Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 16, 1913, Image 1

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    fol. XXVI.
No. 20
Double Your Dollars
Every dollar you earn is capable of
doubling itself in time, without any
effort on your part except to hang on
to it.
The dollar that slips awav will even­
tually get into the hands of someone
who will set it at work fortune buihl-
ing for hi in self.
The dollars you save, whose earning
power you appropriate, will make the
sum of your fortune.
The sooner you begin to save at this
bank, the sooner you will see your
fortune expressed in large figures.
We receive savings deposits from a
dollar up.
A-J- Stillwell will be delayed i in
opening his new store in the I. O.
B. S. Clark, auctioneer.
| O. F. building until Saturday.
Leave orders for wood with
See Shrode for red clover seed
He can furnish it for 12Jc cash,
wanted—Lamb- Come early while the supply lasts.
Empty sacks
Schrader Co.
Mrs. Essie M. Crane and Mrs.
Stylish City Photographs at the Marie Wade have made application
Tillamook Studio.
to the county- court for widdow’s
You can get 5c for vour cascara pensions.
bark. See Shrode.
Attorney C. W. Talmage. W. G
Henry Tohl of Nehalem was in Dwight and F. D Small were guests
at one of the leading Portland hotels
the city on Saturday.
Second hand wagon for sale at a this week.
John R. Harter has bought a lot
bargain. See Shrode.
Dr. R. T. Boals has moved into from H. F. Goodspeed in the East
part of town and will build a resi­
the I. 0. O. F. building.
Headquarters for auto livery.— dence there.
Dr. Jack Olson has moved his
Ed. Hadley, phone UW.
Try some [of that kippered sal­ dental parlors to the I. O. O. F.
building, where he has fine up-to-
mon at the clam market.
date quarters.
For Fine Photographs at popular
The very best Eastern oysters at
prices.—Tillamook Studio.
the Clam Market. Full quart 75c,
Mrs. M. Abpanalp left Tuesday
pint 40c., sealshipt, large can, 65c,
to visit relatives at Hillsboro.
small can, 35c.
Call up the Mutual Phone for a
Piano for sale.—Upright mahog­
date at the Tillamook Studio.
any finish. New piano. Beher
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Bro. maker. Address II. H. Dicke,
•tyle.^Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. *
Tillamook, Ore.
A marriage license was issued to
What about those photographs
Andrew W. Franklin and Ella Ray. you have promised this 'Xmas, no
A band dance will be given at better place than Monk’s Studio,
the opera house on Saturday, Oct. get your orders in early.
One guilt edged mortgage on a
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Tillamook dairy farm, forsale. En­
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. quire Tillamook Abstract and Title
per pound
Co., Tillamook Hotel Bld.
G. W. Grayson and wife have Rosenberg Bros, have leased one of
come back to this city, to remain the stores in the new Mason Build­
this winter.
ing where they will carry a large
F. R. Beals and wife will tour stock of groceries, feed and hay.
California in their anto for about
J. S. Stainbach has bought an in­
four months.
terest in the Feeney-Bremer Foun
We are in a position to make dry Co., coming from Salem, where
some long time farm loans. First he was foreman in the Salem Iron
National Bank.
Mrs. Fannie T.ubelBky is visiting
For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland
81 the home of her daughter, Mrs. pony team, surry and harness
Morris Schnal.
Will trade for Tillamook city prop­
Rosenberg Bros, will give you erty. Inquire at A. F. Coats Lum­
low prices on all kinds of hay and ber Co.
feed in ton lots.
Editor Taylor, of the Cloverdale
If our work does not suit you tell Courier, was in the city today and
»•; if it does tell your friends. City will leave Friday to attend the State
Press Association meeting in Port­
Transfer Company
See Rosenberg’s for prices on
J. W. Edwall has rented the
iced and hay. Largest atock in
corner store of the Masonic build­
Tillamook County.
ing and will move his tailoring es­
Bring your chickens to the Tilla- tablishment about the first of the
■ook MeatCompany’s Market We
Pay 12c. per pound.
