Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 02, 1913, Image 8

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Ona Voies Mu»lc.
Howard | complete stock of general inert li.in- Slitnun River Toll Koatl is. Comparers have uot scorued writing
Artisans* Celebrate.
Attacked in Court.
1 alre t„ suit tlie sty le of particular sing-
Harris and Brui r Wade. Supreine I <li«e. An extensive patronage has
era, thus, as Francis Rogers remarks,
T..hn W Boyer 'ers,
Tillamook Assembly, United Arti­ Mnater Hudson and O E. fluitoti I been accorded them, owing to tbeit
Fred F. Blinn vs
san«, celebrated tlie acquieitiou of made complimentary remarks when reasonable prices mid earnest de­ and M. D. Boyer is a suit filed in "storing up for tbe usual voices ot sub-
sequeut generations much travail mid
over 100 new members to tlie the sBuembly adjourned to partake sire to please their customers Ihe the Circuit Court, which attacks
Mendelssohn crowded "Hear
Assembly o.n Monday evening. of an excellent banquet al the Palm postoflice is also located in t! eir
the -Salmon River Ye, Israel," with high F sharps to
building and Peter Nelson acts as what is known as
Mrs Jennie E. Smith, a deputy Cafe
states in his give Jenny Lind, whom he adored, n
pout master. Gust Nelson owns a I toll road. Plaintiff the ortner oi
from Portland, anti O. E. Hatton,
| complaint that he is
. hance to display the particular beauty
Death of Gust Nelson.
tract of eighty one acrea of laud m
are deserving of much credit f >r
[certain land in Lincoln 1 County, and of her voice hi that region, with tlie
inducing so many persons to affili­
I Tillamook county but teases the
market result that that air bus been a sore
! that the only cob » renient
Consiilerath- regret and eurp ise property.
ate with this excellent beneficiary
|and trailing point of the plaintiff, trial to most sopranos ever since.
order, which admits bolh sects to was caused in the city on Tuesday
On the 9tli of July, 1899, Mr. Nelson
Faure, the famous French baritone,
when it became known that Gust was united in marriage to Miss i .indot many other persons in the also hail n particularly facile and mel­
I ->ame neighborhood, is at
Nelson had passed away. He had
I.uella Ford, a native of Kansas i mma in Yamhill county. To reach low high F sharp, and many parts
The first event was a reception
been unwell since he was thrown
and a daughter of A. and Lueinda | this market and trading point at were written especially to give him a
and band concert at Hotel Tilla­
out of a buggy with County Com
(Cavitt) Ford. The father, acarpen | Willamina, ihe plaintiff and others chance to exhibit it to tbe gasping mul­
mook, which was packed with
■nissioner Edner, and meeting with
titude. But in most baritone voices
tex by trade, passed away in Ore
members and visitors.
—- to
— travel over a cer- this F sharp is the very limit of the
another full he became suddenly! gon. The mother, however, still are compe
Master H S. Hudson made a short
tain w,.gon road,
upper range, and, although It may have
worec last Friday. The deceased
survives and makes her home with
and complimented the
was one of the most respected cit- . our subjeit. Mr. and Mrs. Nflsou as the ’’ Salem River Rcg»d,” there both power and brilliance. It seldom
assembly on the success of obtain­
being no othei road ftom plaintiffs possesses either mellowness or facil­
ing so many new members. He izens in the county, and Bay City .’ have one daughter. Bernice Irene,
residence, or troiu that neighbor- ity; consequently all the roles written
has lost a good business man.
referred to the United Artisans as
who was born in Bay City.
hood, to said or any convenient for Faurse (Meyerbeer's “Dinorab, to
an Oregon institution, which was
In politics Mr. Nelson is a stal­ trading point, tlie road being in Instance) are particular trying for tile
started in this state about 19 years nvsday, a 'arge number of persons I wart champion of the republican Tillamook County. That
------ tlie
— de- ordinary baritone.—Argonaut.
ago,'and having a reserve fund, it going from this city to pay their party, believing that its principi s fendants have wrongfully and un-
had more money on hand percapita
Wearing Shabby Clothes.
i are most conductive to good gov- lawfully erected and since about the ■
than any other beneficiary order in them beautiful flowers.
