Tillamook Headlight August 28, I0l3 Notice. Ad ver tie’ng Rates our beaches. What will help color because the editor pub person managing agent or officer, bring this about is good roads lislied it This is bow the Tri when so required, refuse to furnish NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,-That on Monday September 8th L egal A dvertisements : ‘ j buue compliments the snap shot and to swear to any such list, tie 1913 the County Board or Equalization wdl meet at the Court House. ii 10 so that visitors can go in autos m..n . First losvrtiou. per line .... $ assessor shall ascertain the taxable Tillamook County, Oregon, and publicly examine the assessment rol] 5 from one beach to the other. mi,n ’ property of such person, firm. for -aid year, and correct all errors in valuations, description of |an(I^ Each subsequent insertion, line A G ood J ocrnalist . Business and professional cards. See what a large-amount of tra­ (corporation or associa'i1 in, and lots or other property. Editor F. C. Baker, of the Ti!la shall appraise the sstre *""’1 ,,ie 1 month..................................... 1 Ml vel have gone over the road to Said board will continue 111 session from day to day, until the ex Homestead Notices................... 5 no Netarts this year as tile result irook Headlight, has spoken very best information to be derived from amination, correction and equalization of the assessment roll »hall be nicely of the New Tribune, and fll lv< sources. Upon ,... ....... other the fai ure of completed. All persons interested in the assessment of their property Timber Claims .................. 10 BO of a good road. And for that what he has said is reprinted tins ,)UV bll, |1 person, managing agent 5 Locals per line each insertion are requested to appear at said time and place, as no change can be reaion we intend to I tioost | week —the theory being that when or officer - ■ -- to make such valuation Display advertisement, an inch, after the adjournment of the board. i, a ------ ,... i. ojiiers are kind enough to toot one’s (>r valuations, the assessor shall be made 50 for better ---------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- roads to all ------------ our beach “'“Dated at Tillamook. Oregon August 11th 1913 month........................... .... amount of , born, he should at least help them ,itemed to be the authorized agent C. A. JOHNSON, County Assessor. All Resolutions of Condolence and resorts, 1 fora large „ ’ along ‘ of such jierson, firm, corporation Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. money is going to be invested But aside from that, we want to or association for the purpose of Cards of Thanks. 5c. per line. in buildings. say tliat we admire Mr. Baker as a making Haiti valuation or. valua­ Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, I country journalist. We think that tions, and the same a’ given 111 etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ , Mr. Baker’s example is one that the assessment roll, shall have the ing five lines. The snap shot man is i n,,‘ any journalist may safely folloiv. s ane force and effect as if made going to be uncharitable in If he do so. even though _ his name under oath by said person, manag­ \Non-Irrigated, criticising the Rev H.W. Kuhl- not heralded abroad, and his ing agent or officer. The assessor RATES OF 9UBSCRI’TJON. may increase any valuation made (STRICTLY IK ADVANCE.) FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR DAIRY. ..... .. -i mi - <•>••••*,». such person.' managing agent One year.......................................... 1.5« than to say that lie used exceed- counties at the most, yet that editor by or officer for purposes of assssment 75 Six mouths....................................... 15 Acres, Half Mile from White Salmon, Wash. 50 inglv poor judgment in the way and that journal has been a sue- and taxation. Three month»....................................... be acted in Portland last week cess-just that without any qualifi I Sec 3661. County Court to esti­ Best orchard aud country home in the Famous White Salmon pretention», Mr mate and apportion tax — STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP and he can only blame himself ( Witho„t Valley —Strictly commercial varieties--io acres apples with The county court of each county for the criticism and notoriety Baker’s Headlight has moved se-l AND MANAGEMENT. many shall, at its term in December in peach fillers and 5 acres solid apples. Eight room modern con­ on account of bis own indiscre- . renely onward through Editor, owner, and publisher, He indued a resuectable years, weathering many a gale of each year, estimate the amount o creted bungalow, new 26 by 40 barn, carpenter shop and Fred C. Baker. No mortgage, no tiou. . unpopularity and many a storm of money to be raised Block holders. woni'iti to tie a woman of the ' , ITXV^XOV .* - LIIUVICUI, . . XZL4.1 . chicken house, well and elevated tank (also spring water), piped for county purposes, and apportion adverse criticism, hut . - J yet moving ‘ * ” — ■*•*' = r.r>r>r inn LI 1(1« I such amount, together with the to all buildings, electric lighted throughout. Entered as second Class mail mat­ lUHier worl I, and tins 13 where always onward, still the same. amount of state and school tax. ter July, 1888, at the post office at he erred and forgot one of the, Week in and week out it has car and other taxes required by law to This orchard has an immense growth of trees, they being -- Tillamook, Ore., under the act of precepts of the good old book, rieil its freight of news and opfn- H _ ______ ion, in proper proportions, in quai ■ be raised ; in its county, and such the largest of their age in the valley. Peaches are bearing now March 3. 