Tillamook Headlight, October IB, 1013. . I Cougxess Believed in Brain / like that one is Work. sure to meet with considerable I.KIIAL ADVRirriSKMKNTS: opposition, for it would imme­ • In one respext (lie Democrats in First insertion, |>er line f ID It’s Import! Whore you invest your diately la* said that it would be Congress have had an astonishingly Each Hiit>.et|iient insertion, line 5 money. The Western Loan and Invest-i infringing on the rights of the 1 easy aimimer. They are no longer Itusine.« anil professional cm da, Invest- 7/¡§x people, for the present system required to think The caucus sets 1 month.................................. 1 co 1 ment Co., of Salt Lake, I tail is now »' ojien '«J) Homestead Notices................... 3 (IO ' has been doing serx ice so many ihtir nose and thry niereh Jtollow to make you a loan or build you a home on \ l imtier tilunn. io venra it would tie difficult to ,t. President Wilson seta the nose 5 , Local. pCr line euch insertion the small monthly payment plan. break away from it for some­ of the iiincus by culling in a few Oi.plav udveitisement, an inch, A. McNAIR. President. thing better. The snap shut i leaders to receive instructions I- no 1 month .................................. D L SHRODE, Vice-President. mail is radical euougli and. he telle the chosen few to change All Resolutions of Condolence und CANZADA EVERSON. Sec. and Treasurer. 1 odg« Notice*. 5c i" 1 ime maybe, foolish enough—to re­ t:.eir programme mure Board of Appraisers — in the Card, of Thunks. 5c. per line. commend that the County Court direction ci his personal views they E M. BALES. F. H. MIICNK. I Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, I m * the school tauird for the en­ ,1,, It instantly. All -ummer nearly R. F. ZACHMAN E J. CLAUSSEN. etc., minimiin rale, 25c. not exceed­ Board of Trustees— tire county, that school tax and ■II the Democrats in the present ing five lines. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS. <9 the number of teaching months I Congress have been living in a I. C. SMITH, W. G, McGEE, be equal all over the county, Letueland, a legislative Nirvana. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. with high schools established Ce rebral s< lion has ceased. Demo- (•TK1CTLY IN AUVAXlK. I at suitable locations where pop­ crstic votes in House anil Senate One year............. 1.60 1 75 ' Six month. ----- ulation demands, all to t>e paid ate reached as simply as if worked Three month...... for out of the general school by cash register. A turn of ’he , Loan Agent. ! fund. This would do away with For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land, City Property, caucus crank, a touch of the caucus Entered as secuudclass mail mut­ Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. ’ US1) unequal taxation and give pu­ 1 button, is the beginning aud end of ter July. IHW, ut (tie ¡mst other .it Tillamook, Ore., uuder the act of It may I m * humiliating tosoni« pils all over the county equal legislative action on the floor. The tz ’ v March 3. 187V fr»v\Yi7»v (( OiFllcvllQlldG'lYlliriinlCYll (tcjviti'Sy ((TwfliuTyi of those who became mixed up educational advantages. caucus gets there first and leaves xt in the pavement fight, but we uo more to be said or done, Au Çilkunooh H&taliligbt. think it is tothe best interval of There appears to be a dispo­ amendment ottered on (lie tloor the city to settle in full with sition to criticise the County goes right through the trapdoor tin* construction comp.inv and Court liecause it has expended provided by the caucus. A Demo­ accept the offer to maintain the more money than the law per­ cratic member knows exactly what pavement for ten years, K-fore Editorial Snap Shots mit. and it is right that the peo take place on the floor He ia strung the city is involved in more liti pie should know the reason that •i ca.-.cus wires and worked with a gatiou and heavy expense. Xo of turn of the wrist. Formerly Con­ One hiii. only tn watch the matter which way the injunc­ the indebtedness of the county The gress in session li ill to flunk will amuimt to about £J5.tM>)by heavy hauling of crave!, «« hm I, tion suit is decided in the cir­ We have caucus Las changed all that. coni, lumber and other uivr- cuit court, it xx ti not end there. the end of the year. Several states are now practically rtlwavs contended that it is pre­ clumdise to t>e convinced that Any who . it was a personal fight e. luded from legislation. They the howl made ngnbist the pave as much as anything else that ferable to have the county on a cash basis and coiitiue the ex­ hate no Democratic member, and ment brine rotten was tommy starteli the ruction. We now have connections with Port­ It seems, penditures below the receipts, therefore nobvdv to re|eech tn a body that lias , indebtedness 011 tlie the citx city by make quick Farm Joans of from drained the treasury uf$4.O7fi 75 a!