Tillamook Headlight, September J-—>----------- - Summary of the Assessment Boll eranf my daughter, who will luher)t riches’ Have you a mill tbi.i Have you a single penny |a ’ purse?” To this Lick replied that be bad nothing as yet. but one day be would have a mill beside which this one would be a pigsty. In 1854 the quiet pareimonlow James I.ick surprised everybody by buflding a maguifleeut flour mill near San Jose. The mill was fluisbed with­ in In solid mahogany, highly poligbed. and was furnished with tbe best au^ eblnery possible. He made the grounds about the mill very attractive and be­ gan early to set out trees both for fruit und ornament. Lick caused Ills elegant mill to be photographed without and within and sent the pictures to the miller wbo had scorned him In bis youth. Nineteen years after Mr. Lick built his mill. Jan. 16, 1873. be surprisedtbe people of Snn Jose again by giving it to the Paine Memorial society of Bos­ ton. half tbe proceeds of sale to be used for a memorial ball and half to sustain a lecture course.-Exchangg fams. 320 Acres on the Wilson River known as the Kush Farm, with everything on the place (except a right of way and keep sakes). (10 Acres of unimproved land. 80 Acree of unimproved land. 8 Acres with house and ba rn close in. 13 Acres of fine land on the beach, and a good investment for any one to plat in lots. Lots joining this place are selling from 400 to 7<)0 per lot. I 3 Lots with house nnd barn at Sea View; 3 Lots at I.ake I.itle. 1 Lot and large House Tillamook Lots in Thayer’s addition on easy payment«. A Homestead relinquishment. I 2 Lot« with good house close in. ROOM ¿0 $14,791,65io Gross value of all property.. .. bargains in real estate . at the Mr. H. L. Jensen, Braver, re­ The aunual meeting of the Tilla­ ceived tbe following from the Mayor mook County Fair Association was of Fair Grounds, Ore: held on Saturday afternoon at the | Fair Grounds, Ore, Sept II, Court House, when there was a Mr. Dear Mr Jensen: Yours of tfie 19th is at hand, and fairly good attendance of stock holders President J. H. Dunstan i 1 assure yon that even though vou r come ____ a long _ distance you people was in the chair. wdl'stand unequal show with those The first business taken up was right here within the grounds. It expenses attending the fair, the re­ has always been a pleasure to look port showing that a balance of out for the Tillamook people. Have arranged so that you will all camp FIERCE ARAB DOGS. a>H*ut $3i>J would be in the trea- together in your old location op- tiie expenses surer's hands after all posit that cottage or a little to the Easy to Put the Big Brut»» to Flight If / east, in the grove Two years ago were paid. One Knows the Trick. A vote of thanks to the Board of a light was placet! on that street. The village dogs of Arabia are a real This to accommodate the Tilla- Directors was iinaniniously passed, niook camp. danger to strangers, whom they attack for the able manner in which the Your camp numbers will be as on sight without provocation. By Board had inanag-d the fair with follows: strangers I mean any one except their Wisdom avenue ; 35—Wcoda I H , own Immediate owners, whether m - so many difficulties to contend witli Blaine ; 37—Coulson, P R . Blaine ; tlves or not, writes Lady Ramsay In on account of the storm. A vote of 39-Moon, S 1... Blaine; 41— L-nsen the Sunday School Times. They are; thanks was also extended to the H. L., Beaver; 43—Hansen, N. P., as a rule, great, powerful brutes, often •‘The Exposition Line 1915” City Council and others who had Hebo. very handsome, extremely fierce and Above are on north side of street assisted in making the fair a suc­ and will have in effect from all stations Main Line and Branches the following low facing south. Odd numbers capable of defending the flocks from cess. on north side and even numbers on wolves and other marauders. I hare In regard to the balance on hand the south side. often been told that when attacked by Your stalls are as follows. it was decided to leave this to the Despondency. these ferocious animals tbe proper Stall, 74—Coulson, P. R., Blafr.e ; discretion of the Board as to how it Is often caused by indigestion ttiiug to do Is to sit down quickly on $2. I 5 75—Coulson, P. R., Blaine ; 76— Woodburn ? .70 Harrisburg constipation and quickly dis­ the ground, when they will at once de­ should be expended. llaneen, N. P., Hebo ; 77—Hansen. 