> I September 18, !©I3. 9 YOU BELIEVE TH A s WHEELER, OREGON, on T lie Manufacturin City NEHALEM BAY is B ound to G row and that INVEST­ MENT in W heeler Property will be Profitable. ACK UP YOUR JUDCMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You cuill make money by Investing in GUHEEL i ER. For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., •» WHEELER, OREGON. Portland Office : Tillamook Office 327 FAILING BUILDING. Care of F. R. BEALS. * ! among the Republicans and no Notice of Guardian ’ s Sale. grow more calves, horses, sheep A Dark Picture. and hogs, which is good advice, in­ J smell of pie to arouse their enthusi­ otice is H ereby G iven — That A recent agricultural writer has deed, for swelling the farmers’ asm, but they seem to have been in N pursuance of an order of the Minted a dark picture for the man bank accounts, but it will take a moved as by a mighty impulse to county court of Tillamook County, j Oregon, made August 22n•«» to 52.362,000, and under wherever he finds him. He has a An undivided one-fourth interest «spell of the free wool of the new dim recollection that the same in lot 2, of block 6, of Cone A to have that hriff will without doubt, decline thing was happening quite fre­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That McCoy's addition to the town of the State Land Board of the State of Boch more than that in the next quently before 1912, but it puzzles Oregon will sell to the highest bid Bay City. group picture made. Lots 2 and 3 of block 7 and lota The Whi,he With yeara. Yet notwithstanding him, and makes his ears wink, to der at its office in the Capitol Build­ 3 and 4 of block 13 or Fuller’s addi­ I.et ub show you our ing at Salem. Oregon, on October think that his only victory over the *rreat falling off in numbers, out a Re str et tion to the town of Bay City. 7, 1913. at 10:30 o'clock a. in , of said special display of attrac­ • total value has increased, cows elephant in twenty years was when day, all the State’s interest in the Lots 3. 4, S and 6 of blin k 4. in Purs, mellow, whh a flavor tive new styles. We ore ""«worth $815.060,000 in 1912, as there were tw-o big ones, and that tide and overflow lands hereinafter Hays’ addition ts Tillamook City. that tickles the palate and Dated this August 27th, 1913. (»erfectly equipped for •«Pared with $650,000,000, the getting back to only one again the | described giving, however to the lingers in the memory. V iola M ill «, making group pictures owner or owners of any lands abut M of the much greater number same old thing is happening. It ting PIM SA/ i HY Guardian. or fronting on such tide and and will please you with has happened this year in Michi­ overflow • IM E H..LAUGHLIN, lands, the preference right the quality of our work. J11* other tide of thia picture is gan, in St. Louis, and at other to purchase said tide and overflow TillHinook, Suit for Divorce. rapid increase in the conaum- points where the donkey rushed to lands at the highest price offered, Summons by Publication. provided such offer is made in good * Population While the cattle the fray confident of meeting two faith, and also providing that the In the Circuit Court of the State of elephants and found but one — and r”PP* Harold V. Sours, critic platforms, orators and County, Oregon, and described as Defendant. . bh* ,-*re *** ,r^DK ua that the than it had happened anywhere be-| follows, towit: To Harold V. Sours, the almve Beginning at a point 589.« feet N * prices would come down with fore. The figures tell the story bo named defendant : 21 deg 47 min. E. from the quarter enlighteningly that the donkey can W trade tariff. The people knew section corner between Sections 5 I n the N ame of the S tate of O kwox : ,r by s considerable majority, read it as he runs nnd T. 5 S., R. 10W. cfW.M.at You are hereby required to ap Last year the divided republicans the high water line on the right ••fortuitous conditions gave pear and answer the Complaint Til,or>ty the power to make of the Third Maine district polled, bank of the Little Nestucca River; filerf against you in the above en­ for Taft and Roosevelt, 20,495 votes Tp worse instead of better. “‘ n ’« deg S3 min. W. 276.1 feet titled cause on or before the expi­ While going to School ration of six weeks from the date L' not: merely from the side of The Democrats of that district along high water line; there is nothing better of the first publication of this sum ­ S. 43 deg. 57 nun. . 00.0 feet to ’«‘•iaat and dinner tables thia polled for their only presidential mons. and if you fail so to appear i low water line; __ and more satisfying then candidate, Wilson, 14,092 votes I be * ,h<>uld be viewed. With the 1 S. 60 deg 40 min. E. 273.1 along and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the said Court *n c’ttie and sheep and Democrats were in a minority o to own a good fountain tne district, ownu, but “ ...... - . o 1 < i fLs 57 min. E. 71 0 feet to the for the relief demanded in the com­ owing "t**r price comes a scarcity 6403 in the pen, one that is always the division in the Republican vote, , •• beg-nning, containing plaint therein and higher prices for all The relief demanded is the dis | ready to write, and does solution of the bonds of matrimony, U goods. Only a few days or about one third of his P'“™’«1* J»nd >n not flood or soil one’s now existing between you and the Pro®inent shoe manufac- plaintiff, Alta Sours, your wife, and : in the state, which gave him Maine finger. warning that shoes electoral vote while he was nearly Applications and bids should lie for general relief. This Summon» is published by the ,0 C°8t u* more because 35,000 short of a majority of its AViLLaed to G. G. Hrown. Clerk We have all in a "*<’"• ord«r of the Hon. Webster Holmes. | Ml h Pnce of leather- We voters. At the special election o Rexall Pen, sold on trial, Judge of the Circuit Court of the I and marked “ Application and bid *w**hJ^Pay more or take a State of Oregon, for the County of satisfaction guaranteed. Monday a vote as heavy as that o to purchase t.dej.nd^^^ ^ ••ooU °e f°F tl>e aame price. Tillamook, in the 12th Judicial Die- ' last year came out. The trict of said State, said order being ' Prices ranging from rM’-ist also go up ton administration had made Clerk State Land Board. made and dated at Tillamook City, Dated July 22nd- 19lx <#AT,'"un aa *beep decline and strong effort to elect J.ttang.n. Il oo to 15-50. Oregon, on the 36th day of August, | ijU. Bcea- Butter and cheese, J913 The time prescribed in the : with the problem of buying Harness K, ’ poul,ry will cost more. the Democratic candidate, order for publication is once a week you will find it distinctly advanta- tary Brvan and'Speaker Clark and Caught a Bad CaU- for six consecutive weeks and for I g.-ous to come snd ing seems at hand, exerted themselves to -rot«« the I? was go«»» lr’° consumption. Free, an elegant bevel edged stag Sets or any single article that you Attorney for the Plaintiff. Istt^ profits will come ' We bXwht just one Ixrtt'e of ¿ham- handle hand mirror, containing may be in need of. Democratic electorate, wi My a'** ke,B °* those who are .„It Amateurs ’ Better pay a small your photo with our folders —Tilla­ that P-ttangaH poll^ .1^ . . 4-'. ( ough Remedy and fl.» •hthU"’*them b*in