-eadv acted in caucus, and he , centinii.d expensive litigation ae ts to a majority which would have amounted $500 to $5000. If you need money that should I m - enuring some to four times that amount hid pledged : v- t- dewn amendments. see us. concern. I lie tM*st friends of not the county officials taken e matter ■ it. A congressman the city and tlie pnqMTtv owners the bull by the horns and cut t* - - • • : :■» :■.t admitted tothe On account of our location, we It is wise 011 the part of the ‘ are those wlfo will help bring . s. isd ect the floor is con- I “dry»” that they did not force this atM’nt .is soon as possible. out the bounty. Then the new have more inquiries for real estate eight hour law went iutn effect taken. a liwal option election on the I —- i ---------- --------- and business chances than any where w ith no provision made for the Hr .i- - - •* -to the Congres- city, for they would have been When |>eople make a specialty increased cost of labor on rvud -:.tai Reccaxl bat that also is re in town. List with us. defeated ns badly as they were of raising craubcrries and con­ work, which helped to increas el t a :*• r trumpery thing, when they forced an illegal wet fine themselves to about five or the county's indebtedness to a net ciMititniuc thereal pro. ee I and dry fight on the city. six acres i*s it fe ij- the the opinion of considerable extent. Another T* . ax- Srard < -!y in the caucus. . those w ho ktiifw there is more cause was in finishing up seve c. H. THOMAS. S. E HENDERSON. ■ . i- =«.-t reposted at all. Only There was metluMl in some money in i{ tlg.n daifiy iug. w itli nil pieces of road work which •:e irty ;;rtanrates in them, and M anager . S ec ., T res . people knocking" thecityand comparatively^small amouut of had been commenced, so that . influence the pavement. To wit After money invested and not ue-ir they could be used this winter. ere It •-* rather an abject con­ scaring several property owners the aniomit of labor. We I m ?- If theCounty Court erred it was ditir ■ for the cur gross of the they bought their property. It liere it and expect to see Tilla­ attempting to do too much road l’= t*d States of America, as is said there is a trick in every mook cx'unly producing over work and putting them in good JOHN LELAND HENDERSON •c raier jr carried no. an equal and SIDNEY E HENDERSON, trade, and this is oqg instance $300,000 worth of cranberries. shape for the winter., This is President. Secretary-Treat. d.stiact part of the government where the hind »peculalprs, as But like mi»st other industries, not all. January, 1912. tbeout- Attorneyat-Law and Notxrv general report seems to prove, or like dairying, it is those who standing indebtednes® was in Public. - *ctn.ity is being introduced where the knocking trick work- specialise who make a financial the neightxirhood of $135.'M agric olture It ought to be ex! like* a cliM-k. success. Raising loganberries January. 1913. $W.00>\ and Jar »¡aevessf-al ia shocking the corn. in this county is a success, but uary of next year it is estimated It is admitted that the New it requires a cannerx to make it that it will be only Th-s Another large building would profitable, and even then there conclusively proves that $IO\- H ie ; .shirs woman who flagged a y have been erected in tins city w-.-a her petticoat was terribly is fierce competition with other IXMJ of indebtedness was wipsrd tr this yypir. but the curb s|one -»>! ■ ,«b:<-ed. places w here these grow lerrics ff the past two years acj u,.. knockers mid those who forced in abundance. It is not s»» with county will be on a cas i basis , Cel Bryan » tocome is found to the city into expensive litiga­ emnlierries. the only cx'mpWv w ith next vear's taxes be ¿boot W Jro a year, all of it S n tion queered it. The party who tion is w ith the Eastern cran- that acvx»unt we do not Vr .»ay ewsy twatj aid none oi it in 50- (INCORPORATED), bought property w ith the inten­ I httx . X-t w it list.Hiding trat cause for complaint, but -e CSM dollar’. tion of building wan farsighted T^e Br nah A'imiralty proposes enough to see that it was going jobber» have succeeded in keep­ cannot close their eyes to toe ing Tillamook berries below the fact tixat anvvme who wants to * hug* fl .ntmg factory tor ship to be expensive on pvoperte price of Easteru berries, w ith a make trouble .tn I rash ntV'MSs. A mere coevsuient coming owners and Ite did not want tu larger amount raise and a pro­ gatiou. for tl.ero is t :ei.. £ -■Aeu will he • put m at Panama. lie taxed to pay for it. per organization ^the home pro what some people will do » >-s BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK. ORB. Ater Kgwriug a little eu the new duct should IRing tlie highest iw*rsonal spite aud private incume r.iv si XT itstaver ths» it would be worth forced into litigation. It must berry. ' mist sensible ernxe«« wd f - * I X them i exemption* to get l»e that outside attorneys think agree with as that it s far bet- mumeti. Tillamook is a gold mine am! Ihd it every occur to the pe»»- ter tx» give the Covanty C . — S bb Francisco has set her house $-.V gold pieces are being milked pie of th is conntv wliat high httle latitude in cksa cx s ■-1 Cr-ler nr t.ie Pi mi na Canal Ex- from the cows. It looks to 11a finance have done in placing road improveiseats that w--- '.eu.ca m ?.n. by abcitshing the that the money taken front J re inflated valuation in Tilling M»ok cocnuBcncvd tha-: aHrw thr*T Sartniry Caanc Maybe it is to be •elioni funds muoutituMt to l.et us draw the to rvnuia impussjle .