Tillamook Headlight. August laterview is Refused Catlfied HÍS ^discretion Caused His I irrest Alld Conviction for Mashing. ( e neopie of Tdfcmook were , ,,))■ surprsed on Friday to hear £t the Rev JH. W Kuhlman, Lor of th« M F church °‘ ,hi8 tv had been arrested by the Port " i police late the previous night Lsshmg in »hat city It came 28, 1013. j— nrson refu’ed‘o be' PACKING GOLD LEAF.” interviewed after the trial, but ferred questioners to h'i» 'friend, '*'* handi*d’* s’Speak, by th. Aid of • Puff of Breath. " D Triable, «»d advised the latter | 1 Jbe gold reaches the "beaters" first 14 h* made any Statement to make in wide bars or nuggets. It must lie ......... RDd tni"le l,,t0 ‘neb wide ribbous before the "beatlog" be­ men." said Dr. Trimble, "and I am gins. lhe ribbon is then cut into inch confident that he merely is guiltv •9,lares and beaten with a hammer of an indiscretion. He had been wielded by a stalwart workman, ben each leaf has been beaten thin doinK 8Ocial W01k i» Tillamook and it is transferred to a mold, where It is did not realize that in taking - -g such eaten again for a period of four hours, » - like ■ ■ Porllaud - a step in - a city he had lhe beating is accomplished by means to be protected.” j of a wooden hammer weighing from DEFENDED HIS COTTON Andrew Jackson Showed Ho Had ■ Grim Sense of Humor. Merchant’s Collection Association A \ irginian veteran used to tell bow Andy Jackson used bales of cotton In tbe rampart« that be threw up in de­ fense of New Orleans, and it was nat­ urally a matter of indifference to him whose cotton he employed. Some of the cotton happened to be­ long to a rich merchant. Tbe mer­ chant followed his bales with doglike devotion. He could not bear to tear himself away from them. He was standing over them when Jackson hap­ pened to draw near, and, running up to the chief, he said: "Monsieur, It is damage for your men to take my cot­ ton. All property is sacred and must be protected.” "But,” said Jackson, ‘‘are you sure this is your cotton?” "Oh. sure, most sure,” said the mer­ chant. "I know the marks, all of them. Et puis, alors, this cotton, sir, must be defended.” Jackson turned to a private and told him to fetch a musket at once. The musket being brought, tbe general laid It in tbe merchant's arms and said with a grim smile: "My friend. you are the most proper persou 1 know of to defend your own property. Stay here, then, and do so. Stir at your peril.” of Tillamook, Ore We now have connections with Port­ land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco and all the larger cities Advice free to patrons. We will shortly be prepared to make quick Farm Jloans of from $500 to $5000. If you need money see us. a much greater surpriae for Mr. j seven to eighteen pounds on a sbeep- An effort to reopen the cue- KthlmaB had the reapect of the Rev. re,,° cus‘jiot‘ ^sting on a granite block. H. W. Ku„lm.„ lhe TUL1 rtPteh going people of this city, i or _ 23 due. • A A little little alloy alluv of of enr o dd not realize that he had mook minister convicted in munci- Curaia , copper or L anything wrong, Below we pal Court of “mashing” was made silver Is added to make It spread. It rt the accounts from two Port- Tuesday when Rev. Delmar H. would be Impossible for the beaters to Trimble and Attorney Roscoe P i baudle perfectly pure gold. had oew«paPer8: Gold leaf is packed more by the aid Phurst appealed to Judge Stevenson (From the Telegram). of the breath than that of the bands. On account of our locatiou, to set aside the verdict of a jury. I It was to glean an insight into The application was taken under I be operatlou of transferring a sheet have more inquiries fur real estate Die rays of a big, bad city while of almost tmuspareut gold leaf from advisement. tbe night hgh‘8 glittered that I one place to another is of such delica- and business chances