illamook Headlight October 9,* 1013. KT pa PER men visit SANDLA k E- Atkinson was at Hemlock to eaco*t the editors into that bottled-up Home After Twenty-Six R. I. E. HEWITT, BOND ELECTION ORD Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. country, and it was at hia home Years Absence If you want to contribute directly OSTEOPATHIC 3 . aoad Boosters Advo- where his wife provided lunch—a erbd . to the occurrence of capillary bron­ 0*^ Modern Roads for chitis and pneumonia use cough PHYSICIAN \M> si RGEON, fried chicken lunch and other deli­ Clatsop County Will Vote on medicines that centum codine, mor­ OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. ■ That District. lli3 cacies that Mrs. Atkinson cooked bt«hw. co.,;, "a.*'!" phine, heroin and other sedatives Both Phones. Icsue of $400,000 for Road when and served which showed she was you have u cough or cold. An ' ■ , .he invitation of Ku- Residence and Office in Whitehouse expactorant like Chamberlain's an expert in the culinary depart­ Improvements. Cough Remedy is what is needed. Residence, ..on t'“* •- never results from a cold when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is I (Successor to Dr. Sharp), Sandlake has a bright future be­ year, 0 per cent bonds to raise used It has a world wide reputa­ ^KjjjtlOOS. fore it, and what will help bring money for public highway improve tion for its cures. It contain no DENTIST. ■fbiH°“e °f. the places where thia about is modern constructed Lv t receipts received ments. morphine or o her sedative, For boosters had ne- sale by Lamar's Drug Store .... . reside ___ _ last ear ir°n' Commercia! Building*, iTiliamock. ■ siting if triP8 °Ve*. roads i so that those who The County Court made a formal much i ease _ _____ ease , *“'‘ye»r amounted to more than order today calling for the election, ■T «iv the last few and there can travel with as Idaho, is to have the high­ as they do on the main county ix hundred thousand dulllars. Mr in response to petitions signed by est Boise dam in the world, 351 feet. It ^•¿"^yBbttlefa.nun^ ls done over 208 registered voters. K JACK OLSEN, is another hint that progress in im­ ■Mermen were not ong in roads. Sandlake will be classed proving the Mississippi is mighty with Neskowin, Pacific City, Ne­ >n his county, but much farming is It is understood that should the n neglected they would visit K^e’ .„ l.*« part of DENTIST. slow. tarts, Bayocean, Garibaldi beach done ln aiijoioiIItf co bonds be voted, approximately and Necarney as soon as this is notices much improvement in New. $200,000 will be expended on the (Over F. R. Beals office. rty IS bot,led UP obtained, and with more interest I per and Cocke county. He was construction of a main highway be­ better roads. The news- taken in raising cranberries and “Y^Wyaurpriseda/the beam, Tillamook ■ Oregon tween here and Westport. $110,000 men congratulated them- dairying this is another section of tul borne« ln the town and on every on the improvement of the road on being «Wetravel over is th° ‘ AnOtheroo‘i««‘hie change from this city via the Nehalem Vai OHN LELAND HENDERSON M^Lwl road* between thia city the county that is bound to develop larms ‘“P^'^nts on the big ley to the county line near Vesper and come to the front. ■? Hemlock. but no sooner ATTORNEY and the other $100,000 will be spent BEGINS forty-fifth school year ■¡¿•turned off the main thor- no1."?/ Z°Ulh Mr' Dmon wa* AND on the thoroughfare from Seaside S cptcmoer io. iota. ■L f re and into the Sandlake noted for his fu„ lllakiog anJ ag TILLAMOOK COUNTY, COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. DEGREE COURSES in many phases of to Tillamook County line. Ktbey immediately experienced he grows older still maintains that AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING. HOME OREGON. ■’Srence of traveling over T illamook B lock , ECONOMICS. MINING. FORESTRY. COM­ •t is good for a man to laugh. ■Ln improved roads and make MERCE. P harmacy . Til uiook When he arrived a few mornings MRS. EDWIN E KOCH, - - - Oregon. Teacher of Piano. T wo - year C ourses in agricul ­ Byroads. whlch wa8 h“rd ‘ Land of Ready Money, Dairy ago on passenger train No. 36, Room No. 261. ture . H ome E conomics . M echanic Herds, Cheese, Fish BLlovrr. To make a long story which reaches Newport ubout four Mrs Koch has studied under the arts F orestry , commerce . P harmacy | o clock he went into collusion with best teacher in Portland, prior to TEACHER’S COURSES in manual and Dahlias. »■»» the worst road in the a number of fellows ¿round the de- attending Chicago Musical College T. BOTTS, training, agriculture, domestic science the newspaper men had and the Oberlin Conservatory of The United Artisans have invaded I?