb. I0l3 MYSTERY FLAGS. CURIOUS DUELS. It* Sticking Power Largely Du» to At­ mospheric Pressure. Every one la familiar with the say Ing "to stick like a limpet." but there are not so many who know how It is that a limpet Is able to sib k as It does to tbe rocks upon which it passes Ha existeiKv Tbe emiture is able by means of tbe central portion of Its body, which can be raised Independent iy of the edge or frill wtik b surrounds It. to create a vacuum much tn tbe satue way that a piece of soft wet leather can be made to adhere to a stuootb surface by pressing out all the air. Thus tbe ao called “strength” cf tbe liiupet 1» largely due to atmos pberic pressure. It is not entirely so. however, for If tbey are closely examined It will be seen that tbe »bells accommodate tbemaelve» around tbe edges to tbe surface of tbe rock upon wbicb tbe limpet Is located, and if removed to another spot the edge of tbe shell wtll probably t* found to tie a very t>afi fit aud tbe creature's poww of adbesloo aomewbat lessened If taken by sur prise with a smart sidelong blow even a targe limpet is easily enough dislodg­ ed. but If It Is given tbe slightest wsrn lug Its |>ower of suction Is Instantly brought Into play and very often con­ siderable force ta then neceesary be­ fore It can be detached. — Loudon Standard. An Unbur«»d Picture Rossetti secured permlsslou In ISflP to rvopeu the cvffiu of bl» wife In order to ««lire the manuscripts of some poem» which be had buried with her »even years before. Some such Incident might have oc currvd In connection with J M W Turner If bls desire to lie buries! wrap ped up lu bls own painting of "Or- thage" had treeu Carrie«! out. There was route dilBculty In selling the [taint lug. and the artist kept the canvas by bun He always said he would be wrapped In It when be was buried atid even went so far as to ask Cha a Urey If as hl« executor be would fulfill his wishes on that point “No doubt." answered the sculptor. “I »hall bury you rolled up In your picture If It Is one of the conditions of your will, but I would take you up next day aud unroll you!" Found a Way. Teacher—Now. children, try to flgnre lto»t thia once without «'untine on "if our tinger*. How much to three and four I'rprrl (broking under the t«‘»-h after a hwsg wait«— Screw Teacher— Rtaht Four and als. reperì (agata (•m4n< wiHler the bench»—Tea Teach er—HoM np there, you tittle ransl! 111 teach run to count on your fineer«' (Take« reperi « bands atid cia«(w them Behind hl« heck Now. then, five and three? IVrvrl (after another long look under the be mb > Eight. Teacher- WHL bow ,11.1 reu re «ns re to do that? Deperì-With my toe*, leecher. — Fto- gvnde Khmer. the * MOLECULES ARE INVISIBLE. I ~ PALPITATION of THE HEJUn Yet Thsir Tracks Through Space Can Lutious Aatsatars That Tram With It 1» Usually Caussd M Trophies That Aro Souvenir» «f Long There 1» ■ Tremendous Trad» In Theoo Be Discsrnad. 0'flO.I'V. Tr.ubl "***•• th« 0*1* • n< ^ 1 It came to be evkleut about tbe tuld- Forgotten Battles. Cedar Wood RacagUel«» know It ta perhap» Just a» we» I'alpltatloii is rarely if lu the mklst of that wouderful col­ Cigar tot»» are a negligible quantity is uot d?e of the last century that. In order any disease or »eakuv-s» of « ’*’* * lection of the souvvuir» of tsittle tluit to tbe average smoker who stands be­ wb.it a puug 'lai 1». although one nu*vt it outside of Africa or t<> explain certuli" facts couuected with It is aliuout iuvartabi, are on (wuiaitant exhibition lu Trophy fore a tastily dream«! showcase and likely to I------ garden»^ 1 be tlie relative weights of gases, matter nervous or digestive troubfa J?*/ tbe l .uid- n soolugleal tf ’irden» hall at tbe Naval academy iu Aunapo- buy« a "Ova cent »freight" or a "three iltei rwl ” “r these must not merely couslst of atoms, but of tbe heart arises within Itrtf II» are tbe nalluue uuknown trvpblee for ■ quarter.” Few of even tbe u ■ «t man.uials aud 1» very prowl of that these utoius must have the power are nerves In the inuMe,0f Flags that were captured In now for Inveterate smoker» ever »top to tbit -k it Tbl» si*< ¡men 1» of tbe partlcular- of nailing In small groups, lu form and they regulate Its beating.7,T*’ gmteu eugagciueuta are bung In the uf the nutnt>er of these t'oxeq.used 1» ' i th the rather meie- lug a compound. Indeed. Ibis must be the speed or rate of ,he ^7* cases »Ide by aide with tl><«e whose