Tillamook Advertia'ng Rates. L egal A dvertihkmbnt «: ; tiitig to wonder where they are ' at, for the exodus from that mushroom party is so great that only >1 few cranks and soreheads remain with it. As was ex’ Î petted bv most sensible per­ sons, A.I*, ism Populism and Progress!veitim, beiugall tarred with the same brush, are now : parties of the past. Even the i hot-headed, loud-mouthed F. J. Honey, of California, cast the j Progressive party overboard. 10 First Insertion, per line $ Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, 1 month.. .................................. 1 CO Homestea'i Notices................... 5 (K) Timber Claims ......................... 10 <0 Locals per line each insertion 5 Display advertisement, an inch, month.................................... 50 All Resolutions of Condolence and I odge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Ix»st, Strayed or Stolen, etc., miuimun rate, fee. not exceed­ ing five lines. • s RATES OF SLBSCRI'TION. (BTNICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year........ 1.5() Six month*.... 75 Three months 50 X Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3. 1879. Cb< ^iliiimooh fcjeubligbt, Editorial Snap Shots. It always happens that way— Tillamook cheese always lands on top with the prizes. Call the piece of plank road that is being built across the slough the antediluvian avenue, for that must he the kind of road Noah built for his happy family to get into the ark. Although it was late when it was decided to have a county display at the Fair, with oulv a few days to gather up exhibits, Tillamook County wot! sixth prize. That wasn’t had. Tilla­ mook should alm to win the first prize next year. Headlight, Ih.Namt Doe. Not Quit. Fit This Wondrous Constellation. big mortgages and notes on land that is not worth the money PUZZLES OF SLEEP. they are mortgaged for. Port­ land is not the only county in Noise and Slumber and the Marvelous Rapidity of Dreams. state where real estate sharks I are operating. Both Bismarck mid Pepys found that IS This is what noise enhanced the value of a night’s Judge McGinn said : A monument of niossbiickism rest, Bismarck confided in his old age ‘‘I am especially pleased that in the heart of a progressive to 11 n Interviewer that lie could “never Judge Kavanaugh has sentenced city—the three shacks opposite tliis mao, for Oregon has more hind sleep in Berlin at night when it is Lamar's corner owned by par­ sharks than are needed and every quiet, but ns soon as the noise begins, ties who opposed city improve­ sentence that is made is a splendid about 4 o’clock In the morning, I can ments. We ask our citizens to example. These fraudulent real es­ sleep a little and get my rest for the tate dealers are far more dangerous take a look at them and pass to a community than the criminals day.” Pepys records In bis diary on Sept their judgment on the shacks who are brought before us lor trial We ago what had become of the pavement case. There is noth­ ing the matter with it,only that the high priced attorneys are milking-*» good thing. When the tji'ilk gives out is when the cjise will be disposed of. Not before. And so do we, for this is only one of the many real estate sharks who should be in the state penitentiary. Oflicers and members of (lie Port­ land Automobile Club are getting ready to organize theirefforts in be­ half of tile plan to have nil main thoroughfares throughout Mu’tno One of the busiest corners in inuh County converted into hard- the city has still plank for side­ surface arteries of trufHc. The club walk. We refer to the sidewalk has definitely decided io oppose ulI at the Tillamook »Feed Store. construction of dirt and mucadam roads in Multnomah County in the The Street Committee needs to future. Oregonian. 23. 1001. that be slept at Welling "and still remember ft tlint of all the nights that ever I slept In my life I never did pass a night with more epicurism of sleep; there being now and then a noise of people that waked me, and then It was a very rainy night, and then I was a little weary, that what between waking and then sleeping again, one uftor another, 1 never bad so much content In all my life.” The probability that we get snatches of sleep nt odd moments when wo sup pose ourselves to have remained con tlnuously awake Is supported by the phenomena of dreams. Mark Twain accounted for Ills own “disappearing visitor” by the belief that lie had un­ consciously bad a very short nup. ami many have explained visions of ghosts ns duo to dreams during such short naps For nothing Is better established In connection with drenms than that an apparently very long one can occur during 11 n almost liiflnlteslmnl time Alfred Maury bud >1 long, vivid dream of the reign of terror. Including the trial of himself liefore the revolution ary trtbumil and his execution, and was able to show tlint It all happened during the moment of awakening by the fall of 11 rod from the lied cauopy upou Ills neck. —London Cbroulcle. be punched up some, for it does The movement just star»ed in not look exactly the right thing < Iregoti, nltlioiigh somewhat be­ to see plank side walks in the hind California and Washing­ business section of the city. ton, for hard surface pavement for