October 16, 1913, .... YOU believe that WHEELER, OREGON, . *8555555555555555S5S5S55SS5SSS 8S888SSSS888S« *2 i Tlie Manufacturing City on 1 B ound to G row and that INVEST» ME\T in W heeler Property will be Profitable. ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You mill make money by Investing in Œ1HEEUER. For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Portland Office : Tillamook Office 327 FAILING BUILDING Care of F. R. BEALS. Notice of Hearing of Final business of the country been de­ reducing only the selling price Account. pressed, under existing law, had without reducing the cost price, N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That can its industry been prostrate and its that Mr. Wilson ’ s experiment A new economic law, destined to the undersigned has filed his Final arterially affect, favorably or un­ exchangee of commodities languish­ be tried, particularly when he has Account as Administrator of the ing, had its purchasing power been power to make us try it. Estate of Andrew F. Bibby, de­ favorably, the prosperity of a na­ ceased, and that the County Court / ------ ----- — tion, can inspire but one feeling at low ebb, and the activities of its / of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­ roong its people. The act being people greatly reduced, the party ' New Dynamite Case. mook County, has set Monday, the eoneummated, party lines mustdis- in power, even though a minority 3rd day of November, 1913, at 10 hag The Federal Government party, would have had warrant for o'clock a.ni , as the time and place ippear in the universal wish that the the hearing of said account ami »evitable change will beforthe bet- experiments in revolutionary fiscal caused the arrest of two more bridge for any objections there may be to the terand not the worse. When the legislation. The end could then and structural iron workers on the same. ground that they conspired to blow have been fairly claimed to justify Dated September lMth, 1913. fr-ite passed the tariff bill which JAMES Bl BUY. bd previously passed the House, the means. The fact that the re­ up railroad bridges built by (non­ Administrator of the Estate of •nd was certain to be approved by verse of all this has long been and union labor. This case is said to be Andrew J. Bibby, deceased. He president because largely of is now true, is the fact taking the connected with those disposed of at Now is the time Indianapolis after such a long and new law out of the realm of states ­ Notice to Creditors. hie own making, an economic rev­ expensive trial last winter. The manship and putti ’ .ig it in that of to have that olution in the United States was Notice is hereby given that t»ie successor to the man who was inter­ firm of Gordon A Rhodes, a corpor­ practically completed. All busi- political economy as taught in uni­ national secretary-treasurer of the ation, has assigned all its assets to group picture made. nt»n was set on a new basis. The versities. organization at the time of the first the undersigned as assignee for Out of this fact grows, also, a president's signature became but a Ix*t us show you our the benefit of creditors in propor­ bgal formality needed to effect the hope that the^experiment may not trial is one of the present defend­ tion to their respective claims. special display of attrac­ ants. One defendant is alleged to All persons having claims against revolution. Conditions of trading be as disastrous as it was in the 90s. tive new^styles. We are have dictated a full confession, said corporation are hereby notified fierfectly equipped for ,frf changed ValueB were un- Under nearly two decades of unin- which has been reduced to writing. topresent their claims, under oath, protection, the *®*d and prices of labor, mater- terrrupted -------- «----- ■---------------- — country making group pictures The struggle between lawless to the undersigned, nt his office in ■1 «nd all the elements of cost in . ba8 developed such resources that Tillamook, Oregon, within three and will ¡»lease you with members of this organization and months from the date of the first making of products were opened il maV be able to withstand the the quality of our work. the federal authorities has been the publication hereof ‘“readjustments Competition was , 8bock of a ,nore v'oleL' ’■eadjust- E J. CLAVS8BN, bitterest and most determined in «brged without a compensating ment ,ban that of twenty years ago, Assignee the history of the government The First publication, October 2, 1913. «‘•rirement of the opportunities wi,b Ie88 of ,O9B We are now, ,O° evidence at the first trial convinced “bbor, unless the new competi-, near tbe event ,o raake ProPhecy the jury that one of the most I'Juick Help to Hackache And Next to POST OFFICE. ** « Prices can be met and over- ' advisable, nor would any one care, • I Rheumatism desirerate conspiracies in our in-, «*'• The readjustment is 8O -f’er having resisted the making of The man or woman who wants trail of duetrial life had left a "«Ping and pronounced that we »he experiment to all help from bachacheand rheu­ wrecked buildings and bridges quick matism, will find it in Foley Kidney hardly quote the Democratic bodin* of ho,w ,tB 'a>lure *nu8t JU9’ acroae the continent and that it had Pills They act so quickly and Mr. Underwood of Alabama, I *£y thB,r w,8 and more satisfying then afflicted with chronic involved in the prosecution. The person. up, lnd' made in the Democratic get better or they must get worse to own a good fountain punishment of guilty individual» ,|J -pepaia : " I have been a chronic aw°f the middle 80s. The 'dyspeptic for years, and of all the i If that was not the view of the ’ad­ pen, one that is always who have operated under the gui»,e medicine I have taken, Chamber ¡jjerv'*8 m°re nearly approximate ministration why was the prosiier of trade unionists will be an event Iain's Tablets have done me more t democratic tariff law of 184<>. ready to write, and does ous condition of the country tamp­ ¡good than anything else,” says W. a»3.? “ccordinKly going farther ual benefit to the cause. nut flood or soil one’s Mattison. No. 7 Sherman St , i ered with by a party in a minority an the Democrats were will finger. IIornellaville, N.Y. For sale by of much more than a million votes Hose • Keeping Need Women O on(ier the last Cleveland Lamar's Drug Store. Health and Strength on the issue between it and all of We have all *n “pplying old its divided opponents? Tbe Dem The work of a home -keeping Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines Rexall Pen, sold on trial, ffieoriea to new industrial ocrata have legislated in ■ sincere woman makes a constant cull in If you want to contribute directly satisfaction guaranteed. 00B' ,re entering upon hope of making good better. Ail her strength and vitality, and sick- to the occurrence of capillary liron- neas comes through her kidney» i chitis and pneumonia uae cough Periment of displacing an that American ingenuity and enter and bladder oftenei than she »mows medicines that contain codine, mor Prices ranging from "c law wb>ch, in ita applica- prise can do under tbe new condi­ Foley Kidney Pills will invigorate phine, heroin and other sedatives If ooto 15.50. ^a«. h **e °eW *ndustrial condi- tions is going to be done to justify and restore her. and weak back, 1 when you have a cough or cold. An nervousness,‘aching joint« and ir­ . e«|iectorant like Chamberlain'« Zc "aa lf’ven the country half a Mr. Wilson's optimistic belief that regular bladder action will all di«- Cough Remedy ia what is needed. **•0" of large pro.periy, to i - -------------- opening all of our ports to tbe sppear wheni Foley Kidney ,Hl ” That clean« out — the ------------ culture ------------ beds or °ne ma