YOU BELIEVE THAT j WHEELER, OREGON, & ® ses»® 3 The Manufacturing City on B ound 1 to G row and that INVEST­ MENT in W heeler Property will be Profitable ACK UP YOUR JUDGMENT WITH YOUR MONEY. You mill make money by Investing in UUHEEL i ER. For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON Portland Office : Tillamook Office 327 FAILING BUILDING. Care of F. R. BEALS « Eighth Grade Examinations BARGAINS The Eighth Grade Board, will hold same in the County Court Room. All «tudenta planning to write at thia time will pleaae give notice in writing to the County Superintendent by Sep tember 1, that arrangements can be made according to the number expect­ ing to write. All students who failed in not more than two subjects at the last examination may complete the one or two subjects as the case mav be without writing on other subjects than the ones in which they failed. Students who have but one subject may also complete irrespective of time of last writing. Questions will be sent on applicativ but no charges can be made for con­ ducting the examination, thia being the fourth examination for this year. Program : Thursday Sept. 4 : Phy si- ology, Geography, History, Civil Gov­ ernment, Writing. Friday, Sept. 6; Grammar, Spelling, Arithmetic, Ag­ riculture. W. 8. Buel, Supt. Notice to School Children All student« and children of achool ■ ge are requested to meet at the court house ground«, Tillamook City, at three o'clock in the afternoon of Sep­ tember, 1 a id 2, at which time and place plan« will be mnde for the achool children'« part in the parade which is to be a part of the program for the laat day of th« fair, being September 5. Exhibit« «bould be left at the Me Ghee building. which is now being fit- ted up for the oecaiion. We hop« there will be a large di«- pity of garden product«, «awing cook­ ing, canned fruit and vegetable, wood work etc. that the offering of prise« foe product* of boy« and girls may lie encouraged and thu* continued from year to year. If you have made or grown anything that is good place on exhibition and thu« help to make the fair a succeaa. . W. S. Buel. County Supt. Beaaarkable Cure of Dysentery “I was attached with dysentety about July ¡Mil. and used the doctor's medicine add other remedie« with no relief, only get- ting worae all th« time I waa un able iodo anything and my weight dropped from 1*5 to 1J5 pound« I antlered (or about two months when I waa advised to use Chamlwrlam'a Colic, Chslera and Diarrhoea Remedy I used two botile« of it and it gave me iwrmanent relief." wnte« B. W. Hill, of Snow Hill, N. G For «ale by all dealers. IN REAL ESTATE. 320 Acree on the Wilson River known as the Rush Farm, with everything on the place (except a right of way and keep-sakes). 00 Acres of unimproved land. 80 Acres of unimproved land. 8 Acres with house and barn close in. 13 Acres of fine land on the beach, and a good investment for any one to pint in lota. I.ote joining this place are selling from *00 to 7u0 per lot. 3 Lots with house mid barn at Sea View. 3 Lots at Lake Litle. 1 Lot and large House, Tillamook. Lota in Thayer's addition on easy payments. A Homestead relinquishment. 2 Lots with good house close in. J. S. STEPHENS, ROOM 20 Notice of COMMERCIAL bi . d . Aduiinstra'.or'a Final Account N otick is H kreiiy G iven —That the undersigned administrator of the estate of Joseph Anton Hirili- mann. deceased, lias filed in the County Court for Tillamook County, Oregon. Iws final account, and that bv order ot said Court, Monday, the lath day of September, 1913, at ten o'clock a. in. is »et us the tune, snrus«i»ia rake Hall • Family Fula foe conatipaW*« Statement Of the Tillamook County Hank, of Tillamook City, County of Tilla tnook, State of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the credit to every depositor July 1, 1913, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of hie deposit, principal or in­ terest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to eaid date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoftice address of such de­ positor, and the fact of his death, if known. W ’. A. Eggers. Balm, Ore., 10c. A. J. Knightly, Nehalem, Ore., $31.10. Win Scott, Woods. Ore., 37c. State of Oregon, Í SS. County of Tillamook, y I, Firwin Harrison, being first duly sworn, depose an«l say upon oath, that I am the Cashier of the Tillamook County Bank, of Tilla­ mook City. County of Tillamook. State of Oregon ; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or Iioatoffice address, fact of death, if mown, and the amount to the credit of each depositor ns required by the provisions of Chapter 14 ft «>( the General Laws of Oregon, 1907. E rwin H arrison . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of June A D, 19IT i \ McGhee, Notary Public for Oregon. ________________ Notice of Sale of Tide Landa. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the State I.anil Board of tbe State of Oregon will «ell to the highest bid­ der at its office tn the Capitol Build­ ing at Salem. Oregon, on tk’tober 7. 1913. at Iff 90 o'clock a. in . of said day. all the State'a interest in the tide and overtloiv lands hereinafter described giving, however to the owner or owners of any lands abut ting or fronting on such tide and overflow lands, the preference right to purchase said tide and overflow lands at the highest price offered, provided such offer is made in good faith, and also providing that the land will not tie sold for, nor any offer therefor accepted ot less than >730 per acre the Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids Said lands are aituate in Tillamook County. Oregon, and described as follows, towit Beginning at a point 5*9.6 feet N 21 deg. 47 min. E. from the quarter section corner between Sections 5 and ft T. IS.. R. 10 W. cf W M . at the high water line on the rigtit bank of the Little Nestucca River, thence N. ft2 deg 53 min W 27ft I feet along high water line, S. 43 deg. 57 mm W rtlO fest tv low water line. S. rt> deg *6 min. K 273.1 along low w.iter water line; N *