illanwk Í HeaÖliflbt * »• TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPT. 25, 1913 □ LCH Energy & - WHY NO1 store some of the abundant energy of youth’ so that old age may enjoy its rightful share of it ? YOU CAN put by some of your surplus energy, in the shape of dollars you don’t need to spend, IN THIS BANK, where it will immediately take*on an energy of its own, and in time, double itself. Thought­ ful, purposeful consideration of this vital subject NOW may mean the difference be­ tween peace and distress, dependence and independence, when the working days are over. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE NOW, FOR YOU Plahn7“f G‘aie’ Wh° i8 con,e"*- Piano» f.Orming “wusic class on be fn. i Vart0118 instruments. can » house MartiBy’8 Erding ioini , r^°8e " b° ai* :deiir°U8 of Kuning .hould aee Ww a( Terms on I given at application. Lessons homes without extra • charges. s -After the county built one of the finest pieces of road L. in the state to connect with the city limit*, north of town, the city council allowed the Property owners to put in a piece of eaP jack plank road to connect >«P with the county road, which is another instant of land speculators hong allowed to have their own way. UNITED ARTISAN NIGHT. Over 100 New Members Have Been Secured. The local lodge of the United Ar­ tisans will have a red letter day in this city uext Monday evening, to celebrate the acquisition of over 100 new members The event will be opened with a reception and band concert at the Hotel Tillamook, when Supreme Master II. S. Hud­ son will uiake an address. The public is invited to this feature of the celebration. This will be fol­ lowed by a class invitation at the Oddfellows ball and a banquet to the new members, over 100 having been secured the past 10 days. Mrs. Jennie E. Smith, a deputy from Portland institute a campaign for increasing the membership, and assAed by O. E. Hatton, as well as M a large number of active and energetic members have created much enthusiasm in the city and have placed Tillamook Assembly No. 354 on the Roll of Honor at the home office. On Monday, September 29, the active campaign will close with the initiation of a large class. The deputies managing the cam­ paign hope to far exceed the num­ ber which places this assembly on the roll of honor, i.e., 100, conse­ quently no initiation fee will be charged those joining now, the only cost being a fee of one dollar for medical examination. The Artisans is one of the most liberal of fraternal orders, as well as the wealthiest per capita and admits both sexes on the same basis. There is considerable complaint in the city on account of persons driving cattle through the city, des­ troying ]awng an(J garden8 Early Wednesday morning a band of cattle did some damage to the school grounds and private prop­ erty and if this is allowed to con­ tinue there is very little use for citizens improving their property with lawns and flowers if they can­ not be protected. oldest } We will sell at a private sale at the Edgar Munson residence, all cowTY ¿ TILLAMOOK CITY. OBE. COMTY SUPERVISION household goods, consisting of rugs, library table, combination book case, sectional book case piano, leather couch and chair, On account of other entertain ­ J, AMOOK JOTTINGS ments in the city, there will be no folding bed, iron beds, 3 dressers B. S. Clark, auctioneer. exhibition of moving pictures at 3 center tables, dining room table, chairs, China closet, rocking chairs, SeeDr.Monk for novelties in place the M. E. Church Friday evening. Morrio chair, pictures, kitchen ink For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland range, heating stove, also cooking Leave orders for wood with pony team, surry and harness utensils and fruit jars and many .«ode. ’ I Will trade for Tillamook city prop- other articles too numerous to Empty sacks wanted—Lamb- ! erty. Inquire at A. F. Coats Lum­ mention.—C arl P atzlaf • ber Co. :hrader Co. Died, at Portland, this week, One More Big Dry Goods Mrs. W. O. Kilbourne, who does Archbishop Christie was in the Joseph Buffin, of tuberselosis. Joe hair work of all kinds from comb ­ Store for Tillamook. ,ty last week. ings, etc., has located in this city, was well known in this county, The new store of A. J. Stillwell having resided here a number cf Stylish City Photographs at the her residence being in Stiliwell ad­ makes the advent of cosmopolitan years and has several relatives and illsmook Studio. dition. many friends in this county, who ideas of merchandising in our city. Second hand wagon for sale at a Dr, Jack Olson and wife will leave will mourn his untimely death He Mr. Stillwell intends to be a special­ trgain. See Shrode. on Saturday for a week’s vacation, Trysome of that kippered sal- on a visit to Mrs. Olson’s parents was married less than two years ist in his line, confining his capital ago to Miss Anna Gulstrom, of th:s and energies to the dry goods and ion atthe clam market. at Lebanon. They will return the county. He was confined in tlie ladies’ and children’s ready-to wear, For Fine Photographs at popular 5th of October. hospital for several months, his making it the only exclusive dry ■ices.— Tillamook Studio. Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­ wife beingwith him at the last, He I goods store in Tillamook County. Mrs. S. Vierick returned on Fri practor, successfully treats all ner­ leaves an infant daughter, His This store is to be located in the iy from a trip to Portland. vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. bereaved wife and relatives have new 1.0.0 F. building and occupies the south ball of the building, with Call up the Mutual Phone for a Consultation free. Office Com­ the sympathy of the community. a frontage of about 40feeton Second mercial Building. lit at the Tillamook Studio. A divorce suit was filed on Wed­ Ave. Hast, with the full depth of Father Berne who was formerly nesday in the circuit court J>y Syl­ Glasses fitted. Any kind, any in charge of the Catholic church in via L. Rice to dissolve the marriage the building of lOOfeet. yle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. Mr. Stillwell is sparing no pains The first frost of the season made this city, but now cf Southern Ore­ contract with her husband, Earl E to make this store one of the most gon, is taking a vacation at his lappearance early Tuesday morn Rice. These parties were married up to-date stores in the west. There cottage at Netarts. in Tillamook lune 25th, 1906, and will be but few towns within ten The Grey Eagle Mill is now loca­ one child was born to the union. Furnished rooms, with or without times the size of Tillamook that will »rd.-W. H. Smith, with King & ted on Fawcitt Creek. All kinds of Plaintiff alleges in her complaint be able to boast of as good. that the defendant wanted her to dressed and rough lumber on hand. nith. • In the day time this store will be Prices reasonable.—Grey Eagle Mill live an immoral life at the beach well lighted with plenty ofv/indows, Mrs. L Laborwicli, who has been resorts in Tillamook and from the Co. Both phones. both in the front and real, while at siting at Portland, returned home Dawson Bros, will meet all trains proceeds of which they would be i night it will be a blaze of light. The « week. with bus, and will handle passen­ able to live together in Portland the live chickens wanted at the Tilla- gers and baggage to all parts of the coming winter, which Mrs Rice re fixtures are to be of the most ap ook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. city. Call or phone at the Livery fused to do and the conduct of the proved, with everything arranged for the proper display of goods and * pound. • plaintiff becoming so unbearable barn on 2nd Ave East. the comfort of its patrons. "e are iu a position to make Mr. Stillwell is a Tillamook lmy Why buy a Silo and pay freight she left him. ""‘longtime farm Ioans. First when the home mill can furnish you Ernest Creston, proprietor of the and well known by every lady, man ■tional Bank. as good for less money. Talk with restaurant next to Bert Stephens' and child who has been located here If our work does not suit you tell the manager of A. F. Coats Lumber saloon, has left for parts unknown, any considerable length of time. ’■'fitdoes tell your friends. City Co. of Tillamook about it. leaving several outstanding debts. I This acquaintance is an assurance »nsfer Company • The Tillamook Headlight and |the It seems that Creston left Friday, ’ to all who know him that they are BrWyour chickens to the Tilla- weekly Oregonian, until January leaving his helper, Lin Marble, in i always welcome to his place of busi­ ook Meat Company’s Market. We 1915, for $1.75, with a set of the suc­ charge, telling him he and hie wife ness, whether for idle curiosity, •T 12c, per pound. cess kitchen knives free. ThiB offer were going to Netarts. The City pleasure or business, and if on busi­ Transfer Co. hauled a box to the ness bent that their wants will be J- P. Worrell, proprietor of the is open until 31st October, 1913. depot, which being labeled 'house- looked after with dispatch and an ot‘1 Tillamook, returned on Sat- Al. Sheldron was arrested at Gar­ held goods,” the freight had to be assurance that no merchandise will W from Portland. ibaldi on Wednesday with threaten­ paid in advance. When Mrs Mad­ be misrepresented. Tames lames Thompson and ing the life of Paul Dirks with a dux went to collect the bill the Whter, of Nehalem, came in on gun. He was given a hearing be­ next morning, she found out lie fore Justice Stanley this morning. **)i,yand will visit relatives, and hie wife had gone to Netarts ii**. ^ran^’e Smith, who has J. A. Dawson left last week to for a couple of weeks. Their sus­ ira re!a**ve8 outside, re- visit hie old home at Newport, picions were aroueed and on Sun Tenn. He will probably tie away day E. W. Graham, the former ™to her home on Tuesday. ^steurs! Better pay a small for six months, as this is the first owner, who held a mortgage on the rreand get good results from time in 26 years he has visited there. restaurant, first heard of his de­ Wanted, to lease, an improved parture. Mr Graham thinks he kodaks.