'eminent. He is now serving as 20th day of July, 1909, have main-1 Its a great thing to wear shabby
The Centenial History ot Oregon 1 port commissioner, having been
clothes and an old hat. Some of the
the state. Mr. Hudson spoke of
tained a gate across the road at a
the principles of the order and the gives this write up of the deceased: appointed to that position by tlie place knowm as Bear Cieek, and best things I have ever known, like
Gust Nelson successfully en­
these experiences of tbe streets, have
good that it was doing in providing
governor and re-elected for a four have and are demanding the col­
resulted from coming up to life from
for widow? and children. He said gaged in the general inerchaiitile years’ term in the fall of 1910. He
lecting tolls from tbe plaintiff and , underneath, of being taken for less
he had attended many pleasant business in partnership with hie is likewise the president of the Hay
others who travel over and along than I am rather than for more than
reception, but that was the most brother Peter, conducted the larg ‘ City Commercial Club and in this
the road,
tlie gate being so I am.
unique one he had attended in con
important capacity’ has labored built and maintained by tlie de-, I did not always believe in this doc-
•lection with the order. Mr. Hud- in Bay City. His birth occurred in earnestly and effectively for the
fendants in such a manner, as to trine, For many years—the years be-
son spoke of the splendid future of Swedenori the 15th of March, IMiti, bis material development of the com
an obstruction across the road fore I was rightly born Into this allur­
Til'amook County, and although it parents being Nels Christensen and niunity. His religious faith is in­
in such a manner that the plaintiff ing world—I tried quite the opposite
could boast of its splendid cheese,
dicated by his membership in the and others and the public generally course. I was constantly attempting to
timber und other resources, it wise natives of that country, The Me’hodist church. He is a worthy
ingress or egress to come down to life from above. Instead
should not overlook the fact that father, whose natal year was 1818, exemplar of the Masonic fraternity, cannot have
plaintiff’s farm and of being content to carry through life
one of the greatest crops the county passed away in 1875, while the belonging to lodge No. 102 at Bay- and from the
a sufficiently wonderful being named
that neighbor­
should cultivate was tlie summer mother, who was born on tlie 24th City and to the Eastern Star, of
David Grayson, I tried desperately to
market and trading set up and support a sort of dummy
He said the people who of April, 1824, was called to her which he acts as patron. The local hood to said
passing through the creature which so clad, so housed, so
lived in Tillamook could not realize linal rest in 1892. Nels Christensen lodge of the Independent Order of point without
to wluit large proportions thatlwould followed general agricultural pur­ Odd Fellows, also numbers him fill gate and obstruction and with­ fed, should appear to be what I
assume in the near future for the suits thro ighoitt his active bttsi among its valued members, Com- out ¡paying to the defendants the thought David Grayson ought to ap­
beautiful beaches in Tillamook ncss career and never left his native ing to the new world in early life, tolls so demanded by them. That pear In the eyes of the world. Oh, I
County were certainly most attrac land. Unto him and his wife were he has wisely utilized the oppor- plaintiff and others have frequently spent quite a lifetime trying to satisfy
requested the defendants to remove other people!—David Grayson in Amer­
Mr. Hudson thanked the born twelve children.
p resented said gntes and to cease to so ob- ican Magazine.
Gust Nelson obtained his educn- tunities which have
management of the hotel for their
themselves and has worked his
courtesy and the band for the tion in the common schools of his way steadily upward to a position struct the road, and to cease collect- |
ing or demanding such tolls, Imt
among the prosperous I and re­
The paragraphist opened his type-
P. J. Worrell said he was pleased
spec ted
of Tillamook
to do so. That by reason of said writer, adjusted a sheet of paper, lit
to have the Artisans hold their re­ work of the fields. In 1881, i when a county.
his pipe and sat for a moment im­
wrongful and unlawful obstruction mersed in thought. Then he clicked
ception there, and had be known youth of fifteen he crossed 1 the At-
there would have been such a large
off a single line of copy. He glanced
A Marvelous Escape.
plaintiff’s lands and all other lands nt what he had written, and a look of
gathering he would
llave been at Manistee, Michigan, where he
“ My little boy had a marvelous in the neighborhood have become surprise came across his classic fea­
was engaged in railroad work until
better prepared.
