Tillamook Headlight, October 2. IOi3. I Circuit Coart oa Monday vs. George Hunter, defendant Di- Winged Creature« of Borneo. vorce. Hame Keeping Women Need Perhaps the best writ of habeas R. L. E. HEWITT, In Borueo winged creatures are Health and Strength. D. F. Trowbridge, plaintiff. V9. countered where oue would least en- corpus that could be issued would OSTEOPATHIC i The October term of the Circuit ---- ex- The work of a home-keeping i cOUrt will convene on Monday next, Lawrence E. Sanders, et al, defend­ peet them. Flyiug l'’.!__ fish the size vl of UCT her- . Woman mokes a constant call ill Iw one directing that Harry Thaw PHYSICIAN wi> SUBGKON, Bns:» are found iu all the'wa'tera, and her strength and vitality, and sick be sent back to his mother. OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. I with Circuit Judge Webster Holmes ants. Foreclosure. George n. Leach, I___ I on the bench. This is his first ap­ Both Phones. plaintiff, vs. there is the flying fox, the well known I tiers comes through her kidneys Another expedition to Labrador pearance on the bench at a regular Hi. O ( base, defendant. Damages, fruit entlug bat. which the Malays cull and bladder oftetier than she knows. has barely escaped alive. If ex­ Residence and Office in Whitehome | Foley Kulnev Pills will invigorate L W. Farrell, plaintiff, vs. S. B. "kiuaug." They uiny be seen almost (ertn since his appointment 1° that Residence, | and restore her, and weak hack, plorers want something real dan­ honorable position I y Governor Whitehouse, defendant, Action for uny evening winging their steady nervousness, aching joints and ir gerous that is the region to atr.ke TILLAMOOK, OREGON. flight often at a great elevation well I regulat bladder action will all dis I West There are no cases of any money. out of inuge of a shotgun. The flying appear when Foley Kidney Pills ior. H. A. Youmans, V^uiuaus plaintiff, plaintiff. vs. squirrels as evening twilight comes importance, with the exception of Our submarine torpet'o boats are QR. ELMER ALLEN .are used For sale by all drug- also to become supramarine gun­ the case of the Warren Construction I he Pacific Railway and Naviga­ are also seen. They glide dowu from 1 gists boats, by having a 3-iuch gun in­ (Successor to Dr. Sharp), Co. against Tillamook Citv for the tion Company, defendant. Dam­ oue lofty tree to the base of another, If potatoes are to be 40 per cent stalled on them, which can be up which they scramble to the level »mount of money owing the con­ ages. DENTIST, Fred Kebbe, plaintiff, va Pete they started from. Wide expansions , higher deulers should not try to lowered into the hull when the struction company for the pave­ i comfort the consumer by wrapping of skin between the fore and hind I.anghardt defendant. Action for boat goes under water This ren Collimerei*! Building, _Tillamook. ment and the newer systems. This limbs act in parachute fashion and ' them in the Baltimore platform. ders them of practical service along esse will not be tried until the in money. The suggestion of the American the coasts and in small ports. Mell Mitchell, plaintiff, Vs. Harry L’ sustain them iu their glide. They are junction suit brought by property of some size, but are quite harmless. Meat Packers’ Association that the QR. JACK OLSEN, owners is disposed of. Attorney Mitchell, defendant. Divorce. The flying lizard Is seeu in the heat of D L. Shrode, et al, plaintiffs, ve. the dfly in the Jungle gliding down people should eat less meat for I T. H. Upjohn, the new district at- awhile is entirely gratuitous. DENTIST. | torney, will make his appearance at K. H. Ashcroft, defendant, Ac- with n flash in much the same inaiiuer tion for money. Berlin policemen who speak Eng as the squirrel. But he is much small ­ this term of court, blit thus far (Over F. R. Beals office. Alta Sours, plaintiff, vs Harold er mid it requires a quick eye to de lisli wear a German (lag and an there are but few criminal matters American flag on their coat sleeves tect him. The natives kill him with a V. Sours, defendant. Divorce. Tillamook - Oregon to attend to unless the grand jury Tillamook County Bank, a Cor­ clay ball shot from their blowpipes.