Tillamook Headlight, October''. I»l3- fà income Tax Hits 420,000 and run city affairs, but who Americans. have gone about their work L egal A dvertisements : with discretion, and when it First Insertion, per line . $ 10 According to estimates by trea­ It’s Import ! Where you invest yÜUr came their turn to leave they Each subsequent insertion, line 5 sury experts 425,0110 Americans will money. The Western Loan and Invest­ Business and professional cards, have carried with them the re­ be taxed this spring under tlie new 1 month ............................... 1 co sped of ail classes. ment Co., of Salt Lake, Utah is now open income tax law Homestead Notices................... 5 (10 to make yon a loan or build yon a home on Timber Claims So far ax the taxable American i* .. 10 IM) 5 Locals per line each insertion the small monthly payment plan. It was at the invitation of the concerned, the income tax law is Display advertisement, an inch, now practically in forie against A. McNAIR, President. » Sandlake people that Editors no month ................................. D L SHRODE, Vice-President. Baker and Trombley took atrip him While the tariff bill in which All Resolutions of Condolence and The snap shot man lost his CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. into that part of the county for the law is embodied was signed Board of Appraisers — breakfast directly he hit the Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. by the Pr sident last week, the first the purpose of investigating E. M. BALES F. H. MIICNK. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, Sandlake road on Saturday, At for themselves and to boost for returns must be made to the inter­ R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ first he felt like having a little Board of Trustees— good roads. The trip was in­ nal revenue collectors before March ing five lines. scrap with Bro. Trombley for JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS. teresting in many respects. It 1. 1914. They will cover the income reckless driving, but the re­ I. C. SMITH.. W. G, McGHE, conclusively proved that Sand­ of citizens from March 1, 1913, to RATES OF SUBSCRHTION. peated jolts convinced him that lake is one part of the county December 31. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) the two good road boosters were 1.5<| both getting a good shaking that is bottled-up and is entitled One year........ Every single person (citizen or 75 Six months.... to a modern constructed road. foreign resident) whose annual down. And Bro.Tromblev|also 50 Three months When one takes into considera income exceeds $3000, and eierj wondered what had become of Loan Agent. tiou that there are 300 acres of married person with an income For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land, City Property his breakfast. Entered as second class mail mat­ bog land, suitable for cranberry above $1000, is expected to report Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock/’ K§j] ter July, 1888, at the post office at culture, with a possibility of hie or her receipts in detail to the Tillamook, Ore., under the act of As was expected, the grand producing 500 to 1000 bushels to government agents March 1 of each March 3. 1879. jury brought in a “no bill” the acre, here is an industry rear. The estimate, completed, against the young man who was that can lie made to bring from indicates that the income tax will thrown into jail for killing a $100,000 to $300,000 annually in­ produce $82,298,000. dog, the taxpayers having to to the county, to say nothing of Income. Number. Total tax. keep him until the grand jury the increase in the dairy indus­ $.3000 to $5)O0 ......... 126,000 $030,000 met. There are too many use­ try and opening-up another $5!.)0 to $10.000 .... 178 000 5,340,000 Editorial Snap Shots less dogs in the county and we beautiful spot for visitors to $10.0)0 to $15,00 ) . 53 000 4.240,000 are of the opinion that it would .spend their summer outings. $15,003 to $20,000... 24,500 3,185,003 | $20,000 to $25,000.. 10,500 2 100,(XX) j Nothing will help develop be a good thing to start a cru­ The people of Sandlake feel that $25,0JO to $50,000... 21 IKK) 9,660,C00 « the cranberry industry at Sand­ sade against the dog nuisance they have been somewhat ne­ $50,0'0 to $75.000... 6,100 6 832.000 and kill them off as fast as pos­ glected, and it is not surprising $75.090 to $1(X), 002 .. 2,400 4,778,003 lake more than good roads. 2, .50) 11,775,003 sible. that they should feel that way, $103,1.00 to $253,000.. $■».») 0 )0 to $520.(100.. .550 8,805,500 for they certainly have exer- $5lX),0’X) to $1,000.(IOO 350 13,653,503 Impossible Bro. Talmage. No ci 1 a good deal of patience $1,000,000 or above. UK) 9 301,000 We now have connections with Port­ one ever heard of anyone letting wailing for their turn to come go of a money making toll road. land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco Totals ............. 