than any where As the verdict was returned by a cj that It Is possible to accomplish it prompted the Rev. Henry W. Kuhl- in town. List with us. jury of six, out of wh ch number only by a slight puff of the breath. sin, pastor of the Tillamook M. E. four were in court on behalf of the , The packers are for the most part (jureh, and secret service officer ! girls, to wbotn. after beating, the gold oa the staff of the Mayor of Tilla­ defeudant to plead for mercy, the j leaf is banded. Court takes the tentative view that mook to engage in a midnight flir- C. H. THOMAS. S. E HENDERSON its finding must be above criticism j Tbe girls lift the uusbaped leaf from Ution at Sixth and Washington the mold with a pair of woodeu pin ­ M anager . S ec ., T res . and probably will allow the con vic' cers. flatten It out ou a sheepskin cush­ Streets. tion to stand. No penalty was im ­ Tm a quiet cop of Tillamook,” ion by gently blowing on It cut it Into vas the opening gun sounded by posed on the defendant, but his a perfect square, replace It between Dr. Kuhlman in hie own defense. friends seek to expunge the record the leaves of tbe book and flatten It ENERGY OF RADIUM. He was formerly pastor of the Meth­ of conviction because of its stain to out wltb the breath. A “book" con­ JOHN LELAND HENDERSON sists of twenty-five leaves, and a skill­ One Ton of It Would Equal In Power SIDNEY E HENDERSON, odist Church at Estacada, but he his reputation. President. Secretary-Treus ed girl operator can pack seventy 1,500,000 Tons of Coal. declared that this was his first ex­ books in a day.-Harper's Weekly. Attorney-at-Law and Notar- If one could utilize tbe energy of a Church Exhonerates Him. perience with the police. He con­ ton of radium through a space of thir­ F abile. At a meeting of the members of tinued to explain that ‘ quiet cop” ty years it would be sufficient to drive LAYING A GHOST. n9 not a slaffig term, but an offic­ the M. E. Church in this city , on a ship of 15,000 tons, wltb engines of ial designation given by the Mayor Monday, Mr. Kuhlman gave a de A Simple Solution to the Mystery of a 15.OUO horsepower, at a rate of fifteen of Tillamook to a chosen few. He tailed statement which lead up to knots throughout the whole thirty "Haunted" House. ■id that he was prompted by only hia arrest and conviction, for vio­ Tbe mystery of a "haunted" bouse years. To do this 1.500,000 tons of coal the purest of motives in speaking lating a city ordinance, after which was explained In a recent uumber of are actually required, says tbe Chicago to the woman, that of moral uplift. he was exonerated and the members Science. It was a large, handsome Tribune These are not fanciful figures, for the He was curious to see what re- placing renewed confidence in him. structure in Boston's Back Bay district energy Is there, though, as a matter of Tbe trouble centered In the third and ipcnse sLe would give. fourth stories, where tbe slumbers of fact, it is unlikely that man will ever (INCORPORATED) To Water Consumers. Dr. Delmar H. Trimble. Robert servants and children were disturbed produce much more than half an Hughes, editor of the Northwest ounce of radium a year. by strange sensations. Christian Advocate; Rev. C. T. The Water Commission has given Still, tbe fact is Important for this it was a common occurrence for them Cook, pastor of the Laurel wood M. Mr. Hoag positive instructions to to awake in tbe night wltb a feeling of reason—that science is convinced that I. Church, and others of the minis­ shut off water from all consumers oppression, "as if some one were tap­ tbe radium in radium bromide is not try were summoned to speak in be­ who have not paid their water rent ping upon me.” Sounds also were tbe only element which possesses this TILLAMOOK. ORK. half of Rev. Kuhlman, and Judge by the 10th of each month. beard, as if some