— Here is a conundrum that English­ BEGINS its forty-fifth school year I should unearth something of a North Borneo Herald. men have not yet solved. JO1IN LELAND HENDERSON SZPTCMBCn 1». 1913 ir minal nature. Following is the poration, plaintiff, vs. Kile Pater­ Mrs Pankhurst will have an op­ DEGREE COURSES in many phasesof son, et al, defendants. Foreclos ­ court docket: Spider» That Hunt Fish. ATTORNEY ure. AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING. HOMI portunity to observe that woman There are certain large sea spiders Macdonald Potts, plaintiff, ve. E conomics M ining . F orestry . C om ­ AND H. F. Goodspeed, et al, plaintiffs, two feet from toe to toe, called Collo- suffrage in ten states of the Amer- merce . pharmacy . J Rollie W. Watson, defendant. Ac- vs. M. R. Hanenkratt, defendant. sendeis gigas, that live in the water icon Union was obtained withont T wo - year C ourses in agricul ­ COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. | tion for money. Actiou for money, ture . home economics mechanic and feed entirely upon mollusks and militancy, and would not have been T illamook B lock , S. W. Thompson et al, plaintiffs, ARTS FORESTRY. COMMERCE. PHARMACY granted with it. W. G. Dwight, plaintiff, vs. John worms. Til inook i" vs. Allen H. Wilson et al, defend­ Krebs, et al, defendants. Foreclo­ The carnivorous wolf spider, an am- - - • Oregon. TEACHER'S COURSES in manual A Russian grand duke line the ants. Foreclosure. training, agriculture, domestic science sure. pbibiovs Inhabitant of the tropical re­ audacity to pick out the most beau- Room No. 261. | In the matter of the petition of sud art. W. A. Davis, plaintiff, vs. Edith gions of South America, is said to pre­ tiful woman in the United States MUSIC, inclining piano, string, band Matthe Anderson Sanden. To be­ L. Hart, defendant. Foreclosure of fer a fish diet, though it is not averse after only a visit to Newport. He instruments and voice culture. to eating mice, young birds and even come a citizen of the United States lien. H. T. BGTTS, 2 snakes, resembling in this respect the ought to come West and see some A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled of America. Effielena Erickson, plaintiff, vs. tberaphosldae, or bird catchlug spiders, of our girls. “T he E nrichment op R ural L ife ” ’ attorney - at - law .' S. B. Hill, plaintiff, vs. Frederic Julius Erickson, defendant. Di­ The queen of Holland has reached and a C atalogue will be mailed free of India and Queensland, some of Complete Set of Abstract Books in Briody, et al defendants. F oréelo vorce. on application. which equal a rat in size. the conclusion that manhood suf Office. •are. Address H. M. T ennant , Registrar, The collosendels is the most formida­ (rage should be extended anil women John K. Childers, et al, plaintiffs, C. M. Giddings, plaintiff, ve. Kate vs. A. F. Coates Lumber Co., de­ ble specimen of the spider family, also allowed to vote. Holland wants ttw-7-15 to » 9) Corvallis, Oregon. « Tuxes Paid for Non Residents. Cox, defendant. Tax foreclosure. measuring six Inches around the body no militancy nor such a general T illamook B lock , fendants. Action for; money. and possessing twelve long, hairy legs, strike for equal suffrage as inter George A. Strese, plaintiff, V8. Tillamook .... Oregon. Clark County Investment Co., F. Garrison, defendant. To set vs. Strelina S. PhelpB, et al, defend- with which it grips its tinny prey, it rupted business in Belgium for a Both Phones. attacks fish several times larger than aside deed. ante. Foreclosure of mortgage. time. TOWER’S FISH BRAND itself and after biting them through M. R. Hanenkratt, plaintiff, VB J. C. Erickson, plaintiff, vs. Jul­ the back and stinging them to death Dr. Harvey Wiley, former chief REFLEX SLICKER Thomas