main county roads will soon Coi»s is the next county to ben burning question all over vote on bonding for good roads. the state. There is no disguis­ Road improvements and patron ing the fact that the states on izing Oregon products and our the south and north of Oregon home merchants are topics that tire far ahead of us in construct­ are being freelv discussed, for ing hard surface higliwavs, and it means much to Oregon if the that they are attracting those citizens of this state would pur­ who come West for the purpose chase home products and pat­ of locating here. There is no ronize home industries. reason why Multnomah should Nogi's Nerve Tonic. not have hard surface county Having l>eeu dedicated to the pro In the death of Gust Nelson roads, for the cost of maiigaitig fession of arms, General Nogi was Tillamook County has lost one macadam roads near a city like taken, while still a small boy. to see a criminal dis apltated and was rebuked of its best citizens, a man who Portland would soon eat up the for shuddering nt the spectacle. After cost of a modern road. Tilla ­ was respected for his many nightfall, when all was darkness and mook is one of the first counties good traits. Always conserva­ alienee, lie was required to go alone to tive and conscientious about to experiment with hard-sur­ the burial ground and bring hack the face county roads, which will his private mid public affairs, he culprit’s bead The ordeal was de signed to strengthen bis nerves and won the confidence of a large be put ton severe test the com number of citizens, who deplore ing winter. The new hard sur­ teach him to fear nothing, living or his untimely death, for Tilla­ face road north of Tillamook dead.-Francis K. Leupp lu Atlantic. mook County can ill afford to City is, no doubt, the best piece Our Language. of county road any where in Ore­ lose such a good citizen. An Intelligent foreigner Is said to gon, but being constructed iu what is known as the Wilson ba ve nxpressed himself after the fol “The summer travel crop,” river bottom, which occasion­ lowing fashion 011 the absurdities of sit'd Supreme Master Artisan ally overflows in winter, and the English language: “When I dis covered that I was quick. 1 wag fast: II. S. Hudson, ‘‘is one of the with heavy travel, if the r«»ad If I stood firm. I was fast; If I spent best crops that Tillamook conn keeps in its present splendid t fn-ely. I was fast, and that not to tv can cultivate.” Most every condition it will allay all doubt eat was to fast. I was dlscourhgotl visitor to this county predict as to constructing hard-surface But when I came across the sentence that the Tillamook beaches are roads in wet places where it is ■The first one won one $1 prize.’ I was going to draw immense throngs costly to maintain. We are well tempted to give up English and learn that will greatly surprise most aware that there are those in some other language.” |»eople. We believe it, and 011« this county who ailvix’irte for a Neatly Turned. thing that will help to bring hard »urfuce road thrnugli the Jack — I hear that you vailed on your thia ulxnit is if raw I roads to all county, but we are content to girl’s father How did you come out? the bench resorts. lie conservative along that |s>int j Tom So «<>! | ki R) to him, “Mr. X . I f nnd leave it to the discretion of I love your daughter" lie said. "So do Suppose aonieone fell and ill* County Judge Mason mid the I; now let’s talk of «»nothing else.’’ jiired themselves at the jump commissioners as to how much | Jack And llieu- Tian-Then well, off iti Hie sidewalk going into hard surface mad should be put | we talked of soim-t Irtug else -Bowton Tra u script Dawson's barn, would the city ilowu each year, for they have or property owner lie liable for made great progress in road H.s Tatti Not Dead. dmnuges ? In these days of big ' work in thia county witli per­ "I nndemtiiud thnt ynnr alfa Is a manent. sulistantial work that (Inmage suits and the employ •tudent of the dead language*” era' liability law liable to bust is showing up well amt meeting "Yew," rapitisi Mr Meek Km "Rut her up >1 person in business, it is | with tlie approval of the tax­ stmlira arc of »0 pnrtl<-ninr advantage payers. When «I h * talk, t» me »fie listata on well to take precautions, for «Mn« leu «un«, thnt I can’t fall to un this city is not in a |s>siti<>n to Il«nrv A Johnson. • busines* dentami Washington .«tar ____ ____ Mil’ll., , writes: dole out more of the tnxpiyers' man of l.'Ans*. money. This is a matter for the ’’For vrars, Foley • Honey and Tur t imi|H>un>iiieiit Co., of Salt Lake, , Utah is now open I bridal ornaments. ZiStto make yon a Ioan or build yon a home on In Persia the notion prevails that ^Sy)the small monthly payment plan. the pearls themselves are susceptible of married bliss. Among the hereditary A. McNAIR, President. I) L. SHRODE, Vice-President. Jewelers of the Persian court It is an CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer. I article of faith that pearls lun e sex Board of Appraisers — I and that every one has its mate. Its E. M BALES F. H. MIICNK. equal in size and lieauty. The surest Ato)) R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. [ way to avoid the dreaded pearl disease Board of