Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 18, 1913, Image 1

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Wanted, to lease, an improve0
Jmry ranch that will carry from 20
Phi“?’ WouW,*e
so» x n u°r l,art,c,llar* «e Mender-
iTOU“dfl- -
a cold water bath. At eight o’clock
he has a light Iweakfast and eats
nothing more during the day until
evening, when he has his dinner.
Mr Hendersou thinks that the rate
of persons who die from over eating
The Shakespeare Club met on is ten to one from those who die
Ule g,,,umer vacation from over drinking.
Teach your boys and girls
at the home of Mrs. H. T. Boots.
U arren Glaze arrived in the city
nere were several invited guests from Portland and is looking over
the value of money. Let each
present and the hostess served a the field with a view of locating
child have its own savings
dainty lunch.
here, aud starting a musical class
account, and cultivate an in­
Tor sale, team, harness and' with piano and ether musical in­
terest in seeing it grow.
«agon. Horses about 11C0 pounds, struments. He expects to give a
well mated, gentle, gray. The recital in the near future.
whole thing for $350. Wagon practic-
There is no better way to lay
Those who have anything that is
«Uy new. C. N. Cruson. Tillamook,
the foundation for lives of thrift.
of interest in the way of fruit,
Mre. Phone 78J.
vegetables, grasses, etc., suitable
A good start and an early one
Clark Hadley has obtained per­ to be included in the Tillamook
mission to use the government exhibit at the State Fair should
will have a great influence on
dredge through the Port of Tilla­ send or communicate with J. II.
the child’s future.
mook, t© dyke his property in Dunstan or R. R, Blalock.
Hoquarton slough, the dredge to
This bank has a Savings De­
E. T Haltom donated 33 yards of
be used only in the main channel
silk ribbon to the Fair Committee to
Died, on Tuesday, on the Aider­ be used for badges for those who
man ranch west of town, Mrs Clem attend the State Fair. There will
The remains were be 200 badges and those attending
buried this morning, the religious the Fair should wear one. •’Tilla­
service beiDg in the Catholic Church. mook 1914,” is what is printed on
Deceased left a baby about three the badge.
weeks old.
Special attention is called to the
The employees at the Tillamook Harvest Supper and Entertainment
Feed Co.’s store were in high glee to be given at the County Fair
on Wednesday, for they were con­ Building tomorrow (Friday) night,
gratulating Mr. Bacon on his re Sept. 19th. Supper will be served
turn from a short vacation the pre­ from six until eight p.m. after
TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Mies Mabel Goyne left on Monday vious day and wishing him a long which the musical programme will
to attend the Willamette University and happy married life.
be given. At the close of the pro­
B. S. Clark, auctioneer.
at Salem. Read Bain also left for
Mr Ed Barger, wife and child­ gramme games and other amuse­
SeeDr.Monk fornovelties in place
ren and Mr. Jim Barger, of Los An- ments will conclude the evening’s
County Clerk J. C. Holden is at­ geles, who have been spending a entertainment, which promises to
Leave orders for wood with tending a convention of county vacation here visiting at the home be one of rare enjoyment. Prices
clerks in Portland this week. Mrs. of their father, J. E. Barger of this are as follows: Supper only, 35c ;
Holden accompanied him.
city, returned home on Wednesday, programme 25c ; general admission,
Capt. Emmett Jenkins is in from
For Sale or Fixchange:—Shetland going out in their automobile.
which includes supper, programme
games, 50c.
Empty sacks wanted—Lamb
There is a big run of salmon in
family milch cow. Inquire at A. F. Tillamook Bay and the canneries
An enjoyable whist party was
Schrader Co.
Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook.
and packers ate receiving more given on Wednesday afternoon,
Stylish City Photographs at the
handle. The price paid the hostesses being Mrs. E. T. Hal­
Tillamook Studio.
ference year at the M. M. Church, the fishermen is 3c. per pound. F. tom, Mrs. B. C. Lamb and Mrs.
Second hand wagon for sale at a
when the Rev. W. H. Kuhlman D. Small has an order to ship a car Geo. Willett. The party was given
birgain. See Shrode.
will preach his farewell sermon.
load of pickled salmon to Germany. at the home of the former, the
Try some of that kippered sal­
A new 3-ton auto truck, belong­ Owing to an error, the published rcoius being tastefully decorated
mon at the clam market.
ing to the Tillamook Co-Operative list of premiums awarded gave B with beautiful flowers. Mrs. C. W.
For Fine Photographs at popular Fish Co., has arrived and it will
Miller was the highest scorer and
C Lamb, Jr,, second premium on
prices.—Tillamook Studio.
carry fish from Pacific City to this Buff Cochin Bantams. Lamb’s Miss White carried off the consola­
tion prize. A dainty lunch was
J. P. Worrell left on Tuesday on city.
birds were awarded first premium served which was greatly enjoyed
ibuaineea trip to Portland.
