YOU BELIEVE THAT « WHEELEE , - OH EG ON, fa The Manufacturing City on B ound NEHALEM BAY 1 to G ROW and that INVEST- MENT in W heeler Property will be Profit cible. ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You uuill make money by Investing in OUHEEÜER. For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Tillamook Office Portland Office : Care of F. R. BEALS 327 FAILING BUILDING PLANS TO AID considered l>y the specialists of the diploinafa. ilepurtmeiit having charge of that What right have they to declare WOMEN ON FARMS. branch of agricultural activity. Secretary Houston to Send Letters to Rural Homes. BRYAN RESENTFUL OVER David F. Houston, secretary of STAGE JIBES. I am making a travesty of diplo niacy?” he asked, in a petulant manner. " They do not know the real facts. They do not stop to investigate, anil they certainly should make an in­ vestigation before making wild statements The statements that 1 atu neglecting my duties nt Wash ington so that 1 maj continue this lecture tour ure absolutely untrue. The foreign newspapers must get their ideas from the columns ci the Tory newspapers of the United States.’• Notice of Guardian’s Sale. N otice re H ereby G iven — That in pursuance of an order of the county court of Tillamook County, Oregon, made August 22nd, 1913, the undersigned guardian of the persona and estates of Chessel Mills, Esther Mills, Franztl Mills, Edna Mills and Aldah Mills, min­ ors. will on and after the first day of October, 1913. at her residence in Tillamook City, Oregon, proceed to sell at private sale for cash, sub­ ject to confirmation by the county court, nil the right, title, interest and estate of said minors in and to the following described 1. real prop- erty situate in Tillamook •j County, Oregon: An undivided one-fourth interest in lot 2, of block 6, of Cone & McCoy's addition to the town of Hay City. Lots 2 and 3 of block 7 and lots 3 and 4 ot block 13 or Fuller's addi­ tion to the town of Bay City. Lots 3. I, 5 and l> of block 4. in llnj .i’ addition ta Tillamook City. Dated this August 27th, 1913. V iola M ills , Guardian. WHISKEY agriculture, within the next few days will uddress 11 letter to the States with Emphasis He Is women members of 50.000 farm Not Making Burlesque households throughout the United of Ills Office. States, requesting them to give in formation as to how the Depart­ P hoenixville , Pa., Sept. 14.— ment of Agriculture can best serve Secretary of State Bryan, speaking the needs of the farm women. in his most serious vein, took oc­ These letter« will lie addressed casion yesterday to deny most “To Housewives in the Home of emphatically that he is a mounte­ the Offiotal Crop Correspondents,” bank, a vauilevilliitn, a peanut anil will be sent to the full lint of secretary of state, or that he has Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. crop correspondents for transmis­ made a travesty of diplomacy, us sion to the women members of has been alleged editorially by N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That their households, With each letter numerous leading newspapers of tile State Land Board of the Stale of Let us show you our Oregon will sell to the highest bid­ will be supplied a return envelope England and the Continent. special display of attrac­ der nt its office in the Capitol Build­ in which the women can forward Likewise he resents the promi­ ing at Snlem, Oregon, on October tive new styles. We are their suggestions nence given the fact he gets the 7, i913, at 10:00 o clock a.111 , <>f saiil perfectly equipped for This inquiry result« from the re first J2.10 taken in at each stand. dcty, all the State’s interest in the making group pictures ceipt of 11 letter addressed to the The secretary of state had no; tide and overflow lands hereinafter and will please you with secretary, in which the writer said: desite to talk tor publication of the described giving, however to the the quality of our work. Suit for Divorce. owner or owners of any lands abut “The farm woman Ims been the criticisms that had been heaped up ting or fronting on such tide and Summons by Publication. moat neglected factor tn the rural on him. but he has talked tn persons «veriluw lands, the preference right problem, und she has been espec he lia« met on the Chautauqua to pnrvhase said tide and overflow In the Circuit Court of the State of i Oregon, for the County of ialiy neglected by the National cin-cuit, mid has complained bit­ lands at the highest paiee offered Tillamook. Next to POST OFFICE. tiroiriiled such oiler is made in good Department of Agriculture.” terly of the "false light in which he faitli, anil also providing that the AHa Sours, | Plaintiff, | Thia letter was not written by a has been placed." It was in veri­ land will not be sold tor. nor anv v» woman but by s broad minded fication of these statements appar­ offer therefor accepted of less than Harold V Sours, g 1 C ■ S. » » ■' .IB *. * IB 1 man, so thoroughly iu touch with ently mail? in confidence, that he >«.3Oper acre, the Board reserving Defendant. J the Tight to reject anv and all bids. the agricultural and domestic consented to talk this afternoon. To Harold V. Sours, the above Said lands are situate in Tillamook needs of the country that his opin­ named defendant : Too Much Color, He Say». Coanty. Oregon, and described as I-', the N ame of the S tate of ions have great weight. Following 1 Secretary Bryan said that he is 11 follows, towit: 1 O regon : Beginning at a point .IS« 6 (eet \ the receipt of this letter, the secre- much maligned individual He 1 ou are hereby required to ap 21 deg. 47 min. E. from the quarter tury determined that the best way ' takes the stand that he is "an seetion corner between Section« a »pear and answer the Complaint for the department to learn how to .added attraction" on the Chautau- und S. T. 5 S.. R. 10 W . cf W M .,t hied against you in the al>ove en­ i > > t ■ ■ t * a, * give these women the fullest poe- I qua circuit und objects strenu- Die high water lin- on the right titled cause on or before the expi- rT.,?’ac0’ !