Hovenden, et al, defend­ ius A. Erickson and Effielena Erick­ QARI. HABERI.ACH, gluts itself by sucking the Juices from of the chemistry division of the De­ KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN ants. Foreclosure son, defendants. Foreclosure of the bodies of Its victims. partment of Agriculture or, for pur Isaac E Smith, plaintiff, vs. Dan­ mortgage. PATENTED ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. poses of greater brevity, plain Food iel Hickey, defendant. Damages. Enterprise. C. W. Atwood, plaintiff, va. J. E. Commissioner Wiley, advanced a T illamook B lock , A well known business establish­ new thought in social economics Nellie Hughey, administrator of Hollyfield and Brighton Mills Co., ment recently sent out a circular to the the estate of Wm. J. Hughey, de­ defendants. Foreclosure of lien. Tilla iiiook Oregon. trade with which it has dealings an­ at the International Congress and ceased, plaintiff, vs. W. C. Thun, Tillamook County Bank, plaintiff* nouncing the death of the head of the Ex|»osition of Refrigeration at Chi­ defendant. Action for money. vs. F. L. Sappington, defendant. firm. To the astonishment of the firm, cago. The cost of living was under James Hughey, plaintiff, vs. F. P. Action for money. Q^EORGE WILLETT, there was received from a printing discussion again, and producers of Thun, et al, defendants. Action W ater R. A. Stewart, plaintiff, vs. Chas. house the following reply to the dr- foodstuffs had been designated as THF3E C annot for money. among those taking nil the traffic P. Nelson, et al, defendants Fore- cular: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, R on I n A t R eflex E dges B. W. Neilson, plaintiff, vs. closure of mortgage. "Gentlemen—It is with deep regret will bear. It was in discussing the T he F ront P rotect You a Joseph Kutcher, et al, defendants. T illamixik C ommercial B uilding , Sylvia L. Rice, plaintiff, va. Earl that we learu by your circular of re­ movement of population from the W ATF.HP ROOF—OUSAlILE cent date of the great loss sustained farms to the cities that Dr. Wiley Foreclosure. R. Rice, defendant. Divorce. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Tillamook . - Oregon. by your firm, and we respectfully beg V. S Grout, et al, plaintiffs, va. indicated a new way of adjustment Fred F. Blinn, plaintiff, vs. John $1.00 Everywhere John R. Harter, defendant, To W. Boyer and M. O. Boyer, defend­ to express our heartfelt sympathy. A. J. TOWED CO. "In this connection we observe that between supply and demand, and quiet title. BOSTON He ants Injunction. your circulur is printed by Messrs. producers and consumers. Tower Canadian Umiled, T. BOALS, M.D. Peter Byrorn, plaintiff, vs. The said: ’ To my mind it seems the In the matter of the petition of Blank & Co. We feel confident tba Toronto 812 Garibaldi Beach Co., defendant. John A. Benson, to become a cit­ had you placed this order with us we most important factor of the day is Foreclosure. izen of the United States of Amer­ could have quoted you cheaper and to clieek the aggregation of men in physician ; and surgeon . better terms than any other firm; con­ the cities and to encourage the dis The French China Company, ica. sequently In the deplorable event of a T illamook B lock , plaintiff, vs. James Myers, et al, tribution of the great industries The H. F. Norton Company, a future bereavement we trust that yotl where men are employed. The fac defendants. Action for money. corporation, plaintiff, vs. N. E. will afford us an opportunity to make Tillamook . - Oregon. A. B. Saling, plaintiff, vs Charles Melchior, defendant. Action for you an offer in this regard.”—Ex­ torj in a farm neighborhood is a Chaffee, defendant. Action for money. boon to every farmer, affordinghim change. money. a home market and saving the cost Iretta M. Bignell, plaintiff, ve. ' Oil your front porch can be ¡lit g M. KER RON, of transportation. The moral and F. R, Beals, et al, plaintiffs, vs. Louis J. Bignell, defendant. 