FAIR IS CONTINUED UNTIL SATURDAY. Rain and Wind Storm Cause Delay. A southwest rain and wind storm struck Tillamook on Tues­ day and continued in full force un­ til Wednesday It was a genuine Till­ amook mist that fell in torrents and demoralized the arrangement» the Board of Directors of the Tilla mook County Fair Associition had made for holding a fair and stock show. Tilings were moving along nicely and the prospect looked good for the beat fair ever held in the county, with an exceedingly large number of persona who had entered stock, products, etc. Two large tent» had been erected, and wbat is known aa the Snuffer build­ ing was being fixed up in good shape. But when the storm struck thia city on Tuesday it soon put a stop to all outside work prepar­ ing for the fair, and tlie storm tie coning more boisterous in the afternoon, one of the tents were blown down and the other lowered to prevent it from being blown down. The pole of the tent for the merry-go-round snapped In two and the tent came down. The rain and storm continued all day Wed­ nesday and did not let up until early Thursday morning. In turning line onThursday morn­ ing things begun to look better with prospects of good weather. Thia caused renewed energy antj- activity in preparing for the firir. < Iwing to the storni, the Hoard decided to continue the fair until Saturday. What is known as the Snuffer building was-nicely fitted up nnd decorated for the occasion, where the cheese, vegetables, flowers, etc., are on exhibition and present n fine uppeurance. Several business men huve stalls also. W. C. King had a fine diaplay of dahlias, which won the admiration of all those who saw them. SETTLED AMICABLY. Difficulty Settled Without Resorting to Courts and All ot the Stock Ordered Sold. Four of the sixteen pianos were sold yesterday ami all of them must find buyers at once. 'There has never before been so many fine pianos on display in Tillamook aud never before could you purchase a line Kimball, ChiekerinR, Smith and Barnes, Ballet and Davis, or an Autopiano and purchase so near to cost as right now. Remember the Tillamook Music Com pany had paid ns nearly one half the cost of the pianos and we are willing to give you the advantage of every dollar paid by them, We sold a piano yesterday at $195 00 that would be cheap at $300 00 under ordinary con- ditions. Do not be skeptical. A visit to the store will convince you and you surely save a vast amount of money. Remember you have all the advantages that accrue from dealing with Eilers Music House, their fatuous easy, monthly payment plan and unconditional guaran­ tee of satisfaction. It is surely your fault if you don’t buy now and ’tis hardly possible that a like oppor­ tunity will ever occur again, EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, In the Old Patzlaf Building. Open Evenings. Friday morning presented a dif­ ferent appearance, with prospects of good weather and the fair ending up in good shape with a large at­ tendance. Millinery, Leona Peregoy. Nautical T.rrn», - — Cake, 1st, Nellie Warnick ; 2nd, Terms used aboard ship lr. _ Edith Thompson eating and might, 1U coli|alon , Painting, 1st and 2nd, V loia Patz- ful. Toward the ship’, heB* * ner. . ,, . ward fprououuced for’urdi Th Doughnuts. Joseie Roehnier. site direction la aft. °e Burnt work. '. iola Batzner. Looking for’ard and to th. Pie, 1st Edith Thompson, 2nd, starboard; to the left 18 Alice Thompson. quarter from which the w|U)] I,“* Bread, Alice Thompson. windward; Its opposite ls to ^’’J“ (pronounced loo’artb A Retort. A scuttle Isa window on board The Warren Construction Co. is a stairway Is a companion ladd.^ reported to be getting realty to bed is a bunk; a kitchen raj J ‘ move its plant from this city. Some galley This term is also appi^ ‘ of our people are wondering if the captains owu bout. The fX^ Headlight will follow •uit. The (prunouuced fo’c’s’le! is any cov^^? consensus of opinion is of tlie effect place In the bows. A knot Is a that it might as well.—Herald, of one sea mile per hour oo8O f We want to pay our tespects The ship wears a flag; that litheT to Bro. Trombley, a leading reel term. Passages are gangw«. light of one of the Prostestant Bollards are stout pillars roans d churches of this city, and one which run the buwsers-stee| of those holy, Sinton pure kind ro|>es The bridge ls sacred to th/? of fellows who profess Chris­ tain and otflcers.