2.30 and 1.10 Junction City . Albany . appears when Chamberlain’s Tab­ sist. The matter of a Tillamook exhibit N. P., Hebo; 78—Jensen, H. L.. 2.80 lets are taken. For eale by all But for my part I never had the 1.55 Eugene Corvallis at the State Fair was freely dis­ Beaver; 79 Jensen, H L, Beaver; dealers. __________________ 80 — Woods, J. If, Blaine; 81 — courage to try this plan and had never cussed, especially as to a good dis­ Woods, J. H., Blaine ; 110—Moon, All other points seen it done during all my year» of Mother of Eighteen Children play of cheese, it being the opinion 9i 1... Blaine ; 111—Moon, S. L., “I am the mother of eighteen travel till last year. We bad stopped of moat of those present that this Blame. children and have the praise of do­ to rest and eat our lunch In a village If you see any of the above you should consist of a car load, so as ing more wort than any young odn. and I was looking out from tn to make a good showing. It wus pan hand them a copy of the en­ woman in my town,” writes Mrs. open balcony and saw an elderly Turk closed. C. J. Martin, Boon Mill, Va. “I coming along between some bouses op­ also decided tu have a vegetable Hoping that you will have a very suffered for five years with stomach SALE DATES displuy, both of which the Board pleasant trip over and that you will trouble and could not eat as much posite. be here anti enjoy every minute of will attend to. Suddenly two huge dogs, barking fu­ a biscuit without suffering. I September 25 to October 4 inclusive. Final return as The Board of Directors were the Fair. I am as ever, have taken three bottles of Cham­ riously. dashed at him from an open A lbert T ozier , elected as follows : J. H. Dunstan berlain’s Tablets and am now a gateway. Instantly he dropped to the limit October Ô, 1913. Mayor of the Tented City. well woman and weigh 168 pounds. ground In a sitting position. For ■ Smith Elliott, Will Spalding, L. M I can eat anything I want to, and moment I thought be bad fallen and Krnner und Frank Severance. United Artisans Organise. as much as I want and feel better expected to see the dogs on top of The amount of stock disposed of than I have at any time in ten him. To my astonishment they turned The United Artisans organized in und paid for amounted to $766 00. years. I refer to any one in Boone and fled, their tails between their leg* .Mill or vicinity and they will vouch Received for concessions, $163.50; the Oddfellows Hall, at Cloverdale, Before they could return, if they Further particulars relation to fares, train service, etc.,from any S.P. Agent. for what I say.” Chamberlain’s received for advertising, $178.00 in on Friday evening. A class of 30 would have done so, a couple of vil­ Tablets are for eale by all dealers. booklet ; amount collected at gate were obligated and instructed in JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland- lagers appeared, helped tbe old fellow : for admission, $502.70 ; total ex­ the secret work by Grand Masters to bis feet and accompanied him out Mr. and Mrs. Walter. The follow­ penditure, $1.158.72. of the range of my vision. The Bourd of Directors passed a ing officers were^ elected and in­ Not Mysticism, but Math«m»ti* resolution of thank to W. G, Dwight, stalled : Ed. Worthington, past­ Mrs. Madison, whose latest bobby II Chester McGhee, John Brant, Max master ; Albert Boone, master; the psychology and tbe esoteric Klinger, F. W. Slock and the City- Mrs. Mabie Foster, supt. ; Mrs. ence of colors, was deeply gratified Council for the free use of their Ed. Worthington, inspector; Frank when her husband admitted wltboi property aud streets, aud to the Foster, instructor ; Merton Everest, urging that there might be sometbuf band for the music ; also to all who senior conductor . Mrs. N N. Kirby, While going to School In ber theory after all. generously helped make the fair a junior conductor ; Mr. N. N, Kirby, “Dawson put me on to It toosy there is nothing better master ceremonies ; Chester Wor ­ success. the farm,” Mr. Madison continue. thington, warden. “Dawson?” questioned Mr* Midi«®- and more satisfying then According to the secretary's re­ amazeil, for Dawson Is tbe port. the Tilla-uook County Fair to own a good fountain Notice. of ber husband’s stables and nntat# Association book show, Sept. 17th, pen, one that is always among psychologists. I 1913 : Kasper Zweifel is now successor Mr. Madison nodded. “He say»1" ready to write, and does Roberta, in to R R Tillamook Total receipts.................... $1,576.49 bays eat more than tbe gray* County. All accounts owing ~ the Total expense to date .. 1,374.02 not flood or soil one’s “Really!" It was a bumb|e h«"* J. R Watkins Medical Co. are pay­ finger. but Mrs. Madison’s face 8low“ . able to K.isper Zweifel. Total ......................... 