1 I I Tillamook Headlight, September à I Peace Movements suit in a bad accident some day to one from over drinking. One if measures are not taken to pre­ cannot get away from the fact president Wilson, like hi« secre* L egal ADVEwrisEMENT«: that must |>eople eat too much, tnrx of state. Im» advanced ideas on First Insertion, per line .. f 10 vent speeding on county roads which brings on all kinds of ail­ the imHsibilities of the preservation 5 Each subsequent insertion, line ments and premature death be­ of p-ace throughout the world. Business and professional cards, Ex-Circuit Judge I-'. J. Taylor, 1 month..................................... 1 ro ‘of Clatsop county, was shot and cause the stomach is over load­ Both think there is a tetter pacific Homestead Notices................... 5 on ed ami over worked. In these ground than has yet been main­ Timber Claims........................... 10 (M) killed by a man who imagined days, when the high cost of liv­ tained in international affairs, Locals per line each insertion 5 | that the judge had done wrong ing is a burning question, it among all races and conditions of Display advertisement, un inch, when he acted as attorney for seems to us that if people would month................................... men, and in the internal life of na­ the man's wife in tiling divorce All Resolutions of Condolence and proceedings. This goes toprove eat less they would not uni' be tions In their case the theory must Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. solving the question «4 tlie high be put to a practical tent. Theiresti- that men who brood over real Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. cost of living but would cut mnte of t'ie moral features of a Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, or imaginary wrong done them down the mortality rate of the situation is what they first en­ etc. miminun rate, 25«. not exceed often take the law into their country. Hardly anyone, how­ deavor to realize, no doubt with ing five lines. own hands, and the judge ap­ ever, thinks of this when con kindly feeling and benevolent in­ pears to lie trie innocent victim fronted with an abundance of tentions. But meanwhile events I RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. of a crazy man. tempting, dainty food, nicely work with a momentum of their I (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) J served, not even by those who 1.50 One year......... own. There is, as a rule, conrpu1.- By all means send a car load 75 Six months.... denounce the drink habit. eion in the unexpected. President 50 of Tillamook’s fatuous chweseto Three months Wilson's message on Mexico would Ami other Exhibits, the Stat«* fair, and, if necessary an «t nc. rue eptable address at ,Horse Races, Shooting^Tournament, Fi As the snap shot man takes a have been Entered as second class mail mat to make a better display, Bend eeting h tcon- —, reworks Rand ter July, 1888, at the post office at two cars. It took years of con­ ' retrospective glace at the cheese Tillamook. Ore., under the act of Concerts, Eugenics Exposition, Children's Pl ° industry in Tillamook county eluded. But can it be made to fit ! stant boosting ami effort to ob ­ March 3, 1879. the situation in Mexico or the aver-j grounds and other Free Attractions. tain the reputation for Tilla­ from its inception, it is surpris- age international cii-is anywhere.” Free Camp Grounds. You are invited. mook cheese, and to retainthat | ing what progress have l«*«-ti Mexico is passing through a gen- premjUm JJgf reputation some effort must be made by co-operation and pull ' • t and Entry Blanks. Reduced QI1 i-oilrc. This was not eral ordeal of civil disorder and made. We do not know of any ing together. rales on all railroads. l*or particulars address bloodshed. The abstract peace better wav to help give Tilla­ brought about without many­ movement represents nothing to har I fought battles and often mook cheese another boost than FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary. Salem, Ore the Mexican It offers no justice to send a car load to the State bitter feelings, fur the rule or or relief to the Americans advised ruin spirit by those who had fair. dominated most every thing had to abandon their homes and prop­ It's a peach—the Indian sum­ As Bro. Trombley appears to to be reckoned with. They con erty in order to safeguard their mer in Tillamook county. be the mouth piece for those nived in controlling the boards lives. who instigated that dirty detec­ of the different factories, and "Be law-abiding, be reasonable, tive business, lox Councilman this had to be overcome. The be generous be good," say the It’s Import ! Where you invest your pie should now want a Carl Knudson, whose character, cheese buyers who used to come peace advocates to everybody. The money. The Western Loan ami .Invest­ ground of their own. honesty and business integrity to Tillamook helped to «letnor millennial advice takes root effec­ ment Co., of Salt Lake, Utah is now open was assailed, wants to know alize the business and caused tually nowhere, and is wasted on to make you a loan or build you a home on Citizen^ who reside north of I from Mr. Trombley who were factories to undersell one ano- Mexico aud nations of that class. the small monthly payment plan. town were beginning to get the local citizens that concocted tiler. But what hurt most was It awakens no response in their middle of the roaders since the and paid for the dirty business. those who came here and bun- thoughts, quiets none of their pas­ A. McNAIR, President. Mr. Knudson is not the only I coed the dairymen, and they sionate turbulence, removes none I) L. S1IRODE, Vice-President. CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer, the auto speeders have switched person who is smarting under adopted numerous means to of their prejudice against those Board of Appraisers — them over to the side walk. and brooding over the attempt accomplish their object. With who conceive, and with truth, that E. M BALES. F. H. MIICNK. to railroad them to the peni­ these and other expensive ex­ they are the best friends of the dis­ R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. _.xx Board of Trustees— The president The County Court is calling tentiary, and it would not sur­ periences, the dairy industry in tracted country. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS for bids for part of the proposed i prise us much to hear that it this county ran up against many and secretary ol state are trying to • I. C. SMITH. W. G, McGEE, ended up in some kind of a feud. snags until united effort and apply the principles of The Hague road to Bayocean, and it would co-operation was tried, and even congresses as far as possible to the not surprise us much that by having the work done by con­ At first it was thought that a in this particular it was hard Mexican complications, and this tract it will fall below the esti­ display of cheese at the State for all to see alike and pull to­ endeavor is leading them into a mated cost. Fair would lie sufficient, and gether. What helped boost Till­ succession of diplomatic—or non, becoming enthusiastic over that amook cheese more than any­ diplomatic—originalities. But The For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land. City Property, thing else was inspection and Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. We understand flint the char­ the stockholders of the Fair As­ grading, which brought about Hague belongs as yet to an ideal IS 77^\ -z— ter of Bay City is to be attacked sociation decided to have a fruit a better class of cheese. Look­ world inhabited by an ideal man. and thrashed out in another law and vegetable display as well. ing back, it is satisfactory to At the International Peace Congress of 1907 it was resol veil that 'The suit in the courts, which, of Those who have anything that know that many difficulties conference confirms the resolution will be a credit to Tillamook to course, will cause more or less have been brushed aside and the of 1899 in regard to the lestriction local strife. But it takes united exhibit should send them to J. "grafters” SIDNEY E HENDERSON, are not able to JOHN LEI-AND HENDERSON effort to boost any citv, gentle­ H. Dunstan, the president, or "sting” the dairymen like they of military- expenditures, and, since President. Secretary-Trea«. R. Y. Blalock, the secretary, of military expenditures have in ­ men. Attorn eyat-Law and Noter» the association. As there are used to. To sum it all up, it creased considerably in nearly was a survival of the fittest in every country since the said year, Public. Congressman Hawley, of this valuable prizes offered for coun­ the co-operative system of doing the conference declares that it is ty exhibits, there is no reason district, went on the stump for business and pulling together highly desirable to see the govern­ the G.O. P. in Maine, arid he is why this county cannot make a that brought success to the in­ ments take up the serious study given some credit for the victory good display and carry off one dustry and wide reputation to in that state, which plainly in­ of the prizes. Everybody help of the question.” But the Tillamook cheese. dicates how rapidly voters are the association, increase of armaments has gone on getting back jnto the Republi­ faster than ever. President can party. Perhaps few of our citizens Kansas proposes that a great Wilson and Secretary- Bryan must stop t<> consider that it is the central marketing bureau be estab face facts. Theories in their official (INCORPORATED), I We were a little surprise to Sue H Elmore that makes Till­ lished to bring farmers and ulti­ station are not to the point. be informed that certain pro­ amook a competitive point for mate consumers closer together. Senator Bacon of Georgia, who is perty interests paid one indivi­ freight, and for that reason the The billioa dollars Americans dual $500 to create a sentiment business interests of this city- have invested in Mexico i can't get chairman of the Senate Committee against the pavement. That ! should assist in keeping water away, and the Mexicans are not at on Foreign Relatione, has, after con­ may account for the curb stone transportation between this city- all inclined to furnish it with pass- ference with Secretary Bryan, is- BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK, OKK. sued an explanatory statement con There is no ports knockers being so active, for arid Portland. cerning Mexican affaiis. Two doubt whatever that the Sue II. money talks. There aie two sides to every pub- phases of the situation now exist­ Elmore have saved shippers, lie question, except as to woman ing are touched upon. The first of especially co-operative cheese Governor West proclaimed suffrage. On this particular sub­ factories, a large amount of these relates to what is now said to last Monday "Made in Oregon ject no man dares to hold a nega­ be the real meaning of the presi­ money, and to maintain com­ tive opinion. day.” We are wondering how petition, the boat must be pat­ dent in urging Americans resident mnny persons