1 Di­ every night until midnight How Caterpillars Build. and register not over Alden L Johnson, et al, defend­ vorce. i i Many clever caterpillars which dwell mental effect upon the people of a fifty cents per month PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ants. Foreclosure. Clay Daniele, plaintiff, vs. J. D. habitually In company build a common distribution of industries is no less on the meter. J. H. Ellison, et el, plaintiffs, vs. Jonee, et ux, defendants, Action nest for the common benefit. Of these important. If our productive in­ T illamook B lock , is the famous American tent caterpil­ dustries in manufacturing lines Osman Royal, in person and as for money. T illamook E lectric L ight AND lar. The tents are really nests of silk Tillamook were properly distributed, the alco­ • Oregon. administrator, defendant. Fore­ F uel C ompany ; I spun among leaves and twigs. In them hol evil would be robbed of most of closure. Fugitives from Mexico, one and W ill S palding , Mnnnger. the caterpillars dwell when young, and F. R. Beals, et al, plaintiffs, vs. all, were doing things that bene­ to them they resort for shelter in rainy its terrors.” Warren Construction Company, et fited that country and were invest­ weather even when larger grown. Al­ C. HAWK, ing and spending money there. No lied siiecles which pass through the si, defendants. Injunction. Peter Byrom, as executor of the rational reason can be given for winter in the caterpillar state con­ Afai/.fc» 77b ras struct winter sleeping quarters which last will and testament of Bengtlia driving them eut PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oth,t ' stJtStllYI 1 MâJMllC )< the bookish folk call hibernaculums i Byrom, deceased, plaintiff, vs. In case of war the United States Stolti These are often conspicuous among the I W* ' ■ -d Garibaldi Beach Co. et al, defend­ would necessarily call again for vol­ Hay City Oregon. branches during the cold months of the ants. Foreclosure. unteers. as in the past important year. If torn open they reveal a sur­ Perfect Grace Johnson, plaintiff, vs. J. C. outbreaks of hostilities The men prising thickness of spun silk, forming Baker A Fuel sarchet . Johnson, defendant. Divorce. who have thus responded in grave i a dense noneonductlve wall. At the Saver • The Fashionable Tailor Margaret Bulger, plaintiff, ve, national emergencies have made an center of the mass lie from thirty to William T. Bulger, defendant, di- unbroken record of success. Aided flftv tightly packed caterpillars waiting Bo mo housewives who vorce. by their high standard of intelli­ for the return of the warm weather, d I spiny a romarkabls I Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing amount of broad, sound, L when they will resume their feeding. Martha M. Bauer, plaintiff, ve. gence and a self-reliance and per­ common »on«« along I fa Specialty. other lines, persist In the L Helen Louise Gilday, et al, defend­ sonal initiative seldom, if ever, delusion—and It is a de- B 1 Why Th»y Qu»rr«lad. luaion-thst they are real- S'- ants. Foreclosure. matched in the ranks of foreign “I hear that you quarreled with ly practicing economy by Beka Caples, plaintiff, vs. Frank armies, they have added to their Harry.” said one young woman to tiying to get along—to get Store in Heine Photographic results—out of r.n old, wom- Long, et al. defendants. Foreclo­ reputation in each successive war. another. “Is It so?" Gallery. ont range merely to save tba sure. price of a new ono. But it is timely to ask if they are "Yes. I did.” replied the other girl Your old rance or stove wna put J- H. Hathaway, plaintiff, vs. B. to be the basis of war strength with­ “He Is a horrid thing. He asked me together wltn putty and stove bolt» and probably you can «tick a p< n- GOYNK, N. Sproat, et ux, defendants. Fore­ out a greater degree of preparation how old I was. and I told him twen­ knlfe In the seams and Joints any­ where an It where the stove putty has closure. for summoning them hastily