Tillamook TALE OF A TIGHTWAD. ■vary Man hhaeld Take te Heart the Morel It Paint». An Old Tim« Merman. All «uiualug aud detailed accoant of« meruiau a«eu lu the Atlantic, writteu apparently lu good faith, elida with th* following dvacrlpllou of the luoiiat*r. which may possibly have beeif a seal or a sen Hou '"That monster Is atout eight fi»»t long, Ills skill |s brown aud tawny, without any «cale«, all his mo tlona are like those of men, the eyes are u proportionable else, a Ulti* mouth, a huge and flat uose, very white teeth, black lialr ami chiù co* ervd with a mossy brani, a sort of whiskers under the nose, the t>ara like those of meli, fins totweeu the fingers of Ills blinds and feet like those of ducks 111 a wonl tie Is a Well shnpid mau Which Is certllleil to lie true by Captain Oliver Morlu and John Martin, pilot, and by the whole crew, euiislatliig of two aud thirty men." (An a Micie from Hrett In the 'Memoirs of Pre von t" Th» monster was lueutlon- ed In the tlaselto of Amsterdam Oct. 12, lì—), where. It Is said, tt was seen lu tbe ocean In August of the same year. Bt. Loula Globe lVmocnit. Headlight, October 0, I013- Wagner Worship. "There la no aueb worship of na­ tional genius in Aweto'S aa provalla abroad," aaM a recently reoirued tour 1st. "lu Genuauy. for lustauee, at tbe o|«*ra tbe «cal« of prk-ea varies accord lug to tbe composer, Wagner, of course, couimumUng tbe top uoteh ad- miaalou Hut tbe meet peeultar tea lure of this musical adorn lion Is that It affects tbe toilets aa well. With the elaborate gowulug of a New York audience. In tulud, I approached our landlady as to the propriety of appear­ ing at tbe opera in aueb a maktwhlft costume aa uiy tourist wardrobe afford ed ‘It depeuda entirely upon tbe corn poser you Intend to hear, frauleln.' | »as her astonishing reply. 'For some I your preeeut attire would be perfectly proper, but If It la tbe great Wagner ' you are to bear’— She broke off. blit ■ an expreaalve shrug of the shoulders 1 told plaluer than words that it would be au affrout to his aahea to appear lu anp thing but tbe moat stunning aud up to date evening gown."—New York Tribune. FLOWERS AS FOOD. In India the Nativaa Eat Baaaia Traa Bloaaoma Uncooked. I ii these day« one would hardly call ! Floored the Court London Law Times tells a story of the late I»>rd Ashbourne, who as lord chancellor In presiding in the court of ,.,|H.ul in Ireland would occasionally make up Ills mind to bring a case to in end before tbe rising of tbe court. A Junior who was not conscious of Ills humor stood up to open what ap­ peared to be n short interlocutory ap­ peal. Lord Ashbourne after a sen tetice or two had been spoken inter­ jected, “Now, Mr. ---- . why should we reverse the -nga bench ou a poiut like this?" "My lord." rejoined counsel, "there are six reasons wby the order should be reversed." “Then,” said the president of the court, "suppose we commence with your three best." "No, my lord.” said counsel; “I could uot consent to that liecause 1 have fre­ quently succeeded in this court upon my bad points.” Lord Ashbourne collapsed and for once was unable to have his own way in the court of appeal. Out at S«rviawapa|>er In hie a dlnnel of rosebuds a feast, nor ;.... .... we I»- Im lined to accept an In borne town and alwaya went over io should Itatlou to dine on tbe blossoms of the borrow hie neighbor's pa|«r. One evening bo aelit hie son over to pumpkin vine, Yet some Indlaus, like _____ used to esteem these burrow lite i>aper. and while the eon the old Altees, was ou the way he ran Into a largo flowers, t wbeu ----- properly prepared, a eland of lieea. and tu a few minutes Ida great dainty. fare looked like a summer aquush So. In tbe same way, do mtives of Hearing tin* agonised rrtea of the mi« n.v parts of India depend for food •on. the father run to hie aaalatanee upon the blossoms of tbe bassia tree aud lu doing ao ran Into a I hii I ms I wire They do not need even to cook tbe fence, rutting a handful of fleah from flowers, but make a good meal of them raw These blossoms are described us hla anatomy and ruiulug a fl |ialr of trousers sweet and sickly in odor aud taste. The old cow took sdvsutage of the They are sometimes dried In the sun, hole lit the fence, got Into the Cortifleld when they are kept and sold lu ba- aud killed herself eutlug greeu com guars as a regular article of diet Hearing the rocket, the stingy man's The trees are so highly estet'med that wife rati out of the house, upsetting a the threat of cutting down tbelr bassia four gallon churn full of creaiu lulu a trm-s will generally bring an unruly liaaket of kittens, drowning the whole tribe to terms. This is perhaps not to flock. Hhe altp|«ed on the cream and be wondered at when It Is considered