*11 w-.: tranaferr*-; tn the midway. *b‘ut SA«', to pax high priced dairy farms. curtain aside and reread the ter. We think we k=> « -. attorneys n tire paxgmvnl case The (Grind Army repefs a mem- thing of the feutisneuc ,;r th cause. We have in mind farms would cxmbc in haodx ju-t now terMup <>f WT.3H. It » a tioe which have change 1 hand« citirens all .’'Ter tie <- u i-' n If litigatimi is going to come as ♦U' W lg far th* stamiaa of the w ;ra. an.f numerous time*, and every time regard to liard ou th« laxpaxers tn the .▼hu they did so the laud •peculators' «ttetnoc t-j camte xmeitin v .1 uert who Tint tfimqh the great­ school district as it will 011 the E ♦r -iwirtr nut if nvti -rars titty yuan a^o. CxHtimissions and often a few only create taxpuywfs in tlie city, they are Ftanfitut WiiUou has mnmated I . - i*1* '■’11X11- hundred or thousand d>»lbtr* sentiment: to be pitied. .♦♦. rhe to .me in tu Beceuaentanve Henry <3eunre of were added by them and iducevi ty for in their own jeans. This not other evtuusae» asr ruuii£ Jx »brw Tort fliut ae will appoint as Judge Webster H<»lmes eet n only affected the farms that present we *er toe u * »«ar ifr nuny near ~* tn offlee as Senator g"»M? precedent in making th*-«* were frequently sold, for natu- holding T»»- cmuttr’ ardmmin >f Mnwiemppt will vote Utt wiil who ciste trouble t>ay for it .imi rillv dairymen having farm« in tar a bag b» »:>t a tr xm X if iniui 'a "intii m. DOCKS : WAREHOUSE. wet the taxpayer». Justice «4 tho same iieight»riioad raised rvwd» cm .» « W tfitamort irher The trnntue vth Mexico has al- FRONT STREET, BETWEEN tnd A 3rd A VENT E WEST the Peace Sbink » h.-is donethts the price of their lam! as well wise. T k cmiair* as uiiu.iiif ’taic xuiite Texas City one cf the al*n\ am! they arr to tv com- That system have gone on so n»p»d re.^—n Timt wirit mij»t impartanr ♦eapnrt» m nieuded. There arr quite a few long that land h.»x e beevme s*> awd i» Sc i Qitu. luit, ttSUMiunint 111-HTT“ It H ’lint 'Tl«}|jC 't peraom who htxe put the ctmn- high in this countv that it is hcgtrsrr» » rtuc u-r» ,« i ’-T»*tir tu tie -Bnigres .-»new their icquaxot- i ty to cwuahnble cunwe in hey imil the reach of people who TiUasBo;« Càsmm ittit vnich imm wttik -he r n-.tetf -mites flu*. proarvuUng them for vwxlsting an- looking for new locations » im*» if irniMt The n*t <4 nteata- more grass titan it did ten years ty *i»ct t-imuam tuen wilt tie iinerrivm ihimt Longman From nenfl» To send lice«»« to the |»en ago. but b»r theenuses we hare Mud* it irtlrtr x'xmitíñu »Inch t any he ntwrred th it the inlwira an» -rawing tn admire the itentiarx w .mid be too sex ere .1 indH.itvxi the laud is value»! at wtiL t-timuit tUuie ' «- i jrwwi. •-»rrTiintu u -»j imr-r.’ of -ha re [ sentence. but a stiff one amt tl»e three times what it was then ruit Xi luiin» h - immi mirti, nut -’ -urmre »1 -mirnad -ieW coak added make* it expei.-uve Wlten a reaction takes place, as as tilt tnuiitv w hr. n al Ostin-,» to tte.we wb»> need a wholesome it surely will, those who have lit utile counts* Rti tir j¡ 4 ~ir *?uimp*aHie v<-irtier if early tesemi administered to them. been persuaded to pnrehawe nme wirra nnttniu- mrt n »il icinr» in -nnutiM imi enMe _____ .lain farms with very littk feu »*exm- *1 llUIUImM -imiti- w 11 tint ii.iv» , r-amniinii *i-n:r <;ti tile na»* mt- one tlmntc. Oub KM' fcw .1 single cxqxv <4 ttHwiey amt n large amouiit <4 bs»r «w* tastar -tia«tk '•»Iti in » s h M vb Or- uut . Hnnrr mrf T.r («•tided nrthftnvtinHsr interest bearing paper money, tinti tir the evort'» rewedotf evixlvnev tu tnnniL 1 inw , .-r-- «wctlin« iad ivmntse» »-tu«* Uti-»* mmtrrt the pnvemeut cnse l.itig.itswi wi’l be iu a Ixtd predicament. m Im« rtrr- >n :tm miatail >•>! Advert!« ng Rates. | I to t tvrwinstvw. property i'vnr*» wbx* bave no p>nn«» kme-nqnnq i, J»*tut SSéav xnar mUuwvt Mr }Mw«*g|, wUl win »— nurM*.- It a. « ».{] n- te», mii< tu-tth-'ne erre» **’•••« •' it wi«r Ul trx^aia. -ir -»r whiskey passes me bv All this is as it should be s I myself would wish it. I am not for them tier He sro CM w Cyrus Noble W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., .General Agenta Portland, Oregon I !