4- Tillamook Headlight, August 28,71013. Northwest Panama - Pacific Tours Company Subscription Campaign Officially Opened Thursday, August 14th IT’S NEW, IT’S ORIGINAL - GET IN AND WIN You Don’t Need Money It’s a Pleasure To enter the Headlight’s Big World’s Fair Contest. You don’t even need letters of recommendation. All you need is ambition to work in spare time and determination to win in the end. Fill out the nomination blanks on this page, bring it, or send it, at once to the Contest Department of the Headlight and one of the Contest Managers will explain to you how you can manage ’ To Go To The Fair without money. To win one of these delightful trips means 14 days living the luxurious, leisurly world of a millionaire. You ride the Dé Leux Pullman Limited from Portland to Frisco. You can stop at all first class hotels. Por­ ters, bellmen, transfers, tax-a-cabs, messenger boys, guides, in fact, it seems as if the world is at your command when you travel on one of the Northwest Panama-Pacific Tours Company’s Itineraries. See it below. NOMINATE SOME ONE AND MAKE FIVE DOLLARS IF THEY WIN THE LAST TRIP *■' * . Everybody in It's a pleasure to secure subscriptions to the Headlight. Hundreds are now subscribers and hun- Tillamook County wants to read it. I____________ _.t___ Be the one to collect the dreds of others arc only waiting to be called ‘ upon, old subscriptions and to get the new ones. It means a trip to the World’s Fair, 14 days and All Expenses Paid. The selling of a subscription is the selling of a piece of merchandise, but it is a commodity' that is very easy to sell. Old Subscriptions count as many votes as new ones, so you see vote getting is easy. The First Trip Goes in a little more than another week. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, Up ! Up ! Get busy, Noone has the lead on you. No one has the advan tage of another. Everybody is just starting. Be one of the many. Think a Trip. Move Your Thought. Get a Trip. Here Is What the Trip to the World’s ----------------- Fair Includes------------------ IT COSTS YOU NOTHING (CUT THIS OUT) _ Nomination Coupon—Good for 1000 VOTES NOMINATE A CANDIDATE HERE IS THE REMARKABLY COMPLETE ITINERARY That $111.50 Through the Northwest Panama-Pacific Tours Company Buys for You And Win a Nomination Prize in the Headlight's Great Contest I Nominate........................................................................................................................ Address............................................................................................................................. Phone No............................................................................................................... Signed ............................................................................................................................... Address......................................................................................................... . .................. Only the First Nomination Blank cast for Each Candidate Will f ount a 1,000 Votes. Names of Persons making nominations will not be divulged lie invite your attention to our itinerary; in other words, wiiut you secure /or your trip 1. First-class railroad fare to San Francisco and return. 2. Standard Pullman berth to San Francisco and return. 3. Transfer of baggage to and from hotel in San Francisco. 4. Bus accommodations to and from hotel in San Francisco. 5. First-class hotel accommodations for at least 14 days—European plan. VOTE THIS COUPON FOR THEM AND 6. Ten admissions to Exposition grounds. 7. Admission to ten concessions or amusement attractions within the grounds. 8. A delightful steamer trip on San Francisco Bay, including trip to Vallejo and Mare Island Navy Yard. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR THEM 9. Trip to Mt. Tatnalpais and Muir Woods,with ride on the “Crookcdest Kailroad in the World. »» / 10. 11. and Idora 12. Individual Vote Coupon The Tillamook Headlight’s Subscription Campaign Trolley trip through the city of San Francisco (personally conducted.) Trolley trip through Oakland and Berkley, with visit to the famous Greek Theatre Park. Auto sight-seeing trip around San Francisco, visiting Golden Gate Park, Clift House and other points of interest. Good for 50 Votes For M 13. Choice of any of the following side trips— Addrew................ .......................................................................................... This coupon when neatly clipped out. name and address prop-.-rb filled in and brought to or sent to the Campaign I>partmcnt o ■' «nook Headlight, Tillamook, Oregon, will count as 50 votes. Be sure clip out neatly and do not roll but bring or send in flat packages. Not Good After Sept 4, 1913 (a) One Firet-Claes Fare from San Franc ¡»co to Santa Clara Clara Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains and return. REBATES It ih provided that uhould the Subscriber share hotel accommodations at San Francisco with another Subscriber, (b) One First-Class Fare from San Francisco to Santa Rosa or Napa Valley and return. then and in that event the Company shall rebate to said Sub­ (c) One First-Class Fare, via rateamer from San Francisco to Sacramento, the state capital, and return. accommodations as provided under "Pullman Sleeping Accom­ modations." scriber the sum of |7 and rebates will slso be made on sleeping Every Contestant that Turns in Not Less than $10.00 of Subscription Money Will Win a Prize RR izes awarded S eptember 6, i9i3-To«» R*wn“p“ii‘c PRIZES AWARDED SEPTEMBER 24, f9f3-Tour to the Panama Pacific Exposition as per the Above Itinerary, and Other Prizes Exposition as per th? Above Itinerary, an Votes Given For Sale of Trips. t tfoe Fa¡r in San Francisco ? Perhaps your father, mother, brother and «ister arc Do you know anyone tha naine to either Mr. Brown or Mr. Eales, who are the local agents in Tillamook pbinlingto make the trip- , . ?° ,r f Mr. Brown or Mr. Eales will call on them and explain to them how by coUt>on which, when turned into the Contest Department, will entitle you to Lnto the plan, you^ will be supi'li"1 " (]0 ¡ to te|| vour fr¡eII(]8 what an unlimited opportunity awaits them MOO votes. So get busy at once. Ail £ u na taking advantage of the above described tr>|>. .