Jtaöliflljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON. OCTOBER a, 1913 Justice Stanley dismissed the case indignities upon the plaintiff These parties resided at Rockaway, where the plaintiff alleges her hus- 'band drove her from his home and wheaytheUhaSi!0 and pa>' she was compelled to seek refuge he J the home mill can furnish you with her parents. « «cod for less money. Talk with On Friday Sheriff Crenshaw and It is the aim of this bank to Co K C0a,s Lumt*r Gann* Warden Leach went hunting to. of Tillamook about it. give the best banking service Mrs. C. Noble Golithon, who has and killed two buck deer between Foley Creek and the ocean While possible--and uje do it. Which is absolutely safe for everyone. _e1nJ.18i,Ln‘r.at ,he hu«*e of Mr. the sheriff was out endeavering to and Mrs. De Lillie« for — —some time, arrest another deer he thought they It is also our aim to have left out on the f — morning train for had shot, Ed. was greatly Bur- It never slumps in value. the best equipment such as her home in I.a Grande, Ore. l>aise8 open until 31st October, 1913. Deposit Boxes--and cue have ing his gun, but while he was Principal is always available on Mrs. James Hoy, who has been doing so the wild cat made a sud­ them. .visiting relatives in this city and den exodus. short notice. I the beaches this summer, left for Ernest Knight, who recently her home at Motin outh, Ore., last bought the Eberman ranch in It has no element of speculation. week, much improved in health. Sunny Mead, is having an upto- date, sanitary dairy constructed. The dining room of the| Hotel Tillamook was sfarted last week, The building is 12x24, with a cov­ which will add to the convenience ered porch extending in front, of visitors to that hotel. The din­ which will be a driveway for the ing room ia fitted up in good milk wagon. The tloor and walls are of concrete and there is a slope OLDEÌTT style. CAPITAL to the center, which makes it very John R. Harter has sold his resi- convenient for the water to run to­ $30.000.00 [TN THE .' STATE deuce on 3rd St. to Henry Rogers ward the side where he is going to TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. ; COUNTY L SUPERVISION for $6,000, which ia one of the best have an underground drain put in. built houses in thecity. Mr. Harter The building will be cool all year will build a smaller house in the and will act as a cold storage for Notice to Creditors. i STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Tillamook Wins at The State I The H. F. Norton Co. vs. N. E. near future. the milk. AND MANAGEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Melchior is a suit filed in the Cir­ \\ anted, to lease, an improved Fair. firm of Gordon A Rhodes, a corpor­ The children's play ground nt FredC. Baker, editor, manager cuit Court to recover $366.66. dairy ranch that will carry from 20 A message from J. II. Dunstan, ation, has assigned nil its assets to Stillwell Park, has been fitted up ud publisher. No stockholders Man wanted to do general ranch to 25 cows. Would like cows with the undersigned ns assignee for with a variety of amusements, president of the Tillamook County the benefit of creditors in propor­ ! ncr mortgagee. work. Good ¿wages. All winter place. For particulars see Hender­ Fair Association, was received on ( tion to their respective claims. son A Thomas, ground floor new There are four rope swings, which Wednesday as follows: job. W. Roenicke, Woods, Ore. * All persons having claims against are greatly enjoyed ; two shoots, Bank Building. •‘Tillamook County exhibit won said corporation are hereby notitied TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Rev. Kuhlman left this week for one rather high and the other some­ to present their claim*, under oath, For sale, team, harness and what lower, with steps leading to sixth prize. Chicago, where Mrs. Kohlman and •‘Tillamook County Creamery As to the undersigned, at hie office in I B. 8. Clark, auctioneer. wagon. Horses about 1100 pounds, each, which affords much amuse­ children will soon join him. Tillamook, Oregon, within three ' See Dr. Monk for novelties in place Mrs. E. T. Haltom and daughters well mated, gentle, gray. The ment for the children, in sliding sociation, first prize on display of months from the date of the first cheese ; Red Clover, second. publication hereof. have gone to Portland where the whole thing for $350. Wagon practic­ down and shooting off on the card«. E J. C laussen , "Long Prairie, first on score ally new. C. N. Cruson, Tillamook, ground ; a gymnasium pole is also girls will receive another treat ­ t Leave orders for wood with Assigne*. cheese. Ore. Phone 781. ment. in the park and is greatly in de­ First