187«. "'Judge not, that he be not ¡ties that have seldom varied. ■ other taxes as it may in its discre­ will bear after next year. This . property has a very # 4 ...7 judged.” Although the white Nr. Baker has been in many a tion as authorized by law determ- and apples slave traffic is deplorable we hard fight often on ttie unpopular ine shall be raised, according to gentle south slope, with the best of water and air drainage, Soils : Volcanic ash and red shot. hope the rev. gentleman will side, but has never shown his heels. the vacation of the taxable proi.erty E)evation 8oo feet Whatever one may think of the per­ use a little more Christian sonal opinions of such a man, he and such determination shall be This place will make an ideal location for anyone wishing to charity and not imagine that must admire his perseverance and entered in its records. retire from active farming aud still have a fine income. The every woman be meets late at courage Court to lety buildings are very homelike and convenient. Sec. »162. I County ___ We have frequently disagreed tax for county purposes.—For ■’ “ * the night is leading the life of a with Mr. Baker, in our private opin purpose of raising revenues for The improvements are easily , worth .$4000, and the orchard Suppose, for in­ ion At other times we have agreed county purposes, the county court Watch the dairymen come to prostitute. stance, that it had been some wit him. But any editor that can for each county in the state shall, $10,500.00, making an actual valuation of $14,000. I own 15 town next week and see them young man, in a thoughtless follow in the patti of Mr. Baker is a in its December term in each year, acres adjoining this and so can match a trade up to $z8,000.00. pick off the prizes. moment, who asked a respect good editor. levy a tax upon all taxable prop- Property is free of encumbrance. Will assume a reasonable erty in its county, which tax shall able woman if her name was amount. be sufficient in its amount to defray Patronize home industry— Mabel, it is dollars to dough­ the expenses of the county. This proposition will bear inspection and if you are inter­ attend the first fair given by the nuts that lie would have been NEW ASSESSMENT LAW. -------------- i Sec. 3663 F Same fur other pur- esfed write what vou have and I will send photographs. Tillamook County Fair Associa­ considered a bad man and sent Some Important Changes poses.—The county xnnfv pntirf u 11 a I 1 at i«t 1 court shall, tion. to the rock pile. | its December term in each year, 1 Which Are of Interest C T- DEWEY, White Salmon, Wash. j levy any other taxes which by law More bad news about fighting We give below some of the most the county court or board of county and | Wednesday, Thursday commissioners is required to levy, the street pavement. The high Friday next will be (the first t important changes in the new as- and any other taxes which it may priced attorneys are wanting annual fair given by the Tilla­ sessment law, which should inter- deteririne to levy and which by law some pay from those who were mook County Fair Association, eat property owners. it is permitted to levy. milked for 10 per cent. Sec. 3064. Corporation authorized which was organized in the in­ Section 2. That Section 3586 of [ It’s Import ! Where you invest your terest of the dairying mid agri­ Lord’s Oregon Laws shall tie and to levy tax to notify clerk and as­ sessor of levy.—It shall be the duty We understand that there is cultural industry of the county. hereby amended to read as follows: of \ money. The Western Loan and Invest- every school district, and each Sec. 3586. Assessments, to lie a novel stunt, at the fair One pleasing feature of the fair , incorporated town and city, and of 7 nient Co., of Salt Lake, Utah is now open made. next week, when pretty Swiss is the fact that it is to gbe each public corporation authorized The assessor after qualifying to levy a tax. to notify, in writing, i to make you a loan or build you a home 011 dairy maids will climb the Alps. a home industry exhibition and shall, on or before the first Monday the county clerk and the county as ­ the small monthly payment plan. Now's your chance, boys. not n fakir's carnival, with the - in March in each year, procure for sessor of the county whitin which A. McNAIR, President. management in the hands of the county a blank assessment roll the school district, town, city or and forthwith proceed and assess D L. SB RODE, Vice-President. Everybody in Tillamook City those connected with farming, all taxable property within his I ublic corporation is situated of CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer. the rate per cent of the tax levy that it is So we feel convinced county, except such ns by law is to made bv it, on or before the first ought to wear a broad smile, Board of Appraisers — E. M. BALES F. H. MIICNK. for visitors are praising the going to be the best fair ever lie otherwise assessed, before the day of December in each year, second Monday in September nrxt R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. paved streets, line buildings held in the county and that the following the assessor shall