îilla ni ook ¿{raölüjht II.LAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 9, dn^x ’ u‘° ,e“,C' au unproved da-n «»ch that will carry fr",,,. I 1913 Appeals iu The Hadley Case. a«10?’ W°U,dllke cows with Two appeals have been filed in son A ¿°r Particu,a” ««« Bender- the Otelia Hadley vs C. E. Hadley tt)e »alt« Bank R m "“8’ ‘‘rc,lnd »'cor new case, which was tried before Judge Dank Budding'. 't* srUchoL, Cambell and decided in favor of Determined effort to save develope or ied For sale, team, harness and C. E. Hadlev. eacX To« strengthens a valuable faculty ; namely, Attorney Oak Nolan appeals from It is the aim of this bank to P the endi »■hr- M d’ ffen,le' Kray. The the judgment of the Circuit Court, the faculty of drawing the line between give the best banking service lads only '• ' lo'e‘»mg for$3:X Wagon practic- and Attorney R. R. D’.iniway also e and fol necessary and useless expenditure. possible—and cue do it. h new. C. N. Cru.ou, Tillamook, appeals the case on the ground ’pressed Ore. Phone 78 J. that the court erred in dismissing “Pretty It is also our aim to have Think of it : Isn’t it usually the It has been decided to hold the the suit and denied the defendant a ever M a decree for costs and disburse ­ the best equipment sueh as thing one is better off without that Butter and Cheese Maker s Conven- ment s against the plaintiff, and it ‘ ‘ «"J ’ " “ ’ he State Dairymen's As- Modern Fire Proof Banking takes the money he should save ? sociation meetings in Tillamook is to recove.- this that the suit is Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ appealed. the latter part of this month. The Hence the double benefit of the exact date will be announced next lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe saving habit : First, learning to deny Glenessliti Sold for $550. week. Deposit Boxes—and cue have British Consul Erskine conducted one’s self harmful indulgences ; ; and The City Council passed an ordi­ h Cent, ¡i court of inquiry at 10 o’clock yes­ them. on nance regarding stock being driven second, acquiring a property through terday in Portland into the loss of through the citv, and any person most |n little triumphs over self who does so and allows cattle to the British ship Glenesslin, which idem? is hard and fast on the ro ks at the n the run on lawns will be prosecuted. Ask yourself now if there is any rea­ iated fato The ordinance compels those who base of Necarney Mountain, near Nehalem flutter, th, take cattle through the city to have son why you should not become a Tile wreck was sold Tuesday for 18 flutter, the them properly guarded. money'saver at $550 to John Caarimen and A. r flutter and County Judge Mason bought a Bremtner, who expect to salve con­ le eighteenth thoroughbred Jersey heifer at the siderable property. It is said stores lj|l« In L ob - State Fair, which took second prize alone that remain on board are • °f fashion, It is two years old and on Tuesday valued at from $1100 to $1200 and e their pen- u" The fun, it gave birth to a heifer calf. He there is a mass of tackle, deck gear « Placed in had an agreement with the person and like equipment that can be re­ tian had the he bought the heifer from that if moved if weather conditions do not the lady to the calf was a bull, he would pay prove.troublesonie. The southerly his allotted $150 for it. He values the calf at blow of Monday did no material Of course TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS See Dr. Monk for novelties in place $200. damage, and unless it blows rreat atody cards. Jack Latimer met with a bad ac­ strongly from the southwest, ship­ gentlemen, B. S. Clark, auctioneer. ' The Presbyierian Church will cident last Thursday. While riding ping men say, a barge might be iund some Leave orders for wood with erect a building' near the church a motorcycle, he collided with Eu­ gotten near the wreck and salvage > and Guy, Shrode. to be used for social gatherings gene Jenkins’ auto. As a result, operations successfully carried on. ’ his prede n praise of Empty sacks Jack has Beveral broken ribs and wanted—I.amb- aud other purposes. rention to Schrader Co. A musical will be given on Fri­ will be laid up for awhile, He FIRE DESTROYS LAUN Piano for rent. Enquire at the day evening, Oct. 17th, by the pu­ intends staying in Tillamook this DRY. pils of the high school, assisted by Fall, however, not taking up his Headlight office. I Fowl, studies at the dental college at Loss Amounts to $6,500, Prof. Warren Glaze. ig Stone,” Stylish City Photographs at the tome« the One guilt edged mortgage on a Partland until later. With $1,00(1 Insurance. Tillamook Studio. Within the next month several of Iglng wild Second hand wagon for sale at a Tillamook dairy farm, forsale. En­ Soon after five o'clock on Wed­ momlzln; quire Tillamook Abstract and Title our business men will move into nesday morning the Crystal Steam bargain. See Shrode. the new Oddfellow’s and Masonic Co., Tillamook Hotel Bld. Laundry in this city was totally Geo. Witheral is in from Oregon told of i buildings. The First National The government dredge is at destroyed by fire, the loss amount against Julius Erickson, who was er swop- City visiting relatives. Bank, A. J . Stillwell and the City vttork in Hoquarton slough throw­ ing to $6,.r00, with $1,000 insurance. charged with assault and buttery Inside, to Transfer Co. will occupy the ground Headquarters for auto livery.