-London Tit Bits. tianity but fail to follow its pre­ Icepts very closely, for no per- !son with ¡¿true Christian spirit 'should hope and pray that his 'competitor quit business and leave the city. Dear, Uro. [ Trombley, get down on your narrow bones and pray that ______ „ i vou may be forgiven for your 'uncharitable and unchristian spirit towards one who has no ill feeling towards you, but who ' wish you well and success in business and tliat you won’t be 'compelled to leave the city on account of being a lacky to a few selfish, rule or ruin, indi­ viduals. It is as plain as the nose on a man's face that Bro. Trombley is only tooting his horn to express the sentiment of those who cannot dictate ami control the editor of the Head- ■ light. So let it go at that, for ; we have for the last 15 years seen that kind of tomtny-rot in the Herald, and we can look . back with calm complacence at the numerous editors of our con­ temporary who have had to leave the city for being the cat’s paws and snivelling little pup­ pies of a few plutocratic indivi­ duals whose policy was to rule or ruin as well as fleece people. Say, Bro., what about that low down, dirty, sneaking detective business?—Ed. MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY ANNUAL MEETING. Speaking Program. Perpetual Motion Crank». Judging from tbe applieutio» patents, one a week, all (¿real Britain apparently Is trying to invent a pern., ual motion maeblne, only Great Britain calls it n "self moving euglne." Hj. wires and bones of models may b» found bleaching in hundreds on tbe shelves of tbe patent office. It goel without saying that not one shows the slightest Inclination to move Itself. Varied and often pathetic are the hl», tories of the inventors. Not a few of them have spent tbe years of their prime In tbe chase of this unattainable will o’ the wisp; others have dropped thousands of pounds in the quest; »till others time trailed the quarry Into the insane asylums. If all tbe wasted en­ ergy spent In seeking the solution ot this problem hud been converted Into the beaten chaunels of endeavor tbe patent office officials believe then would be few problems of mechanic» left today unsolved.-New York Sun. A Railway Across the Open 8ss. The Florida Keys railway runs from the mainland for a distance of 124 miles over what Is practically open sea. imagine a string of tiny islets stretch­ ing like the broken off piers of some Titanic bridge right out into the peat salt ocean and you have the Florida keys. ’Most of them are only a few rods in extent Here and there is om that reckons its area in acres, while four or flve among them are islands rather than islets, covering several square miles. Big or little, however, they serve merely as stations for the railway, which runs over and upon them with the open sea on either side of it Moreover, the viaducts and em­ bankments that carry the trains, al­ though immensely strong, are so nn row and steep that the passengers look out upon ocean only. There is no land whatever in sight during the greater purt of the trip.—Exchange. The attention of the stock holders of the Tillamook County Mutual Tele­ phone Company is hereby called to the annual meeting and election of officers for the coming year for the first Sat­ urday in September, being next Satur­ ( day the 6th. Said meeting will be What Happened. held in the County Court room, Tilla­ “Are you the man who write» ill Industrial Fair at Nehalem. mook City, at the hour of one o’clock, this joyous advice about scattering ion P. M It is hoped that every stock­ The Industrial Fair at Nehalem holder who can will attend this meet­ shine and giving everybody that seem- worried a glad hand and a word of eu on Saturday was well attended,with ing. W. S. Buel, Sec. courn geinent?’’ quite a number rf citizens from this "Yes." »a'.d the man with scarce hair Owing to unavoidable circumstances, and with the permission of city anil the central part of the conn Can’t Afford to Have Kidney Trou- and inky fingers. “1 am one of the all contestants that have returned results into the subscription depart­ I ble. ment. no tours to the World’s Fair will be awarded until the night of ty. who went there by auto and train. No man with a family to support professional optimists who do that sort The weather was delightful and all the final close of tlie contest. * of tiling." Two tri| s will be awarded, one to each to the fwo contestants hav­ the arrangements were nicely car­ can sfford to have kidney trouble, "Well. I'm not going to sue yon for ing to their credit tlie highest number of votes 9 o’clock Wednesday ried out by the different committees. nor need he fear it wi»h