enter which notices shall be kept on file xxx Board of Trustees— mid genera! appearance of the Fair Assoe ation is going to 1 in such assessment roll a full and by the several county clerks and JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS. county assessors, and remain a city. Certainly it is pleasing bring about good results. The complete assessment of such taxable part of the records of their respec­ • I. C. SMITH. W. G, MCGEE, property, including a full Hnd pre Board of Directors should be to hear this after hearing the cise description of the lands and tive offices. wail of the c urb stone knockers commended for the energy de­ lots owned by each person therein Sec. 3tk>7. County Treasurer to voted to make it a success, ami named, on March 1st of said «ear, be tax collector —Except as o her- ft for six montlis. we believe th«* praise will be at the hour of one o'clock a. m, «vise provided by law, the county­ general after the fair and it will which description shall correspond treasurer of each county shall be In this neck of the woods we help to stimulate a greater in­ with the plan or plat of any town the tax collector thereof For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land. City- Property, ( rend of excessive heat and crop terest in u bigger mid better fair . laid out or recorded ; and said Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. \ lands and town lots shall lie valued failures in other parts of the next year. Notice of Guardian's Sale. Considering the at their true casli value, taking into »/x — \" ’ X — X \ c mntry. What a contrast in I short time to arrange it, ami consideration the improvements on . N otice is H ereby G iven — That V* iiltnmook, where the atmos- th«* small amount of money the the land anil in the surrounding in pursuance of an order of the pliere is cool, crop failures are directors had at their disposal, country, and any rights or priv­ county court of Tillamook County, unknown, mid the whole county w«- bela-ve it will be a howling ileges attached thereto or connected Oregon, made August 22nd, 1913, therewith, the quality of the soil, covered with n green verdur«- success from start to finish with and the natural resources in, on, or the undersigned guardian of the persons and estates of Chessel resembling early spring. TiJIa- I a get together spirit to boost connected with the land, its con­ Mills, Esther Mills, Franzel Mills, inookers are certainly blessed for Till amook products. Should venience to transportation tin.-s, Edna Mills and Aldali Mills, min­ mid should lie thankful that anything about the fair not come public roads and other local advant ors, will on ami after the first day I age of a simular or different kind. they live in such a cool, pro­ up to our expectations, boost Cultivated and uncultivated land of ot October, 1913. at her residence in City, Oregon, proceed to ductive country when Old Sol the fair, any way, and speak a the same character and quality, Tillamook sell at private sale for cash, sub­ is getting in his work in other kind word tor those who have and similarly situated, shall be ject to confirmation by the county assessed at the same value True sections, scorching up all kinds I all the right, title, interest labored hard mid faithfully to cash value of property shall be held court, and estate of said minors in and to of vegetation mid making it Hiid taken to mean the amount such the following described real prop­ make a success of it. tropical for liumanitx to bear. I property would sell for at a volun­ erty situate tn Tillamook County, tary sale made in the ordinary Just consider for a few mo- course of business, taking into con­ Oregon: An undivided one-fourth interest ‘All Aboard for Nelnilem on ments the amount of money sideration its earning power and in lot 2. of block •«, of Cone & Saturday.” It is the annual that is sent out of of block 4. in Other sections of th«* count« should in industrial growth mid and valurs, penalty lor refusal Hay s’ addition ts Tillamook City. Every assessor shall require any Dated this August 27th. 1913. which have neglected'the local obtaining payrolls, which is person liable to be taxed in hi’s V iola M ills , displays should see what in­ necessary to support a large c- unty and to bi assessed by him. Guardian. terest mid pride th«* peopl«* «if population. Take for instance to furnish such assessor: 1. A list of all the real estate of Nehalem take in them. And nil the stores in Tillamook and Suit for Divorce. And other Exhibits. firm, corporation I by wav of encouragement and it is surprising what few arti­ such person. or association has any interest, Summons by Publication, Horse Races, Shooting Tournament, Fireworks, Band to help Issist th«* Nehalem fair, cles are manufactured or pro­ situate in his county and liable to In the Circuit Court of the State of we bo|H* as many ns possible duced in Oregon. Mrs. Weatli taxation, which list shall include a Concerts, Eugenics Exposition, Children’s Play' Oregon, for the County of will attend, and we feel conli erred, who represents the Mini- statement to lie made by such per­ Tillamook. grounds and other Free Attractions. dent that thus«* who do so will ufneturers' Association, was in son. mauaging agent or officer, Alta Sours. I showing the true cash value of Plaintiff, r ree (. amp Ci rounds. You are invited. have n delightful tune and will the city last week on a cam every parcel of such res* estate, or I