The Tillamook Feed Co. offers
Joe, Richardson and E. Geinger the following cash prices on feed:
,e«t on Monday to attend the Grand White oats. $35 00 ton ; bran, $36.00
•odge of the K. of P.
ton ; shorts, $2?. 00 ton ; midds,
Went has moved his office $37.00 ton.
from the Commercial Buildiog to
Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­
’Ne I.O.O.F. building.
practor, successfully treats all ner­
A good gentle family horse, vous diseases, rheumatism, etc.
Poggy and harness for sale at a Consultation free. Office Com-
“•rghin. See Shrode.
mercial Building.
The Grey Eagle Mill ia now loca­
Will Holley, who left here on a
Tuit to the East, returned on Wed- ted on Fawcett Creek All kinds of
He has accepted a posi- dressed and rough lumber on hand.
in A. J. Stillwell’s exclusive Prices reasonable -Grey Eagle Mill
Co Both phones.
dry Rood store.
Drop in and hook Around-
w J k h
r?’’ WU1 mee‘
gers ?KUd WiU hand)e
effv " ***“«* •» Part, of the
cty. Call or phone at the Livery
barn on 2nd Ave East.
An assemby hall was started in
•be rear of the Presbyterian Church
wh*ChiW,K f“Ce O" Third S,reet-
^luch >» beingjmilt^by the mem-
ers of thatjeongregation. W* I Fn
Why buy a Silo and pay freight
*hea the home mill can furnish you
as good for less money. Talk with
the manager of A. F. Coat» Lumber
to. of Tillamook about it.
The Tillamook Headlight and the
?re«on,an- until January
W15, for $1.75, with a set of the suc­
cess kitchen knives free. This offer
is open until 31et October, 1913.
It will be noticed by an advt. cn
another page that O. G. Parker the
plumber, has returned to the city
and opened a shop in the building
previously occupied by S. A. Brod­
Evangelistic services will be held
at the Nazarene Church, beginning
next Tuesday evening, at 7:30. The
services will be conducted by Dor­
man D. Edwards, formally of Till­
A. Lineback will move into the
building vacated by A. J. Stillwell
the early pnrt of next week, where
he will have a fine display of pianos.
Mr. Lineback is here to stay and
will have the only music store in
the city.
F. S. Ford, late of Battle Creek,
Mich., with his wife and daughter,
Miss Mildred, and son, Fred, with
his wife and wife’s father, Mr Hat-
ton, arrived here last week to make
their home in this city. Mr. Ford
is Mrs. C, E. Trombley’s father.
At the request of the Tillamook
Commercial Club, it lias been de­
cided to move the Western Union
telegraph office from the depot to a
location in the city.
The Kill Kare Klub met^iThure-
day at the home of Mrs. W. B Al-
derman, the usual number of mem­
bers being present. Following the
business meeting and readings the
hostess entertained with a very in­
teresting game, which all enjoyed.
Mrs. MacKenzie was a guest. Fol­
lowing the refreshments the Klub
adjourned to meet with Mrs. Bales
on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd.
Married on Sunday, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings,
parents of the bride, who reside
on the Kelcliis river, Mr. William
H. Perry to Miss Theresa A. Jen­
nings. The ceremony was per­
formed by Rev. D. L. Shrode in the
presence of a few relatives. The
groom is from Astoria and Mr. and
Mrs. D. L Moore, of that place at­
tended the wedding. The bride is
a young woman much respected by
her friends and neighbors, who
wish the happy couple a long life
of happiness.
