i 4 —£Ianiook Headlight, September 18, Iöi3 vï -TUDGE TAYLOR SHOT TO DEATH, I IS Bills Allowed by the County, Frank p»yne . . 63.75 Domestic Science Premiums. ^rville Allison . . ’ 62.50 1 Walter Randall - 02.50 Guy Huston . Rancher Exacts Tragedy at 11.50 Centerpiece, Mrs. Grace Leach.... 8 .50 . * . ' Reed; Farmer................. ,\5 * Perry Huston . * Astoria. 25.75 Doily, Mrs. W. A. Williams................ 25 t 1 nomas W D Winters and team --T" 17.50 MT0R<'. Ore" U-Ex-Cir- O Taggert and team................. w 7, Jim Thomas .50 35.00 French Emb., Mrs. E. Snodgras. j 6 « » ffolter 8nd team .... 80*0« Robert Thomas Ttodge Frank J. Taylor, pre.i- 28.75 Drawn Work. Mrs. J. E. Barger. .50 S Brücher - Fred Affolter............. ¡J „ 62.50 ” ” Mrs. ” ” .... tof the State Board of Pilot Nick Affolter .............. ........... Tom McKnight - . *. .25 99 32.50 Ray Nelson . ^unssumer« and one of the lead- John Affolter........... Mrs. Ed. Weston .50 .......... 7: 30.00 91 Geo Hill ' Mrs. Chance...... ¿ members of the legal fraternity Arnold Affolter. ..... .50 30.00 Ford Conlee - 2.50 Quilt, Mrs. H. E. Weston .50 Western Oregon, was slhin by Elbert Worthington and team.. 15,00 Ernest Thun We now have connections with Port­ . 35.00 Tatting, Mrs. Ed. Weston. .50 ¿«Id C. Hansel, a Clatscp Plains Roy Estabrook. ........... gi? A Miller. 8> land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco 33.75 Mrs. Mulhoun ................... .50 6-^ M Allison ... .her on Commercial street, near E Wells.......................’ . ;........... 40.00 Geo Griffith - aud all the larger cities Mrs. J. Oleson ................ .. .50 ¿Spokane. Portland and Seattle SO. 25 Frank Schmeltzer ¡.¿d depot, at 9 o'clock this 88.12 Skirt. Mrs. De Lillies..................... .50 JD Pearson - . . _ Advice free to patrons. R Godsey, piling, ................ ’ ’ 13 30 65.00 Centerpiece, ” ” ...................... .50 Bodyfeit • . . 2130 Jim 55.00 Lunch Cloth, Mrs. C. Nelson...... .. Vhe “hooting came as the climax E L Brown, painting......... Geo Kellow . . . .50 We will shortly be prepared to J Jenson and team....... " 60 00 0 Kellow. ... 43.55 Centerpiece.JMrs. Moe..................... .25 40.00 «fa fancied grievance which Han- H Jorgensen.................. make quick Farm ¡loans of from Guy Mattoon - 20.00 Corset Cover, Mrs. A. Jensen...... .50 °i had had for years against his J Hellenbrand.................9« L Kellow .... $500 to $5000. If you need money 10.00 J Hellenbrand, lumber........... Slip, Mrs. J. E. Barger ................... .50 0 Curl................................. ¿tun, for what reason no one A M Commons.................. — 9.37 Baby Coat. Mrs. B. C. Lamb ....... .50 see us. Henry Farmer - . . 2.50 knows and the further fact that, Wm Kodad and team....... J Lewallen . . . . 69.00 Centerpiece, Mrs. Kate Franklin .. .50 four vears ago, the judge acted as C Commons................................. on on Fred Lewallen - . . ’ On account of our location, we Mrs. C. Nelson ........... .25 57.50 13'00 rhos Godley .... attorneyfor Mrs. Hansel in fl ing a H Scherzinger.................. 57 50 Pillow, Mrs. A. E. Williams.......... .50 Wm Christensen.................. ', 5’00 Wm Peacock • have more inquiries for real estate . . I init for divorce, an action that was F Scherzinger and team... »» »» >» »» 57.50 Lee Lane .... .25 and business chances than any where 48.75 J W Hester........... ”' later withdrawn. ... H Hollett............... i?’^ Victor Lane 48.75 Drawn Work, Mrs. J. C. Barger ... .50 Ko Word Precedes Shot. in town. J.ist with us. Guy Schoppert - . . 45.00 ., ” Mrs. L. Jacquot. ... .25 W A Gage.....................Z"........ Earl Paul .... The tragedy was enacted as Judge 40.00 Baby Dress, Mrs. Willet................. .50 Guv Forsythe ... Taylor was en route to the depot to Pete Menard.................... . ......... 58.75 ” Mrs. B, C. Lamb...... .25 A Butts .... 