1889. In that year he came to Ore­ escape,” writes J’. F. Uastiams of and will continue to be of less value tures. Then he gasped, shrieked and
The Artisans then i adjourned to gon, settling in Bay City, Tillamook Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hop«. unless the obstruction is removed, went into a fit of hysterics.
“It occurred in tlie middle of the
their lodge room, i where several county, where he secured employ bight.
Ills colleagues rushed into the room,
He got a very severe attack and that the plaintiff will continue
new members were initiated, the ment in a sawmill. During tiffs of croup. As luck would have it. 1 to be irrepa ¡rally injured
but he was beyond human aid. In ten
new drill team taking purt in the ' perio(i he ncqllired an interest ie had a large bottle of Chamberlain's damaged thereby.
i minute« he had laughed himself to
I death. Then one bethought himself
initiation, which did exceedingly the store of his brother Peter and in Cough Remedy in the house. Aft-r
following the directions for an hour
I to look at the last lines those fingers,
It fa composed of Flora KMHentered the establishment as an and twenty minutes he wasthrough
: now cold and still, had written. At
Broughton, Blanche laica», Kittie active partner They have the larg­ all danger.” For sale by Lamar's
' the top of the all but unsullied sheet
O’Donnel, Helen Speaker, Howard est store in Bay City and carry a Drug Store.
NOTICE is hereby given that sealed appeared these words: “Another shop­
bids will be received by the County lifter arrested In one of our big stores
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, has been dismissed with a warning
until Wednesday, the 8th. day of Oc­ and her name withheld from the pa­
tober, 1913, at 1 o’clock P. M., for the pers. What used to be called a crime
furnishing of all material and labor Is now yclept a mania”—
necessary for the construction of the i That was all. But It had caught the
paragrapher unawares. — Cleveland
Bayocean Road from Station 1 plus 26
Plain Dealer.
to Station 60 plus 0 as surveyed No­
vember 1911 by U. G. Jackson. County
Curious Signboards,
Surveyor. The work to be strictly in
An eighteenth century Glasgow
accordance with the plans and specifi­ sweep suspended over the door of his
cations on file in the office of the house the announcement:
County Clerk of Tillamook County, Barny Kelr, he does live here.
He ll sweep your vents, and not too dear.
And should they chance to go on fire
Bidders are to state the unit price He’ll put them out at your desire.
and total amount for each 2400 feet of
Edinburgh once enjoyed the distinc­
the proposed road.
tion of possessing the most prolix sign­
A certified Check equal to 5 per cent board on record:
of the amount of the bid must accom-' "John Main. Stationer, Bibles, Tes­
pany each bid.
taments, Psalms, Hymns, Prayer­
The County Court reserves the right books. Catechisms, Proverbs, Books,
new and old, in various branches of
to reject any and all bids.
literature. Money or exchange for old
By order of the County Court.
Books; Papers. Pens, and Ink; Wax
Dated this 12th. day of September,
and Wafers; Blacklead, Hair, and
Hair Pencils; Colored Books, Memo­
J. C. Holden
randum Books. Religious Tracts,
County Clerk.
Books neatly bound, on moderate
terms.”—London Mail.
To Water Consumers.
Bargains in Newspapers.
Until JANUARY 1st, 1915,
FOR $1.00
During the Bargain Period cuhieh
uiill end Oetober 31, 1913,
We will give to every New Subscriber or Renewal of Sub­
scription a Set of the Success KITCHEN KNIVES
One Bread Knife. 12j inches long; One Butcher Knife,
10i inches long; One Paring Knife, 7-18 in. long, FREE,
The Tillamook Headlight is the pioneer newspaper of
Tillamook County and has been a live wire booster for the
entire county for 25 years.
Subscribe for the Home Newspaper and avail yourself
of this bargain.
Until January 1st, 1915, more than
an entire Year
FOR 75c.
Including four Page Comic Section.
Bargain Period will end October 31, 1913.