— ing up dirt, Clark Hadley having The fire was first discovered by upon his wife, Ethelina Erickson, and thee Ed. Hadley, phone 11W. floor of the Oddfellow’s building, decided to dyke his land there. He then Mrs, Julius Erickson, who lives on two separate occasions. Erick and Dr. Jack Olsen, Dr. R.T. Boals, Try tome of that kippered sal­ flags Into son pleaded guilty to one complaint For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland F. S. Whitehouse, Attorney S. S. near and she raised an alarm. By mon at the clam market. there the and stood trial on the other. In pony colt. Will trade for good Johnson and Dr. Went will occupy the time the tire appliance ar- her that For Fine Photographs at popular family milch cow. Inquire at A. F. rived the tire had made consider­ The October term of the circuit the first case Erickson was fined the offices. nocently price».—Tillamook Studio. able headway, and when a gaso­ court convened on Monday with $200.(1) anil costs, and in the second Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook. hunter The P. R. & N. Ry. has installed line tank exploded ignited the Judge Webster Holmes on the case the jury, after severul hours Carl Knudson left last week for For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland a new style crossing sign at the t of hie whole of the interior of the build­ bench. deliberation, brought in a verdict of Chicago on a business trip. he legs, pony team, stirry and harneaa county road crossing near the Kil- ing, which made a fierce fire. The not guilty. Erickson paid the fine. All the jurymen having answ ­ whet» Cal) up the Mutual Phone fora Will trade for Tillamook city prop­ chis river bridge. In addition to ouiy thing that the fire company ered to their names, the judge ex­ Grand Jury’s Report. date at the Tillamook Stndio. erty. Inquire at A. F. Coats Lum­ the standard sign at the crossing, cou'd do was to confine the fire to cused L M. Kranet and ff. I„ Pro- OIDpSD- The grand jury was excused on which has been added a large red I 1 the building, which they succeeded voost on account of sickness in the Glasses fitted. Any kind, any ber Co. ite blid I Tuesday after presenting t lie follow­ rtjle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Frank Paul and wife and '‘Sid’’ disk, a distant danger post has in doing. The only tiling family and business, the former ing report: or food Furnished rooms, with or without returned last week from an automo-1 been installed on the county road that ia of any value left is the being postmaster of Cloverdale. io tin» “We the undersigned duly em­ board.—W. H. Smith, with King & bile trip to Oregon City, Salem and > as an additional warning to teams boiler, which is not damaged, Tin io the The grand jury was drawn com­ paneled grand jurors for the Octo­ .and automobiles that they are ap- ’ Smith. • other points in the Willamette laundry belonged to E. N Wagy posed of J. M. Bodie, J. II. John­ ber term of the Circuit Court for proacliing a railroad crossing. : and H E. Bailey, and had ponsid- The County Court is in session Valley. son, Chas. Kunze, G. H. Ward, 1IH3 for Tillamook County, beg Ed. Womelsdorf lias bought out The P. R. A N. are trying this erable laundry work on hand, The M. Abpanalp and Lewis L. John­ leave to report to your honorable this week attending to county bus­ irtKi iness. Oscar Aschim’s equipment in the style of sign as an experiment to insurance was in the building. son. After making his charge to court that in our judgment satis » foe cleaning and pressing business, see if it is more efficient than the ! ’the jury the judge appointed Mr. factory conditions exist us to the Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ ite li. plain cressing sign. Attention ! Oddfellows. Rebekahs. Kunze foreman. county jail and county court house Hie mook Neat Company's Market, 12c. I and is prepared to do first class School District No. 35 vs. School . work. is K per pound. • In the cases of E. Hummel mid building.'* Districts Nos. 31 and 9, the District Ladies bring a ball of carpet rags adea Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro- Vernon Loomis the grand jury re­ Chase Settles Case for $250. The heavy rain all day Monday Boundary Board et al was a suit and lunch for two ; gentlemen 25c.; After irractor, successfully treats all ner ­ turned “ no bills.” George E. Leach, plaintiff, V». proved that the wet season was not which filed in the circuit court, and come to I. O. O. F. hall Wed »for vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. Or'ey Kellow Is charged with the ' W. O Chase, defendant. Damages, <«r distant calls into question the matter of nesday evening, October 15. Some t Its Co-n8ultation free. Office Com­ 1,000, Mr». Erwin Harrison returned on School District No. Staking territory thing doing. Your friends are wel­ crime of assault with a dangerous As per stipulation in open court mercial Building. weapon upon A. A. Iiulali. Kellow plaintiff was given judgment for I the which belonged to School Districts come. Sunday from a visit to Portland pleaded not guilty and will be tried $250 and costs and disbursements and The Grey Eagle Mill is now loca­ Nos. 31 and 35. The contention of ■nd Salem. ilted either this afternoon or Friday. ted DU Fawcett Creek. All kinds of the plaintiff is that the acts of the of the action. Notice. "e are inga'(position to make tries dressed and rough luniberon hand. District Boundary Board were un­ This Was a case where George Bert Zavitz, charged with the •Ome long time farm loans. First 000,- Prices reasonable.