The members of the county court
on Saturday did some guessing
when a party entered the room for
the purpose of having Judge Mason
perform a marriage ceremony. The
cause of this was the difference in
the age of the parties, and they
wondered who were to be the happy
couple Not, however, as they bad
figured, for the youngest and the
oldest persons in the party were the
ones to plight their troatli, and who
wanted the judge to tie the nuptial
knot. This Judge Mason did to
their satisfaction with very little
ceremony. The contracting parties
were John M. Burton age 50 years
and Miss Ruby Pearl Countryman
age 19. _______________
C. R Worrell, a brother of P. J.
Worrell, has come to Tillamook to
assist in running the Hotel Tilla
mock. He is experienced in the
Musical at High School,
hotel business, having recently
came from California, where he was
On Friday evening the pupils of
the adverting agent for a large hotel. the High School will give a musical
Mrs. Dora Young, who has been at tlie Auditorium, assisted by Prof.
the pastor of Beaver Circuit, left I Warren Glaze The entertainment
for Coquille Coos Co., Oregon, to will be worth attending, as some of
take charge of pastoral work. In the best talent in the city will take
the three years labor in this county part. Following is the program :
she has won many friends who Piano Trio, Misses Stum, Ebinger
wish her success on the new
and Mason.
Solo, jAlin Ebinger.
Mr. W. H. Lilly, a prosperous Mixed Quartet, Misses Todd and
Goyne ; Messrs. Stanley and
farmer of Wheeling, W. V., and Mr.
C. C. Lilly, a clerk in the P. O. at
Portland, Ore., who has been visit­ Reading. Mias Worrell.
ing at the home of their cousins. Piano Solo, Prof. Warren Glaze.
Mr. J. M. De Lillies and family of Solo, Mrs. R. U. Moore,
this city have gone to Gales Creek, Music on Bottles, Prof. Warren
to visit relatives at that place.
In the divorce case of Mrs Alta Special, Prof. Warren Glaze.
Sours vs. Harold Sours, the latter Male Quartet, Messrs. Stanley, H
Ebinger, J. Ebinger anil Moore.
having deserted his wife, Attorney 1
J. L. Henderson and all others who Ocarina and Guitar Duet, Messrs.
Glaze and White.
had anything to do with the case 1
Violin Solo, Miss DeBar.
did so free. In that way she was Piano Solo, Fantasy-Caverns of
able to obtain a divorce without I
I.uray, Prof. Warren Glaze.
costing her a cent.
A Marvelous Escape.
As the present registration books
“My little bay had a marvelous
will be used for the special election, escape,’’ writes P. F. Bastiams of
which will take place the 4th Novem­ Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope.
occured in the middle of the
ber, those who have not registered It
night He got'a very severe attack
can do so at the polls. As no of croup. As luck would have it, I
women have registered they can do had a large bottle of Chamberlain's
so before the election boards of Cough Remedy in the house After
the directions for an hour
each precinct, when blanks will be following
and twenty minutes he was through
provided for that purpose.
all danger." For sale by Lauiur’a
The Ladies Guild of the Presby- j Drug Store.
terian church is moat grateful for
the generous patronage of former ,
years and will be pleased to meet
a. 11 the old friends and many of the
new ones at the annual bazaar,
which will be held early in Decern- ,
ber. The ladies are busy making
many beautiful and useful artic les ,
to lie sold at that time.
Attorney J. Walton, of Portland,
was in the city last week on busi­
ness. He has been appointed ad­
ministrator of William Walton, a
former resident of this county, and,
strange to relate, some of our citiz­
ens sympathized with him, think-
ing it was bis brother who was
dead, which made Jim look up and
take notice and explain matters.
There will be a baby contest at
the Star Theatre in the near future,
when three cash prizes will be piven.
Those who desire to enter the con­
test will have to provide slides of
their babies, which can be obtained
at either photo gallery, and these
will be shown on the canvass and
votes given every night until the
close of the contest
Bids for the construction of the north
jetty st the mouth of Tillamook B»y
wj|| be opened Nov. 3, in the office of
M»:Jr J»y J- Morrow, corps of eng­
ineer«, U. 8. A. at Portland. It is
thought that if none of the bid« prove |
„tiafacton ■» probable the engineers
will petform the contract themselves
with hired labM. This plan has been (
fallowed out on different project» on j
Ibe Columbia. <814,000 io available)
for the woek.
It is the aim of this bank to
give the best banking service
possible—and uue do it.