The Weekly Oregonian is by far the best Weekly in the
Northwest. For a Farmer’s paper it can’t be beat. The
market page IS
is given special attention and considered
authority, and Best of all the 4 page comic for the Kiddies
and Grown ups too.
The Uleekly Oregonian and the Tillamook
Headlight. $1.75 until JANUARY I, 1915, and a
You laid better hurry as these bargains end Oct. 31. 1913.
The Water Commission has given
Mr. Hoag positive instructions to
shut off water from all consumers
who have not paid their water rent
by the 10th of each month.
By Order Water t'otnmission.
Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines.
If you want to contribute directly
to the occurrence of capillary bron-
chitis and pneumonia use cough
medicines that contain codine, mor­
phine. heroin md other sedatives
when you have a cough or cold. An
expectorant like
Cotigh Remedy is what is needed.
That cleans out the culture beds or
breeding places for the germa of
pneumonia and other germ dis
««see. That ts why pneumonia
ci?,'ri rerU'!* fr*”" “ c°1'1 "ben
Chamberlain a Cough Remedy is
used It has a world wide repvta
t.on for ns cures. It contain no
morphine or o’hsr sedative For
sale by Lamar'e Drug Store
They Make You Feel Good
,P”rK“tive produced
by Ç h.imberl.on s Tablets and the
healthy condition of
of body and
mind which they
, create
-------- ‘ make one
feel joyful r
i Drug Store. For sile by I.amar’s
Bear Fighting.
In the seventeenth century on feast
days the life of the czar of Russia was
enlivened with such amusements as a
battle to the death between a bear
and n spearman, in which, it is said,
frequently the man lost his life. In
the event of a successful issue the
spearman was rewarded by being
taken to the roynl cellars, where be
was allowed to drink as much as he
liked.—Cri de Paris.
Not Enough Practice.
“Oh. Johnnie, Johnnie.” said the
aunt reproachfully, “why Is it yon
never remember to say ‘Thank you? ”
"I expect it’s ’cause I don’t get things
given to me often enough for practice,”
answered the young diplomat, hope­
fully eying a box of chocolates.—Phil­
adelphia Ledger.
Easily Explained.
Grinn—What's happened to disturb
the friendship between Nupop and Cut­
up? Each one of them says tbe other
I’ an intolerable bore. Barrett-Nu-
pop’s recently lextme the father of a
firstborn and Cutup's just had a sur-
Steal operation.—Exchange
Not a Compiut» r „„ .
When William 1; lI,J7j*
old New York J,„.riw| ,)h
aging editors, .l„hlls l b
ed Hearst to <liIlllvr wilh *'’• kifl
Tltey wsut to a <|UW1Jt0Wa
restaurnnt. chan.... . bad “ ***•
dinner, which „a g„ud^W'l4i
Hearst and he I, „1 a pl
Along toward the , lo,e of “ M
Chambers said: • yow Mr „ M
urn going to give you u’ treat iul
ordereil something yuu bruh.hl. .”1
have eaten or seen.”
1 **’w
Chambers nodded to the wait-
brought in some French aracbTJl
“You see,” explained Ch*X]
these are n great delicacj yuu
off the leaves and dip the enj. J
tbe sauce and ent the end« only” 1
Hearst smiled a little und foli™J
directions. As they prugretaed Ch.3
bers said complacently; “Pretty «J
eh? I don t suppose you ever saw J
artichoke before.”
w *1
"Well,” Hearst replied, “I can't»
far as that. You see, Chamber.
bad 400 acres of them growl»' th]
last time I was out ut our CallfmJ
rauch."—Saturday Evening Post
Fans In the Eighteenth C.ntur,
A letter in the Loudon S m XJ
dated May, 1711, gives a most lntweJ
lug description of an academy wb«J
ladles could be drilled In the propd
use of their fans and initiated Into tbe
mysteries of “the angry flutter, tbe
modest flutter, the timorous flutter tbe
confused flutter, the merry flutter «nd
tlie amorous flutter.’’ In the eighteenth
century nt dancing assemblies In Lon­
don, Bath and other places of fashion­
able resort gentlemen chose their pta-
tiers by “lottery of the fan.” The f»m
of all tbe ladies present were placed in
a hut, whence each gentleman had the
privilege of selecting one. the lady to
whom It belonged becoming his allotted
partner for the evening. Of course
such a custom entailed a great study
of fans on the part of the gentlemen.