vs Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. Reduced lie delighted with the fair. paign of educution, with the interest therein, owned by such Harold V. Sours, idea of creating a sentiment in person, firm, corporation 01 associ­ Defendant. , , rates on all railroads. For particulars address I To Harold V. Sours, the above favor of the eticoiiragment and ation. It is surprising, of the large 2. A list of all the personal LRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem. Oie named defendant : « __ number of visitors to Tillamook maintennnce of legitimate Ore­ property of such person firm, corp­ I n the N ame of the S tate of patronage of oration or association liable to tax­ O regon : . City this year, how many were gon industries, i supplies, manufac­ ation in his county; which list You are hereby required to ap here for the lirst tune. And t>roducts, shall include a statement to be pear and answer the Complaint they, too, were surprised to find tured articles, institutions and made by such person, managing tileil against you in the atsjve en- such ii progressive city and a enterprises that have to do with agent or officer, showing the true titled cause on or before the expi­ the pay rolls of Oregon. "Made cash value of such personal prop­ ration of six weeks from the date splendid dairy mid tinils-red county. Visiten» seem to have in Oregon” is going to In* a erty, or of the several items thereof, of the first publication of this sum­ owned by such person, firm, corp- had mi impression that the city slogan foi Oregonians,and every oration or ussiM-ialion, or in which mons. ami if you fail so to aptiear and answer fol want thereof the wus right close to the ocean mid t>erson who has tlje welfare of such person, firm, corporation or plaintiff «ill apply to the said Court the State at heart must become association has any interest. ii kind of u summer resort, and for the relief demanded in the com­ The assessor shall require such plaint therein when they lind a clean, up to- interested, for the States of person, managing agent or officer The relief demanded is the dis date city, with paved streets, Washington midCaljfornia have to make oath that, to the tw«i of Ins solution ot the bonds of matrimony sulistmitinl buildings, doit g a organized mid the people there ' knowledge and tielief. such list, now existing between vou and the large volume of business in the are enthusiastic mid loyal. It whether ot real or of |>eraonal prop plaintiff, Alt« Sours your wife and «enter of th«- best dairying sec­ is up to the |>eople of Oregon to 'erty. or taith. contains a full and for general relief. I true account »f all the real or j>er- This Summons ia published by tion of Oregon, no wondei that do like« ive other« ise this State I sonal property, or both, or of any ord r of the lion Webster Ho’mes they lire surprised mid predict will lag behind for want of in­ (interest therein, of such person, lodge of the Circuit Court of the Ever, • firm corporation <-r association State of Oregon, for the County of that Tillamook has a bright dustries mid payrolls. future mid will rank with the both get mto the habit of pur j liable to be taxed in sai«l county, TiVsnmok. ir. the 12th Judicial Dis­ and the true cash value of such real large towns of Oregon ill n few chasing ' Made in Orv'gon” pro­ | or petaonal property. or both, and trict of said State, »„„f or,|cr l>c|n made and dated nt Tillamook City ducts ask forthem mid Insist years. .<>f the aeireral parcels or items ‘.m1,r'’ruOn ',,r ai,h **•> August: 1 for them. I thereof Should anv an h person, 1913 The time piescritied in the managing agent, or officer. when ‘ so order for publication is ouce a week lt iimm I to I m * timt ii few Tilla- required. refuse to furnish so Ii -««4 »or tnookera and ii few cnm|H*m bad The Cornelius Tribune w is list of rv:«l or of |>ersoii.i| pm^tv ¿iv^' consecutive pul.ln ationo n mviiopoh of Ilie I h -. ic I ics in kind to the snap shot man last wiiti the true cash value or values thereof, , . , • an‘l *he date of the tirât thia nniiity. It ia estimated week. not that we an* lking them f. or to swear t ’• Thw^>- Annua. timt there ure between I,to for or desirous of tsxnpiets, for when required so to do by the eeaaor. such person, managing J ohn I eland H endersqk 2,Ulk* viaitoraou Gaubatldi bench in <>ur newspaper ex|H*rienee we agent or officer shall forfeit and pnv Attorney for the Plaintiff. eveij dny. Conaidering timt it find opinion so much divided to the Meeaeor. tor the use of the — - - is but a start, it will be onlv a that one person will commend county, the sum of $1H) which turn W. J. \ an Schuyver & Go., General Agents Amateurs • better pay a »mall few yeara betöre there an* froiu an editorial nrticle wlide ano­ may be recovered by action in court having jurisdiction of charge and get good results from 10,000 to 12.0U0 viaitor« duily at ther person will get hot in the any uiatteis of debt or contra, t to the PRIZE ORCHARD, Editorial Snap Shots. I A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agent. • s>. Fifty-Second Annual OREGON STATE FAIR, SEPT. 29th--OCT. 4th, 1913. A whole week of pleasure and profit. $20,000 offered on premiums on Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry, Textile when you tire of rough, strong high proof whiskey I I I I C t Cyrus Noble 'S • 4 Z bottled at drinking strength your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio Portland, Oregon