tbe I'utted State» during a year, or gaut gl en name of “white bellied. so For iuslauce. carbonic add gas of tbeir Choosing If the» * glorious history I» known . from where tbey come. Tile nai( b; b a sort of auteater. must consist of one atom of carbou. held In check they would * Two of these suuveuirs of forgotten | Thirty million« ta tbe total number ntaise body is covered with stales Al- wbicb. along wltb two atoms of oxy­ about double that which fa *’* Gue 1» a of boxes supplied to cigar tuauufactur- battles are British dags th nigh It is a mammal, a stranger ask- gen. form* a small group of three maintained lcti*Hl ¡-■-It marked Avon and uothlng more: 1 era in tbe United Slate« Many mil­ «1 to make an offhand diagnosis would ■ torn*. The heart 1» supplied from tb. to.«, llie other is the ensign of a »arsb p lion* move outer tbe country filled with I I Tbe novelty of the conception was with two pairs of regu|ltll)- * sod 1.« marked Iter» f«»rd From the foreign rolled cigars from Culm 1‘orto certainly call It a lizard Tbe »bite belled pangolin tralus lu tbe uotlou that oxygen Itself, in tbe One pair, the cardio motor nerr« condition of ta'th of these flags it Is i Rl.-o and tbe PhllippiM*. Manufs tur- ■d bat* aod sleeps dur- state of gaa, as It exists, for example, only to spur up the heart to oTJ" supimscd thut tbey date back to tbe ers declare that tbe boxe« made from lug tlie d.i'time When sleeping it is lu tbe air, cousists of small groups of action. Tbey are usually «ar of 1812. but history gives no rec­ ■ Spanish ledsr. a wood wbkb is rarely n ' ed :p into an object about the sue atoms; In this case. two. Tosueb small waiting tbe occasion for apnlifa^J ord of ships txar'.ng ttose mimes tir­ [ seen outside of Cuba. 1» tbe bast for of a large vroquet ball, and lu this po­ groups of atoms was given the uame spur. The other palr. tbe ing sent to American waters by Great ■ packing tbe seductive weed sition. owing to its platiug of pointed molecules. A molecule Is that portion bibltory nerves, are alivay, |n I Various wixxls have been tried but Britain scales, is about as easy to attack or of a substance wbicb can exist In tbe It bas been said that tbe bean run« Another of tbo mystery flags 1» the where'er used couuolsseurs ba' e pro­ handle as a hedgehog. Tbe sharp free state, as oxygen does In air. An a pair of tightly held reins «d "814” flag In great white figures tb'.s tested that even tbe finest of cigars poluted scales give it somewhat the atom generally exists in combination, simile is true, for these uenes C1J number appears on a field of blue, and were spoiled by putting them in boxes appearance of an “animated fir cone. the speed. but atoms uiay and sometimes do ex tbe entire flag is bordered with red. made from oilier wood than Spanish Fear, worry, disorder of the itomm ‘ * war •edar. Tbl» wood always retain» the Its natural f -l appear» to be white 1st separately, lu wbicb case tbey also From sirae eugtigvir-'nt In tbe ants, but In captivity it thrives on aie termed molecules. or uervous system causes these ctrii with tbe M «irisb pirates tbe flag that flavor of a good cigar, and some assert el pped raw meat aud eggs. It is ar­ Now. can molecules be seen? Is tbeir inhibitory uerves to relax; tb«n fa the odlcvrs at Am.spoil« came to call that It greatly Improves the flavor. boreal and a wouderful climber wltb existence a mere assumption? The an heart begins to race. There is Mfa tbe “house flag" seems to have come Tbe reason given Is that tbe Spanish I s'ver to that question Is, No. they can lug the matter with the heart lw Yet no one know» w bere that twttle i-edsr grows only In lh.it »oil w’.'-'h its clawed feet and prehensile tail. . . • . »xalua to the hu­ not be seeu. but artificial molecules aud no one need be alarmed about tta waa fought or un-ler wbst rlrvun’ . rrodtjeea tbe finest quality Of wtiat is man mi« except as a curiosity, al- can be made wbleb correspond so organ Just because it beats too rapai, ■tanros of berolc aa»-ril1se days sbowixl tbe old lady paper bus shown that for actual till wna In the shape of the bathing the tittle fellow. Beneath tbe fhst round« hat'.l. I««it it's tree Don't natural pbe tiveiiess the typical Welshman bet ■o mt on yonr wife If you are going to f in. us ebbing and flowing well of Gig ­ picture na» Ibis stanza: the list; next io order come lrlahnn Came After the Little