People who succeed in saving make a habit • of it. The Saving Habit. The saving habit re­ quires determ ined|culti- vation, but when well rooted, grows fast. Its rewards are quick [and certain. I You can start the saving habit any time at this bank. The best time is NOW. I OLDEST hÉ TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Ä count Yj_ TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE. . — -------- -- .... -- ------------------------------------------: --M TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS B. S. Clark, auctioneer. See Dr. Monk for novelties in place eirdt. Leave orders for wood with Shrode. * Born, to the wife of T. C. Morri- wi, a girl. Empty sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co. Stylish City Photographs at the Tillamook Studio. Born, on the 1st, to Blaine Hayes, it Bay City, a son. Secondhand wagon for sale at a bargain. See Shrode. Tryaome of that kippered sal- pon at the clam market. I Born, to the wife of Carl Ander- kco, on Saturday, a girl. I For Fine Photographs at popular Fifflo.—Tillamook Studio. I Call up the Mutual Phone fora ■te at the Tillamook Studio. I Glasses fitted. Any kind, any ■vie. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. » Read what the local mill company ••tosay about silos in this issue. The wind was in the east this Wiling, the first time this sum- lOving to the heavy rain last week kfire wardens have been with- fivn. r nan;?we license was issued to W. Hunt and Maud S. Dav- Wort Forn, on Monday, Sept let., at r^’ to the wife of Earl Paul, a Fihter. |“W chickens wanted at the Tilla- [•»Meat Company’s Market, 12c. F Pound. • P** Edith Anderson left Wednes- F "“ruing to visit with friends |®faboro. Fhe Warren Construction Co. will [remove the plant from the de- f rounds F'are in a position to make °°i time farm loans. First [(■ a purse containing a small amount of money. Owner can have same by calling at the Headlight office. M. C. Banfield and wife.whocame in on a visit, left Monday on the afternoon train, shipping their auto on the Elmore. Mrs. Elmer Payne, who has been visiting at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNair, left for Eugene on Monday. Clark County Investment Co. vs. Srethna S. Phelps and Lucretia J. Kilbourn, is a suit filed in the cir­ cuit court to recover money. Mrs. C. N. Drew and Miss Lelia Drew returned from California on Monday, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wiley. For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland pony colt. Will trade for good family milch cow. Inquire at A. F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook. z Brown mare for sale, ten years old and weight about 1200, good work mare. Can be seen on the Todd ranch Call at Headlight office. . For Sale or Exchange:—Shetland pony team, surry and harness Will trade for Tillamook city prop­ erty. Inquire at A. F. Coats Lum. ber Co. • Another heavy shower of rain on Monday morning upset the calcu­ lations of those who were expect­ ing to get out in their autos that morning. Get your barns white washed, Frauk Butler is prepared to do white wash spraying and do a good job. Address or call at the Allen House. The many friends of Mrs. Thomae Jenkins will be glad to hear that her recent operation in Portland proved a success and she is soon expected home. Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­ practor, successfully treats all ner­ vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. Consultation free. Office Com­ mercial Building. St. Alphonsus Academy will open on Monday, Sept 15. Special atten­ tion is given to commercial work and music. MusicJessone can com­ mence at any time. Dawson Bros, will meet all trains with bus, and will handle passen­ gers and baggage to all parts of the city. Call or phone at the Livery barn on 2nd Ave East. C. W. Atwood, vs. J E. Holly­ field and Brighton Mills Co., is a suit filed in the circuit court to re­ cover $195.50 for labor performed in logging lor defendant«. Barney Knobloch, of Pacific City was fined by Justice Stanley $25-00, the fine being suspended on con­ dition that he make necessary changes iu his saw mill. Why buy a Silo and pay freight when the home mill can furnish you as good for lees money. Talk with the manager of A. F. Coat. Lumber Co. of Tillamook about it VARIETY STORE, TlübAmoOK, « OREGON- D"op in and book flround " from’?