* and art. play a Poetical joke on Music. Has had a teaching experi­ their inspection of roads. ATTORNEY-AT LAW.' Kas «imply traveling over rotten Tillamook County and the invaders - hen tf Dawson. He sent word to ence of ten years. Arrungeiuets MUSIC, including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Kuk and corduroy moat of the found it to be a place where people the sheriff that a man was at the are now being made for lesssons at Studio, 7th and Stillwell Ave., A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled Eon a road that had never been grow rich making cheese and happy depot raising cain and had been in the office. in the Kees resilience “Tint E nrichment of R ural L ies ” It is a land trouble with the railroad conductor ■Lrly located. The fastest time growing dahlias. Recitals anil Musicales will be Taxes Paid for Non Residents. and a C atalogue will be mailed free E newspaper men could make skirted on one side by wonderful and that the sheriff should at ouce given for the benefit of uie pupils. on application. T illamook B lock , E, about three miles an hour forests and on the other by beauti­ arrest him before he caused more Address II. M. T knna MT, Registrar, Tillamook .... Oregon. They Make You Feel Good. Kapmz the bumps and shooting ful beaches of white sand—the trouble The sheriff and Deputy- Uw 7-15 to»-») Corvallis. Oregon. Both PhoneB. The pleasant purgative produced Eahoota. Unfortunately the news- boundary of the Pacific ocean, Cureton at once rushed to the de- by Chamberlain's Tablets and the I pot and proceeded to arrest the where one may listen to the dia- healthy condition of body ami ■r Tillamook .... Oregon. cided to proceed at once with the the will of the caucus as though F ull C ompany ; There are about 30 families living 100 members by Sept. 29, and will erection of the proposed Parish they had an oath to support it in­ W ill S palding , Manager. ktbe ke district, who number celebrate its entry to the Roll of House. This is a laudable enter­ stead of the constitution •tout 103 settlers, some of whom Honor on that date —The Artisan. prise on the part of the ladies, and C. HAWK, hve profitable dairy farms, and they- deserve the united support of An outbreak of typhoid in New the entire congregation, which we •its up-to-date roads in that sec- Made ia ta, the dairy industry would be York is attributed to milk, but thia are sure they cannot fail to receive. Three PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON, |-i MIJtJTIC CH het I ! MAJESTIC 11 •’’taeed, whereas under present is no proof that water may not be It was also decided at the same Style» responsible, as usual. uwilions it is doubtful whether meeting of the ladies to put on the liny City Oregon. tecooperative cheese factory will Mr. Bryan’s effort to prove that "Trip Around the Wor d” enter Perfect u« mother year. Good roadswill his lecturing is a result of the high tainment for Friday evening, Oct Baker ■sblea large cheese factory to cost of living may be said to have 24. The success which marked a sarchet , A Fuel Saver • The Fashionable Tailor tin moat of the year, for there is a put the chaw in Chautauqua. similar entertainment last year is b'te t of idle land which sufficient guarantee that the pro ­ A unique convention in Germany Some housewlv«« who wild be turned into dairy farms, had under consideration the value gram on the evening of the 24th 19 C/ • t Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing d la play n remarkable Al L ro**c« El«««« amount of broad, bound, i The Cranberry industry. of the devining rod. Why not try inst will be a grand success. common sense along |a Specialty. WILL f IVt Preaching service next Sunday- yOV PC LI MC other lines, persist In the It may surprise some of our it on the Eastern question? WAIC** / delusion — and it Is a de ­ •iders to know that Sandlake lusion—that they are real­ A Baltimore scientist has returned morning at 11 a. m. The pastor's ly practicing ecom my by hi about 300 acres - of land to America with 80,000,000 000 ma­ theme will be: “The Function of Store in Heins Photographic T ------- — peat ■ to lng to get along—to act results—out of an old, worn- •uitable for * the growing of cran- lignant germa which he will study, the Prophet," being tlie fifth in a Gallery. out range merely to save tbo series on the great ideas of the hmea, which should produce If you don’t believe it, count 'em. price of a new one. Your old rance or stove vzn.i put hum SOO to KXX) bushels of cran- Bible. together with putty and stove bolts rp H. GOYNK, Fifty five large irriga ion works At thi evening service, 7 30 p m., and probably you cun stick ft pen­ hnie« to the acre. W. C. King India, knife in the seams and Joints eny- are under construction in following a ssrmon on the subject. where on It where the stove putty ba» •bm he lived in that district ---------- far in “Commonplace Opportunities for crumbled away. When a range r< ts ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. hisrd 1000 bushels to the acre, and Americans and British are in that condition, 1t takes fuel en u h the lead in this form of improve ­ to warm all outdoors In order to get your Service in the Church. ” The holy ^Wene Atkinson says he has raised oven hot enough for baking—and then you run the risk of burning whatever Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , communion will be observed and • bushels to the acre. This is an ment 1» in the oven. You can soon burn up the price of the best range ever made In a useless waste of fuel in an old. worn-out stove or range—and that's |$duatry that should be bringing Gov. Sulzer of New York is being new members received by letter neither practical economy nor good management. Tillamook . Oregon« if you would practice real economy in your household management. It Ihtrom $100,000 to $300,000 into the tried by a high court of impeach, and confession of their faith Come will pay you, the next time you are in town, to rail at our store and Inqulrg |®®nty, is the opinion of those who ment on a charge of having omitted prepared for a spiritual, helpful, closely luto the perfect baking and remarkable fuel saving Qualities of the Ihderstand the cranberry business, from his sworn statement of con­ prayful service. 