56.25 1 okethe train for his ranch at Car- Jasper Holmes....................... " 57’50 M Butts .... Pillow Case, Mrs. Ira Smith.......... .50 5.00 Abe Holmes .................. so 7c aahan station, where he planned to Wallace Warren and team ’’ Mrs. F. R. Beals........ .25 72.50 Henry Petite................... 52’50 Claude Lane and team p,83 the day. About 50 feet from J Petite.............................. M anager . 103.75 Carriage Robe. Mrs. B. C. Lamb- .50 S ec ., T res . ¿5’™ P J Schoppert and team ¿entrance to the depot Judge 133.12 Centerpiece, Mrs. Grace Leach...... .50 L Lane and team I 60.00 Taylor, who was carrying a light Joe Caster and team Mrs. Andrew Christensen.. .50 30.00 W Jranklin ................................. 15.00 ralise, crossed the street and just Joe Price and team 122.50 Scarf, Mrs. C. Nelson............... .50 av,18.................................... 375O R J Forsythe and team as he stepped on to the sidewalk vA/? 111.25 Centerpiece, Mrs. B. C. Lamb .50 Ed Wheeler ................................. 21.25 Chas Butts and team 30.00 Bart Labante............................... 53:75 Claude Lewallen and team met Hansel. ” Mrs. B. Vantress .25 108.75 Without a word or a moment s P Lano...................................... ; 20:00 W H Christensen and team ” Mrs. Grace Leach.. .50 21.25 17.50 John Heilmeyer - . . warning Hansel whipped out a Jas Saren8an............................... 78.00 Towels, Mrs. G. E. Grant- .50 A Hoffer and team.............. 11142 - . . . 103.00 Quilt, Mrs. L. L. Galloway 32caliber revolver and fired, the Wm Glick..................................... no’oo J M Baker .50 Mead and Payne work done on »1 bullet striking his victim above the R Way mire................................. Mrs. D. D. West .25 66 25 Dolph road ... 1,090.00 II right «ye, passing through the J Lano........................................... 87.50 F C Feldschau, concrete work Mrs. E. T. Wiley .50 245.78 11 J Rutgers..................................... no.00 Cloverdale Mercantile Co. •25! Mrs. D. D. West .. brain and causing instant death. D Rutgers................................... 87,50 merchandise ... 284.09 Rug, Mrs. L. L. Galloway............ .50 Throwing his arms to his head as Ed Wheeler................................. 55.00 Godsey & Ayer . . . 56.60 >> II II ¡Howard off a blow, Mr. Taylor W Hudson................................... .25 55.00 Beaver Lumber Co., lumber 251.08 Geo Lano ..................... • • • ■ ........ 49.69 Pillow Shams. M m . II. E. Weston .50, J M Weiss and son fell to iLc sidewalk on his face. 843.43 17J0 G M Kostic, merchandise 8.25 Spread, Mrs. D. Billings................. .50 i The slayer fired two more shots at E A Lane..................................... Alex Imlah..................... ""... 96:00 Fred Lewallen ... 9.60 Quilt, ’’ ” ................ .50 the prostrate body, both of them W Booth and team.................... 130.00 Joe Price, gravel 34.00 Table Cloth. Mrs. J. E. Barger...... .60 taking effect. G Heilmeyer and team............. 112.50 L J Burke, mdse. ... 15.30 .50 J W Hester and team................. 65.00 Sam Bauer Many Near Scene. 7.40 Corset Cover, Mrs. Willet........ R Blanchard and team .............. 103.00 Webster Hudson, plow - .50 12.00 Centerpiece, Mrs. Erickson..... Folly 50 persons were within E Il II K Gilbert and team .. ............. 60.00 DW Gilbert & Son, mdse. .60 i 220.88 half a block of the scene. Dozens O Curl.................................... E 60.00 D Achey .... 156.00 Point Lace, Mrs. Willet .......... .50 of them rushed to give assistance A Curl................ .r........................ 65.00 H S Classen ... 104.00 .50 1 MM Curl............................................. 64.06 C J Baldwin .... 104.00 Window Curtains, Mrs. Sheets and physicians were summoned, C Ellison .... .50 Ed Trobough... , .................... Doilies, Mrs. J. E. Barger 91.00 but life was extinct before the first R Riley.................................. R N Turpen .. . ....................... 62.50 Scarf, Mrs. B. C. Lamb.......... .50 one reached the prostrate man. An J P Turpen ...... ........... Earl Bessenette 33.00 Centerpiece, Mrs. Anna Harmon — 50 examination at the Coroner's office L H Ripley........... . ................ L Bessenette .... 78.00 Scot Britt .... 50.75 Bed Spread, Mrs. De Lillies.......... .50 showed that, in addition to the R Huston ............... .................. «J®* C. Johnson .... Mrs. Norman Dye...... .50 Fred Lyster and team ........... 30.00 fatal bullet in the brain one had W A Shannon ... A H Forkner and team....... 104.00 Crochet Waist, Mrs. Snodgras...... .50 entered the right breast and lodged H Curl....................................... ” Dress. ” .......... .50 pure, mild and mature 32.19 Total .... I* ““ io the right arm. The third entered R Lyster................................... 16,996.12 Apron, Mrs. D. D. West ................ .50 34.69 Coast Bridge Co., 160 ft. span Fred Dunham ......................... the right side. Pillow Top. Mrs. Andrew Christ­ 43.75 for Wilson River bridge near Reed Farmer and team......... After gazing a second at the pros­ R Kellow................................. JV. J. Van Schuyver & Co., .General Agents 6.25 Tom Jenkins’ ranch - - 5,400.00 ensen .......................................... trate form of his victim, Hansel H L Burger and team........... 30.00 Feeney & Bremer Co., monu- Mrs. Lois Mathews Portland, Oregon 9.00 Painting, 63.00 ment case .... toseed his revolver into the river Ernest Hagg........................... 99 II 156.00 12.50 Al* 8 Gore .... Blanch Shoemaker ........... aoditarted to walk away. He was 11 M II 104.00 15.00 1 A McGinnis ... L Kellow and team................ II grabbed by bystanders. He re­ W O Capps.......................... ... II 11 104.00 21.29 F E Cross .... marked that he was going to the Tom Mcknight........................ > II 25.00 Carl White .... 89.25 » •' 25.00 R D Pomeroy .... 89.25 police atation to give himself up. »» I1 Jim Thomas ............................ II 78.00 30.00 H Hansen .... 19 On being asked why he commit­ Emanuel Thomas.................... 19 11 78.00 12.50 E H Cross ... Robert Thomas........................ ted the act Hanse! replied: >» 28.00 Miss Crystal Dunstan... 30.00 D Krake................................ Arthur Miller........................... »» "He separated my family.” Ray Nelson................................ Mrs. Smith........................ Gen. Fund Expenditure«. »» Later he said to the police: F C Schmeltzer........................ Mrs. W. C. King............ 46 25 Coroner ’ s Inquest of Gordan >» »» »» "Ask my wife; she will tell you.” J Pearson and team................. 73.50 3000 Dugger.............................. E Thunn.................................... 99 99 »» Ex-Wife Denounces Slayer. <17 ’ 70 Coroner ’ s Inquest on body of F C Schmeltzer and team.... 9.00 §¿75 Peter Volk - - • 11 Since the dismissal of the first di- V Kellow and team................ Mrs. Smith ......... ............. 26 86 Coroner’s Inquest on bodies of t'orcesuit, nearly four years ago, M D Landidge........................... ” tumfler Mrs. Nannie Craven 25 00 Semen Magistrate and friends of Mr. Taylor say, he had P Krall....................................... 97 50 Frank Magistrate - - - 15.60 Burnt Plates Geo Symes ................................ 32.50 Display of Fancy Work Mrs. not been connected in any way with 55’op J C Holden, freight Jas Sutton............................... 24'37 Sunset Magazine, adv - - 400.00 the couple’s affairs. Mrs. Hansel S Resch.................................... Schultz ......... .............................. 5.00 6 25(M 0 Mills, typewriting survey- ’as granted a divorce on June 27 Paul Kingston.......................... 2.50 Bread Mrs S. W. Elliot.................... .50 1125! 11’25! ors’ report - - - - M »» ** .............. .50 of this year, but her attorney in O Taggart 2.15 07'50 67 50' 1 Tillamook Meat Co N Affolter and team D, -0U . <1, .L._.-I, digging rrruvo that instance was E E. Gray. 4.50 W 00 E Southwick, grave Bread cakes, Mrs. Tom Coats ........ .50 Oscar Taggart use of plow 6.50 . - . - - 10* 62 1 ' county countv poor Door fold this afternoon what Hansel W D Winters Cakes fried, Mrs. H. E. Weston — .50 kad said and that he complained of R. Wiggins and team 73.75 W D Gladwell, milk county - .50 2.17 Cake, Mrs. J. H. Butts DOCKS t WARKHOUSK. poor................................... > » 106 25 Mohler If »1 .50 10.00 terrible pains in his head, Mrs. R and D Beckwith and teams Mercantile Co mdse FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST I » » » 6.86 L S Hushbeck, board county Andy Hess - - .50 Hansel replied: Doughnuts, » t » s .62 Lester Ray ... .50 18.60 Bread, poor ■ -• • Ho# just trying to start a L Van Dyke, Jr. II » » 47.50 .50 Buns, Tillamook Feed Co.,mdse, 11 » » 102.50 scandal and is feigning insanity. W 1 H Randle and team .50 13.40 Rolls, • - . * 65.00 county pool - .50 ... Judge Tayb, ;iag not been my at- Henry Gould Bread, Mrs. J. Oleson .. W C Hawk, hospital service Notice. 50.25 .60 • 119.00 ” _ Mrs. _ B. Beals . Deafness Cannot Be Cured county poor - - - torney for years and I never spoke C , Randle 5.00 Glass .50 By local applications, m they cannot reach Geo Vandyke - - - 48.00 Cake, Mrs. S. W. Elliott ......... & Prudhomme, books - I having ho I<1 my business and the di sen art I portion of the ear. There is 10 hint in my life excepting at the 1 G W Burgess 50.00 .50 ... 23.65. Tarts, Mra. Wm. Maxwell...... only one way to cure deafness, and that U 130.00 J. K. Gill Co., stationery .50 desire to clone up my books, 1 by constitutional remedies. I brought the first action for T R Wilson ... Cake, Mrs. B. Beals.................. I>eafncsfl Is E. T Epplett, board of 7.25 .50 caused by an inflamed condition of the would reafiectfully request all par- 5rorce, four years ago. 5.25 Jelly Roll, Mrs. Wm. Maxwell Alex Fraser, gravel prisoner- ’ " rnuucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. 16.45 .50 5.00 Bread, ties knowing themselvea indebted When this tube is inflame«! vou have a Tillamook City Water - Hansel is not insane and never W H Randle, gravel II » » ------------ 1.60 Tillamook .50 25.00 Cookies, rumbling sound or ini|»crfect hearing, and L. VanDyke, gravel Electric Light Co.- I II ^..al‘h0Ugh ,le 4ried ‘O make Henry Gould, piling 3.90 Pacific Telephone Co.- .50 to me, to cull and settle or leave when it is entirely cloned Deafness is the 28.35 v v Jelly, t. 11 V ■ the same with Tillamook County result, find unless the inflammation can be 41.86 .50 People think — so. He hae had a H A Brandt 27.50 cake Mrs. S. W. Elliott ............. . . • taken out and thin tube restored to its Transfer Co. - •. • l _ . .50 Bank. 26.86 City ’ ’ Mrs. Small ..... ..................... normal condition, hearing will (lestroyed C C Murphy and launch against Mr. Taylor tor C. J. C kook . .50 43 87 Beall & C».. Engine repairs foreve ; ninecanen out of ten are caused by 2291.68' Gems ” ........................ C C Murphy, roller and freight - - ' 1 itarrh which is nothing bm an Inflamed r« but why I never knew. He Dave Bailey and team 1.00 3.75 Coast Culvert Co., culverts - 270 40 Jelly, Mrs. Billings...................... of the mucous surfaces. 2.00 Can’t Afford to Have Kidney Trou condition 6.55 Jim Bodyfelt, plow - «en threatened to kill the judge, E E Colestock 10.00 Fruit canned, ” ...................... We will give One Hundred Dollars for any • - - .50 case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that 3.75 J D Adams Co., drags - 150.00 Veg., ” ....................... - - - • tn he has threatened other Glen White ble. - connot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. 1.00 53.75 • R F Zachman, merchandise - 48.04 Jam, ” ......... ........... wple, including the members of J M Myer and team No man with a family to support Hem! for circulars, free. .50 40.00 Commercial Stables _ - 30.25, Doughnuts. Mrs. Henry Rogers F J. CHENEY A CO , Toledo, Ohio. H Scherzinger °»n family, who assisted me Fred Scherzinger and team .50 cun afford to have kidney trouble, flSold by Druggists, 7flc. 80.00 U G Jackson, surveying I Cake, Mrs. W. H. Powell .......... nor need he fear it with such a 50 Tahc Hall's Family Fills for constipation 80.00 tetting a divorce.’’ 