such a damages or false pretenses or anythin remedy at hand as Foley Kidney night, September 24tb, 1913. N.x tours will be given before tliat date. Mrs Todd again won the first prize Pills. An honest medicine, safe of that kind. 1 just want to let yoo A nother I mportant C hange . for the best display of dahlias, with and reliable, costing little but do­ know that 1 tried to heed your lesson Instead of allowing 5,000 votes, for the sale of a tour’s contract to a ing much good. Foley Kidney Pills 1 went to one of our great dtle» «nd prospect reported by s contestant, only 300 votes will be allowed, It Mrs Zaddach seeor-d. Mrs. Todd’s eliminate backacke, and rheuma­ tried to speak words of cheer and con display was artistically arranged, tism, tone up the system and re­ will take subscription» to get the big votes. with a design of '‘1913’’ in dahlias of store normal action of kidneys and fort to the overburdened soul» th»t 1 10,000 B onus V otes . To the contestant turning in the greatest amount of sulircription a light color in the center of dahlias bladder. For sale by all druggists. saw rushing past me.” “What happened?" money between the dutes of September 1, and 12 o’clock Wednesday, of a darker color. The display of "Before 1 had cheered up four pec September 10, 10,000 extra bonus votes, in addition to tlie regular vote Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. vegetables, fruit, cake, bread, etc., ' pie 1 got arrested for being a coii schedule will lie allowed. This is a chance for everybody R> get in and "I was taken with diarrhoea and dence man.’’—Washington Star. win even d you haven’t us yet started. This is the biggest vote offer by the school children showed the Mr. Yorks, the merchant here per ­ that will be made during the contest. Get busy! lively interest they take in these suaded me to try a bottle of Cliatn- E verybody H aba C hance . industrial fairs. Everything passed berlanin’s Colic, Cholera and Diar- The Flying Frog of Java. The Javanese frog Is a creatnw Everybody has an equal chance in this contest The highest num- off pleasantly, the fair being a suc­ rhoea Remedy. After taking one her of votes now in is less than 5,000. Just one five vears subscription cess in every particular, reflecting dose of it I was cured It also measuring between fifteen and twentj will put you on top with the 1.000 nomination votes. Nominate yourself. great credit on the ladies of Nehal­ cured others that I gave it to,” flve Inches. The skin of Its bad W hen to T urn in R esults writes M. E Gebhart. Oreole, pale blue and by night look» d“rt em and others who had chi-rge ot it. That is not at all unusual, Pa. The contest manager will be in the office every evening between 7 An greeu or olive brown The fro» ■* Those who were awarded prizes ordinary attack of diarrhoea can mains motionless during the d»y. •’* and S o'clock, and on Saturday from I until 9 o'clock, If yon cannot almost invariably be cured by one eyes sheltered from the light and «1# come at these hours you may leave your results ia the office any time are as follows ; or two doses of this remedy, For during the day. D ahlia P rize l » t , belly up. clinging to its support by • Y our B est C hance . Routledge. Portland, Oregon sale by all dealers. hesive cushions and by Its belly. ’■** prizes given in seeds or bulbs ’ This is the best chance you ever had to win a trip to the fair. 14 Cheese Scoring Contest. Largest specimen dahlias-Gei- The healing demulcent qualities Is provided with a sticky covering.«« days—all expenses paid—European plan. If the winner of the first trip Tillamook Creamery, C. Chris­ would prefer the money in the place of the trip they can have it. This sha. i I ts . Todd; Bertha Von Sult- of Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ It Is hardly distinguishable from t* tenson ........................................... M * t trip is the fill.59 trip, "®r! .. ‘*rs- Zaddach ; Borneman’s pound are not duplicated in any objects thnt surround It At I.iebltng, Ralph McKimens ; Gold- other medicine for coughs and it begins It» hunt for the maminoU Neskowin, Max Mattoon ........ w»ß Clover Leaf. Ilarry Thoma» 91.3 Wm Maxwell ; 2ml. F. R Beals ; together with the officers of the regs n. Mrs Zaddach. Sov. de Gus­ colds Any substitute offered you crickets on which It feeds, ■r“’ i tave D.a/an. Ralph McKimens is an inferior article. Refuse to ac­ leaps covering seven feet of P0® Mohler, Hugh Barber.............. vit. î church, and the officers of the so- 3rd, J. H Dunstan. cept it for it cannot produce the During the leap the play of lungs Ch!rk Bros . Portland, Oregon. East Beaver, Howard Bunn iH 9 Hest 25 cactus, Mrs. Todd ; best healing and soothing effect of Fol­ with air swells its body. To de««“ Draft Stallion, 1 year 1st, W S. cieties of tlie church, are urged to Miama Valley, Harry Haugan. 