- r.a‘e -ho came wuh^“ nid,° Por‘la“d to be kina ^,r mother' Mrs. Thomas Jen- J ffa hCr i* in Tillamook visiting relatives. J. C. Erickson vs. Julius A. Erick­ son and Effelena Erickson, is a suit med in the circuit court to recover ‘he sum of $12,OCA leas $45Z 14 inter- est paid on a promisory note. Mrs. Edwin E. Koch will open a P’ano studio upon her return from Portland. Mrs. Koch is an exper­ ienced teacher and han decided to accept a limited number of pupils. Haltom’s corner has been im­ proved with a cluster of lights. If all the comers in the business part of the city had the same it would give the city a better appearance at night. Premiums Won at Fair. Below we give a list of the premiums won at the fair last week, given by the Tillamook County Fair Association : C attle . It is the aim of this bank to Jersey Bull, over 3 years. Hare Bros........................... 11)00 give the best banking service Jewey Bull, over 3 years, possible--and cue do it. Wm. Maxwell...................... 5. CO Jersey Bull, over 2 years, Mor­ rison Mills ............. .......... 10.00 It is also our aim to have Jersey Bull, ovei 2 years, Clar­ the best equipment such os ence Tilden ........................ 5.00 Jersey Bull, over 2 years, T. Modern Fire Proof Banking H. McCormick ................. 3 00 lersev Cow, T. H. McCormick 10.00 Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ ersey Cow. Morrison Mills ... 5.00 ersey Bull, ....... under . 2 j» —=. years. lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Wm. Maxwell...................... 10 00 Deposit Boxes—and cue have Jersey Bull, under 2 years, F. R. Beals................ ............... 5.00 them. Jersey Bull, under 2 years, J. H. Dunstan ......................... 3.00 Eighteen acres in the city limits Grade Jersey Heifer, Morrison Mills.............................. of Tillamook at $500,00 per acre. This 8 00 Jersey Heifer. W. S. is a choice proposition and suitable Grade Hare ............................ . for sub-dividing in town lots. Easy Grade Cow, any breed, C. W. 4 00 money for someone. See Rollie W. Tilden ....... ........................... 10 00 Watson. Grade Cow, any breed, Chas Kunze ................................. 5.00 Wanted, to lease, an improved' Holstein Bull, over 3 years, dairy ranch that will carry from 20 Chas Kunze...................... 10 00 to 25 cows. Would like cows with Holstein Bull, over 2 years, J Emmenegger........ ......... 10.00 place. For particulars see Hender­ Holstein Heifer. Chas Kunze. 8.00 son 4 Thomae, ground floor new Holstein Heifer, Chas. Kunze. 4 CO ank Building. Holstein Calves, John Schilds 10.01 Red Polled Bull, over 3 years, For sale, team, harness and R. C. Magarrell................. 10.00 wagon. Horses about 1100 pounds, Red Polled Bull, over 3 years, liams.................................. . . 2.0) F ruit . R. C. Magarrell.......... 5.00 ’ well mated.* gentle, gray. The I Mallard ducks; Mrs. A. K. Wil­ Red Polled Cow, R C. 1.0(1 Red astrakans. Win. Squires whole thing for $350. Wagon practic­ liams ...................................... 1.00 Magarrell .......... 10.00 Early harvest, Marion Chance 1 (X) ally new. C. N. Cruson, Tillamook, Guernsey Bull, over 3 years, ___ • Ind. runner ducks, W. E. “ Herman Haus- Noyes.................................... 2 00 Carl Hunt .......................... 10.00 Ore. Phone 781. wirth ................... Ind. runner ducks, Mrs. Earl Guernsey Bull, over 1 year, Bismark, Mrs. Tom Coates.... Finney.................... ... 1.00 Hiram W. Smith against James John Naegli........................... 10 00 “ R. Y. Blalock................... Pekin ducks, Mrs. A. L. Don­ Plumbs, Herman Ilauswirth Hughey and Wesley Rush, admin­ V egetables , E tc . aldson ................. '.................. 2.00 “ Jacob Nickolas ... ......... istrators of the estate of Myra Two Pumpkins, C E. Donald­ Pekin ducks, Mrs. L. S. Hush­ son ................................... . 