425,000 $82,298 000 when their district would parti­ Collections at the S .uirce and all the larger cities cipate in and enjoy some of the It don't pay to be shooting off blessings that good roads are President \\ íleon, the federal Advice free to patrons. hot air these days. It cost W. bringing to other parts of the judges of the supreme and inferior O, Chase $25!) and costs for county. We are sure that those courts now holding office ; and etn i We will shortly be prepared to doing so. of our citizens who know noth­ ployes “ of a state or any political i make quick Fann ¡loans of from ing about road conditions in the subdivision thereof,” are the only { $500 to $5000. If you need money Sandlake district will accept the persons specitieially exempted verdict of the newspaper men from the tax by the new law. Their ; see us. that a good road should be built successors tn office will pay the tax. there. That is the opinion of On account of our location, we Two primary methods of collect­ tile County Court as well, for 4 have more inquiries for real estate We must apologise for Bro. last summer they ordered a sur­ ing the tax are contained in the I ■ Trombley, who got loaded up <>n vey which is the first import­ law. One is the individual return and business chances than any where Even before the tariff bill was Saturday with as much as he ant step to take in successful made by the citizen, the other by in town. List with us. Tile pyramid of road building. All that is now employers who pay th-ir employers’ passed the first cargo of butter could carry, taxes ” at the source. ” Utiderthe from Siberia arrived and was chicken bones he had on his necessary to give .Sandlake a placed in bond, to he placed on plate after lunch proves this, so good road is a united, pull to­ law every large company employ­ the market directly the new we must ¡isk our respected Bro. gether spirit, and we predict ing labor will be compelled to re­ C. H. THOMAS. S. E HENDERSON. port any regular salaries it paya in I to define who is the greatest tariff bill was signed. that when the County Court M ANAGER. S ec ., T res . excess of the $3001) figures and will j sinner, the fellow who loads tip does commence work on a new pay the taxes for its employes and with too much grub or too much road to Sandlake and it is com­ Taxes next year will be <1 tie V liquid refreshments? Of course pleted, the people will have as deduct the tax from their pay on the 1st January, which is envelopes. the newspaper men are to be good and substantial highway not very consoling to those who In figuring up the net income for SIDNEY E HENDERSON, excused if they erred, for they ns other parts of the county, and JOHN LELAND HENDEKSCN are now paying the last half of the taxpayer, the American busi­ had bunipe 1 the bumps over President. Secretary-Treae. in about two years we hope to this year's tax. Under the new ness man, after deducting $3000 for the Sandlake road. have the pleastre of traveling Attorneyat-Law and Notw law taxes can be paid in two himself, or $4000 if married, will over it. payments, and no rebates will Public. have the right to claim the follow­ be Allowed. Clatsop is another county to ing additional exemptions : A part of the discussion in the vote on tile question of issuing Necessary expenses of carrying It would be a mean kind of a $ It K ),(k M > bonds for road improve­ tariff Conference Committee is as on business, not included in per newspaper man who wouldn't ment. This includes $100,000 to futures in cotton. We shudder sonal, living or family expenses ; for tile completion of the roads !to thlnk wl,at the f,iture is to be. boost for a modern, up-to-date interest paid out on indebtedness; ,ine9’ in cotton co,ton and !ln the Tillamook county line in I on tariff lines, national, state, county, school or I This county . e'8e- ing the sponla mous welcome Clatsop county. municipal taxes paid within the and hospitable entertainment has the inner road built to the ' All dry excavation along the Pan­ year; trade losses or storm or fire the good road boosters received county line, but the road around »">» Canal has been completed and losses, not covered by insurance ; (INCORPORATED), on Saturday. Necarney mountain will have the dredges wi I finish the removal worthless debts charged off during I to be improved, This is on the,of «»•’♦•’ shortly. Unde Sam is the year ; a reasonable allowance route of the proposed Columbia ahead of time on one of the biggest for the depreciation of property ; Dairy men think they have n Highway, and as soon as the tasks ever undertaken. dividends from companies whose pretty good cow that will teHt mountain road is improved it Turkey still lives and has under income has already been taxed ; 4 per cent, but the big fee, out­ will immediately place Tilla­ I contract in a British J yard an ini- interest from state municipal or BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK, ORE. side attorneys nre doing some mook county on the Columbia menae battle ship of the dread­ government bonds. better than that. The test was Highway map with very little naught class. There is little to say The ratio of the income tax’ as 10 per cent in the pavement case expense, for disarmament when such levia­ finally agreed upon follows : From mid one who refused to give thans are ordered by bankrupt na­ $3000 to $20,000, 1 per cent; from down that amount was hauled 1 tions.- $20,000 to $50,000, 2 per cent ; $50,000 I The editor good road boosters into court. The extent to which one of the to $75,000, 3 per cent ; $75,000 to iu making their trips over the county were informed, notwith­ world'« greatest industries can be $100,000, 4 per cent; $100,000 to $250,- Mums the word about the city standing that the county is pay­ developed is «flown in th“ fact that 000. 5 per cent ; $250,030 to $500,000, pavement. After twelve months ing nt the rate of nine hours for eggs can be marketed in tinned, 6 per cent; above $500,000 7 per cent. of service and heavy travel it eight hours work, that some ctindlej and frozen forms, and oc don’t show any signs of wear. Many of the orators of the pres- men quit work before time. We casionally a fresh dozen gladdens The curt) stone knockers are had hoped that that had been the green grocer’s eye. sent day are using Chauncey De­ woefully disappointed and some eliminated from road work, but Secretary of War Garrison thinks pew’s orations, without giving any of those who were miled for 10 it seems that some men do ns now of paying militiamen a fair credit to Chauncey, or the source per cent now see the folly of little work as possible when em- I price for attending weekly drills from which he obtained them. paying