publication, October 2, 1913. I Shrode. "Field and garden products Chas. Kunze will make arrange­ mand by the more daring ones. Mrs. S. E. Gooch, daughter and I imply sacks wanted—Lamb- Notice ments while he is attending the There is talk of putting in a hand scored well, also quality and ar­ eon, of Sacramento, were registered rangements, but were low on or­ Schrader Co. State Fair this week for the annual I having sold my business and merry-go-round and other amuse ­ at the Hotel Tillamook on Wednes­ chard products.” i Piano for rent. Enquire at the day. meetings of the Butter Makers’ and ments in the near future. desire to close up my books, I The cheese maker at the Long would respectfully request all par­ i Headlight office. Cheese Makers’ Conventions, which The very best Eastern oysters at will be held in this city. Prairie, who won first prize on ' ties knowing themselves indebted I E W. Pollock, of Eugene, was in the Clam Market Full quart 75c, Another Ship Ashore at score cheese, is Gordon L. Burge. to me, to call and settle or leave the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. De Lillies of Nehalem. pint 40c., sealshipt, large can, 65c, This is his first year as cheese the suine with Tillamook County this city, received a telegram from Stylish City Photographs at the small can, 35c. maker and the first time lie ■nude Bunk. San Francisco, Cal., announcing '■ The English bark Glea Esslin, an entry. Tillamook Studio. ________ C. J. CROOK. Clay Daniels vs. J. D. Jones and of Northampton, England, went Born, on Sunday, to the wife of Mary P. Jones is a suit filed in the the marriage of their daughter, We are pleased to state that Tilla- Virginia Madolon to Mr. John ashore about noon on Wednesday Sollie Smith, a son. The changeable weather of early Circuit Court to recover $750 on a Neilinger, a young business man near where the German bark Minq mook cheese makers have again fall brings on coughs and colds Second hand wagon for Bale at a promissory note. went ashore and became a total demonstrated their superiority abroad. that have a weakening effect on the of that city. bargain. See Shrode. One guilt edged mortgage on a The sea j At the California State Fair ¡»Bt week system, and may become chronic. We often hear about men getting wreck after capsizing. I'st Foley's Honey and Tar Com­ G. W. Stewart, of Dilley, was in Tillamook dairy farm, for sale. Ei in- warmed up when talking, lint had been exceedingly rough for our boy. carried off three prises for pound. It has n very soothing nml high grade cheese. Out of the three •b* city on Wednesday. several days and being too near [ quire Tillamook Abstract and Title Attorney H. T. Botts the other healing effect on the irritated and Tillamook County Cheese maker» who ¿air passages, and will Try acme of that kippered sal- Co., Tillamook Hotel Bld. evening became so warmed up shore the vessel drifted in. A line entered the contest in California last inflamed help very quickly. It ia u well at the clam market. W. L. Gosser received word Mon­ while playing a game of pool at the was shot ashore and the captain week, three of them won prizes. known family medicine that gives and crew reached shore by that day that his brother-in-law had died Commercial Club that the matches result.. For sale by all druggist.. For Fine Photographs at popular Hugh Barber of the Mohler factory, means. at The Dalles, and he left next in his pocket caught fire. price*.—Tillamook Studio. secured first prize which was $25.00, by MRS EDWIN E. KOCH, The Standard Milk Sugar Factory h score of 97. Andrew Christensen of Call up the Mutual Phone fora morning to attend the funeral. Notice. For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland lias been taking whey from the Teacher of Piano. the Tillamook Creamery, secured sec­ late et th* Tillamook Studio. pony colt. Will trade for good Fairview cheese factory and is now Kasper Zweifel is now successor ond prize which was $6.23, by a score Mrs Koch has studied under the Glaaae» fitted. Any kind, any family milch cow. Inquire at A. F. prepared to handle the whey from to R. R. Roberts, in Tillamook of 96. A. H. Schmelzer of the Red beet teacher in Portland, prior to *jk- Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * All accounts owing „ the attending < hlcago Musical College Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook. * the Tillamook Creamery The whey County. J. R. Watkins Medical Co. are pay­ Clover factory secured fourth prize, and the Oberlin Conservatory of W. Wakefield and wife, of Port- ia being hauled in tanks. The re­ able to Kasper Zweifel. which was $5.34, by a score of 95. G. A. Glover lias traded his farm Music. Has had a teaching