Sillanwk fol. XXVI- ilea Night. No. 12 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. SEPT. 4. 1913 tr 111 1 '''11, ia*trnctor of manual framing of the public school, ar- him I ‘hiS Week’ brio*"‘K him hie young bride. Mias Daisy Goodspesd, wlio has been attending summer school at Joseph, returned home last week m has accepted a position in Hal- tom s department store. Why buy a Silo and pay freight when the home mill can furnish you as good for lees money. Talk with the manager of A. F.Coats Lumber co. of Tillamook about it. It is estimated that between $1(0 and $200 a day is being sent to the mail [order houses from this county to help build up and give pay rolls in Eastern states. Dawson Bros, will meet all trains with bus, and will handle passen­ gers and baggage to all parts of the city. Call or phone at the Livery- barn on 2nd Ave East. Eighteen acres in the city limits of Tillamook at $500,00 per acre. This is a choice proposition and suitable for sub-dividing in town lots. Easy money for someone. See Rollie W. Watson. It bas been suggested to ’ the editor that rillainook County have a large exhibit of cheese at the State Fair at Salem this year. The idea is a good one As this ia a matter that ia up to the different co-operative cheese factories it is hoped that they will decide as soon aa possible and send a large dis­ play qf Tillamook's famous cheese to the fair. R. W. Hogg, of Salem. Superin­ tendent of the Livestock Depart­ ment at the Oregon State Fair which opens at Fair Grounds Mon­ day, September 29lh and closes Saturday, October 4, promisee an exhibit far in excess of that of any former State Fair. There will be more breeds of stock and the num­ berwill be greater than at anv show ever given in Oregon excepting in 1905 at the Lewis and Clark Fair in Portland. Buying and trading promises to be keen among those who will exhibit and competition at no time has approached what this year's show promises to be. The entries a'ready indicate tl!e banner year in the livestock in­ dustry. It is the aim of this bank to give the best banking service possible--and cue do it, It is also our aim to have the best equipment such as Modern Fire Proof Banking Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Deposit Boxes—and cue have them. First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. For sale, team, harness and wagon. Horses about 11UÜ pounds, Trains Discontinued. well mated., gentle, gray. The The afternoon trains leaving Port­ whole thing for $350, Wagon practic­ land at 1:20 p. m. and Tillamook at ally new. C. N. Cruson, Tillamook, 3:45 p.m., will be discontinued after agree to reside in the city of Tiila- Ore. Phone 78J. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS The \\ ells Fatgo ETxpress Co. Saturday, also the extra trains now rnock until such time. commenced a free delivery of par­ Several of the ladies belonging to leaving Tillamook Sundays at Therefore, Mr. Editor, should you I B. S. Clark, auctioneer. cels on Monday in the business the Catholic Church have been so­ 9:10 a. m. and 2:00 p m. see fit to print the following offer in liciting subscriptions from the busi ­ I See Dr. Monk for novelties in place portion of the city. the hope that some person or per­ ness men to help defray the expen I cards. School Opens Monday. sons might thereby save the county For rent, meadow, pasture, horse Ses of erecting a new church build­ I Born, to the wife of Henry Land- $1.00; cow 50 cents per month. Ap­ The public and high school I $75 expense, I will leave the same to ing, which was greatly needed. your judgment In the meantime I I holt, a son. ply to Peter Newberg, Hemlock, A suit has been filed in the cir­ opens next Monday and the pros- am ever ready to treat with any who I Wood wanted. Call at the Head- Sandlake road, Oregon. cuit court by John Childers against pects look good for a good school I light office Mies Lula Johnson, who has been the A. F. Coates Lumber Co. to re­ year. '1 here are quite a number of see fit to usstime the foregoing oiler, Respectfully yours, I Empty sacks wanted—Lamb visiting friends here, left on Mon­ cover $935.25,growing out of the sale new teachers and the list contains E IIlMMEt» day for Carlton, where she is chief of plaintiff’s timber to A. G. Beals, the following: A. W. Buchanan, I Schrader Co. operator in a telephone office. principal ; R. U. Moore, assistant I Stylish City Photographs at the who assigned his rights to O. A. principal ; the Misses Parker and Lost, on Sunday near the merry- Schultz. I Tillamook Studio. ArtisatlS Have Good Time- DeBar an.I Mrs. Hansen are the I The Board of Equalization will go-round, three keys. Finder will M. C. Banfield and wife came in other high school teachers. The The local assembly of the United please return them to Hotel Tilla­ from Portland on Sunday in their I meet on Monday. teachers for the grammer school Artisan Lodge entertained a num­ mook. Reward will be given. auto and are visiting at the editor's I Second hand wagon for sale at a Brown mare for sale, ten years old home. They were accompanied by are: Mrs. Burge, 1st grade ; Mrs. ber of the officers of the Supreme I bit-gain. See Shrode. Leach, 2nd grade; Miss Gladys Assembly of that order from Satur­ I Try some of that kippered sal- and weight about 1200, good work L. J. Feeney and Miss Nellie Tre- Beals, 3rd grade; Miss Eva day to Monday. On Monday even­ mare. Can be seen on the Todd genza, who left for on the train on Wheeler, 4th grade; Mrs. Dunstan, ing the local members and their lAnatthe clam market. ranch. Call at Headlight office. . Monday. 