1.00 Northern spy, Joe McDonald . Hughey, appellants, which was I beck ....................................... 1.00 Transparent, R. Y. Blalock... Pumpkins, Mrs. I). D. appealed from nvm Tillamook imamooK County county; Two West Dutches, R. Y. Blalock .... . H arb *. 50 “ Frank Owen...................... to the Supreme Court, was reversed Orchard Grass, C. E. Donald- Belgian Haren, Howard Harria .50 and remanded. | K. L. Stewart... .25 son ....................................... 1.00 Gravensteins, M. F. Dunstan “ R. Y. Blalock.............. Grass, R. Y. Blalock. 50 S wink . Forty eight acres of all river bot­ Orchard Oats, C E Donaldson .......... 1 00 Apple display. R. Y. Blalock 5.00 Boar, Joe Donaldson . “ " Jacob Nickolas.... tom land, less than a mile from Oats, Chi is Wyss .................... 4 4 50 5.00 Sow, “ << H orses . 4 4 town at $200.00 an acre. The terms Kale, M_. F. Dunstan ............... 1.00 Z5O 50 Draft stallion, W. S. Hare .... 10.00 Sow and pigs, Joe Donaldson 5.00 on this are a small payment down Kale, F. N. Wilson ................. Cucumbers, John Sheets ........ l.oo Draft horse. single, Chas. and the balance on long time. The Cucumbers, C. E Donaldson . F lowers . 50 Kunze.................................... 5.00 right kind of a purchaser can dou­ Cabbage. R. Y. Blalock.......... l.O) Draft horse, single, Joe Don­ Asters, W. C. King................... 1.C0 “ Mrs. Ralph Hannenkrat .50 ble hie money ou this buy in less Beans, Mrs. H. L. Jensen ....... 1 00 aldson................... 2.50 Cactus dahlias, Mrs. M. F. Dun­ 50 Roadster stallion, under 3, F. than five years. See Rollie W. Wat­ Beane, John Sheets ................. stan ....................................... 1.00 Two Squash. R. Y. Blalock.... 1.00 R. Beals...................... ........ 10.00 son. Flower display, W. C. King... 5. (KI I Two Squash, Mrs. Herman Roadster stallion, under 3, R. Tohl ..................................... 50 M iscellaneous . C. Magarrell....................... 5.00 The first part of the subscrip­ I Largest » Roadster stallion, aged, Wm. Squash, C. E. Donald- Milk display, W. D. Gladwill.. 5.00 tions for the Bayocean road having I eon ....................................... 1.00 Harris.................................. 10.00 Flout, Women's Relief Corps, 1st been guaranteed the county court Honey, S. W. Elliott................ 2 00 Roadster horse, single, Adolph Float, Rebeccas, ..................... 2nd Erickson............................... 5 00 Booth, No. 273 will call for bids for the construc­ Honey, Mrs R. Y Blalock. ... 1.00 Fairview Corn, R. Y. Blalock 1,00 Roadster team, F. R. Beals..... 10.00 Grange, ................................ 1st tion of a few miles of that road, on Sweet Sweet Corn, S. W. Elliott 50 Roadster team, R. C. Magarrell 5.00 Special farm display, R. Y. the understanding that the contract Cauliflower. R. Y. Blalock 1.00 Shetland stallion, C. W. Miller 5 OO Blalock, *............................. let for that part of the road is com­ Grass Display, C. E. Donald- Shetland stallion, Russell Haw­ Girls' drill,Mrs R. K. Jope,... 1st | son ......................................... 1.00 kins ....................................... 5.00 pleted by next spring. The records are not completed in Timothy, C. E. Donaldson..., 1.0) Shetland mare and colt, C. W. Arrangements are being made Timothy W K. Noyes............ 50 Miller.................................... 5.00 the domestic science department, so can not be published at this for a big meeting of Tillamook As­ Clover, W. Reenke .................. 1.00 Shetland mare, Ruseell Haw­ Bark, Henry Donald­ 5 CO time. kins .................................... sembly United Artisans, on or Caseara son ....................................... 1.00 Mare and colt. Lloyd Anderson 5.00 The milk teat reports will be pub. about the night of Sept. 29th, at Largest Sunflower, C. E. Don­ Two year old filly, C. A. Smith 5.00 lished next week. which time it is hoped to be able to aldson ................ 1 00 C heese . celebrate the acquisition of more Largest Sunflower, R Y. Bla­ 50 A. Christenson, Tillamoook lock ........................................... To Our Friends. than enough new members to put Largest Creamery, IKi. 1 points . 