Faker Had It 'ecorne ■ lunatic Next bnaband» drop gles wick. To Brighton carr*e he, then Scots, aud last of all the Englli Got His Punishment. •ff A little trier than wire« bus­ Ca»ne Ce-nwe Tt ini’«« wn. A sni.i’L unpretentious little struc- To lx dipped in the oca Tbe enst end small boy bad sadly man. hands are. but only a little. Next fa- t -ire < a reel y to be distinguished from By the famed Martha Gunn, Unobtrusively made In a number her« abondue the lnnatk-. next « «tero. the ordinary trough of water to be seen misbebaved and was locked in bis A companion p-rtrult to Martha “One relative never abandons turn Pretty soon bis mother beard well known London restaurants, du • n many of our country roads. It is yet room Gunn's was that of Thomas Srooaker Till sbe dies, or be dies, sbe comes one of the n «t qmiir.t and fascinating bim calling. and public places, the tests invartat w bo bad charge of the horse which regularly on visiting day. bringing un- spectacles one could hope to see. As I "Mower," said tbe shrill voice, "I'm gave the same results. By means irew tbe bathing machine» into and lerwear atxi ties, cakes and toluero— the name implies, the well has the na­ I goin* to bust tbe window and fall a test watch the following table » One day the Uttle royal provided, of course, that tbe lunatic's out of t he sea i compiled: ture of a tide. It ebbs and flows con- out.” btghnoss. ba'ing learned to swim, i male. If it's a female this relative Welshmen—Very talkative, animat tinnally. though by no means with reg­ The mother made no reply. Again swain out farther than Thomas judged s equally faithful. And even though ularity. In manner and speaking at an areri tbe shrill voice arose: He called to him to come to be safe is rometimes happens, tbe p>«x. mad Sometime« the privileged traveler t "Muvver, I've found some matches, rate of 200 words a minute. hack, but tbe self willed boy struck restore hate« her. curses her. tries will see the obi ng stone basin filled an' I'm goln' to set fire to the cur­ Irishmen—Also very talkative, t aut wltb more vigor. Thomas wert :o strike her when sbe visits him. sbe less animated In manner; average n with clear water: then, even as he tains” ifter tbe prince, overtook him. seized «dll remains faithful When her visits gates Into its pel lucid depths, the wa­ Tbe mother remained Indifferent of speech. IGO words. him by an ear and drew bim to »bore. ee«e tbey cease for only one reason— ter gradually sinks until the trough is Scotcbmen-Eur less talkative x Ouce more tbe voice hailed her: “Do you think." be repiUd to tbe death. half empty, or it may be more. There "Muvver. don't you smell sumfln' deliberate in mauner; spoke at an I boy's angry words. "I'm a-pdng to get "Nor do I need to tell you which rela­ is barely time to r onder at this strange Eren this drew no re- erage rate of 120 words. bnrnin'T myself hanged for letting tbe king« tive this one is"—New York Tribune. thing ere. with a rush and a whirl, the spouse. Englishmen—Almost silent, ran beir drown hisself just to please a trough is again full. The ebb and flow "If yon don’t smell nothin',” the the first to speak; dogmatic and det youngster like you?“—rearsoD's. Origin of King's C»un»e continue with more or less marked ef­ voice went on. "it’s 'cause I pulled off erate in manner, speaking 100 to 1 King's counsel has tbe great Racon fect and the water is never at the all tb' match beads an' swallowed 'em. words a minute. Th« First Reporter. xs tbe founder of tbe order. He bad same level for two consecutive min­ The comparative silence of the nx an' I'm goin' to die. Do you bear that The modern reporter barks back to no inclination to be made a “serjeant" utes. Sometimes the outflow has in striking contrast to the virado muvver; I'm goin' to die." the relgu of Queen Anne and to tbe and persuaded Queen Eliza let b to ap- scarcely begun before the basin again I unknown w rit«e wlio attempted to tell !«vint turn "queen's counsel extrsordl- By this time tbe mother was thor­ chatter of the women folk, was fl! «. but at other times the trough Is tbe pubtie the secrets of her pa rita- oughly incensed, and. hastily preparing usual noticeable. A curious detail w nary." James I. granted to Karon a par­ almost emptied. — Wide World Maga­ ment He bad a bard time of lt. foe a cup of mustard and but water, sbe that dark men were always the bigg ent confirming bis status a» “one if zine talkers. parliament wi>b.