159.25 Tarts. " " ......... Wm Ward and team expenses - .50 remedy at hand as Foley Kidney 40.00 E and 2.50 Cake, Mrs. L. M. Kraner^....—. Wm Kodad and team Laddusaw, surveyor - Pills. An honest medicine safe 2.00 D. D. West 2.50 Chas McMillan, surveyor - 5.00 Fruit canned, Mrs. *' n 11 • Wm Kodad - • 1« 2.00 arid reliable, cutting little but do 40.00 I 2.50| fo ably the Aunties who want J Jensen and team Francis Curtis «4 44 ..... 1.00 in« much good. Foley Kidney PJ1I 60.00 2.50 Veg. canned, Shearer - 44 44 «00 '"dependence at once J Naship and team ... 2.00 eliminate backacke, and rheuma­ 21.57 Otto 1 133.50 Jelly. - - G J Poysky - - - - »4 4 4 n e Filipino tribes speaking J Jensen ........... 50 tism, tone up the system and re 120.00 48.00 Cake, C Commons - • II It ........... 50 store normal action of kidneys and 2.75 ■ Stanley Coates - 3.25 Cookies, au?"/ lanla Norrie w»nl to Reno for 13.35 Veg. canned. Lillian Severance 50.60 Cost bill State vs. Hum«1 ' fives a sketch of the Hugh Welch . . - .50 The verdict seems to indicate that 21.00 Cake. Mrs. D. Billings .......... .. 44.69 Cost bill State vs. C Eastland long service in the wettest .50 the jury was convinced it was no*. I 4 Wks' customs of the Moros Ralph Welch - 92.50 Cost bill State vs. H. Biggs • 22.75 Bread, Mrs. Speaker ............... weather. .50 to nee the ecenery enroute. h'lt^a?0 an(i Su’«. wri«e° by a H Jenson and team - •• Mrs ................ 133.33 mr» Mulhoun ................................. 110.00 J Hollett and team .50 58.00 Clams canne«!. Mr». W. S. Buel 94.35 J C Holden - » a ** ^rmJ’ officer who hae P Coulson and team - atisfaction wuuuoeed Vida h Milli» - 133.33 i r mon roll, Mrs. D. Billings p »-— .. .50 14.69 H Crenshaw - ed,in ,he archipelago For F Coulson - * ir «i ti __ ** - .50 75.00 Buna, 10.00 O G Swenson • 44 It L ook roslto M ark - .50 Wa ni *.° Tt8rf* 'he Moros have J Borba 100.001 Bread. 50.00 C A Johnson - • * 1.00 C. M. Terry 75 001 Canned Fruit. Mrs. fceo’j ”’ Thev i8"ue - ECONOMIC» MfNINO. ronesrav. cos- \ . 10.00 Canned 2.00 Donaldson .I;'anda’ C'bn, Negro, and U S Edwards - ___________ •• A. I - * Fruit, 36.00 Stanley Coates • 1.00 Mtacc OHMSMacv. Ulvssis Edwards and team - 3 Photo», E. G. Lantz 50.00 ’Bet th 3 Spani8h expedition W Webb and team - 1.00 T wo - year C ourses in muicuc 10 ” 500 *‘hem failed after operation. 1.00 TIMS. HOMS ECONOMICS. MSCMANIC 6 ” G Ladd - - - * * Diarrhoea Quickly Cur 35 00 ants roararav commcoce . P h »» m * cv 1.00 Burnt Plaque, Crystal Dunston °r "'«»th.. A Spanish Will Galloway and team - 18.75 «T ... taken with diarrhoea and Hand made Fans, Mrs Fowler 1.00 TEACHER'S COURSES la manual J A Heiberg - - • ; 1175 J"”* vessels next Geo Galloway.................... w ka the merchant heie |>«*r- . Matting LOO “ - training, agriculture, domestic science e of Cham- ......... 13.75 Mr. ’kork», 3> and was but partly Will Long............................ and art. auaded cholera and Diar " Owinr to the storm and the neces­ 15.00 On your front porch can be|lit sary delay cauaed thereby the judging • At length steam navi­ Harold Brant • • ' • A( takinK one MUSIC, including piano, string, band 10.00 berlanin » every nigfit until midnight in thi« department was to rushed that te ea S[,aniard. an ad- M J Galloway 16.26 instruments and voice culture. a i cured r‘*° the judgee report is incomplete and the and regiater not over Carl Parker - do»e 01 1 «rave it to. 37.50 fifty cents per month «1 ,he,B to limit the board is willing to allow any premiums A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled E R Hayes and team 5.00 cured other» (»hbhBrt f)feole, pa not mertioned in this liat, providing on the meter. “ T hs E nsichmemt or R usal Lira ” ias. w 'n which many L Edwards • - * * .a tiniianal. An A d -------- —--j L. r-u writes-1' « .J unusual. 5.00 wnlM the tags and proper numbers can be and a CATAMxiUX will tie mailed free - - e C8P