experi­ "f*r P. Brugato to Irene Shear- Rheumatism. petition requiring plaintiff to ap given for the benefit of the pupils. . The montliy session of the County The following unsolicited testi ­ wod. The man or woman who wants pear and answer why certain set monial should certainly be suffi ­ Court was adjourned on W ednesday Twnished rooms, with or without to meet next Wednesday, owing to nets should not be confiscated and cient to give hope and courage to quick help from liacliache and rlieu R. E. E, DANIELS, persons afflicted with chronic inatiain, will find it in Foley Kidney H- Smith, with King A the County Judge being at the •old at public auction, which had I dyspepsia : " I have been a chronic Pills. They act so quickly and been abandoned in the Nehalem dyspeptic for years, and of all the with such good effect that weak, in­ CHIROPRACTOR. ¡J««chickens wanted at the Tilla- State Fair. medicine I have taken, Chamber­ active kidneys that do not keep the river. I-ocul onice in the Commercial blood dean and free of impurities, Boyd Mendenhall went to Portland Neat Company’s M arket, 12c. Fred Burton and Miss Pearl Fow­ lain's Tablets have done me more are toned up nml strengthened to good than anything else,” says W. on Tuesday on account of the seri­ W Pound. ler were msrried>t the home of Mrs. G. Mattison. No. 7 Sherman St, healthy vigorous action. Good re­ Building. ous illness of hie brother, who had w j ' Pa'z'a' and wife will move been operated upon for appen­ Janies E. Brown, at McMinnville, Hornellsville, N.Y. For sale by sults follow their use promptly. TILLAMOOK - ORE For .ale by all druggists. Ore., on Wednesday of last week. Lamar's Drug Store. Meburg, where they will make dicitis. home. The happy couple returned the For Sale or Exchange -Shetland next day to Tillamook. Fred and I ill a position to make pony team, sorry and harness his bride have the congratulations time farm loans. First Will trade for Tillamook city prop­ of his many friends in this county I "»«I Bank. erty. Inquire at A. F. Coats Lum­ which is the culmination of a court­ Ia,lt number of Tillamookers ship that existed many years. ber Co. •'ending the State Fair at Editors Baker and Trombley will Mrs. T. H. Goyne entertained the thi* weeki take a trip to Sandlake on Saturday Shakespeare Club at her home on » h"'1 L Brown spent a to help boost that part of the Thursday afternoon. The members iitinBor'l’Utd last week, county, the cranberry industry and present were Mesdames A Mc­ ““•t relatives. Nair H. T. Botts, Geo W illett, C. I. good roads. ► 7j’ork doea 30t ®uit you fell Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­ Clough, Mrs. Groat, T. H. Goyne 8 *eb y our friends. City practor, successfully treats all ner­ and H. Crenshaw. Mrs. C. E er Cotnpany • vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. Trombley was an invited guest. A delightful afternoon was spent, a^'0?8011 a,‘d family left this Consultation free. Office onl after which a delicious luncheon bekam *beir new home in mercial Building. was served by the hostess assisted J*®»» County. The Grey Eagle Mill is now loca­ by the Misses Stella Goyne and Al- ••kVu' Chic,’en8 ‘o the Tilla- ted on Fawcett Creek. All kinds of legra Mason. *0c "'<>mb,a,'y’8 Market We dressed and rough lmnberon hand- Marshal Myers arrested a man PWpounrl, • Prices reasonable —Grey Lag e - . by the name of Dan Long, who whs M.. »,klnner' of Wa,la Walla, Co. Both phones. wanted for pilfering A detect ne |, aha v ln c’,y on Wednes- Dawson Bros, will meet “I!'™"a came in «nd interviewed him, but *rn Bartlett. did not file any complaint again-t with bus. and will bandlepa' ' t I «. him. consequently the marshal fey £. Jvebber wai appointed gers and bagg-ge to all 2d not he’d him. but kept ch-, Church in thi* city at city. Call or phone at the tag on him. At noon on Wedne. are on Monday. barn on 2nd Ave East the man suddenly took hi. . He had stolen two Jwre from a «Broad ear, which the marshal had seen him hide There’s One Form of p’Xu eateoinK ,he li,e Investment First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. is a Savings Account in the TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK D WE MANUFACTURE SILOS. Come in and see for yourself what we make before you Buy. We are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you. We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter. The Best Made. We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish, flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. Try our extra thick Shingles, none better. VARIETY STORE TlUüAmOOK, OREGON« Dpop in and book Around ” March. I-». .«<» *ruur>d8 2, which the divorce .. COATS LUMBER CO. TIUUAMOOK. OREGON I