9.38 ti, * ^oney Compound, J .. and .. va Tar * 1» I V-UU attend to hear what these specia- peony. Mrs. Zaldach. Hare. insist upon the genuine, which from a height It spreads wide ft» ri* « Maple Leaf, Guy Ford .... .. 03 II Draft Stallion, 2 yenrs, 1st, Joe lists have to tell us in the wav of A^eVcT“"’ Kag'e R0Ck’ L°8 contains no opiate«. Eor sale Hud, dropping, rests upon its f**_ Cold Spring», N. V. Kirby .... 985 by efficiency, Donaldson ; 2nd, Jonas Olson. ( raising the standard of efficiency. _______ Best 25 cactus, Mrs Zaddach ■ all druggists. I change. Three Rivera. Oscar Wurach Draft Horae, aged, 1st and 2nd, un***». Martha Knight. ; the , diM.aml of th« h«re in ia --------- « (Hirtioa ............ •••» r «llr u i 1 nere work, wheelbarrow, Heifer Calf 1st and 2nd, R. C. M.ig oaly uue way to curr rtr.fn«.. drain«... .„a that,, k U o .»I The Preebvtery of Portland lias oalyowway Leo l»X eoaatltational rvnir.br« Making It Ez»y. arell. planned to make r the month of , Wood work, boat G Man ((on Jersey Heifer. 1st, Morrison Mills ; September the ‘ "Sunday School 'wXV’.ViX‘1. chief are you rowing with to 2nd. W. S Hare. Priae made up Month” in all ths churches -------- -a _,W)1 of the rumbbng a<*a^l r tn^rtryt I In the bow of the boat for. when It la entirely cl«weal Dewtnc« 1» the Cake Leona Alley. by ailbacription from »|>ectatura. Presbytery. rvwwlt. awu »4tHl unleaa in. the inflammation inflammation . Next Sunday, Sept, ■«»><. a. Sure, an’ If It wns In the ««»" ■ •unii îiiiiJe \ í Jersey Cow. 3 years. 1st. T. H. 7tl>. Rm A. M W.ll.u..», the dis V Patchell. in,°’ ’’•'«•ret bout wouldn’t I be rowtn up McCugimck ; 2nd. Morrison Mil’s. trwt edm -l.ona! su, ennrenden. time* An’ this way rm ro*l* ... Hand made apron, 1st Nelli. 7« ' 1 for the bynod of Oregon, together tombini» .j, tar Grad$ l«isey Cow, 1st and 2nd, c. k - muco»« ........ ««n ■” hill all the tlme.-Yale Recum- A™;;, gOwnd- ’¿v™“ bei'T;;'?- W. Tllddhi ; 3rd. John Sheets. » Sun-1. Wr M“ndr,d i’ ’1 . • »»J »nd Gertnide Rochmer with Rew. C W Haya. 1». 1», * " : . I Guernsey Hull, 3 year, 1st, Carl day Bcilool missionary of the Port Gttting 0«. « g V Catarrh . * Dtras. 1st .nd .’„d. i^.n, p^ l h»r ctrvulars. rrrr I ”How’» that young son HH» Hunt Guernsey Bull, I year, John land l*re»bvt«ry, will be in Tilla­ Sauri a. .7. T-W.'. Ohio yotirs gettlng on?” Naegeli. mook. mid will conduct three con­ Sold by l’r»«»i«ta. ?.v. H«!»'*“.15’’ " "•«* ’»'»on- Tab« Halt« Family r,iu f,.r cua»t»FM4e "Créât: Tuist week he a- Jersey Bull, 3 year, 1st. Hare ference» in the Presbyterian church. 2nd PaUht,,; »150 of tny dnughter» Broa ; 2nd. Wm Maxwell, lersey The hour» are 11 to 12 a m , 4 to 5 Despondence pense» "-Detroit Free P"* Th*’^" 2nd. Hull, 2 year», let. Morrison Mills ; p-ua , and H to 9 p. m. At the after­ Is often csuse.l by indigy»tlon 2nd, Clareuce fihlen. 3nl. T H noon conference all Sunday School • nd constipation and qmckh dis lesrag"."1 Vfr*’abl** KHneda Tub- The yontb who does not J"** McCormick; 4th, Frank Freeman. worker», including officers, teach appears when Chanil erlain a Tab look down, «nd the spirit t* lets are taken. For eale bv all lK>rothv Je„.e„ Jersey Bull, under 2 years, l»t. era. and scholar» over 13 year». dMler». f •our Is destined pertisi* <• * Tea cake, t.ertiude Rochmer. I DfamelL The following addresses were arranged for Wednesday and Thurs­ day : Miss B. Milam, Assistant Prof, of Domestic Science, talk on ” Do- mestic Science in the Home ” Prof. R. R. Graves, Prof, of Dairy Husbandry ” A More Profitable Dairy Herd ’’ L. B. Ziemer, Factory Inspector of Dairy and Food Commission, “ Factory Inspection.” “ Soil Fertility Problem in Tillu- mook County,” by Prof. H D. Scudder, Prof. of Agronomy, O.A.C. ” Mure nnd Better Dairying,” by M. S. Shrock, Deputy Dairy and Food Com. “ A Demonstration in Cooking," by Prof. Ava B. Miliim. ” School Fairs nml Industrial Education,” by N. C. Maris, Field Worker in Industrial Fairs. “ Cropping Systems for Tillu- mook I>Hiry Farm»,’’ by Prof. H. D. Scudder. " Herd Improvement,” by M. S. Shreck. " Selection of the Herd Bull and Gradingof the Herd,” by Prof. R. R Grave». ” Tlie Boy on the Farm.” b, N. C. Maria. Big Change in Contest. IMPORTANT. lD».