12)k »’• J- SHARP, D. A. M ackenzie , ■t there is no incentive fora per- tributions to hie campaign fund, Pastor. •* to locate and buy property filed subsequent to hie election, IN ESI DENT DENTIST, *1*1* the roads are so bad, and it not lees than 100 separate gifts, ag­ Notice to Creditor«. Office : Commercial Block, hi iprprise that so many persons gregating many thousands of dol­ h’t remained there ao long lars, and with also having used a Notice is hereby given that the Tillamook Oregon. portion of this money in Wall street firm of Gordon A Rhodes, a corpor­ Htur against many difficul speculation. Readers of that de­ ation. has assigned all its assets to **Jn thia isolated locality. the undersigned as assignee for J. CLAUSSEN, P**ithstanding all thia some of lightful little volume, “Sulzer’s the benefit of creditors io propor­ Outwear» Three Ordinary Range» . LAWYER, Short Speeches, ” widely circulated |ht settlers have built good homes tion to their respective claims. ft it the only ranft made entirely of op«n Iron grate—you can •*« It. No a few weeks prior to the Baltimore All persons having claims against malleable tron and charcoat iron. Char­ i^at ««cap«« — no cold air g«ta into DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. P* *r« improving their farms. coal iron won't root likeittrl mallatblt tli« oven — mvf » half the fuel and convention, when Mr. Sulzer was said corporation are hereby notified ■ iron can't break, and while the flrwt Miarei perfect baking. h««utiful Scenery and Beach. to present their claims, under oath, 2!3 T illam < x > k B lock suspected of a secret hope that cost of a Great Majestic may bn more Movable Copper Reservoir tbe undersigned, at his office in than some older range*, it oat wear» 3 Sandlake country is an ideal presidential or vice presidential to The reaervolr la •// coppar, heated Tillamook, Oregon, within three Tillamook • ry range». * Oitgcn like a tea kettle through copper pock­ T**°r a summer resort, one of the lightning might strike him at some months from the date of the first et abirnped from one piece of copper) •etllng again»1 left hand lining of fire Half The Fuel -"“Sat in the county, the email time during the fierce storm of that publication hereof b .i. It holla lfi gallona of water In a E J. CLAVanx, ■I sod Island in the center makes convention, will be shocked that The Majeetic Is put together with JIITyar.d, by turning lever, the frame — J E. REEDY, D.V M., Assignee rivets (not bolts and stove putty) and reservoir-move» away from fire. •i attractive place, while it has a such a foul accusation should have making it absolutely air tight, like an Thl» f ature is patented and can be First publication, October 2, 1913. J* beach on the north up to Cape been brought against the self-con engine boiler. The Joints and s< ams used only on th'* Way«Hic, VETERINARY. will remain air tight forever n« neither A th ue to • *••• yoa the greater* The changeable weather of early P*0’1*- As soon aa a good road atitufed tribune of the plain, com- expansion nor contraction can affect bnproitffi'ftt eo«r a reap«— fall brings on coughs and colds or open them. ffiahi M'i)t»he »tronger wAtro Both^Phones. b011' into that section it will that have a weakening effect on the e«A«r reap«« are M>«aA«et. mon people. I l j**, P*act amongst the other system, and may tscome chronic. Pure Asbestos Lining Other Exclusive Features Tillamook J Oregon. l’se jfeley’s Honey and Tar Com­ It's th« beat range al any priofi, In addition. 11 1, lined with pure beach resorts, which Quick Help to Backache And pound! It has a very soothing and and should b« la yowr kltcheu. nebeelu, board, eoeared wllta an X — ---- ®*«e Tillamook County famous healing effect on the irritated and Rheumatism '“«years. | rORjSALE BY G. McGEE, M.D. I The man or woman who wants intlsmed air passages, and will help very quickly. It is a well quick help from bschacheand rheu ­ ALEX McNAIR 8c CO. Get the Glad Hand. 2^ newspaper men were wel- matism. will find it in Foley Kidney known family medicine that gives Pills They act so quickly and results. For sale by all druggists. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. J** visitor« to Sandlake on Satnr- with such good effect that weak, in­ active kidney« that do not keep the P'ud they were given the glad With the production of rattle blood clean and free of impurities, growing leas and the number of Office : Next doer to Star hl, >nd r">a,,y entertained by are toned up and strengthened to beefeateragrowing larger all tlie ’’’ire« and progressive citiz- healthy vigorous action. Good re time the ultimate consumer refutes Theatre. Moat every point of vantage suits follow their use promptly. to become optimistic '«West wav visited. Eugene For «ale by all druggists. I D OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE J L ower s F ish B rand P ommel S licker G S C C A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp s. ] T Great Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron D A a K