.—^<>nil)ok Headlight. September 25, Iöi3 s«cond pnze John Stivenga eave by Tillamook Drug Co. .... K RATTLED the bandit , NASTURTIUMS. .... R. I. E. HEWITT, -.lowing ¡» the H,t ot prizes 1 I Curiou. Exp.ri.nc. With , Band of OSTEOPATHIC f BHHHÍ B X-’*“ ” Mad. St ‘ iRibvthe •ch,x’* dePartment of Fir * Pr?^Clari.-e Snodgrass Mexican Cutthroat». PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ¡¡7ik County Fair, Sept., 4, 5 Thna Gave by Chas. I. Clough Asst' Oth.< goes an about arm. Flower Seeds ........ B ’ AS3t-tl OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. I MUES1IC 11 •a . -verybody L^.. : iu ‘ Mexico -vA.tv goes Styk, _ . ..................... .. of th L mH e“the Pa«kenger trains trains OU must of the vears of age Both Phoues. Poultry. children twelve years or the railroads r------- meats " i r*JUard • *d b> ^‘ach- Cl»« A. Class B, children under 12 Residence and Office in Whitehouse CHICKENS. Perfect Of ov®r- Baker Residence, jrs. „bile on every station platform V . . „ Leghorns. yetf»- Garden Product». A Fuel First prize, Kenneth Murnhv TILLAMOOK, OREGON. b ner"LUralfRU,,rds « ¡th earn, t Saver Gave by Tillamook County Bank P 00 blues ready for an emergency. For- POTATOES a Second prize. Howard Erskins Class A. Suers have to adapt themselves to J-}«- KLM ER ALLEN Sc-mo housoTzlv cp v. bo Food bV C‘ L CloURh> Poultry... I fW pH*. lrwin Gaine3’... Meda 15 CALIO m the custom of g0|ng abotlt Rrlned of uispluy u rcniuikublo ........ $2.00 ACL CO«*« timouut of broad, bound, els« make themselves unfavorably con ttC SCWV OH» RHODE ¡ISLAND REDS? * (Successor to Dr. Sharp), ¿d'p’rize. 1.00 common sunso nlon^ i .y. WILL CIVE BPlcuous in the eyes of the natives lints, persist In tho I I/OIMNC _ Class A. delusion — and lt is a de ­ ’ WATCrt . DENTIST. it wa. a novel experience, however to lusion—that theyaro real­ h8v‘l 4Zei Arthur Harris- Gave Class B ly practicing economy by by J. b. Lamar, .......... rn whh'th’?'"1 surTeyors- wh«n occupied „rize, Mile» Blalock gave by trying to get along — to get Commercial Building, Tillamock. ‘»e County Bank,........ . 2.00 Second prize, Elsie Glad, .'.?.7.7.?.'.' oq ulth uu ,1)€aCefUl work’ n™”<1 result;»-—out of an old, worn- out range merely to save the teeth with knives and revolvers. As a prize. Lois Wade gave by (?lass R price of a new one. ■Snook County Bank............... 1.00 First prize Dorothy Hare, Wilson matter of fact, arms were rarely re­ Your old range or stove was pub quired in Mexico as a means of <£ 0R. JACK OLSEN. together with putty nnd stovebolts River School, .......................... CABBAGE. arid probably you can stick a pen­ Class B. reuse. As everywhere else, lt is well knit-? in the seams and Joints any­ WYANDOTrS. DENTIST. where on it where the stove putty bus First prize Mary Easom....... valorize Miles Blalock, gave by $2.00 to remember, however, to keep cool crumbled away. When a range gets County Bank............ $2.00 „ aud forget that you are a ruled in case in that condition, it takes fuel enoui h BANTAMS. (Over F. R. Beals office. to warm all outdoors iu order to got your or a quarrel. CELERY. First prize, B. C. Lamb, Jr. $2.00 ov< n hot enough for h »kin r-and then you run the rLk of burning whatever In this connection the principal locat­ Class B. is in the oven, lou can soon burn up the price of the best range ever made DUCKS. Tillamook - Oregon iu a useless waste of fuel in an old, woru-out stove or range—turd that’s Pint prize. , Henry Donaldson, ing engineer of the road had an expe- Indian Runner. Deitner practical economy nor good management. rience at which he displayed some H you would practice real economy in your household management. It OHN LELAND HENDERSON ' i pay vou, t io next time you are in town, to call nt our store and inquira First prize, Elsie Glad.’