5th grade; Miss Blanch I.ucas, «ith friends were in turn entertained by I For Fine Photographs at popular The county court met on Wednes­ Mrs. E. W. P. AUen, who has grade ; Mies Mary White, 7 th visitors. Monday evening’s affair [prices.—Tillamook Studio. day and owing to Judge Mason been visiting at the home of Mr. grade; Misa Georgia Sour», 8th proved to be a most enjoyable one, | Call np the Mutual Phone fora being in Southern Oregon, an ad­ and Mrs. J. M. De Lillies of this grade. many of the participants in the [date at the Tillamook Studio. journment was taken until Monday. city, will leave soon for her home Will C. Will will be employed a» program possessing considerable | Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Get your barns white washed, in La Grande, Ore. Mrs. C. Noble teacher in the manual training de- talent. htyle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Frauk Butler is prepared to do Golithcn, who accompanied her, partment and Mias Emma Ueland The following program was ren­ will have charge of the domestic dered : Read what the local mill company white wash spraying and do a will remain a few weeks longer. ban to say about silos in this issue. good job. Address or call at the The week end train from Portland science for the ensuing year. Piano Solo—Miss Lilian Guest, of Mi»B Ruby McGee came in from Allen House. Tillamook. on Saturday contained two engines, Vocal Solo—Mrs. Mabel Pettys, of Oregon City on Sunday, returning County Judge Hemer Mason and baggage and express cars and eight Is Willing to Work, iNonday. Bay City. wife left for Southern Oregon on coaches with 500 passengers, which fave chickens wanted at the Tilla- Tuesday to attend the funeral of was the heaviest train to reach Till­ To the Editor Tillamook Headlight. Reading—Mr. Ivan Martin, of Ore­ gon City. ■ook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. W. G. Kelso, who formerly resided amook this season. Most of the I)E. a K S ik , —In an article of your passengers stopped at the different paper of the 28th Aug., which has Duett—Messrs. Ivan Martin and [per pound. • in this county. Harvey Hudson. just come to my hand, I would infer Dr. E. E. Daniele, the new Chiro­ points along the beach. We are in a position to make Vocal Solo—Mrs. Peterson, of Oak­ that you feel, together with the gen Forty eight acres of all river bot ­ practor, successfully treats all ner ­ •ome long time farm loans. First land, Cal. vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. tom land, less than a mile from end taxpayer, that you have been Rational Bank. , somewhat imposed upon, or rather Vocal Solo—Mr. Harvey Hudson, of town at $200.00 an acre. The terms Consultation free. Office Com ­ If ou-work does not suit you tell Portland on this are a small payment down have made a bad financial bargain. w; if it doeB tell your friends. City mercial Building. Reading—Miss Mills, of Portland. ____________ and the balance on long _ ------------------ time. The Therefore to the same, actuated by John Morgan has rented hie farm Transfer Company • right kind of a purchaser can don- ' a sense of fair play, and to prove Vocal Solo Mias Leach, of Port­ Bring your chickens to the Tilla- at Fairview to Mr Weber, and will ble his money ou **■ land. ’* buy '---- i_ in 1----- this leas my sincerity in not wanting to im­ for Vocal solo Miss Hazel O'Bonnell, «ook Meat Company’s Market We soon leave with hie family pose upon the taxpayers in general, ♦han five years. See Kollie W. Wat ­ Southern Oregon, where they will IP«» 12c. per pound • of Tillamook. BUU I will make this offer : son. . | ^""Ivd, to buy, a good draught spend the winter. Plans for the jetty for the improve-1 That I will pledge my word, fo­ Short addresses were made during St. Alphonsue Academy will open •wm. from 1200 to 1400 each. . En- ment of Tillamook bar have been gether with property valued at $100, the evening by 11. S. Hudson, on Monday. Sept 15. Special atten­ sent to Washington, and as soon as under oath or otherwise, to any tax- ■ Supreme Master Artisan ; C. I . Wat the Headlight office. tion is given to commercial work Supreme Secretary ; ,,, _____ ____ are -rt approved and returned, payer or person» who see fit loan-' McKenna, Rollie W. Watson, with about 30 and music. Music lessons can com­ these Mills, Supreme Treasurer;' bide for material will be called for. surne the bond of $ ’ J *>, under which J W. who had agreed to pick mence at any