one were walking marvelous store of energy, but that the BOTH PHONES. about or overhead, Once a child rusb- calcium In gypsum and tbe sodium in Stevenson continued the hearingun- By Order Wrirr Uommieeion. ed screaming into tbe nurse's room. common salt contain also this energy til late today to permit Dr. Schnauf- content. crying tbat a man was waking him up fer of 424 Williams avenue, to tell Call for Bids. Tbe evidence of tbe wonderful atomic and asking why she let him frighten her story. She was not in court Bids for eight cords of wood from him so In tbe morning the children energies In the common elements of Friday morning. everyday material Is rapidly accumu­ maple, vine maple or crab apple, were pale aud sluggish, even cold wa­ Spend August at “Nature’s Playground lating, aud scientists are of the opinion (From the [Oregonian). and four of spruce limbs, to be de­ ter lacking its usual power to enliven that perhaps these same discoveries Three clergymen, a church livered at school house, district No, them. may in time alter tbe whole future of ’Oman and two newspaper men 57. Bids to be opened September Investigation at length revealed a tbe human race. itin judgment in Municipal Court 1, 1913. The board reserves the comparatively simple, mechanistic so­ I lution in tbe escape of a large amount riday upon Rev. Henry W. right to reject any and all bide. The Kitchen Sink. of furnace gas. Often tbe sulphur In uhlman, a Tillamook minister, ac- C. C. H unt , Clerk. It Is a statistical fact that farm wo­ It was so strong as to make tbe eyes ised of violating the mashing men die earlier than do farm men and water and to hurt the throat, while New hotels with every modern accommodation, cosy cottages dinaace—and found guilty. Then Auto Stage for Netatts. tbe sensations of oppression were typi­ that those who survive the years of and camping grounds at nominal cost. The trip down there drudgery break lu health sooner than ey counseled mercy, and the cal of carbon monoxide. The noises Auto will leave for Netarts every mrt acceded to their recommenda- morning at 9:00 a.m., and 4 30 p^tn may have been actual sounds coming do the men. The opposite is true in »and eent the minister out of in the afternoon. Fare. 75c. from an adjoining bouse, although any town. There Is no doubt In my mind that the biggest factor In the develop­ «i't under a susp-nded sentence. Round trip $1.25. noises at all would probably be exag­ Through the Virgin Forests of Tillamook County ment of this state of affairs is the woe­ C hatterton & A lexander . gerated in tbe minds of persons awak­ ful lack of labor saving contrivances The defendant said he had been Is one that Bhould not be missed. ened tn tbe night while suffering from nag social investigating in Tillar In tbe farm woman's borne. Many Notice. poisonous gas. 00k, and, arriving in Portland at bouses in the country are still without that greatest of labor suvers—a kitch­ Ip.m. Thursday, set out to see Kasper Zweifel is now successor The Mother-in-law In France. en sink, a sink wltb a pump or faucet >» conditions were in a large city to R. R. Roberts, in Tillamook it is enough to chill oue’s passion for and with a drain leading out from it All accounts owing tbe «pared with those i.i a smaller County. J. R. Watkins Medical Co. are pay­ newspapers to read the mother-in-law Tbe carrying In and out of water is on the afternoon train. quips, as they are sad. sad jokes. A tbe most laborious and back breaklug He had not gone far when he was able to Kasper Zweifel. motber-ln law Is not funny afterward; task of all tbe bard tasks belonging to R. R. R oberts . costed by a woman of the streets K asper Z weifel . she is only funny beforehand In the housekeeper. There Is no substi­ Tillamook, Ore., July 23rd, 1913. France, where they do so many things tute for a kitchen sink. If you can ‘“•topped to talk with her. He id stress on the fact that he had neatly, this Is understood. Llstenl add but one thing to your borne this Notice to Parents. Young Raoul had gone down on bls year and if you bave no kitchen sink cents in his pocket at the time. from various points on the Southern Pacific. knees to madame. tbe Widow Lemoine, let that l>e the addition. — Farm aud Going a little farther, he saw two , First grade ____ pupils t,„r will be ad- income out of a saloon under the _ mitted to the public school of^ this aud begged leave to marry himself Fireside. fluence of liquor an< d stopped to I city only during the months of with her daughter. “But no!" said tbe widow firmly. “It Why People Travel. ... 1 . I Spiiteriilier September and February February. lurent» . ....— Splendid fishing along the Nehalem and Salmonberry rivers, ttheir viewpoint. The next per- are requested to see that children Is Impossible!" Because they think they are going to well as on the briny deep. he encountered was Dr. Etta commence promptly. All children Desolated. Raoul burst Into tears. learn something, and It is only by trav­ wschnauffer, who resides at 424 six years of age or o'der should at "Don't take it so bard, mon gossef' eling that they can discover that illiama avenue He addressed tend. School starts September Sth. said she. "The petite Yvonne is ex knowledge does not come by travel. By order of the Board. Bet a use It helps them to get better quislte. she Is ravishing, yet there are T> saying, according to her testi­ Call for our new folder “Tillamook Coun E. J. C laussen , many others In the France. A little acquainted wltb their neighbors—some fy: Clerk. Beaches,” it containa full information, or eo of wbotn they are bound to fall in wltb of patience!" '¡•your name Mabel?” suit with any S. P. Agent. “But madame! my dear madame!” on tbelr travels. "‘‘certainly is not, sirrah!” she Notice. Because tbe doctor tells them they bowled Raoul. "It is you tbat i re- P1'«!. and just then Detective Notice is Hereby Given.-That I gret!”—New York Tribune. ought to. hce and Patrolman McCarthy will not be responsiblejfor any - debts Because It gives them tbe illusion JOHN M. SCOTT contracted by my wife, Etfielena ePP*d up and made the arrest. of superiority and furnishes them wltb Buried In Installments. Erickson, after this date. General Passenger Agent Jury Tria] is Ordered. A well known local character of topics of conversation. J ulies E rickson . Because It costa more than they can Townsend, _____ Mont, lost a leg in a ere was a gathering of the Tillamook, Ore , Aug. 7. 1913 switching yard on tbe railroad. Tbe afford. 51 when the case came up for Because they don't know all tbe d la­ railroad boys raised a little purse for How the Trouble Starts. lourned hearing yesterday after- agreeable things that will happen to Constipation is the cause of many the victim, who was rather down on l0n- Judge Stevenson showed and disorders thatr™"nto bis luck In other ways aside from tbe them. ' ,‘‘‘•taste to sitting in judg- ailments life miserable. Take L hamberlaw a accident After paying bls board and Because ft Is the only way In which Woo the case, and said: Tablets, keep your bowel« regular hospital bills be went down and they can discover bow comfortable The Thia impresses the court and you will avoid these diseaees. bought a coffin and a lot in tbe ceme­ they are at home.—Life. not bolted beat rv't*' *n whic*‘ a representative For sate by all dealers. tery. and had his amputated leg burled , ,ike » J b-jei/,;; Baker Hum of the Wirse. - • ouldsit, and I therefor order Good Reason for His Enthusias n in good style. locomotive» k ’ o Anything that is stretched Is apt to "Now." be said, ‘‘when I cash tn «’one be empaneled.” ever When a man has suffered for sev­ be thrown Into vibration by tbe force all they will bare to do will be to dig boiler B ttsi/q ^•e chosen to serve were J. W. eral days with colic, diarrhoea built ^«"hoea or er up tbe coffin and put me In wltb tbe of the air blowing against It If It vl- °K«H, superintendent of the other form of bowel brstes so fast as to produce tbe sir leg!”