Boswell, Steele and Pope found some
thing to any about the fan, and Guy,
enlarging upon the efforts of his pred'e
cessors, wrote a long poem In praise o!
the fan, attributing Its invention to
How Brazilians Bag Wild Fowl.
From “The I.og of a Rolling Stow,"
by Henry Arthur Broome, comes the
following curious mode of bagging wild
fowl in Brazil by way of economldij
“The expedient is to get hold of i
very large pumpkin and. after scoop­
ing out the meat and seeds Inside, to
cut two little eyeholes in It and the«
place it on the hunter's head. He then
wades through the sedge and flags into
deeper water up to his neck, where the
wild fowl are feeding, who gather that
it is merely a pumpkin innocently
floating on the surface. The hunt«
then soon gets into the midst of his
quarry and, seizing them by the leg«,
pulls them quietly under water, where
he tucks them under a belt fastened
round his waist, and as their compan­
ions presume that one unfortunate bird
after nnoth ir is only diving for food
the hunter gets a waistful in no time
and returns well satisfied to th»
Romance of a Picture.
The ups and downs of the artist's
calling are well illustrated by the for
tunes and misfortunes of the late M.
Sukliorovsky, a Russian artist. His
celebrated painting. “Nana,” wss ex­
hibited all over the world and made t
fortune for himself and others, itter
personally receiving some $300.000 fW
Its exhibition the artist, thinking its
vogue over, sold "Nana” for $21,000,
and the dealer resold it at double the
price. An American bought It «nd
showed It all through the fnittd
States, Cannda and South Amerlct
and is reported to have made $1,000,-
000 by the enterprise. On the other
hand, the artist lost all his money 1
unfortunate investments and was re­
duced almost to beggary.
Gav« Him a Hint
Miss Carter bad not been sne«*™
In bringing young Dodge to her
mid In consequence felt a little 4"*
ful toward him. One evening tiff
were having quite a serious talk In tw
“Do you think,” asked the vow
man, "that men progress after dert
“Well,” responded the girl,
don’t it would almost seem use*
some of them to die.”
Made the Most of It
Louis-Bertie is the meanest mM
earth. I bet him a new hat one J
Inst week, lost the bet and todsf
ceired a bill for a sum big enough
buy five of the best silk bats In
Charles—Great Scott' Hows
Louis-He let his wife select
herself.”—London Telegraph.
Cauw For Hurry.
“I understand they were mart»»
“Yes; they told the minister •»
ry because there was only » 111
«line left in their automobile,
were twenty miles from bon* "
Ju»t a Reminder.
Henry A. Johnson, a business
You must give me credit for mak
m.n of L’Xnrc, Mich,
. Hor yeanj. holej s Honey and Tar Ing money last. ” declared tbe wife.
But don’t forget that I make It
He Wanted to Know.
Mid the husband.
.nao t*en our f imtly medicine. We nrst, »aid
—Buffalo Ex
The Employer (coldly)-«'^ “J’
Rise it to our children, wlm like it pres».
so late? The Suburbanite
’’»•»* Pl-.w.mt taste h
There were two wrecks on tbe
l',nr f“r,'°Bghsandcolds ’’
L»fl»l Not«.
this morning, and— The
Bit-My lawyer tells me I have a (te»tily>—Who was tbe other «*•
t >.°tT. ?a*
Hi» C^mpliwsn«-
K_FrTr “P
•«evel edged «1»^ that It is one that will last for year».-
A Frenchman, on being laUW'
handle hand mirror, containing Boston Transcript,
your photo with our folderT-T,Bi
to Sir Edwin Ijmdaeer. vw
■nook Studio.
Poor Guesaar.
”1 am max’ happy to ®»
Wanted to rent, a dairv r»n.-k
Datlenc^-l, WW good at guessing acquaintance, for 1 am very
«mes. Fatrtro-j think not. lie said boosts.’”
Snwjer. MohieTcire,'1'1^*
He <-h<wwoth best who rbooiM»***
Instead of rrst- OW Sas in*-