It is also our aim to havi
the best equipment such as
Modern Fire Proof Banking
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­
lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes—and cue have
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Oregon.
Circuit Court.
N otice is hereby given, that in
to Section 5, of Chunter
Judge Webster Holmes adjourned accordance
112, Laws of 1913, the County Sur­
the Circuit Court last week to con­ veyor of said county has filed in
vene again on the 20th. There ure this office bis certificate, of the com-
quite a number of cases on the I pletion of that certain contract be
tween M. J. Jenck and Tillamock
docket which have not been dis­ County,
running from Hebo, to
posed of.
Cloverdale, Oregon, from Stu. C X
Frances Bailey Hunter, plaintiff, O to Sta 39 X I'll, in accordance with
plans mid specifications, and
vs. George Hunter, defendant Di­ the
any person, firm or corporation
vorce. Decree.
having objections to tile to thet-om-
Fred Kebbet plaintiff, vs Pete pletion of said work may do so
within two weeks from the first
Langhardt defendant. Action for publication in the office of the
money. Defendants given ten days County Clerk.
Dated this 10th day of October,
further time to answer.
Alta Sours, plaintiff, vs Harold A 1>. 1913.
J C. H olden ,
V. Sours, defendant. Divorce. De-
County Clerk.
fault entered and decree granted.
Effielena Erickson, plaintiff, vs.
Julius Erickson, defendant. Di­
Kasper Zweifel is now successor
to R. R. Roberts, in Tillamook
vorce. Divorce granted plaintiff.
John K Childers, et al., plaintiff, County. All accounts owing the
J. R. Watkins Medical Co. ure pay­
vs. A. F. Coats Lumber Co , de­ able to Kasper Zweifel.
fendants. Action for money. Mo­
R. R. R obkktb .
K ahpek Z wkifki ..
tion by defendant for directed ver­
Tillamook, Ore., July 23rd, 1913.
dict for $608.50 allowed with costs.
C. W. Atwood, plaintiff, vs. J. ,E. MRS. EDWIN E KOCH,
Hollyfield and Brighton Mills Co.,
Teacher of Piano. *
defendants. Foreclosure of lien.
Mrs Koch has studied under the
Plaintiff takes nonsuit.
best teacher in Portland, prior to
Chicago Musical College
The H. F. Norton Company, n
the Oberlin Conservatory of
corporation, plaintiff, va.
vs. N. K. and
Music. Has had a teaching experi­
Melchior, defendant.
Action for ence of ten years. Arrungemets
money. Default and judgment
....... ______
1 .....
are ........
now being
made for lessons ut
--- -----
----- 7th and Stillwell Ave., »
Orley Kellow, charged with the the
the Rees residence
crime of assmilt with a dangerous 1 in Recitals
and Musicales will be
weapon upon A. A. Imlsli. Jury given lor the benefit of the pupils.
trial and defendant found guilty,
who was fined $200.
For Sale.
Bert Zavitz, charged with the
One and one half year old regis­
crime of larceny of $35 from W. F. tered Ayershire bull for sale, also
Balmer. Fined $25.
two spring calves. Eugene Atkin­
Hiram W. Smith vs. James son, Sandlake, Ore.
Hughey and Wesley Rush, adminis­
trator. Judgment on inundate for
Henry A Johnson, a business
$7t> 00 costs in favor of defendants man <>( l.’Anse, Mich., writes-
For years, Foley s Honey and Tar
vs. plaintiff, and as per mandate Compound
f‘»r coughs and colds
judgment of plaintiff vs. defendants has hern our family medicine. We
for $500 and costs to be set aside. give it to our children, who like it
On motion of defendant new trial on account of its pleasant taste. It
a sufe cure for coughs and colds. ”
was ordered and same set for Octo­ is
It contains no opiates. For sale by
ber 21st, at 9 30 a. m,
all druggists.
Come in and see for yourself what
we make before you Buy.
We are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you.
We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter.
The Best Made.
We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right.
We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock
Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish,
flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings.
Try our extra thick Shingles, none better.