For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland in the school exhibit as they were
The invited guests were Mrs. W
Call up the Mutual Phone fora pony team, surry and harness. the best birds shown in either ex­
H. Tait, Mrs
date at the Tillamook Studio.
Will trade for Tillamook city prop­ hibit
Mrs. H. T. Botts, Mrs. C. I.
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any erty. Inquire at A. F. Coats Lum­
O. P. Hoff, State Labor Commis Clough, Mrs. J. Groat,
ber Co.
ityle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. *
sioner, came in from Portland on W.
Aiderman, Mrs. l'ete
Tillamook County Bank vs. F. L. Monday, as some of our business Lamar, Mrs. S. A. Brodhead, Mrs.
Read what the local mill company
bait''»ay about silos in this issue. Sappington, is a suit filed in the men were employing women more Carl Haberlach, Mies White, Mrs.
W. B. Honey and son, Thayne, circuit court to recover several than ten hours on Saturdays. They Henry Crenshaw. Mrs. Ira Smith
hive bought the Pacific Soda sums of money, viz , $32.52, $141.25 were probably not aware of the fact Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. G,
that women cannot be employed W. Berge, Mrs. O A. Scholtz, Mrs.*
and $21.96.
more than ten hours in one day O. If. Scholtz, Mrs. F. C. Baker,
Bruce Hare left on Monday to
and 60 hours in one week.
Mrs. C. W. Miller and Mrs. Em­
attend the Agricultural College at several days at Bay City copying
Several rafts of logs have been re mett Bales. The party was given
city ordinances, it being reported
that the city charter is to be attack­ ceived by the A. F. Coats Lumber in honor of Mrs. Monroe, who is
A marriage license was issued to
Co. from the camp on Sutton creek visiting her daughter, Mrs. Haltom.
George W. Hunt and Maud S. Dav- ed in the courts.
They are a fine grade of logs with
Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­
I «port.
considerable clear lumber in them.
practor, successfully treats all ner­
Wrong Again, Bro.
The company is getting a large
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
stock of fine lumber on hand on the
Consultation free. Office Com­
per pound.
yard and finished, kiln dried Jam-
The Headlight says: "The War­
mercial Building.
ren Construction Co. will not re­
ber-in the warehouse.
We are iu a position to make
move their plant from the depot
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
Weather permitting, the editors of grounds ” This undoubtedly means
«me long time farm loans. First
National Bank.
the county newspapers will start on that Bro. Baker will stay with us
gers and baggage to all parts of the I ,
If our work does not suit you tell city. Call or phone at the Livery a trip through the county the first of at least a while longer.—Herald.
Wrong again.
This means
the week to look over the large
if it does tell your friends. City barn on 2nd Ave East.
amount of road work that was done that Bro. Trombley is making
Transfer Company
Homer O’Quin, who has been a since they took their last trip of in­ himself the most absurd little
Bring your chickens to the Tills-1 resident of this county for about a I
spection, and to become better ac­ donkey in Tillamook county
Book Meat Company’s Market. We year, and Joe Huffman, who was
quainted with the needs of the peo- with that kind of senseless bray­
12c. per pound.
engineer on the rock crushier, left ple in different parte of the county. ing.
Wanted, to buy, a good draught on Wednesday for Salem
Bide were opened last week in
'«m, from 1200 to 1400 each. En-
Why buy a Silo and pay freight the office of Major J ay J. Morrow to
’1’**** at the Headlight office.
when the home mill can furnish you furnish the Government with rock
Dr »nd Mrs Reedy returned on as good for less money. Talk with , for building the south jetty at the
Saturday from the Round Up at the manager of A. F. Coats Lumber mouth of the Nehalem River. The
rndleton, where they spent two Co. of Tillamook about it.
Miami Quarry Company was the
Mrs. . j.
J. o-
E. Berry -----
and - - her two only bidder, at $1.40 a ton. Its
w .
A im Hilnia Anderson, who has daughters left for their home in quarry is on Tillamook Bay near
spending her vacation at her Bay City, Mich., last week. Mrs. Garibaldi. A bid of 1 cents in the
®0|ne here, returned to Portland on Berry had been visiting her broth- ledge was made on rock atJBatter-
son station, 60 miles from Portland.
erg c. E. and W. C. Trombley.
error in the premium list on
The annual teachers institute f r
The Board of Equalization ad
•»other page. It waa Mr W- c. Tillamook County will be held tn journed Saturday, having vary little
and not Mrs. W. C. King who this city on November 12. 13 ana to do. There were only three
U and Superintendent of Public changes made in the assessment
the first
14. a
Instruction Churchill will attend.