— Tillamook Studio. . wa rst snort dairy ranch that will carry from 20 will open up the restaurant soon. nti h le^ on Monday for to 25 cows. Would like cows with Mr. Creston had made He says om thC°1Umbia’ and wiU bc away regular payments up 1 to about two * city for about three weeks. place. For particulars see Hender­ weeks" ago and had the restaurant son 4 Thomas, ground floor Dew * Harrison has traded his place half paid for. He saw no reason »ui move the end of the week ank Building. For sale, team, harness and for him leaving as he was doing a ac amas County near Oregon wagon. Horses about 1100 P°UBd*’ good business with good patron­ 3^ TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK it is the aim of this bank to give the best banking service possible—and uie do it. It is also out» aim to have the best equipment sueh as Modern Fire Proof Banking Room, Fife Proof Vault, Burg­ lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Deposit Boxes—and cue have them. First Nationäl Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. Mr. Stillwell says his endeavors will be to carry good merchandise at the right price and never to mis­ represent nor allow to be misrepre­ sented any article in his store. Mr. Stillwell expects to have his new store opened for business Octo­ ber 15. MRS. EDWIN E. KOCH, Teacher of Piano. Mrs. Koch has studied under the best teacher in Portland, prior to attending Chicago Musical College and the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Has had a teaching experi­ ence of ten years. Arrangements are now being made for lessons at the Studio, 7th and Stillwell Ave., Circuit Court Jury Drawn in the Rees residence. Recitals and Musicales will be The jury for the Circuit Court, given for the benefit of the pupils. which will convene on the 6th Octo­ ber, the time having been changed Klein Davis Nuptials. from November, was drawn on Miss Violet Klein, daughter of Wednesday, as follows : D. A. Simmons, Bay City, farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klein, pioneer residents of Nehalem, and Win. H. V. Alley, Nehalem, farmer. Albert Crawford, Nehalem,farmer. Davis, of Portland, brakeman on L. M. Kraner, Cloverdale, farmer. the local passenger train, were D. Fitzpatrick, Tillamook, fanner. married in Vancouver last week. The principals in thishappy affair M. E. Gruber, Bay City, liveryman. had decided to spring a surprise M. T. Chance, Tillamook, farmer. on their friends and they certainly Frank Tone, Tillamook, farmer. Chas. F. Pearson, Tillamook, played their part well. The bride returned home last farmer. J. M. Bodie, Bay City, carpenter. Saturday and announced the glad P. J. Brown, Tillamook, carpenter. tidings to her friendH and relationa J. If. Johnson, Tillamook, farmer. who seemed to doubt her word to the last until she produced her K. D. Hall, Hemlock, farmer. Chas. Kunze, Tillamook, farmer. credentials entitling her to useiime the mime of Mrs. Win. Davis M. R. Hanenkratt, Tillamook, A pleasant surprise awaited her farmer. Saturday evening when a number G. H. Ward, Tillamook, real of her friends and relations gave estate. her a tin shower. During »he cere­ F. J. Ayer, Beaver, farmer. J. W. Maddux, Tillamook, farmer. mony, Mayor Smith doing the H. 1« Provoost, Bay City, mer­ honors as becomes his station in an official capacity, she was presented chant. Claude Ackley, Tillamook, far­ with a loving cup inlaid with gold and filled with sparkling wine, of mer, Chas. Goeres, Tillamo.k, farmer. which the guests partook freely M. Abplanalp, Fairview, farmer. drinking to her future health and happiness. C. E Easom, Mohler, farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Davia will make Fred Lewallen, Hebo, farmer. John Ixiwrance, Cloverdale far­ their home in Tillamook City and the Reporter extends to them its mer. beat wishes and hearty congratu­ A C. Daniels, Mohler, farmer. lations as they enter upon their Lewis S. Johnson, Fairview, far­ matrimonial career. — Nehalem mer. ValletHKe porter. J J. Rupp, Fairview, farmer. Despondency Chas. McKillip,Cloverdale,fanner. is uiieii causeil by indigestion D. C. Peregoy, Nehalem, and constipation and quickly dis­ appears wiien Chamberlain’s Tab­ chant lets are taken. For sale by all J. T. Davia, Beaver, farmer. dealers. WE MANUFACTURE SILOS. Come in and see for yourself what we make before you Buy. well mated, gentle, gray. TM monthly meeting of the Till- whole thing for $350. Wagon practic­ M Commercial Club will be ally new. C. N. Cruson, Tillamook, "e,t Monday evening at the Ore. Phone 78L 16 rooms. Mr and Mrs. Thomae Jenkins re­ 'uc?' t0 rent’ 8 dairy ranch turned home from Portland on , 0 80 m'lk cows, on ehares Tuesday. Mrs. Jenkins recently ,eam- Address J. E. underwent a serious operat.on at ” Mohler, Ore. Portland, which, net proving I rSale°r Exchange:—Shetland satisfactory, she was compelled to COlt U ill trade for good undergo another, and is no , t 1,ch cow Inquire at A. F. fair way of recovery. ■umber Co., Tillamook. The bñ MAR’S — Dedicated to a * Modern” Girl- The following rhyme is going the rounds of the press to show up the ridiculous fashions of the dav It originated on the Pacific ■ looe it is said, and certainly con X the freshness of western breezes t idle girl, you look so small, lin t you wear no Hothes st all? Ttou’t you wear no shimmy shirt.” Kn’ you wear no petty skirV” your corset and your hose- V*8’all your underclothes ? VARIETY STORE, TlUUAfnoOKt 's age. OREGON- Dpop in and book Around- Nothing on to keep you S Crazy £•’ 10 ,hl” >OU.r f°{"‘ „ . ?.ii L.rl wou won't live long VA.t bii'aus’e yon dress sll wrong We are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you. We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter. The Best Made. We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right. We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish, flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. Try our extra thick Shingles, none better. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. TILLAMOOK, OREGON- Youwil Xess hke'MoVber Eve.