—Grey Eagle Mill constitutional and void anil asks Kasper Zweifel is now successor crime of larceny of $35 from W. F. E. I .each, deputy game and fish National Bank. ther Co. Both phones. that the court issue a mandatory to R. R. Roberts, in Tillamook Balmer. Defendant pleaded guilty warden, sued W. O. Chase for $15,. r by All accounts owing the County. Prosecuting Attorney D. H. Up- Dawson Bros, will meet all trains injunction to the county clerk re­ J. R. Watkins Medical Co. are pay- to simple larceny and the court 000 damages, growing out of a )o n came in on Sunday to attend with bus. and will handle passen- quiring him to extend upon the tax able to Kasper Zweifel. slanderous speech the defendant fixed Friday for passing sentence, circuit court. made in Portland. It was alleged R R. R oberts . gers and baggage to all parts of the roll the school tax of 1.8 mills ca J. Erickson is Taxed $200. K asper Z wei hi .. If ou- work does not suit you tell I city. Call or phone at the Livery the dollar in School District No. 35. Tillamook. Ore., July 25rd, 1913. Two indictments were returned Continued on last pave. if it does tell your friends. City ' barn on 2nd Ave East. The Kill Kare Klub held their transfer Company • Why buy a Silo and pay freight September meeting at the home of Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ when the home mill can furnish you Mrs. Harter. The year's study of mook Meat Company’s Market We as good for less money. Talk with the subject of Japan was outlined. Wy *2c per pound • the manager of A F. Coats Lumber Mrs. Mason read an original and interesting paper, which was fol- Lihnaon, of Carlton, who Co. of Tillamook about it. 88 >een visiting friends here, left Jnst received, a large shipment lowed by the usual club reading n“ morning for home. of choice “King apples,” which we The guests of the afternoon were: Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Burge, Mrs. 1 • -, These t hese •fan wanted to do general ranch offer at 90 cents per box. few days. Tilla- Tilla­ Poorman and Mrs. Vint. There inh u.G°Od wafre8' All winter will 1 eat only a was a full membership present and mook Mercantile Co. W. Roenicke, Woods, Ore. * an enjoyable reunion spirit per The Tillamook Headlight and the Lee Title vs. Gus Pappos et al, I vaded the meeting. Dainty refresh- , r " '“it fi|ecI >n the circuit court to weekly' Oregonian, until Januar) raents were served by the hostess, ver $1,2 on a promissory note, 1915, for $L75. with a set of the suc­ following -_-s which the club adjourned cess kitchen knives free. Th'» offer to meet ’in two weeks with Mrs. Al- i •iou 1 Stillwell is making prepara- is open until 31st October. 1913. . ‘ “ move into his new quar- derman. Application was made on Mom ’’""• the opening date being fixed “The sixth prize won last week by day evening at the meeting of the *°r 15th. Tillamook at the State Fair in the City Council for an electric I light Some th. r* Eastern oysters a* county exhibits was $100. '. D. XCLani ’•«*. Full quart 75c, and power franchise, by F- surprise was caused at the small V • It is th« "naIli,nX9h,P‘’ la,Ze CB°’ >ie. I. - amount of the prize for the best , ,'ntentic n of the promoters to use display of cheese which was won er power for the purpose of •■^'finish y" UPri«ht m“hc*' by the Tillamook County Creamery I™ siring the city with electnc An of.dinalice Association, as it only amounted to h. New piano. Beher furm »hing Till k*r' / Address H. H. Dicke. ¡¡«‘in aod ‘,ai9ed Jt" fir8‘ $5 (JO Thia was, no doubt, on ac- | count of little or no display of T««mook, rJre cheese at previoua fair«. In the reading. > _ / cheeae scon ng contest Tills««* took all the prize, which were »• [„Hows: Gordon Burge, score 9*, «2X00 Andrew Chriatenaen, acore « » ¿0; A J Schmelzer, acore 94. JK0O; C. Nelson, score IB. $8 00. V Albert Schlappi. acore 93. fA*O: v V Kerby, acore 33 »♦> ; Harry Thomas score 91. UOO; Oscar Hugh Werschfcul. score »1. «« Barber, acore 91. $2.00; Howard TlbUAMOOK, OREGON sir«.......... . f A Valuable Faculty First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO CIRCUIT COURT. Grand Jury Returns Sev­ eral Indictments. WE MANUFACTURE SILOS. Come in and see for yourself what we make before you Buy. We are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you. We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter. The Best Made. We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish, flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. Try our extra thick Shingles, none better. I liARAR’S VARIETV store , TiuunmooK- COATS LUMBER CO. oijeco H- Drop in and book jlround »core i* > 1