................. $2.00 nerve. He had to make a reconuols- CARROTS. c.oscly into the perfect baking and remarkable fuel saving quaUUes of the Class A. Class B. sance of a mountain range called the ATTORNEY fint prize, Ernest Ford, Wilson First prize, Ethel Anderson....... $2 00 Sierra Gorda. said to be Infested with AND River School................... • ........... cutthroats. He was warned to let the . PIGEONS. Second prize, Margaret Balmer district alone, but duty prevailed, and COUNSELLOR. AT-LAW. Class A. Trask River School..................... $1.00 First prize, Chester Jensen $2.00 he went When reaching a rancho T illamook B lock , Class B. near the summit at sundown he and Class B. First prize, Henry Donaldson, Til tuook [- . . . Oregon. a First prize, Mary Easom,... his attendant were met by four men $2.00 fairview School............................ $2.00 whose law breaking propensities re ­ Room No. 261. SQUASH. quired no further introduction than Class B. Burdick-Dawson Wedding. their faces. They took bold of the Fint prize, Miles Blalock, Beaver $2.00 Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges party’s horses, told the engineer and H. T. BOTTS, ; Second prize, Henry Donaldson McMinnville News-Reporter: It is the only range made entirely of open iron grate—you can see it. No his attendant to dismount and made Fairview School............................ $1.00 malleable iron and charcoal iron. Char­ heat escapes — no cold air gets into Prof. F. G. Boughton, ofMcMinnville no effort to conceal the fact that they ‘ attorn EY-AT-LAW.1 coal iron won't rust like steel—mallacble the oven — saves half the fuel and CUCUMBERS. College, read the service at the mar­ were there for business. iron can't break, and While the first assures perfect baking. i Class B. cost of a Great Majestic may be more Complete Set of Abstract Books in riage of Miss Eliza V. Dawson to Mr. The engineer complied smilingly, and. than some other ranges, it outwears 3 Movable Copper Reservoir fintprize, Joseph Maxwell, Fair­ Oflice. ordinary ranges. The reservoir is all copper, heated going up to the leader, mystified that Wilbur A. Burdick, which took place view ............................................. $2.00 like a tea kettle through copper pock­ Taxes Paid for Non Residents. et (stamped from one piece of copper) Second prize, Mary Easom,............ $1.00 Monday September 15. at two o’clock individual by asklug him to step aside. I Half The Fuel setting against left hand lining of Are at the home of Mrs. Julia Seitters, in "I am told that It Is unsafe to travel I TURNIPS. T illamook B lock , box. It bolls 15 gullons of water in a The Majestic is put together with Jiffy in these mountains,” he whispered. I and, by turning lever, the frame— rivets (not bolts and stove putty) and reservoir the presence of a delightful little "will you not therefore oblige uie by I Class A. —moves away from Are. 1 illamook .... Oregon. making it absolutely air tight, like an 3'his feature is Firt prize, Chester Jensen, Boul­ wedding party. patented and can be engine boiler. The Joints and seams Both Phones. taking care of my property and allow used only on the Majestic, der Creek School .......................... $2.00 will remain air tight forever as neither , Ask us to show The wedding march was played by us to remain under your roof until I you the greatest expansion nor contraction can a lie ct ­ RHUBARB. improvement ever put into a range — Miss Norma Seitters, and the bride morning." With that lie handed over I or open them. makes Majestic 300% stronger where ■ Class A. and groom were accompanied by Miss his watch, money nnd other things, I other ranges are weakest. QARI. HABERLACH, Fint Prize, Gale Buell.................... $2.00 Violet Laufman, of this city and Mc­ Pure Asbestos Lining Other Exclusive Features Minnville College, and Mr. C. 0. and the astonished thief, who was I BEANS. In addition, it Is lined with pure It ’ s the best range nt any priogj Dawson, a brother of the bride of Til­ probably for the first time in his life asbestos board, covered with an and should be in your kite he u. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Class A. lamook, and the University of Oregon. treated to the novelty of being trust- I Fint prize, Ernest Ford, Wilson FOR SALE BY T illamook B lock , River School,................................ $2.00 The impressive ring ceremony was ed. uot only let the engineer have the I used. best In bis house, but handed him back I Second prize, Gale Buel, Tilla­ ALEX McNAIR &~CO. After congratulations very enjoyable his property In the morning and fur- I Tillamook mook ................... $1.00 Oregon. refreshments were served by the nlshed him with two cutthroats to I Class B. bride’s sister, Mrs. Julia Seitters, as­ serve as an escort during the rest of I First priz-?, G. W. Lucas, Tilla­ mook ............................................ $2.00 sisted by her niece, Miss Morgan. his journey—Max T. Schmidt in En- I QBORGE WILLETT, Relatives and friends were present. LETTUCE. During the afternoon the bride and gineering Magazine. Ulass groom, by means of a car, made a call ATTORNEY-AT-LAW^ Tint prize, Gale Buel, Tillamook $2.00 or two on aged relatives who could not CAPTURING ZANZIBAR. CELERY. be at the wedding, then departed on T illamixik C ommercial B uilding , the 6:06 train the same evening for Classa B. their future home at Gardner, Oregon. Serio Comic Battle That Deposed the First prize, Henry Donaldson, Tillamook . • Oregon. Gay Sultan. The bride is favorably known in Fairview School............................. $2.00 Yamhill and Tillamook counties as a Zanzibar reminds every visitor of Cooking. student of McMinnville College and a the towns described in "The Arabian teacher in the public schools. Mr. Bur­ Nights.” It is a typical Arabian town, BREAD. D T. BOAI.S, M.D. dick is a druggist in the growing Coos • and there seems to be a mystery and Class A. Bay town. The very best wishes of a Fint prize Lillian Ruger, gave by , a romance behind every door. The Tillamook Feed Co...................... $2.00 large company of friends are following town was ruled for hundreds of years • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. them to their new home in Southern Second prize Mildred Severance, by a sultan nutil the English took Gave by Tillamook Feed Co..... $1.00 Oregon. T illamook B lock , charge. CAKE. There Is still a sultan, who receives Tillamook .... Oregon. Class A. BARGAINS IN REAL a salary from the English govern­ Fint prize May Neyman............... $2.00 ment, but some day he will be deposed, Second prize, Grace Wade, gave ESTATE. and there will be no further pretense by Chu. I Clough, Assortment M. KERRON, Flavor Extracts............................. $1.00 320 Acres on the Wilson River of a sultan having anything to do with the government. The old palace of Class B. known as the Rush Farm, with the sultan—an ugly affair, which looks Pint priie Agnes Hunter, gave PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON a like a boarding bouse-is used for of­ byB. D. Lamar, Doll ................. $2.00 everything on the place (except right of way and keep-sakes). fices by the British. Near the palace Second prize, Doris Knight, Gave T illamook B lock , by E. T. Haltom............................. $1.00 60 Acres of unimproved land. is the harem, now deserted, since the Tillamook .... Oregon? Cinned Fruit and Vegetables. present sultan has but one wife. 80 Acres of unimproved land. The sultan, who had trouble with the 8 Acres with house and barn Class A English, was educated in England and Fintprize, Mildred Severance....... $2.00 close in. Second prize, Lillian Severance, 13 Acres of fine land on the beach, spent much of his time and all of his hawk , GmbyW. A. Williams............. $1.00 and a good investment for any one revenues in Paris. One day an Eng­ lish gunboat sailed into the harbor, JELLY. to plat