YOU BELIEVE THAT to to to to to WHEELER, to to to to to OiyiGON, J» Ï* J* ** Plie Manufacttirin Ci tv on B ound BAA 1 to G row and that in W heeler Property will be Profitable. ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You cuill make money by Investing in CUHEEÜER. For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Portland Office Tillamook Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING Care of F R. BEALS. Bu who admin, that he "don't go Notice of Guardian’s Sale. Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. much ou religion’’ because he N otice is H ereby G iven That N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That “ When things get to the worst "ain’t never had no show.” never, in pursuance of an order of the the State Land Board of the State of they begin to mend," perhaps fot thelesa telln us that when he rea­ county court of Tillamook County, Oregon will sell to the highest bid­ the reason that not until the worst lised his own helplessness he drop­ Oregon, made August 22nd, 1913, der at its office m the Capitol Build­ is ranched do men abandon all con the undersigned guardian of the ped “crotch deep in the snow and liersons and estates of Chessel ing at Salem. Oregon, on October 7, 1913. at 10: 10 o'clock a.m , of said tidence in themselves and begin to prayed.'Jr lie is rather pusillan­ Mills, Esther Mills, Franzel Mills, day. all the State's interest iti the pray. All Kansas, and other parts imous itt saying, after his prayer Edna Milla and Aldah Mills, min­ tide and overflow lands hereinafter' of the drought stieken section, are was a move red. that he thinks the ors. will on and after tile first day described giving, however to the. turning to prayer for rain now. of October, 1913. at her residence in owner or owners of any lands abut I angel» ought to lie better employed Tillamook City, Oregon proceed to ting or fronting on such tide and There is public proclamation of in do» ng such thankiess work than sell at private sale for cash, sub­ overflow lands, the preference right duys of prayer. Nobody will doubt ■ P ‘".outin’’ around a throne" But ject to confirmation by the county to purchase said tide and overflow the earnestness of the praying. Thy " h at a glorious foil to such a sor- court, all the right, title, interest lambs at the highest price offered, land is blighted with n dry desola­ and estate of said minors in ami to 'U 1 character as his, was the great the following described real prop­ provided such offer is made in good faith, and also providing that the tion Suffering ia intense, and C onfeder.ite captain who never lost erty situate tn Tillamook County, land will not be sold for, nor any threatening to grow greuter. Men Oregon: a battle, perhaps because ths pre­ offer therefor accepted of less than have seen their valuable pr^r; rty I An undivided one-fourth interest f> per acre the Board reserving I lude to every one of them was a shrivel into insignificance iw jer tlie in lot 2, of block fl, of Cone A the right to reject any and all bids. I short, hurried prayer, which is best McCoy's addition to the town of glare of a sun shining da’, after sble of grasping its deep mean­ right of way and keep sakes*. and answer for want thereof -.he Account tk) Acres of unimproved land. ings, of fiowvr of the human spirit, cheapest fly killer made, plaintiff will apply to the said Court i H ereby G iven -That SO Acres of unimproved lannv mann, It is to be mixed with ‘ ¿urt t r Tillamook County !l ter puri>o»es of God, to move nature 13 Acres of fine land on the beach, now existing between you and the egon. his final account and that “ water and therefore is itself. Thia is plainly one ot the • nd a good investment for any one plaintiff. Alta Sours your wile and ?«mlerd said Court. Monday, the less expensive then other things seen by the master seer and to plat in lots. Lots joining this for general relief. 1.1th .la. of Septemlwr. 1913. it ten fly killers. interpreter who wrote : "There arc place are selling limn 490 to 710 . This Summons in published by the ‘eV ,he ,'mc’ an<1 ord-r of the Hon. Webster Holmes .?* ,b* ' ‘’«"tj Judge in more things in heaven and earth. per lot. Clough’s Carbolic Com­ I Judge of the Circuit Court of the lur 3 lads with house »nd barn at State of ttregon. for the Count. of he Court House of said County ai Horatio, then are dreamt of in your pound is many times Lccovn ’ t ‘ \ h ° r ’ h * .' ,e ’ r,r * O, ’ a " 1 : Tillamook, ir. the !2th Judicial Dis' Sea View philosophy." stronger then anv other, , hCn. wh"* »11 Ob- tnct ot said State, said order t«ing 3 Lota at Lake l.itle I’ruyer,' in great eatremity, is as teuton« to said account will be one pint is sufficient for made and dated nt Tillamook i ,tv ’ beard and determined. 1 Lot and large House, Tillamook, instinctive to man as is the instinct 16 gallons of pray. lads in lliayer’s addition on easy Oregon, on the Jtttn da. of Align«’ of st If ptpser. ation. nature’s first (an meuta. J oseph D vrrer . 1913 The time prescribed in he ha i . '“’••"’'•trator aforesaid, order for publication is once .i weeg law. Prayer is. in fact or so it A Homestead relinquishment. listed August 1 191A fi r nil consecutive weeks and f.-rl often liscomes under such afflH'tion 2 Lota w ith good house close tn. seven conset utive pnbli. m, na and danger aa now beset the wasted J. S. STEPHENS. thereof, and the date of the first THS Notice. lands, s part af the inatiuct of self WiM'M » commkkuial mi d . publication is Thursday. ... JMh. 1913 } »».uni preservation, and therefore a part Kasper is^w sueee^, Dospaadeacy J ohn Luaxn H exhcrs x of nature a first law. Ileahoacotls Counts Mi TilUm.^.k I» often caused by indigestion Attorney foe the Plaintiff. in hours ol eaas and safety goes and constipation and quickly Uis- I W t\ iv'' •cvpHhts owing the Better ,«y . iU Ible «•> K^»r’z'^felCa “re W' down on lite narrow bones tn times apjwatw when Chamtsrrlain'» Tab Amateur» ! Free an elegant bevel edged stag For eale by all of peril or adversity. That char lets are taken. handle hand mirror, containing charge and get gc.-l results frv.«« ;> : J* R R oberts . dealers. actsr in the "1’ike County lUllads " )\>ur kodak».— TiUauiuvk Studio J lüU sioA, OrsJ u* Z " Y;1X your photo with our folder».—Tilla­ mook Studio. Prayers for Rain. Now is the time to have that group picture made. Monk's Studio I » « For Flies BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. « 9 Famous The World Over For its exquisite flavor. The choice of all men who know good whiskey. FOR SALE BY E. F. LAUGHLIN Tillamook, Ore. ninnili iuinii« w M W iaM W>i ijiL£iLi Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers. : : * I * * CLOUGH,**’ •«•Im*16 Druggist with the problem of buy n* you will find it distinctly gecus to come anil do your ing here. Von will gel 1 . qualities, the most thoron* conscientious workma.isl"" —, charged the most reast nabiep» w We can supply single or . Sets or any single article**“ may be in need of. W.A, Williams* **