fell downstairs, breaking her leg aud tbat « single tree will yield from 200 a fill set of false teeth The baby, to 400 t'outtds of flowers. Tbe I’arsees The Top Hat. Neglected Neighborhoods. Whan Thanks Were Given. Hew to Read the Moon. left alone, crawled through the spilled Although the beginning of the “cylin­ You can find in almost any town a Many years ago a noted chief of the ca'k the flowers and also make sweet- Few |«eoplo can tell at a glance cream luto the parlor aud rulued a fto “neglected neighborhood.” Tbe easi­ der of civilization," as it Las been I whether the luoou la waxlug or wau- tribe of Chippewa Indlaus while hunt­ meats of them imrlor carpet. During Hie excitement “Nobody would be inclined to deny est thing to do with sueb a neighbor­ called, can be traced back to the Eliza­ ing wounded a deer aud followed it for the daughter eloped with the hired lug Here la «« nbiiualcal rule to re- that smoked fish aud smoked meat are bethan era. it is only about seventy mau. taking the family savings bank • «ueuiber by It is very simple to those miles. The chase was long and very agreeable varieties iu our bill of fare, hood is to keep on neglecting it. or eighty years ago that the top bat wbo know l.Mtlii aud Is uot difficult severe, and the Indian was iu the last It is so easy for us to study these with them for those who do uot The tirai thing stage« of exhaustlou from fatigue and but few. perhaps- would feel ready to topics as if they were about other of the present day reached its Anal The moral Is that every man ahould la to notice » hetber the moon ta like lack of food and water when be found plead guilty to a taste for smoked flow­ places and people than ourselves and shape. Since then It has altered slight­ be a aubarrlber to hla home new»pa|>er a D or » C- that is. whether the full himself ou the top of a wonderful ers And yet. when we gire to tbe our homes. Is there a neglected cor­ ly In the dimensions of the crown and —Hrvoklyu Eagle. | seiuiclreulw curve Is ou the right or mountain, at the foot of which nestled Clove its well earned place among fla­ ner in your towu or In your county? the curl of the brim, but the hat itself I the left it the moon show» a D that a beautiful lake crystal deer. From vorings we are making use of a i If there is, what are you going to do has remained essentially unchanged. THE GOLDEN HORSESHOE I lutturally etauda for decreacit. "It the surface of the lake trout leaped. smokid flower bud The buds grow on . about it? Not “What have you been The top hat seems to have had its be­ wauea" and upon the shore lay the deer be bad a small evergreen and are plucked I doing about it?" or “What ought you ginning In the habit of gallants in the That Wat th» Fire! Order Founded In But then cuiure In tbe great principle bunted Here were food. water, fish from tbe ends of tbe branches before j to do about it?" but “What are you Elizabethan period of cocking up one they expand. Then they are dried iu Thia Country. The moon la alwaya dec«!tfui," and ami fuel for rooking. side of their broad brimmed, high going to do atout It?" crowned felt or beaver hats and secur­ How many persona have ever beard one bus to understaud tbe opposite of liaising his bam! and facing the set­ the sun and smoked over a wood fire If you can't get the committees In ­ of the Order of the Golden lloraeaho«. what tbe uuvii saya. ao that a nioou ting sun. the exhausted chief exclaim to give them tbe brown color.—rhila- terested do something yourself. Do ing them with a jewel. The French which show» a l> Is a waxtug moon, ed. “lab-pein-tng." which In the Chip­ delpbia Press. the flrst order founded lu America? court later developed this into cocking not be afraid. lu IT24, when Virginia extended while a waning moon is like a V. up three sides of the hat and fastening pewa tongue means "beaveu* or "the The thing Is to get started. You see. The«« who have ik > 1-atiu will no place on high." from the Atlautic luto the unknown one with a loop of ribbon. From this USELESS THINGS. as soon as you have started something treat. few of her colonists bad croaned doubt ltK«k to see w lit her tbe (mxm fashion came the cockade, now used The story was remembered, and the the Blue Ridge or the Allegbaulea to say« It Is “decreasing." lu which case uauve given by the ludlan was adopted Ghosts of the Past That Were Formi- the neighborhood is no longer neg­ only by grooms and footmen. The silk lected. And then It will be nu easier f«ll of dangers from savages aud wild they will understand that It is waxtiqc. by the white settlers when the present hat of today was born in France and dabls In Their Time. matter to get some one to come in and boaats aud ao full of natural dtlttcul- while a wauiug luoou will dray that city of lahpetuing. Mich., was formed supplanted the now nearly extinct “ An enumeration of the- useless." help.