4 Tillamook Headlight, Septeinbei II, IQl3^ they pay for shoddy goors have the sa- travel will be enormous. We sent. To be sure the Christ spirit make this prediction about the has not yet conquered the world road to Bayocean, that it will and overcome the sad results of not only benefit tlui» place, but centuries of its absence. It is net when the lumber industry opens even supremely dominated the lip and the upper part of the bay lands where it is best known. Fur- becomes a second (¡rays Har­ tlier than that, it does not even tc- bor, it will be one of the most day completely rule those who are rominallv under its inspiration. important roads in the comity. Yet, in spite of all this, it is the suf­ ficient single power which I»r. Henry I one Wilson full name Elliot says does not exist. given as identification in this age of Wilsons talks more like a man The Bulkan nations have reached who is sure he is right than a de- the aftermath. One has just or- plomat anxious to hold onto the dered 30tW artificial legs. lest shreds of his job. If the price of Broker’s seats in The Japanese in California have Wall street continues to full they engaged a press agent to manage a will be classed us Democratic sou campaign of education in this venters instead of assets. country and Japan, There is a Japan spends nearly ♦M.OOO.OOO a better way to gain international year on public education. That listen to the knowledge than to country evidently intends to hold vaporing of jingoes. on to place among the leading pow­ Cattle raising conditions in Ar­ ers. gentine and other countries of President Wilson says lie "will South America, as re|>orfed by Roliert K. Conway, who has just not pander to any selfish spirit in returned from a lour of inspection, the Philippines.” Then the Re are such as to give consumers of publican policy can go forward un- beef hope that their butcher bill change«!. will not much in reuse during the next few years Were we to be in­ dependent upon the home supply the prices of meat might become so altitudinous as to get beyond the reach of the man of ordinary means. The number of cattle in this country is decreasing, while the numtier of consumers is in­ creasing. Thia is the general con­ dition, but tills year there are spec­ ial causes of decrease. The dry season has made fetxd scarce anti high, ami farmers have begun to send their stock to market to get rid of it. Thia includes In ceding Starck, which means more than the normal decrease in the supply nest year. A Western town relates how a re- freshing shower sent the tempera­ ture down to 102 in the shade. One way to keep cool is to I* thankful for small favors. After a few years as the Dear cratic leader in Massachusetts Gov. Foss proposes to become a Repub­ lican again. A Democratic convert who sticks is a curiosity. Col. Watterson says the people of New York are incapable of self gov. ern ment. The colonel should con fine his comment to Democratic perioii*. At other tames New York lives up to its high position. Peace in the Balkans is again de­ clare«!, with the Turk back in aev- eral strategic points from which he Diarth.'es Quickly Cure«*. was lately driven out Turley is "I wns taken with diarrhoea and still in Europe and roosting only a Mr. Yorke, the merchant lie e l*r- a little lower than belore suade«l me to try a tsdtle of Churu» The president has made sure, berl.imn * Colic. Cholera ivi Dia« rhoea Remedy. Alter taking one save a Washihgton dispatch, that doue of it I was cure»I It also "for a time, at least, no ill consid cured others that I gave it tax” •red speeches on Mexico will be de- urnes M. K Gebhart. «tavole. Ps That is not at all unusual» An livered in the Senate." Thw sense ordinary attack of diarrhoea can of personal rva»s>nsibi|ity for what almost invariably l>e cured ty, or • is said in Congress has never be 7.’ «teveloped in or two doses of this remedy .” bur . the \\ bite llouee. sale bv all dealers. • I R. I- E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- OBSTETRICAL SPECIALI»’ D PRIZE ORCHARD, The One Power \Non-Irrigated, FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR DAIRY. IS Acres, Half Mile from White Salmon, Wash. Both Phone». Residence and Office m Whitehon.. Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Best orchard and country home in the Famous White Salmon V.mv-S.noly . ....... 'X 'ligb. ...X n "i- J~^R. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), -'V',." < ’'\U. piped DENTIST. to all buildings, electric lighted throughout. imniensiC growth of trees, they being Commercial Building, Tillam#tk> the largest of their age in the valley, Peaches are bearing now anti apples will bear after next year. This property has a very j R- JACK OLSEN, gentle south slope, with the best of water and air drainage. DENTIST. Elevation 800 het. Soils : Volcanic ash and red shot. an ideal location for anyone wishing to (Over F. R. Beals office. This ¡dace will make ■ ■ have ‘ ; a fine income. The retire from active farming and still Tillamook - Oregon erv -------- homelik-* and convenient. buildings are vert ernents are easily worth $4000, 1 he 1111 provcme **».- ~ . . - and the orchard J OIIN LELAND HENDERSON ♦ 10,500.00, making an actual valuation of ♦14.000. I own 15 attorney acres adjoining this and so can match a trade up to 8,000.00. I AND Property is free of encumbrance. Will assume a reasonable CO U NSELLOR AT-LA W. amount. This proposition will bear inspection and if you are inter­ T illamook B lock , Til Ulook i- ested write what you have and I will send photographs. - - - Oregon. C. T. DEWEY, White Salmon, Wash. Room No. 261. H. T. BOTTS, ’ATTORN E Y-AT- LA W.’ V^ ffCÙ '1 ft Complete Set of Abstract Book»in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Resident», T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregoc. Both Phones. It’s Import ! Where you invest your J ujonev. rile Western Loon and Invest- ? ment Co , of Salt Lake, Utah is now open J to make you a loan or build you a home on the small monthly payment plan. A. McNAIR, President. 1) I. SlIRODE, Vice-President. CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer. Board of Appraisers — i: M BALES F. H. MIICNK. R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. Board of Trustees— JOHN [.ELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS. I. C. SMITH. W. G, McGEE, QARL IIABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook A. C. EVERSON, Oregon. Q^EORGE WILLETT, Loan Ageut. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW^ For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co- Land, City Property, Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. T illamook C ommercial Buru®«j, Tillamook OS -. i-’- ■-••• •' T. BO ALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. T illamook B lock , Merchant’s Collection Association Tillamook I- s. of Tillamook, Ore. KERRON, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON j We now have connections with Port­ land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco and all the larger cities ■ Oregon. T illamook B lock , Tillamook I Advice free to patrons. We will shortly be prepared to make quick Farm ‘loans of from $500 to $5000. If you need money see us. . Oregon - c* HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Bay City On account of our location, we have more inquiries for real estate and business chances than any where in town. List with us. Oregon SARCHET, Th» Fashionable Tailor T . Cleaning, Pressing and Rrp»>n!1í a Specialty. C H. THOMAS. S. E HENDERSON M anager . S ec ., T res . Store in rfeine Photographic Gallery. I H. GOYNE, The best Baher ever built a te6? Ä Co3' Built like a locomotive boiler ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ¡ P'vefed, ^bolted Office: j~)R P. J. SHARP, gg F 1 (RESIDENT DENTIST, - L' Office : Commercial Block It] AMERICA'S BEST RANGE 'J. L''-> Itì . Oregon. Tillamook • N° stove I Putty / tg O pposite C ovet H ovsx „ Thc Arcadian is a perfect baking v r»ace,andsLrysaixr'c«abakerfor*llfe- f V o e b$,caase ’* is built like a locomotive [ “al!eab,c honand charcoal i iron n\ eted tofretlwr i*_ a V 1 together. Ma«le airtight without the use of wove putty to crumble and fall out, as hap- - -n s— pen» In ca