in Tillamook Th« wntes of the Pacific and the in Mexico to get out of the country. ronized by the business inter­ asked for and patronized Ore­ ests of the city. That is not ail. Alantic are nbout io mingle at the This part of the message has pro­ gon products. The sentiment Thank» to the gener­ voked protest by many Americans It needs a boat service and ton­ Isthmus is growing all over the State to nage to abtain harbor improve­ osity of the American people and still in Mexico, ami has moved patronize home ami Oregon their genius for doing things. ments. others to flee the country precipi­ made products. New honors are being I «stowed tately under a belief that such ad­ Some of our business men upon former President Tuft by hie vice could only mean active inter­ Those who hoped that the felt a little sore when they were professional associates He is still vention at an early date and a state Perfect Baher— absolutely dependable, every day. yett®» year out. Built on honor, of the best materials. last presidential election would advised that they were liable to pointed out ns a gre.it lawyer who of warfare That view was taken of Outwears Three Ordinary Range» bust up the Republican party- be arrested for employing wo- into the hands of the politi­ it by others than those to whom it The only range made entirely of charcoal and, malleable iron- are going to be sadly disap­ men more than ten hours iti one cian«. was immediately addressed. In Malleable iron can't break—charcoal iron won't ruet Me aew pointed and badly fooled. Tile day in stores. It w:>s on Satur­ The Japanese have sent marines fact, that view was the one most Economical In Fuel indications are that theG.O.P. days that they had been violat-' to Nanking Apparently the |apa- readily suggesting itself as an ex­ The seam» of the Majeetic are riveted (not put together will sweep tin* country, for as ing the law,but as they were ig- nese d«> not approve the new Amer­ planation of such an extraordinary bolts and stove putty)—they will alwaye remain air • L.cau.se neither heat nor cold affects them. Theiwy^y Maine went last week, nil the noraut of th«* law they were not ican method of protecting subjects proceeding. Accordingly, Senator oven is lined throughout with pure at bet toe Republican states will follow prosecut«*d. As it is mostly to in ■ foreign ccuutry by advising Bacon's assurance after being fully- held in place by an open iron grating you can see it stays there always. Air tifirht joints and pure jwj, suit. accommodate the public that them to abandon their property and advised by the secretary ot .state, lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-nali tne All door» drop to form rigid »helve». Ao flu* stores art* kept often Satur­ leave. that the message means nothing of Malleable iron oven rack» slide out autoiDitifliiy» The assessmeiit roll of Tilla­ day evenings, business men are the kind, ami. in fact, means noth­ ing whatever they contain. mook County as tmnle by the inclined to think that the law' I It seem« that the lohet «»man ing more than an offer of assistance to to such as are anxious but unable County Assessor, is a trifle is’interfering with their buai- jury, when given an opportunity . . No doubt it doe», and it ,Mkr '“I*" 1 refreshment, tcok ice­ to leave, is encouraging. We are above that of Inst year, -which ness. is on about a 50 per cent valua­ will continue to do ho IIS long of cocktail« glad to accept Mr. Bryan’s pacific i _ cre*"" tion. Next year the Assessor ns our new tangled methods and and mint juleps If uur jury «y», interpietation of the text of the will have to assess projiertv nt the Oregon system is responsi­ teni can survive this assault it can message as the only one possible 1 its full value, and this will raise ble for class legislation. Api uirt stand anything although, up to this time, practic­ the assessment from $15,000, from that, it is a good thing tot ®j Absolute control of 1 the water ably nobody else has so interpreted to $30,000,000. limit the time that women I h Í* * ~ — ..II powfr on all streams wl.i h are nav- employe«! in factories as well I igable in any |>ortion of their ------- _j Mother of Eighteen Children Jackson County decided to stores. courae is declared to inhere in the iV’"1 ,h.e mother of eighteen t>oud for $500,000 for ti highway j United States by a recent decision children and have the praise of do­ Lined through that county. That is Attorney Hriitlerwon is of the <»f the Supreme Court. Hitherto it ing more work than any yonng with going it «ome, and, no doubt, opinion that ten peniona * «lie hae been considered that the juris­ ’fomanin my town,” writes Mrs* Pure 2 ,«r. , 1 I ” ’,,r n cannot i>rodm-» in* |MM*sible. And some of those formers denounce over eating ■an rights, so that prtva’e pa ties go-devils go like blnzcs on the which according to Mr. Hen­ may do as they will with the water new road, w hich is sure to re- derson, is killing oil ten («ersous power. « Fifty-Second Annual Advertising Rates. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM SEPT. 29th--OCT. 4th, 1913 A whole week of pleasure and profit $20,000 offered on premiums on Agricultural, Livestock Poultry, Textile ^illamook Ijeaöligbt Editorial Snap Shots gm A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agent. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law : Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. The Ranée With A Reputation Some of the Reasons Why « The Great M ajestic R ange Charcoal and Malleable Iron ALEK. MCNAIR- 1 j It Should Be In Your Kitchen