—Christian Herald. ttoa was the lutsaage of these terrible It is “decreasing." New York Suu. beaver bat of practically the same — Ladles' Home Journal. ! says Ki. bard Jeffries, “would almost ba heights that Governor Spotswood, act shape, though considerably larger.— an enumeration of everything hitherto The Passing of a Type. C»»t of First CU m Traveling. I thig out t» dtorover a paaa. looked on London Standard. pursued " The hard contemporary fact is that While ou the l'avilie oevau I met a the expedition aa ao baiardous that he i In a boarding house for bachelors What a pile of Junk the men of the the gloriously maned authors are be­ I trok with hlut a guard of “aoldlera, Ute huurauev utau who tokl me that Blind Swimmers. Atuauda. a typical "mammy." looked i world labored to produce! coming sadly rare, even rarer than ■eutlwiura aud plourera." armed aud be traveled wuirtantiy and that bis The man wbo is unfortunate enough after tbe guests' comfort In true south Heap up all the books that are of no long haired actors. The long haired carrying provisions I heae a-»W the exiwusee. »float aud a»bore. averaged ecu style, ao well that one of tbe men passible use. the contents of ancient to lose his sight or to be torn blind is, pa«» with great hardships aud perils fit a day lie kept no expense ac- musician is still with us, though one thought be would take her away with says a medical authority, severely libraries. books of heraldries, theo- and returned after the gvveruor tvad ivum be said At the eud of the year of the most eminent masters of the c*t the name of Klug Qeorg« lu the be charged the cvMnpany 111 • day for htm tn the aemtner in tbe capacity of genie« and discarded sciences, books of pianoforte has yielded something to handicapped on dry ground, but he recks .«a the highest peak. exps-usea. aud that was almost exactly housekeeper Toward spring be way­ wrarriing and tedious arguments the the modern spirit b.v submitting briefly can. if he is a swimmer, find his way easily enough in tbe water. Blind word has wUingly forgot, and the He tbeu constituted the society, or what he »prat. I made a rakuiatioa laid her tn tbe ball one day and akK: to the sbeaia. Individual age has here "Mandy, do you like tire country y people generally have a keen sense of myriads of chaff products that pour afder. of the Qokleu Horveaboe. Each and found that the present trip has a potent influence—age. or the getting bearing, and they can steer themselves Mandy reckoned she did tike a cease ess Niagara from the mod­ utau w I k > hat! scaled this high pass w»a cost ue fit a day each, aluiewt to a "Would you like to go away with em press: heap them up into one through with things. What a wonder­ In the water by sound as well as an uaade a rnemtwr of It. and to each one iwray fully picturesque person Dickens was ha presented • (oldeu horoeaboe. Ou If you waul to know what travvilug uw thto summer and keep bouse for ■eountain. and from Its top you could at twenty-flve! And how matter of ordinary man by sight. If they ara mer look d. wn open the Himalayas swimming toward a certain point a the aide was iuav'rltwd In la I tn, -flo It costa, here Is au estimate you uuy de­ Mandr was sure she would. Think of the ruined cities of the ori­ fact at forty! Browning suffered a whistle from time to time will enable Pleases Him tv Crows Mouutatns.* pend upon Tbto means rapid trarei- “Suppose I get a bungalow. Do you ent. the ghostly temples of Egypt the similarly sobering and averaging ef­ them to reach it with unerring accu­ Any man thereafter who could prove tug. by railroad aud steamship, and fect The same thing is true of many racy. This fact has been proved by tkat be bad read with fata own eyve tbe «Ubtsee ug iu the towns with the as- think you could take care of It nicely broken fragments of castles by the Rhine and the Danube, the Coliseum, other figures in that period, and it is some Interesting experiments. A race Mme of the klug ou the belgbt was vu aUtauce of a guide. The estimate 1» by yvoreotf y _-■.. titled to become a member of thia or- eludes the purchase« a traveler la craa- “'Deed, ba mass«' Reckon you all cf Hadrian at Tivoli! Think of the use­ ing fashion set in during their uyddle mers on a lake resulted in a victory «tor.—Chicago Record Herald. peiied to make and cannot be reduced much unless yra travel seeoad class be«ec get somebody M« I doa t know less sc onces men studied, the faded re- years or whether advancing age would for the former. Normal swimmers Cj«»v»m-ral H«>W Bag. aud deny yourself many things.