Fon ’
roll, one being on ■ logged off tim
a purse containing a I
John H. Hathaway has sold hi. ber claim belonging to the Wheeler
amount of money. Owner
-’n have same by calling at the place near the cheese factory to Lumber Co., the valuation of lets
flight office.
W. D. Gladwell, and left with h . at Pacific Harbor were reduced
irom $15 to $10. and one block*
Wanted, to rent, a dairy ranch family last week to "side a
Ocean Lake was reduced from $•*<)
fruit farm in Washington County.
20 tn ilk cows, on shares
n own team. Address J. E.
to the city last week after being
We will •*** at • Pri'“te ,ale 8‘
^tr‘ Kohler, Ore.
the Edgar Munson residence, all
>^°*n mare for
ten years old away for about three month.*on
household good«, consisting of
vacation in the mountain.. He
about 1'200, good work accompanied by hi. brother. Marcu. r..„, library table, combination
be seen on the Todd
book case, sectional book c«e
Call at Headlight office. . ! Talmage.
aiano. leather couch and chair,
folding bed. iron beds, 3
3 center tables, dining rcom table,
chairs. China closet rockingch.ir.,
Mo*« chair, pictures, kitchen
range, heating stove, .l«o cookmg
-teneO. and Ir.it jar. and many
I I*
other article.
«enttoo.-O«*- P atxlaf
XMnmev 1. L- Heodereon i. lend
' *lofk each morning he run. >
mde on the b.rd surtaxed p-je
lent uorth of town and then take.
It is the aim of this bank to
give the best banking sepviee
possible — and cue do it.
It is also our aim to have
the best equipment sueh as
Modern Fire Proof Banking
Room, Fife Proof Vault, Burg­
lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes—and cue have
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
Notice to The Public.
A. IJneback, u piano dealer from
President W. Sproul Pleased Portland, Oregon, is now a resi­
of the city in Tillamook, is
With City Improvements. dent
selling a tine line of high grade
William Sproul, president of the pianos of the old and reliable firm,
Southern Pacific Co., accompanied Kohler & Chase Piano Co. of Port­
by G. W. Luce, freight and traffic land, (Jregon, a firm with high recom­
manager ; II. A. Hinshaw, general mendations throughout all the State
freight agent; John M. Scott, of Oregon for their honest and
general passenger agent ; D. W. Bquare dealings with the people.
Campbell, general superintendent ;
1 am selling high grade new
R. T. Guppy, chief engineer of the pianos of old reliable makes, which
P. E. A E. ; and II. T. Thompson, is regularly priced at $375 00, which
secretary to President Sproul, came now can be bought for $300.00. A
in this morning in a special train. 1350.00, now for $285 00 ; $325.00 piano
They are inspecting the company’s for $275.00; a $300.00 piano, now
roads in Oregon, which will take $205.00; also a new $300.00 piano,
about ten days.
with the exceptions of a little shop
President Sproul was greatly sur­ worn, for $185.00. We sell on easy
prised at the rapid improvements terms and will take your organ as
made in Tillamook City since hie part payment. We invite the good
last visit here. He praised the fine people of Tillamook and county to
paved streets and remarked that come and see anti get the low
that was one of the first things prices of those pianos, which are
which made an up-to-date city. The now on sale.
new buildings and those in course
And before purchasing a piano
of construction were also a Bur elsewhere, don’t fail to come
prised to him, which was positive see me and my pianos, and I
proof that the city was making con­ save you money
siderable progress. lie piedicted
My pianos are located on
as soon as it became known what Street and 2nd Ave. E., in my
fine beaches there were in Tilla­ vate home, no extra rent to pay
mook County and other industrial store room.
possibilities, that the county had u
We give our customers the bene­
bright future.
fit of the high rent which others
The officials visited the business have to pay. I have been in the
men, the Commercial Club, the piano business for 20 years.
new hotel, and the new buildings know the business from A to Z,
in course of construction, and ex­ and won't be undersold. All I ask
pressed themselves well pleased I is come and see me before purchas-
with the future business prospects ng a piano. I will treat you right.
Our place of business is open even­
of the city.
John M. Scott, the general pas­ ings until 9.
senger agent, was well pleased with
______________ M .nager.
the large amount of
To Water Consumers.
Tillamook this summer, After re.
maining in Tillamook for about
'1 he Water Commission has given
two hours the special train pulled
Mr. Hoag positive instructions to
shut off water (r im all consumer,
Amateurs ! Better pay a Rinall who have not paid their wuter rent
charge ami get good results from by the 10th of chc I i month.
By Order Waler i'ommia.ion.
your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio
Come in and see for yourself what
we make before you Buy.
We are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you.
We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter.
The Best Made.
* We Guarantee Our Priées to be Right.
Drop in and book Around ’’
We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock
Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish,
flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings.
Try our extra thick Shingles, none better