in lots. Lots joining this and the captain told the gay sultan Class A Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable— first prize, Mildred Severance...... $2.00 place are selling from 400 to 7iX) that he had been ousted. The sultan PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bottled at drinking strength. resented the high handed proceeding per lot. s^°™ arize, Elizabeth Balmer, Sold everywhere—and costs no more than truk River School....................... $1.00 3 Lots with house and barn at and sent word to the defenders of his any other good whiskey. Bay City Oregon. dignity* to sink the English gunboat r Class B. Sea View. and put the Insolent captain in the 'wtprize. Ruby Anderson,........ $2.00 3 Lots at Lake I.itle. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents | 1 Lot and large House Tillamook dungeon. Heifer Calves. sarchet . There was an old fort near the pal Lots in Thayer ’ s addition on eaBy Portland, Oregon . The Fashionable Tailor .. . Class A. ace, on the walls of which were I payments. Lyle Tilden, Gave by A Homestead relinquishment. mounted a few rusty cannon. The ,rw» National Bank.................. $3.00 2 Lots with good house close in. defenders of the sultan tried to fire I Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing 5ec(™ Prize, Emerald Tilden $2.00 these at the English gunboat, but they j)eafness Cannot Be Cured I J. S. STEPHENS, r . Class B. [ a Specialty. ROOM 20 COMMERCIAL BLD. hurst oue by one, and almost Wiped I Flyr local applications, us they cannot reach "nt prize Joseph Maxwell, Gave uu ’ Fnrr.i» Th«» I the diseased portion of the ear. 'I here is OUt the sultnus defensive ror .. Lyn!y one way to cure deafness, and that is °yrirst National Bank................$3.00 rnntaill of the English gunboat tD€D I by constitutional remedies. Deafness is NOTICE. Sewing. '■u* 1x1 , . ♦»,„ r>nInn« I caused by an inflamed condition of the Store in Flein» Photographic begUD dropping shells Into tne PaM1y IU1UCCOU. lining <>f the Eustachian Tube machine made dress . Gallery. NOTICE is hereby given that sealed nnd with one solid shot, sank the sul I When this tube is inflamed vou have a BEGINS it» forty-fifth acliwl year • ; Class B. ’ - small vmsp or imjierfect vessel I which wnicn car cur |ru»nhling i hrn lt sound entirrI) C|„M11 i>rJ hearing. ,i»..u and tjlc ¿2"« Elta Sheets, Tillamook $2.00 bids will be received by the County tan . ’s navy-« enns — F. W. Howe in Howes I result, and unless the inflammation can be S cstcmbcr is. tata. Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, nea four ivur a • I taken out and thi* tube restored to its DEGREE COURSES in uiiny phaaeaof T H. GOYNF, Je“ie Jensen, Boul- I normal condition, hearing will destroyed *fi*h'501............. ...................... $1.00 until Wednesday, the 8th. day of Oc­ Monthly. AORICUUTURl. ENQINtCRINa. HOMt — I forevc . ninecases out of tenure caused by ECONOMIC«. MINiNO FORieTRY. COM­ HAND MADE DRESS. - . A A l< •' rh whic h is nothing but an inflanu d tober, 1913, at 1 o’clock P. M., for the Going Attray II o . I, tion of the mucous surfaces MERCE. PHARMACY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. » . Class A. furnishing of all material and labor It Is no easy matter to keep a mod I We will give One Hundred Dollars for any 1 7 —•-•-«. lease of Deafness (caused by catarrh» that TWO-YEAR COURSES in AORiCUU G,idys Snodgrass, Til- necessary for the construction of the ««•a ern ----------- steamship on a *‘raJ«bt TURE. HOME ECONOMICS. MECHANIC Iconnot 1>e cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Oflice: Opponine C oukt H ours , ....................................... $2.00 Bayocean Road from Station 1 plus 26 Tim hplinsman steers by the compass. I Scn I I J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, Ohio, TEACHER’S COURSES in manual Tillamook Oregor, M Sth°ol................................ $1.00 to Station 60 plus 0 as surveyed No­ and while a sing'« degree of deviation jjbokl by Druggists, 75c. training, agriculture, doineatic science Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation vember 1911 by U. G. Jackson. County- appears very .mall on the comps a. handmade apron . "sid“it and art. It would. If continued, carry s a Fine „ C,ass A. Surveyor. The work to be strictly in card I’. J. SHARP. Holl» Th’ Cry8tal Dunstan, two accordance with the plans and specifi­ fast steamship four mile, out of her Can’t Afford to Have Kidney Trou MUSIC, including piano, »tring, baud SimhJ **•' gave b* Wm............ course In a single day’s run. let the instrumenta «nd voice culture. ble. cations on file in the office of the compass gives the course more seen ........................................... 00 No man with a family to »upport A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled (RESIDENT DENTIST, County Clerk of Tillamook County, rately than the ahlp can be steered. can afford to have kidney trouble, G«vebvr1* R.uth Seve«’ence, ”T i « b F. wkichmknt op R ural I. ifk ” '*»« by Grant Mills................... ,.$|,00 Oregon. Owing to the deflecting power of the nor need he fear it with »uch a and ■ C a T amx . uk will lie mailed free Oflice : Commercial Block, . Class B. on application. Bidders are to state the unit price wavei and the rolling of the ship, the remedy at hand a» Foley Kidney A ",e»ton. Gave by and total amount for each 2400 feet of rour»« to continually shifted . little Pill». An honest medicine safe Addreva H. M. T knnam T, Registrar, Tillamook - Oregon. reliable, coating little but do­ this way and that despite th. belm.- and Corral lia, Oregon. the proposed road. ing rr.tich good. Foley Kidney Pill» UwT-llto»») • eliminate bar kacke, and rheuma­ A certified Check equal to 5 per cent Harper's Weekly Embroidery. J. CLAUSSEN, tism. tone up the system and re­ of *he amount of the bid must accom­ . LAWYER, A philoeopher’e Purpoee. _ store normal action of kidney« and fintnri,. r Jila3* A- ^«Lucde Rowe................ $2.00 pany each bid. . -I am looking for an honest man. bladder. For «ale by all druggiata. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. The County Court reserves the right Rosella Hart,......... $1.00 Mid Diogenes. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. fiistwi« Class B. 2’3 T illamjxjk B lock . to reject any and all bids. ™othligO|n’p«rtlcul.ri My rg By order of the County Court. “I wan taken with diarrhoea and Tillamook • Oregon Mr. Yorks, the merchant here per- Dated this 12th. day of September, S’ioTroS • - minded me to try a bottle of ( ham. Xi«*, it,,, 'Umar.';”'“;»1.00 1913. world now w ___ ..... •nd Ion« hour, of espoax» will find '*?> lnr«tlg»tlon with aa little ei berlanin’» Colic, Cholera and Diar­ J. C. Holden you dry »ad coaiortabh d you was» • Crocheting. J E. REEDY, D.V M., County Clerk. poM1ble’’-W«b‘°rcy — ; _jb 4 buy some .«2.00 That ia not at all tinueual. An Percy — I m running tn at tha haeg wbaa ■m basami •■>'* ■ ’rierk—Thto almost invariably be cured by one . CI ms B. No wet we alhar roat •© «ar^ul aa a t0 , young l«dy by letttr. r. fc^WiwLCh,ai Ki"enian»....... »2.00 Tillamook * 1 rue« Peroy- ycxi'r» or two dose» of thio remedy, For Stotter No Storks, ao • Oregon. ^InTfo^-^-ito-r« fW«t in •1-prwarp« a »ale by all dealer«. • Gladys Hathaway.,„«1.00 Get poors inAeg atad ba In.W spEClAL. Í CNrk-T-l 2«« G- MctiHE, M.D. To Water Ccnenniera $3.00 Everywhere J G*ve Mrs. oeed •tnäp*t*r .-Jodge. •••••««•••.•..• SATBF ACDCN GUARANTEED have taken three bo,,l.e’ no„ , 1 he Water (*ommi««ion haa given flowers. Caue» end A. J. TOWER CO. idWERjf berlain'« Tablet« a" pound*. Mr. Ho*g jtoeilive inetnu tion« to but PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. well woman and weiffM« >nff water from all consumers BOSTON I can eat anything I bel(er! Clagg A Tn~Cn~tnn Liaattd * an who have not |