-Ed nothin' about rakin' care of any ani­ hg-ons they once believed, the lnconse- have effected the same change in any lose much time in rafting their heads queetia' wars of history, the reams of case.—Atlantic Monthly. mals."—Harper's Magazine "I wauit yra tv «ra iuy ìvvaly n«w \\ Howe lu U s Travel NeMn. for the purpose of keeping their eyes antiquated Law. the gold gathered to­ •bxvWM b«ig." aatd • crataia lady tv on the winning post This also pre­ gether rc.’y to be misspent! Think of The Swiss Navy. ■ ealtor tb* vtbvr «trerv.x'u “My bu» vents them from concentrating all the useless -assiems. dream« thoughts Centuries before Germany was to be their attention on speed.—Exchange. baud g«v« U tv «re tvr my Nrttotoy. reckoned with as a sea power Switzer­ aad tt » airapiv gniad And It» sv «ire land possessed a fleet equipped for avaùcal! 'Yra ••*. yra rara tbto aud Rose» For Restoring Hair. warfare. Eight hundred years ago. on tb«ro aro twv cxwupartmentw «ad yra Roses form the chief Ingredient In all the larger Swiss lakes, armed gal­ what is probably the earliest recipe for rara tb« «.viraartwrat cu ibi» aato aud tbraw to a llttl« pvckirt la tbat aud yra leys were maintained by the rival can­ a hair restorer on record. According •pra tb* Unto ira.-**« «ad tbere to a tons. Skilled shipwrights had to be to riiny, “wild rose leaves reduced into cute tilt»« vvckritovk toc ebaag*. w«tb Imported from Genoa for the construc­ a liniment with bear's grease make tbe ra* akto parrittouvd toc «trewt rat tion of these vessels, some of which hair grow again in most marvelou» ttokera* carried crews of 500 men or more. The Pliny also recommends fashion.' "I ara ' aaKI tb« c«l!ra "But wby vrgest of these flotillas was maintain­ “ashes of roses as serving to trim iK> tra cali «ivuvuik-«lV ed on the lake of Geneva, when the Ruses tbe hairs of the eyebrows.' *W»i. li tua«« a« irag to rara inhabitants of Geneva were at war figured prominently in several old time tto» toiug» «ad g«t tv yrar « Switw'and has been guaranteed by consisted of rosewater mixed with «wr'a witb yra bra rakl yrar fare."— the iw-rs there has been no need for aqua vitae aud flavored with cinna­ Ctoawtoug Ftoia ktoatoe. war vesseis on the lakes. The Swiss, mon. The favorite 'morning draft in wever. possess a mercantile navy among Elizabethan roisterers was ~ — . -i.-T -s i considerable amount of "rosa soils, to wash tbe mulligrubs out tra-i - or -r the U2 miles of navigable of a moody brnln."—London Chronicle. waterways in the republic. to tàat Ramota Origin of Alcohol. Sor—y Far the Overworked Artist, No one knows when alcohol was first ‘Henry." said his sister at the bresk- made. It Is commonly taught that it fitst table the morning after, ••yon was first distilled by the Arabians ahonulnt ask that young artist to work about the tenth century, but there 1» eo la-i when he and a party of your little doubt that they obtained tb« ■»tiier friends visit you." secret from Italian doctors, wbo bad "H ih?" replied brother, coming out long been practicing It. Paul Rich­ »f » postmortem reverie of the big ter in the Berliner KUnische Wocben- xanai. schrlft shows that a knowledge of "Y >u needn't try to deny it. I listen* “aqua ardeua." or “burning water, ed ar the dvir awhile, and some one may bo traced as far back as the sec­ via tlway» ask ng the poor artist to ond century A. D. to a Christian father ira-r three or draw some other num- uamed lllppolytus, who possessed a >*r of puttures. At least yon should recipe aualogvua to those banded about m-» >een satisfied to have him draw during the middle ages. ■ne it a rime."—Kansas City Star. Oldest Bell Ganra. 4 Comoiex Problem. T*1 you think worry makes a man Laid headed »• “Its hard to say." replied the man ____ V-1O gxv«« every question cautious con- -Jderauon. "whether you get bald be- suse you worry or you worry because MB ire getting bald."—Chicago Itec «rd-Hermd. t -* a t» I Tennis Is pronounced the oldest of al) ths existing ball games It is im­ possible to give its origin, but it was played in Europe during the middle agv« tn the parks or dltchee of th« feudal castle«. It at flr,t pastime of kings and noble«, bot later It grew popular with all classes. The French took It from the Italians aud the English from the Frauen -M* York Fnfts. 1*81 i* ' ri’rr-r- sar itti* i «<■ to««» tu.wiLL Q3< bBt Wei. 1-- Herald. F«il«w«d tb« L«ad. ■ * M T.mclntr— Wbera dv w» obtalu crai -'rodili«»’ FriwMle— Fronti tire crai bwda, raacbwr— Right! Nvw. Jttuiuy. wtiwr» du «re obtain toathura? Jlaimy —From ftoithvr batto taira. Ce««c »«vee. Twu-ber What to Tommy* Small V«a»«ny- aiaiee a fellow feri aero gets found out Chicago >X—i I ri«» to»»»ro«»v« ••»AoVral th«» IlMtbHt V »oil on the "Y sm . I a«M Wra Twa who»« I think I i'-vtos tee*« k-utta." Cb-tetiaH