*IX "eel<» from the date • While going to School Bible aid and service which their I oualy to being cartooned on a stage bank of the Little Neetueca River tr ence • *” the first publication of this sum- I important place in agricultural between two perfectly capable there is nothing better N. «2 deg M min. W. 276.1 feet mons. and if you fad so to appear production warrant« vraa to write members of the theatrical profea- »long high water line; aind answer, for want thereof the S. 43 deg. 57 inin. W. flo.o feet ¡0 plaintitf Wdl apply to the said Court « and more satisfying then to tlie wumeu themselves and ask •ion. Lrti,''core 'e* '•e,,liltlded in the com­ low water line; to own a good fountain them to make their own sugges­ ” How is it,” the secretary de­ I S. 00 deg 40 min. E '«3.1 along plaint therein tion«. manded from his interviewer, "that low water line; pen, one that is always r J21.'- **’'/*. the dis In the letter thes« women are in­ some newspaper meu ao color their X. 43 deg« .17 min i:. 71 Of. ef to the *I«t.'nn of the bonds of matrimony ready to write, and does vited to give individual answers to descriptive work as to make tlieir ",?w existing between vott and the confining '«•«'""•nu • "ntdnmu . ,vli i.I.» I,..,» .*■* Plaintiff. Alts Sours, your wife, and not flood or — soil .1 one’s .«W diTPI acres <»f of I tide land, > being tide ths letter or to discuss the mutter stories untruthful and ridiculous r” lend in front ot trad owned h' ’°r ge.teral relief. finger. in their church «octet lee or women’s “The domestic newspaper« tlta l-Cha«. Rix, in Section? 5 «d« r ord'.'? '* P»Wrehed by t has. Wav. iq Sei tmns •> and >, I , organisations, and submit answers have attacked me are all of the lorv -G S., R ------------- 10 W, __ of -------- IV. . M J . . “ r of «he Hoi. Webster Holmes .. . . . -W» ’ \ .- -- We have all i ^''dge of the Circuit Court of the Application« and bids should l>e representing tliecombinedopinions stripe,“ lie deelured. “Such i ,f. Rexall Pen, sold on trial, Addressed to G. G. Hrown Clerk THU *5°"' fnr ,he County of of the worn«« of their entire com- tncks «te to be ex|>ected. In State Land Board Salem. Oregon trict T .« ,h* h>‘'i‘hd his- satisfaction guaranteed. muhities. The anawcru are re- Tory uewsp.i|>ers the facts are il's t mid marked " Apphcat on and bid m Ide f "Ta ^L.”‘ *">' on,er •*'"< qiested not Islet than November tor led nud are twisted to suit/the to pnrcllase tide lands. " nu de an<| ,j , Vrf TiU«niook Cjt Prices ranging from Ik mid tin« date i* set because it writers. There are reasons for tb ese <•. G. B roun 1»I3° rk°n ,h’V'"’ *'"y * August, ♦ t oo to $5.50. Clerk State l and Board ontor , he •••**» .»»rescritied in the iitt.u ks. “ 1 will give the women time utter hsr Dated July 22nd. 1911, < , r Cr ” r P'lbliea tiv ’ O is once n week vest to eonaider the mutter and dta- Lack Real Facta •evil' ‘«■cut,pg. weeks and for cuaa with their women neighbors. Hut the editorial attacks by the there ,; ‘ ’ ;e‘ "’''» \ publication« Senator Simmons says hr thinks Thia letter will go to about twenty newspaper« of England and the ____ _________ t'h leadtug farms in each rf Hie 2MH0 Continent . have bothered | f •'»«’stimulate trade Lth reiT " Thur^,.. August if counties of the United States. secretary more than he is w tiling Practical basnesa men hope . • - - .... M Mali ..r.» i l* — — _ 1 — - I bland H ynttrs O-V ,ni"ry, The idea , f Their answers, it is expected, will to acknowledge, lie di«likes to read | wil1 -attorney for the Mlaii’tiff. •*?" ,hal Suker that he is making a travesty out ut » r ldacing prosperity represent the views and opinions of ----- ------- —- with «ouïe- 11a« t>een found out. So has Ta-n- '*h ; ha^dfe !' .'n*/ -1 ’ ” he ' cl exfged **»« _ _____ , _ ”,,n* better did not« » nduct nianv been found out thousands of upwards ol 5UU,UliO farm women. diplomacy and that his «X Thea« autwer« will be carefullyj cause« laughter from the Vureign ••’em. )vi.róhn"..1,",r,Jr- ..»tamít.g ’«'nes. The point is for New York rLiu .°U‘ h°" *° «ct rid ’"Ch lmuok s.tudL ‘lh V,,r poiiiKs penaMtaatTy. Now is the time to have that group picture made. Connoisseurs > know that it» delicious flavor is beyond comparison. Fiad out for yourself. Order from E. F. LAUGHLIN. Monk's Studio Guaranteed ® Fountain Pens ” Tillamook « Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers. - I I I with the problem of btty j>g ”rtrM. you will find it distinctly • geons to come and do yo ing here. You will r" ** qualities, the most be conscientious workman»W charged the most reasena We can supply W1'. r(Mt yo* Sets or noy »ingle article tn» may be ht need of. W.A, William«4