Trustees— Is to mount the pearls lu pairs. If de­ v LELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS, prived of their mates they languish >-^ L C. SMITH. W. G, MeGEE, and lose luster; hence the desire to mntcb pearls which has led to such ex­ V. travagance. It is said that the great glory of the 6 ropes of pearls given to Queen Alex­ andra by some of the princes of India For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land. City Property was the perfect matching of almost ¿¿I Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. ’ all of the pearls. Thus the eastern expert« believed they were assuring long life for these jewels. It is believed A? to foretell misfortune for the owner of pearls when they contract the pearl lisease'. Some readers may remember that lie first whisper of coming misfortune .’or the beautiful Empress Eugenie irose when the uews was spread ibroad that her pearls were spotted md crumbling away. Of course, the French Jewelers would have derided lie eastern notion of sex nnd affinity n pearls, but the keepers of the shah’s ewels lielieve in It, and they have I .reserved many of the crown Jewels ’or centuries. Modern Jewelers are al­ We uow have connections with Port­ ways on the lookout for opportunities ■f matching pearls, You do uot find land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco hem so anxious to match diamonds and all the larger cities ir rubies. And it Is curious that lersistent searching generally dlscov- Advice free to patrons. •rs that all pearls have doubles in size, i uster and weight—New York Sun. We will shortly be prepared to | / j I 2))|OHN /X A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agent. !»! 7Z5X ((§)] Merchant’s Collection Association of Tillamook, Ore. make quick Farm ^loans of from $500 to $5000. If you need money see us. BATHS IN PARIS. They Are Something In the Nature of a Public Function. On account of our location, we American tourists when they visit 1 Paris find unexpected difficulties in have more inquiries for real estate ’ratifying their desire for a bath. Con- I and business chances than any where litlous are slowly changing for the bet- er, however, and some of the hotels in town. List with us. lave introduced bathrooms, an innova- ion brought ubout mainly to satisfy tmerlcan demands. A writer in the f a French bathtub. (INCORPORATED), The foreigu lady's bath is a sort of tain day for the neighborhood. If fre- lltent, the event is discussed by the •lelglibors across the way. “Truly, hat costs dear; they are bien des mil- lonalres, ces dames Amerlcnines!" TILLAMOOK. ORB- Ind the children tlock to count the BOTH PHONES. Hills as they are turned out. All of Ills is well calculated to make the occa­ sion one of keen embarrassment for lie foreigu lady. C. H. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law : Abstracts : Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. Modest Fitzgerald. Edward Fitzgerald was utterly care- ess of bls fame. He lived to be an I >ld man, yet not one in a million of iis fellow countrymen regarded him as 1 poet, even If they had beard bis iHiue mentioned ns an old chum of Ai­ red Tennyson. Yet he translated ’ I lie Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’’ <>ng years before his death. He kept t "chucking about." apparently pot » hlnking It worth publication, and I ■vheu be did print a few copies nobody I ook any atty uotlce notice of it. Today it is one ■>f the most tanious poems in the world. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. First He’d Heard of It. Harry returned to Sunday school, ifter a long nbseuce. ou the day on ■vlikb tickets for the annual picnic verv distributed. He trembled lu lila lent when the teacher began a quiz m the lesson of the previous Sunday. Finally his turn came. "Hurry, who slew Goliath with a lebble?" ’Honest teacher.” said Harry, “1 lou t know; I didn’t even know he was lead.’’—New York Tress. DOCKS I Just th. Other Way. Agreed, Wifi* p,, yoo kllt;w i h,Te INI» ns«»h |n (|H, s|a„ lt oak Inrgr enough to hold my Hnslxind fte«ti1y>-lt tot - Answer«. • very doesu’t tongue. I London Men tire tbeniwehes In the pursu't of nest.-1Sterne WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN înd A 3rd AVERT E WEST Old Lady (offering policeman a tract) -1 often think you poqr policemen run meh a risk of becoming bad. being so onstnntly mixed up with crime. Po- < Icetnan-You needn't fear. mum. It's he criminals wot runs the risk o’ be- omln saints, twin’ mixed uj) with us—l.omlou Punch. Explained. Mr Agile (h> Mr Stuutinan, running ■'or n enri- Hello, old boy! I thought von were too in«y to run like that. Mr Stoutinn:, (Inngufdly»-Easily explain- ' •d. my taar boy; Inline*, nm. in our fondly -Lippincott's .Mugnaine. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint. I am a power for great good if you not abuse my use. In cases of need—-I do my work well. I am a builder up of health and strength in the hospital or in the home. h or the invalid or the convalescent—-fa the tired or overworked I offer a help. A little of me goes a long way. I have been among you for three g6®* erations. 1 m known a. Cyrus Noble throughout the world- w. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Portland, Oregon