Tillamook Headlight YOU BELIEVE THAT I WJ 9 The Manufacturing City on NEHALEM BAA 1 B ound to G row and INVEST MENT in W heeler Property will be Profitable. ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You cuill make money by Investing in CUHEEbER For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Portland Office : Tillamook Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Care of F, R. BEALS 9 of life and death to a considerable discuss this subject ever get below Notice of Hearing of Final Account. fraction of respectable society. The the surface of it. Dr. Emma F. distinction tietween lost women and Druks for example. urged that a Oregonian. N otic e is H ereby G iven , That Ths other night at the first Meth­ such criminals as firebugs and home should be instituted for the undersigned Ims filed liis Finul odist Church the speakers of the Pa­ murderers is perfectly obvious' women who had been driven out of Account an Administrator of the Charity Estate of Andrew F. Bibby, de- . cific Coast Rescue and Protective The latter choose their criminal the restricted district. Society discussed the question how career of their own freewill. The could think of no better way unless ceased, and that the County Court | of the State of Oregon, for Tilla- j to dispose of fallen women when women are, frequently at least, led we should try the plan of abolish­ ■nook County, has set Monday, the , ing the district by cutting off its ths segregated districts have been estray by deceit which beguiles their 3rd day of November, 1013, at 10 Prostitutes o'clock a. in , as the time and place broken up. Sinful and degraded ignorance. They had uo criminal supply of women. as these creatures may be, they are intent at the outset and never have either adopt their calling of their for the hearing of said account and If they ( 1 a°y objections there may be to the still human beings and it is unmer­ formed any. They have simply own choice or they do not. I' 1 same. drifted from bad to worse without j prefer it to any other means of Dated September 18th, 1913. ciful, if not positively wrong, to any particular intent whatever, j livelihood, the less said about the J ames B ibby . drive them out of their wretched Administrator of the Estate of If shelters to starve in the streets. Some of them have been forced to ; ideals of their sex the better Andrew J. Bibby, deceased. Now is I they are forced into it by circum­ We must reflect, too, that when sell themselves by eooticmic pres-1 stances, it teenii as if a genuine misery presses hard upon them sure. to have that The person from whom we are reformer would begin his work by Suit for Divorce. they will ply their trade more dil­ inquiring what these circumstances supposed to derive our notions of igently than ever and no doubt are and seeking to modify them. spread disease far and wide through charity and justice never dreamed Summons by Publication, Iart us show you our of classing fallen women with The task might prove somewhat In the Circuit Court of the State of the city. Is it wise then to expel t irksome, but, once completed, one special display of attrac­ thieves and murderers. He was Oregon, for the County of them from the haunts of the segre­ Tillamook. tive new^stylea. We nre disposed to look upon their condi­ would suppose that it might pro­ gated district before some other l>erfectly equipped for tion with extreme leniency and duce more satisfactory results than Alta Sours, refuge has been provided for them? Plaintiff. making group pictures made their welfare the prime con­ blind sallies againgt the fallen v» Judge Stevenson expressed him­ and will please you with sideration whenever lie dealt with women. If we could only device Harold V. Sours, self quite positively upon the sub­ Defendant. the quality of our work. them. There is another point which means to keep them from falling ject. He fixed his mind firmly To Harold V. Sours, the aliove there would be no necessity to cannot be ignored if we wish to be I upi n the point that these women named defendant : Justice re- I n the N ame of the S tate of rescue homes. fair. For every fallen woman there build I are lawbreakers. Their business is O keoon : is at least one fallen man and ' volts at the thought of heaping carried on illegally and hence there You are hereby required to ap after punishment upon usually several of them. F. rel tells punishment , Next to POST OFFICE. can be no question that it ought to the weaker and more helpless par­ pear and answer the Complaint in his great work on this subject of I 1 filed against you in the above en ­ be broken up without much regard in the social evil, while the titled cause on or before the sxpi- a certain individual who lias shared ticipant I to the consequences. Why ehqwld lie i ration of six weeks from the date in tiie crime of 15U0 female» of the robust tempter goes scot free w* consider the future of such underworld. Th» fact is perfectly J is noteven mentioned in public of the first publication of thia sum­ criminal women any more than patent that these criminal women addresses and high society receives mons, and if you fail »0 to appear and answer, for want thereof the that of thieves aufi murderers? invariably have male accessories, him with flattering favor, while the plaintiff will apply to the said Court The main purpose ft to put a atop 1 I must have them, indeed, in order law, ths gospel and the ballroom for the relic* demanded in the com­ to their evil coticiuct What may to 1 commit their peculiar species cf I combine to bespatter and harry his plaint thersiu The relisf demanded is the dis happen to the women afterward is a The handling of thin crime. It is interesting to observe victim. matter Tor subsequent considera­ the zeal with which many reform­ matter is almost entirely intrusted solution of the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the tion-. ers urge rigorous punishment of the to men, as yet, and they unconsci­ plaintiff, Alta Sours, your wife, and ‘ Who,” inquired Judge Steven- woman, while the accessory of the . ously seek to win favor with good for general relief. While going to Schoo! This Summons is published by 8°n, ‘‘advocates a segregated dis­ other sex escai>ea their noti "e alto-, women by severity to their lest ord-r of the Hon. Webster Holmes, there is nothing better trict for murderers, firslfbgs and gether. Why not turn our attention «»¡Cfs sisters This will probably allow Judge ot the Circuit Court of the t lieves? Who will contend that ac­ once in a while to the proper dis- that they ....... and more satisfying then have miscalcu — atrd the State of Oregon, for the County of tion ought to be delayed” in their position to be made of the fallen weight of certain factors 1 in the Tillamook, in the IZth Judicial Dis- to own a good fountain trict of said State, »aid order t>eing ..... — i.i. ,. afe cases ‘‘until some plans had been ' men, who are equally guilty — with case, made and dated at Tillamook City, pen, one that is always made for their moral betterment? the fallen women? What shall we I Need Oregon, on the 2Bth day of August, Women ready to write, and does Society is undsrno determined obli­ do with these men when the segre ■ • Home Keejkng 1913 The time prewribed in the Health and Strength nut flood or soil one’s gation to consult the convenience gated districts are broken up". The work ol a home-keeping order for publication is once a week °f those who have placed them Shall we drive them out of the city | woman makes a constant call in , for six consecutive Weeks and for finger. consecutive publication» eo •elves outside of the law.” This or will it be best to build them a < her strength and vitality, and eick-!** ______ _ and the date of the first ness comes through her kidneys ••»¿««L We have all '• certainly true. But let us, by "home?” Many of them are weal and bladder ottener than -he knows | I pulilication is Thursday, August I Kexall Pen, sold on trial, w®y of experiment, alter Judge thy. Some are eminent. Statistics Foley kidney Pill, will mv.g..rate____________ r 4Kn n«Ni,«u»OM. J ohn L eland H en de it son . satisfaction guaranteed. S*eTOn*on’s language a little and Show that by far the larger number and restore her, and weak back, Attorney for the Plaintiff £j see whet comes of iL Suppose he of male offenders in this kind are nervousness, aching joints and >r Prices ranging from had said, “Society is under no obli­ married men 1» it •*•• duty of regulai bladder action will all dl appear when Foley Kidney Pil It off to $5 50. Chronic Dyspepsia. gation to consult the welfare of society to "consult their con ven- are , used. For sale by all drug­ The following unsolicited teeti- •hose who have been placed, partly fence?* If the convenience of the , gists _ _______ itoonial should certainly be ««iffi. by their own fault and partly by male criminals is worth consider­ Henry A Johnson. ■ busineaa