out 11 lot of money to pay ployed bv the couutv whenever ‘ and turning out to encampments, Colorado authorities are prose- outside, high priced attorneys. the road supervisors 1 or county ¡This ia the most practical sugges- cuting men i accused of forging coni 111 issioners are not in sight, ¡tion 'tion we have yet seen of how a re­ names to I referendum petitions? We mention this in the interest serve army can be organized and Say, Bro. Trombley, whose Ohio has a i similar scandal, little poixile was it who signed of good roads and ill the inter- [ maintained. Talk of long compul- Crooks readily adapt themselves est <>f the tiixpav ei s as well, but sory training service ia as wide of that letter ^criticising the snap to any form of government tila* DOCKS D WAREHOUSE, shot num. We must apologise we are glad to I k - able to suv . the point here an in England, or may be adopted. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Jnd A 3rd AVENt E WEST for stepping on the tail of a dog that the county officials have aitv other country where men are Coincidences are constantly pre- so sin.ill and insignitieiint, ns broken up th- system of tennis freemen. senting themselves, and ofte -. n to the lines of the only plank street getting to work late and quit­ it-is full time for consumers to the confusion of the inept or the in the city resembles that of the ting early. It is only a question take alarm when the beef packers insincere. Che same day brings us Iliad leg a dog. It ought to be of time, for those who continue complain thnt there is not enougk t .vo remarkable pieces of news tea- called dog legged plank street. • to do so should be barred from market beet in the country to keep lifying to the advance of science in 1 working on the roads. the packing plants at work, and dietetics. Men have just been die- i appropriate $501.(100 to stimulate covered who are thriving on eggs ! Judge McGinn showed his the farmers to •he growing kept for three years in cold storage contempt for fraudulent hind of ____ ___ _____ more live speculators. It seems to us stock. We and found, at the end of that time 1 i have not been accustomed to pay to l>e more palatable and more nu-' I that I'tllnmook county have had much attention to the repeated tritious than the fresh egg of com. ' real estate speculators who have been guilty of dishonesty and prophecies of a meat famine, tint merce. And a returning mission- i even scaring people out of the it ia time to take notice when the ery from New Guinea announces. 1 county after paying deposits on packers devote lislf a mdli in dol­ after a long observation of, anil ! land, That is not all, but they lars to the work of averting it. familiarity with the habits of eanm- Neat is high enough now in a|| bale, that they prefer the white have knocked one another in real estate deals. conscience, high enough to com­ meat of white men only after it has ‘ be ' !*• consumers to curtail seriously been held in storage Joug enough to have destroyed flic flavor of salt, The tariff bill is passed and it is well to note what effect it facts about the social evil, and »nd high enough. it would «eem, and the other apices and condi­ will have on the priMlucts of it is well that he has gone to.t” induce f irmer* to enter more ments with which men of the white To race are wont to saturate their Tillmnook county. Milk, cream, new fields. We want to state ■■rgcly upon its production. The cannibals, it is an-* 1 t*gg*. cuttle, sheep, hogs, wool ill this connection that we feel make the farmer« realize that beef flesh d pork, at 9 cent» »nd coni» a pound or nouncM. much prefer eating a and lumber are some of the sorry for preachers who come nn things placed on the free list, here perfect strangers, puv no ‘ more on tl e lioof ia the most profit­ colored person to any one of us. but who immediately able form in which crops c.n t>e The darker flesh ia not i-crmeated while butter mid cheese, which tuxes, hut was formerly protected with a undertake to criticise officials marketed, is whit the puckers atr •nth the tang of the sharp appeti*. fluty of six cent, was reduced to and run city affairs, for they going to attempt with this large era to which civilization lias accus- often do more barm than good »uni. They are going to carry on tomed tlwCaucasian. Accordingly, two uud one half cents. Try the new Cyrus Noble— Accordingly, by the strife they create. On un educational campaign, addi­ • in time« of scarcity, when there is the numbered bottle—"the soul of the grsin. the other hand, we want to say tional to that which has been car­ nothing bm white meat to tie had, Becimse h few land specula that the preachers who have ried on for a long time hy ngricul- the cannibals put it in storage, ami tors own pro|H*rtv anil are livid- done most gissl are those who turaJ colleges and railroads, to sav W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agent# keep it there long enough for the iug it at exorbitant prices, the have not attempted to butt iu nothin i of the press. objectionable flavors to dieap^Br. , Advertis'ng Rates, w city cluils are not giving the city am] other property owners a square deal when they com­ pel a ¡large proportion of the property owners to lay hard surface payment in front of tin ir property and allow others to use plank. There ia no -system or ... . • justice in such proceedings. © © s; A. C. EVERSON, I ^ilhmook Mjcabligbi, Merchant’s Collection Association of Tillamook, Ore Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law : Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint lamb - schrader company . Any time any whiskey tastes so rough and strong it makes you shake your head and say “bur-r” let * it ’ alone. * Never put anything into your stomach your palate rejects. That’s why nature gave you a palate. Portland, Oregon