-d to keep Its »eerets hurried uiwtafrs. ■ST counsel learned in tbe law " as to lt*elf In IT'-'» an order was passed K C.'» are still offl tally des gnated. "if you’ve swallowed match heads.” When Women Knew Not Golf. La ba dists of Holland. “that It 1« an indignity to »nd a breach sbe announced, “you'll have to swal- kn annual salary of £40 was vrigiiia r A ■■•rre<''>odeot sends tbe Glasgow There is i sect in Holland knom of the privilege of the bouse for any attached to tbe position and was re­ low this to keep them company." And Her-.- d «oroe anecdote» of that period, the Labadists, among whose memtx I'er-sen to pre« unie to gire tn written el red by al! “silk»" down to 1831. not so long ago. when women knew then she imured the nauseating stuff the use of mirrors Is strictly probit or printed newspaper, any account or down bls throat when parliament at«>-:isbed tbe salary, DiX : g of g f One lady, making ed. Their founder. Jean de Lxbxd minute if the debates or proceedings; A little later the aggravating young­ together with the a'k»wai»ce fur sta- -rc' '‘-tie ronversation at dinner, I a seventeenth century Calvinist o that iifs'n dtarorery of the authors, tionery at.J lugs Tbe reei;-t of a sad to t keen go fer: “1 often see you ster. sadder, wiser aud much bumbled, ister. attracted many followefLbotx printer« or publisher» of any such concluded to take tbe balance of bis «alary by K. C» mentit that tbey ■i your red root Do you need many er his death they dwindled down. • new*r»per« thi« bouse will (»rocecd punishment In silence. tad acvepied an offive of profit under 4 g« • • gulf?“ a younger lady now they are found only In • « against tbe offenders with tbe at moot "I didn't really swallow tbe matches, ■be <-rown and th-ee »Is« »ere n«-ni- s.;d sbe knew exactly bow the game remote villages of Friesland. Trtr severity" During tbe fvmn»« Wilke» ere ,»f parttameut h»J to ^eet re-ee.- ■ ’ red They get what they call mnvvvr." tie contritely explained. ease in ITT- the r'-icrtm won the vic­ tton.—London Tater f "I knew you didn't sonny," replied ing in Holland in 1893. Lecky lit »P a cad w to hunt al>out in the grass a colony of Labadists. "Intemarl tory wbicb tbey have dm-e beM with ti tbey find a round stone, and then tbe mother—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ing mainly among tbemseltes," out dLspute. —New Yv»rk AmetieaB. tbey bit it nto a rabbit bole” A third writes, "they have quite a distinct ty Tips For Tennis Players. lady, wbo had ev dently enjoyed a near­ —a singularly beautiful one. with th A Dish of Tta. One of tlie faults of tbe Inexperi­ delicate lips and a curiou» air of er view of tbe game, said: “It Is play, "Dish" throughout tbe Hgbteetitb ed by two men. One is a gentleman enced doubles player which is most flnement century was a rotloquta'ism for cop In They are fishermen-»« and tbe other Is a common man The persistent Is standing still. This Is prosperous—and their house», wl fashionable bouses st first, and for r»mmoa man sth ks a ball on a lump of one of those necessities In doubles that their china and silver ornament» t long, tea eras drunk from a cup with­ di~. and tbe gentleman knocks it off!” are often overlooked. But no partner prints of the house of Orange a out a banvl'e t-rvuight from China The — W estminster Gazette. • an do justice to his team unless great Bibles with silver clasp» • vessel was termed a dish. Wbe» tbe be moves after every shot to the cen­ perfectly preternatural neatness. > Chinese cup was tlr«t copied by Eng ter of the angle of the return. In other very Interesting to see.” — WM An Ind gnart Artist. lish (•otters, tbe coovroieoce of a baa H'vd- the ruinter, was much dls- words, both men tmxt constantly die was added. Tbe saucer atsz» «1» Chronicle. rc-'.-d When be visited London In 184« change their positions, moving back brought from China It received tbe at the time «hen two of his finest and forth toward one side or the other, name because of 'ts ryseaiMscce to Tala of a Lost Will. tore» were being shown at tbe according to where they have sent the tbe English saucer, a platter in wbk* A lost will found In a ceUlng i Egyptian ba'l. and the public thronged ball, if the net man has volleyed deep Chatsworth reminds us of tbe t»™1 «auro »as secml Tbe familiar gibe. into a (her room where General Tom Into tbe right hand corner both play case of Lord Halles' wilL He «« "Misror eye«.