—Saturday Evenlug Post »/ < then sound and well by , district of the Methodist is waies that our ears can bear then that two doses of Chamberlains Colic, . r X \ ; c T. Cook, of the Laurel- Cholera and Diarrhoea Is wb.it we call sound. This Is what “J I Resurrection«. • etliodist Church and a col- is often the case, it is but natura happens to tbe telegraph wires when Tbe world Is full ot resurrections £2’••«mate of the defendant; that he should be e°‘hu*'a9t^ ‘j E-ery night tbat folds us up In dark they bum. and if we put our hand on d' I* hia «raise of the remed), and tbe telegraph pole we shall feel that ,, Hujf,,e9’ ««¡'»or of the North- especially is this ,‘he. ^Xn- ness Is a death, and those of you that tbe wires vibrate strongly enough to AM «VI A* »<• $r P ‘.»WK h lir‘*‘‘an Advocate ; Mrs. bare been out early and have «ven Jibe V Arc « s • I ■■■ j r‘ t bJtlng •*. "* eTeTryn:i:e?a 'ww ’-l j.h.e set tbe whole pole trembling too. But I P '*c^olla, Ted Lansing ,a »dii • p i .• lùi rforal.fe- when the air Is quite still tbe telegraph remedy^ It never fails. Sold by toy* risesl out of tbe ulgbt like a being *u Koontz, newspaper re- limj b xius i F. bu.'t IL.e a Iccomotlrç wires do not bum. - ...... h .. hurst its tomb and escaped that bas burst boiler. LkJlt rf al-.-nr !r Lm» p-,d et ucle vi.J f.!lo"it,r i 1 - Tip to SIMP Walk*«* any attention to me.” remarked Dub- ■ix--------------- yena jn caO iron a id to- _ '«dant out of jail Tliureday “Pop ” ill 4 il < ! lungt-g, alb- blelgb ‘ «etc. as amicus curiae and “Tea. my son." __ , ng laite diali« to I"U it>e That'« strange." aald Slathers. “He'» "•ed the prisoner. He laid "I know tbe reason why people walk most assiduous In bls attention to me. uic v< d-rad-n it Th< Aviaal« Katar« «ul «ava« On your front porch 1,1 upon the 65 cento and lu their sleep.” fiend« me three or four bills every b-Ta lalw «raba— n »ill alwtra I« every* night until m.dmght -You do! Why la Itr . mouth."—Harper's Weekly. ■ ' f court to take judicial - k n ta-kiaa. uat—a • H im ! lit« •Because their feet don't go to Bleep I««l Uno r—wna rar-gea. anil register not over ‘he fact that a man > n«a« lo •«• Ma«»««tn« - • fifty cents per month — Yonkers SUteaman. ’ foil them very high” on mafcaalt »IX»*' r->* Easily Explained. «■yal-«lt««lt ovar«a4o««r.n U.'J . m on the meter. Elder-If you believe that everything a«r a» lai»« ut U m II a»»'- * r* alai er augi «So«» bar a» So «ariac' AND a C««« I" Pal"*- that takes place 1» foreordained why to me doctor,” Mid the -Some thing» «r* better left onuld." did you wallop tbe man you caught Mr Trimble; “that ! «noted tb* w’«* __ stealing your wood? Deacon - Bera use W ill S paluin “- Ma ___ ■ s^" «creed tb. «Imple W- ” ( couldu't help II I felt tbat It was Hu, ci i3** plain verdant I : , a»t he _ *00 ‘he Portland Vice I en b«rb Of promis« pTrurdaiued that I should wsllup Mm. J~-)R. E. E, DANIELS ttoL--Pbll»d«lpM« Record. — |lo»ton Transcript J?,h the judge and Rev CHIROFRACTOR Io llits world it is not what we take |ocreased I mean« and Increased lei- , j. Were ’•••- — tiers of that Local Office in the O»«ercial sure srs tbe i two elvtllxara of man.— •p. trot what we give op. that makes k*ne rally admitted that as rkh. Usury Ward Bew.be«. had delivered itself of Building. piarseli. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law : Abstracts : Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. Tillamook County Beaches Two Daily Trains—Chair Buffet Car Service Low Season and Week End Fare? Built A 15 Wait Mazda Lamp Jones-Knudson Furniture Co TILLAMOOK, • OKK