292.38 « R. R. R oberts . triumph. “How does Dawson a We thought at the time of the re We have all in a K asper Z weifel . for ItT’ j),, port to stockholders Saturday, that Tillamook, Ore., July 2.>rd, 1913. Rexall Pen, sold on trial, “There are ten more »n we had something over $300, as we grays." said Mr. Madison.-« 0 “’ intima satisfaction guaranteed. stated st that time There were other Furniture For Sale. Companion. bills to come in, they are now in Prices ranging from Seven bed room suites, two kit a GRANDMOTHER may Going In For Methuselah» *\*“*^( and they were more than we hail . not be as spry as she chen outfits aud dinning room oo to $5.50. estimated, so it leaves only $202.38. used to be, but *•* An ambitious new citizen, she is in close touch with her * furniture. F. A. Phillips, corner We (link that it can be well spent 2nd St. and Still»sll Ave. habit of tnklng literally the every «) world for all that. in advertising Tillamook county by m « - expressions of Americans, « _ The telephone enables her to make as many calls as she pleases, position as train caller at tbe Sale Notice. a good exhibit at the State Fair «»nd in all Mort.'* of wentlicr, R. Y. B lalock Sec. station. . „.[pH Friday, Sept. 26th. at Hemlock, ____ " "e their place, but it is the many little inti- One day be had Just called. 10:01) a.in.. 8 cows. 2 2 year old heif­ a boa rr rd for Kansas City, Monday Last Oregon Day. ers, 2 heifer calves, 1 old 3 inch Salt Lake. New Or-rleans, E. E, DANIELS, wagon, milk cans, six tons of hay, natf, Buffalo. Baltimore •<* SALKN, Ore | Governor West in 170 teet wire cable, and other num­ TL. .o ».„« CHIROPRACTOR. a proclamation last night made erous articles, terms cash. Local Office in the Commercial Place for rent. breathlessly asked. I next Monday “Made in Oregon E G. A npkrson . train ont for Clevelandr Day." His proclamation follows: Building, Tbe perplexed caller Hemlock. “Whereas, one of the principal T illamook - ore “What, you should lira so factors in the prosperity of a com­ Louis Post-Dispatch. Notice of Hearing of Final munity is ita manufacturing Indus Account tries . and Ths Limit „ N otick IS IIKREUV GIVEN, That “W hereas an earnest effort is tir­ It was an English sbp Kvcry B*H Telephone is the Center of the System. the undersigned lias filed his Final ing made to bring home to the con­ Account as Administrator of the English crew and an Ameri n sumer within our borders the need Estate of Yndrcw F Bibby. de ger list. Two -towards we^ and propriety ot purchasing Ore­ ceased. and that the County Court a bested altercation and P° gon-Mad« imulucta. thus aiding of the State of Oregon tor Tills SIDNEY E HENDERSON, anathemas upon each otn „ J ” HX LELAND HENDERSON mook County hat set Monday, the President. home manufacturers and creating 3rd day ot Novemlier, 191.4, at 10 when ns a crowning *ns , t » Secretary Treat.' tbe other. “Aw. you e*» additional employment for labor. o'clock a ui . as the tune and place Attorney at Law and Noter» passenger."—Argonant “Now. therefore, in view of the for the hearing vf said account and FnbUc. foregoing. I, Oswald West. Gov any objectioua there may be to the •M Th. Culprit ernor. by virtue ot the authority in sa me Dated Septembet i*th. 191A -Had all my money taM° H tM me verted, do hereby proclaim I KMKS BlHHY Woke np bearing V Moudaf. September l.\ 191A as Administrator of the Estate of room Reached under the! Andrew J. Bibby, deceased 'Made in-Oregon day.' my revolver, but didn1 ,b0* ■"To make the said movement as •Why didn’t y.iign. for many nmta .Yon wUI «et ,hp HNCGRPORATKDy Mo«t pf*» ’conm-Vr«’. ”e ,no‘“ ‘Eoreaah and merchants and manufacturers of the meu moat delighted with his -Do yon believe In ■charged tha’" w,'rhm"»’,hi|‘ «”’1 be throughout the state and that the advocacy of ‘ hanging niggers” are ; u- . *^c ’ * ,e oiost reasonable prices, Ing. Mr« Hoerake •»' consumer, in making purchases, convinced of the comforts of relig ^ta œ •inK‘* or d««“»«« •Well, rather.’’ * call only for Oregon made pro ion for such as truly love the Lord •1 spent »11 duct«.'* geranium tn a so-’P and all his men lea. BOTH PHONES. Weekly. IILLAMOUK, ORE. Oregon State Fair September 29 to October 4 Round Trip Fares One and One - Third Fare All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds Guaranteed Fountain Pens. N TOUCH WITH FRIENDS and RELATIVES .............. „„„ „ .... . ..a .... : « ....... THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE L lilliiinook Title and s ict Company I • Ahslracls; Reai Estate Surveying ; Insurance W .A, Williams A Co I