time. There is some doubt as to the rock r am held, to appear before the an<* Mrs. Ella Ella Watt, att, Supreme In- | °I*. left on Monday for Banks. The heavy freshet in the Wilson in this count7 being suitable, and it court and stand trial for the offence »tructor of the Order, Joaeph R. Lilly and family have river caused by the rain storm, is thought that the rock will have to with which I am charged, and will Early on Monday the visitors burned to their home at Gales overflowed in some places aad the be brought from the Columbia river. . . ------------------------------ .... «ek leaving here last Sunday. false work for the new bridge at which will be a disappointment to The government dredge has been Jenkins' place was washed out. those who have rock. op owing to no funds being Wanted, nauicu, to *o lease, an improved . Eddie Glad, son of Erick Glad, is "’‘able to keep her in commie- • dairy ranch that will carry from -0 confined at the Boals' Hospital in i to 25 cows Would like cowl with a very had condition with a sore The eon-of-a gun who borrowed I place. For particulars see Hender- foot The boy had a fall several r Move pipe cutter», we wish he eon & Thomas, ground floor new weeks ago, which resulted in a bruised heel. It has grown stead- *Ca re,urn ,tlem. Alex McNair I Bank Building. Harley Morton and Arthur Evans, ily worse, the doctor being com J." Handley, proprietor of the I who joined the Fireman’s Band at pclled to lance it nine different Shop, has been very ill with Portland, left with that Laud last times, the last one occuring Tues­ 'umonia. but is now very much week for New York City, where day, after which he was too ill to return to his home, his father leav­ ■Proved. there is a convention ing him at the hospital. Mrs. N A Wilson and son, Erick Ul^ng the rain storm this week We have to announce the death Wilson, left last Thursday for 3 ■00k <1O°rOf the Hotel Till#- o( w G. Kelso, who was one of ri> **• wrenched off and the visit with her danghterat Hill'L«rc. the early settlers of Tillamook They spent one day in Portland, re- *«mashed county who died in SouthernJOre- Marri kill. JI' li<-en»ee were issued to I turning home Monday. go„ from paralysis- He owned a Mrs. Arthur Smith and daughter, ■ Babbit and Genevie dairy farm on the Wilson river and lJJ’.”,d Kverett K Parker and Miss Frankie Smith ami son A*- left here about ten years ago. He J^Phme Fayas. thur, left last week fur the hop ,H survived by hie wife and two $r,n- .“J ^a’r Zetland Pon ie» and fields, .nd to visit her Wt* sons. Arthur and Edward. Mr». Mr». K' ¡iiPony Surrey’ Dou,,,e after which Mrs Smith will go on Kelso a is an - »«"' “> Homer .... ... — _ ¡1 Mrs. Albert Plank and the Tcmil- Hire „ nter-»ted | widget together and settle the rate. , «< .at.sfactonly to all and to the Leal TIüUAMOOK. OREGON inteaeat of the city. were taken in autos around the loop east of town and visited the cheese factoriea, and they all apeak highly of Tillamook, ita progreaa and future prospects. Notice to The Public. A. I.ineback, a piano dealer from Portland, Oregon, is now a resi­ dent of the city in Tillamook, is selling a tine line of high grade pianos of the old and reliable firm, Kohler A Chase Piano Co. of Port. land,Oregon,a firm with high recom­ mendations throughout all the State of Oregon for their honest and square dealings with the people. 1 am selling high grade new pianos of old reliable makes, which is regularly priced at $375.00, which now can tie bought for $300.00. A $850.00, now for $285.00 ; $325.00 piano for $275.00; a $300.00 piano, now $315.00; also a new $300 00 piano, with the exceptions of a little »hop worn, for $185.00. We sell on easy terms and will take your organ as part payment. We invite the good people of Tillamook and county to come and see and get the low prices of those pianos, which are now on sale. And before purchasing a piano elsewhere, don’t fail to come a ml see me and my pianos, and I will save you money My pianos are located on 8th Street and 2nd Ave. E., in my pri- vate home, nn extra rent to pay for store room. We give our customers the bene­ fit of the high rent which other» have to pay. I have been in the piano biisini-HH .'or 3) years. I know the business from A to Z, and won’t be undersold. All I ask is come and see me before purchas­ ing a piano. I will treat you right. Our place of business is open even­ ings until 8. A. LlNBUACK, Manager. Both phones. Mutual phone Bell No. 11 J. WE MANUFACTURE SILOS. Come in and see for yourself what we make hefore you Buy. We are always ready to talk Silo and Insilage with you. We handle the Hooking Valley Insilage Cutter. The Best Made We Guarantee Our Prices to be Right DAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbUAfDOOK, OREGON- Drop in and book Around- We carry a complete line of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock Lumber, and always have in stock thorough kiln dried finish, flouring, ceiling, siding and mouldings. Try our extra thick Singles, none better COATS LUMBER CO. |