to the ty-one. and be wouldn’t believe me!” crumbled away. When a ramie got* "Indeed!" said the first. "Well, you ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Warren Construction Company, field. The growth of the country in In that condition. It take» fuel ent u h should have referred him to Bob Yates. to warm all outdoor» In order to get > our plaintiff, vs. Tillamook City, de­ population averages 1,500,000 a oven hot enough lor baking-and then you run the risk of burning whatever He could swear you told bhn the very Office; O pposite C ourt H ouse , 1s In the oven. You can soon burn up the price of the best range ever made year, and within the last fifteen same thing four years ago.”-Detrolt fendant Damages. In a useless waste of fuel In an old. worn-out stove or rauge—and that*» n> Ither practical economy nor good Management. In the matter of the petition of years much territory has been Free Pres»- Tillamook . - Oregon. H you would practice real economy In your household management. It Victor Leander Johnson. To become acquired, but our little regular will nay you, the next tune you aro In town, to call at our store and Inquire closely luto the perfect baking and remarkable fuel saving qualities of the a citizen of the United States of army has remained unchanged Where H» Get It. R P. J. SHARP, America. numerically. It is kept much below Teacher-Now. Willie, where did yon G. H. Riley, plaintiff, vs A. H. the small maximum allowed. At get that chewlug gum? 1 want the Beaty, et al, defendants. To set the same time the militia organiza truth. Willie—You don’t want the |R ESI DENT DENTIST, aside deed. tion, the national guard, averages truth, teacher, and I’d rather not tell a lie. Teacher — How dare you say 1 don ’ t Office : Commercial Block, Pacific Northwest Adjustment but 2*00 in the forty eight states, a want the truth! Tell me at once where Co , plaintiff, vs. R. P. York, et al, fine body of men. yet limited in you got that chewlug gum Willie— Tillamook • Oregon. time available for training. In Under your desk.-Excbange. defendants. Action for money. The Hillsboro National Bank, Europe there is a fixed conscription J. CLAUSSEN, plaiutiff, vs. J. W. Boyer, defend that makes every ablebodied young Outwear» Three Ordinary Range» lllustrativ* Dane«». . LAWYER, man familiar with drill and camp "Dances used to originate from tribal »nt Action for money. IL No /f /• I A« on/y range maJt entirely of op*n Iron irate— you can escapes — no cold air eete Into malleable cron anti cbarton I iron. Cbar» life generally. In our country only Mildred E. Small, et vir, plain­ customs." DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. coat iron eoon't met like at eel mallaeble the oven — «aves half the fuel and "Well, doesn’t it aeem possible that tiffs. vs. Anna Herrall, et al, de­ 1 per cent of those subject to mili­ iron can't break, and wbila tha Amt a««ure« perfect baking. 2!> T illa hook Buck. co«t of a Great Majentlc may be more tary duty have ever been in camp some of these popular dances tend to Movable Copper Reservoir fendants. To quiet title than norne other range«, it outtooar» 3 Illustrate the movements of persona Th« reservoir la «// ropper. beaten ordinary range». Tillamook Rudolph Zachmsn. plaintiff, vs. or received any ayatem of instruc­ dodging a flock of motorrar»?"-W»»h Oregon like a U*a kettle through copper pock­ et '«tamped from one piece of copper) James Vernon, et al, defendants. tion io a soldier’s duties. In our Ington Star. Half The Fuel getting aaalnat left hand lining of Are latest war, that with Spain, tens of box. It boil« Hi gallon« of water in a Foreclosure of lien. The Ma/eeGe 1» pat toe.tber with JI IT v and, by turning lever, the frame— J E REEDY, D.V M„ rlv.t» (not bolt» and ecova putly I and reservoir move« away from Are. The First Nstional Bank of Tilla­ thousands of volunteer« were en­ How to Treat a W«*«ber. (¿iT A W. OLBAStll». Hall'i Catarrh Care i« takea interaally «L d.Lmy -I«« the blood .«4