20.00 Stock Beet, 11. Foland 1.00 Mat Mattoon. Neskowin, 05 0.. 12.50 Tillamook Assembly on the “Roll Largest Stock Beet, R. Y. Bla­ Hugh Barber, Mohler, 05.3, tie 7.50 We agnin write you to attend our lock ............................. .... of Honor” with 100 or more mem­ Henry Thomae, Clover Leaf, opening which will begin Friday, Onions, R Y. Blalock .......... bers. H. S. Hudson, Supreme 05.3, tie................................... 7.50 September twelfth. Jacob Nickolas................. Master Artisan, will be present at Cai “ rote, Howard Bunn, East Beaver, R. Y. Blalock ......... We will as usual have as com 91.9 ........................................ 2 50 the big meeting. “ M F. Dunstan ............... plete and beautiful a line as the C hickkn *. Table beete, Mrs. D. D. West The prizes won at the bazaar i combination of Rood judgment, “ “ R. Y. Blalock ____ Barred rocks, Mrs A. I. Don given by the ladies of the Catholic Parsnips, R Y. Blalock .... 2.00 good organization, efficiency and aldson ............................. “ Marion Chance................. church last week, were as follows: Leghorns. II Booth.............. . 2.00 an expert knowlege of the millinery “ Morrison Mills....... . 1 (X) business can create. Joe Plasker, silver ware, being the Potatoes, (pecks) R. Y. Bla­ You are lock ....................................... Morrison Mills... 2 00 thrice welcome and we will see to nearest gues3 of beans, the number Potatoes, (pecks) Mrs. M. F. 500 Wyandotte, 2.00 Anconas II. Booth in the bottle being 28.37 J, and hie Dunstan.................................. 2-50• Buff bantams, I.. S. Morgan. 2.00 it that your comfort and wants are i o *• II I ¡.ml, Ir 1.00 carefully looked after, No effort guess was 2830. Mrs. M. J. Jench Largest turnip, R. C. Magar­ rell ....................................... 1.00 will be spared to make your visit won the table cloth, her number 50 Largest turnip, Marion Chance being 80; Helena Durrer, sofa Gen’l display Veg., C E Don- Turkeys, E D. Hoag............... 2.00 pleasant as well as profitable. “ Mrs. A L. Donaldson L00. Come. pillow, 14 ; Alice Staseck, silk quilt, ; aldson ................................ 3 00 H ii . ma J ohnson '* “ “ F. N. Wilson............ 2 00 Mallard ducks, Mrs. A. E Wil- 99 The ladies wish to thank those who patronized the bazaar. Chris Hansen pleaded guilty in the justice court to two charges, one for stretching his net across the cut off of the Wilson river and the other for not displaying his fishing numbers As Hansen had figured several times in the courts for violating the fish laws and causing some expense to the taxpayers in prosecuting these cases. Justice Stanley imposed a fine of $22o. which was paid. H M. Todd was also arrested *cr violating the fish laws, and as this was hie first offense he was fined $65 after pleading guilty, which was also paid. I First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. WE MANUFACTURE SILOS Come in and see for yourself what we make before you Buy. We are always ready to talk Silo and Ensilage with you. We handle the Hocking Valley Ensilage Cutter. The Best Made. Pumping the Dairymen R aymond , W ash .. Sept 2—Some 20 or more dsirymen of Menlo, are wondering what has become of P McIntosh who operated the Menlo cheese factory, and who ha. disap­ peared leaving behind some $12,000 1D checks given in payment for mdk received at Menlo and other places where he operated chee-e factories- The check* were re- turned by a Woodland. Wash bank, protested. The Menlo dairymen are looaers some $7«» or more and their work during the past two months has Cone for nothing- There is some- thing like $m**wn»1h »>< cheese on ‘¿'„l and perhaps another .¡OX) worth, which was shipped last week, and on whi h they hope to ¡stop payment We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce ami Hemlock Lumber, and always have in stock thoroughly kiln dried finish, flooring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. Try our extra thick Shingles, none better COATS LUMBER CO TIULiFMOOK. 11 OREGON.