“ w •« originally Inspired Thumb was on view. “They rush by ers move across to tbe right. The Scotch Judge, and when b» «« by tbe «auro «anror long before loci tt 7>at>is to see Tom Thumb." wrote right band player thereby protects tbe 1792. as no testamentary paper coo» Art! net on gave the flr«t tea party 1» 'j- to'f a little girt«. Exquisite work! 's decisive battle« a reader cornea Many machinist«. especially those window shutters there dfoPP*^ taste of the English people” forward with tbe «t at etnee t 'bat Wl employed In the motor engineering tn upon the floor from behind a P»®* terhvo AecMed Bathing If Napnieoe dustry. are frequently called upon to missing will, which secured her rii B-3«n ~g-t Paulina. Bonaparte had a on tbe to’tie to work In aluminium. To satlsfactorPv family estates and property. ”a’ The s-«t editEm of Browning's "Panl- do this work various lubricants have people take the trouble to ma*e. « would bare beea crostosi a few day* w « «»I at auction for $2.400. yet tvv n tried, .which, however, owing to wills properly attested and later Yet everybody ciocwoed weei » • oc v did Browning receive nothing their volatility, are of little use. through tbe tight as If K realty meant A ceal them? On they enjoy • '* t ovtanna. y. but be would bare suitable lubricant is tallow or co.. mous joke?—London Spectator. •otnethia* It !» strange boor mmrh ».thrown it from print if it bad been bh r'» wax. This latter does not dis dearer we ser «orne lb'ng» tbe fart to« po* ♦. Yet *O highly did R<«settl •olve quickly and consequently does we get i«u from thee*.-Oevekaou TWy to ths La* tl.uk f ttis desptaed masterpiece not flow a* freely as the volatile oils.- Fiala Dea Ver Iu “Glimpses of tbe Past” MM* that, not bang able to find a copy eise- American Machinist. abetb Wordawortb tell» thi*»taO •iere. be went to tbe Brush museum One stormy day a Ashing nt-ra-a asd «peat several laborious Going On. wrecked and fast sinking. day» copying ft word for word A terrible noise of thumping and skipper came on deck bs feflto I «temping came from Bobs room early mate busy swabbing _ "Wbat'a the use of that J*«* •ur morning. ' Bobby. Robby.” called bis mother you see she's »inking? “Yea. master. know It; bo froio tk'Wtu'aira, "what is going on that I'd like tbe old g«l * •* up themr "My shoes." replied Bob. dean sod tidy." Cambats In Which th« Wsapens Se­ lected War» Avalaoch«» Au extraordinary duel wa« fought near Mont Blanc In Fra uro. Two young meu who bad fallen In love ultb the aatue girl arranged to tight a duel, »itb nature as decider of tbe result. Selecting a («art of that tnounlatnou» district, many thousand feet up where ■ valaoebes are known to fall at fre­ quent Interval», the lover» agreed to taka it lu turns to stand for a given time In tbe most dungerou» spot that could be foun I i : • I-!. J « “• •’’»t when one was kill«! by uu aralaucbe the other should be free to proiHwe to the girl wboui they both loved, lu this case the Idea lesme a fact This is not tbe only Instance on rec­ ord of a duel by avalanche A few years ago two Iatliaus. named Gueits suj Borato, decided to test fate in this muuuer. and also for tbe love of a woman. For three roomings tbey tempted na­ ture. but nothing serious happen«! On tbe fourth day Guetta was kinrcked down by a falling avalanche, but not touch hart Then It was that their food supply gave out and they return rd home to get some more By this time tbe police Mid come to bear of :betr strange duel, and threaten«! them U»tb »itb Imprisonment So tbe un- ■ daunted rivals nettled their differences In another and less adventurous way I Tbey drew lot» for their lady love | Borato wou. and nfter Guetta bad left tbe village lie was married to tbe girl I of bls choice.—Loudon Anise-» STRENGTH OF A LIMPET. CIGAR BOXES. PANGOLINS OF AFRICA. BATHING A PRINCE. NO NEED TO NAME HER. ENGLAND'S CURIOUS WELL CHATTY WELSHMEN. COLD COMFORT. ». fall Lava's Parades. "Tore results In many paradoxical situations.” remarked the professor “What !» oneV CTu keep the love of another one most retain IL”—Buffalo Expresa. The Manifeststiew “Tapa.” «nid the young «Hi "1 feel It In my 1 , Itving to buy me • °*w "Ah, do youF chuckled ta»* wbicb bone do you feel It • “Well. I'm not »ure. but 1 tn my wishbone" tati» Re onnMa beat (hat raD tosi-(Motet I Tu recto. bur( Ito