Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 28, 1913, Image 10

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Tillamook Headlight, August
Artisans’ Entertainment.
Amazons of Old Appear to Have Boon
H.w .nd Wh, o.d „ 0,„
Tlie citizen. are cordially invite«! ;rea king, Groaning Mon.tor» That E"-
England In 1667?
Dames of High Degree.
. to
... attend
O..C.. . an
a.. open meeting given -J
liven a City tn Syria.
by | j
the United
United Artisans,
at the
the Com-,
Artisans, at
Corn- . Hnnia, in Syria, says a writer I11 the
mercial Club Rooms next Monday wide World Magazine. Is fame
or story of the Amazons, the valiant race England? Mr Bernard
dentally asks this deeply in’ “rt'
I ts huge water Wheels, locally known of women warriors, so great a favorite
evening. Sept, let, at 8 15 p.ni
' » uaura. There are four of them. with tlie Greeks and other peoples of question in a letter to the N,ZT**
A musical and literary program
I md tliev are driven by the river Or- untlquity. was a mere |>oetic myth, but we cannot say that we are T®;“4
[ will be rendered.
1 jutes, which flows through the town. within recent years archaeological re­ with his answer. He sUy9
Supreme officers will be present. Each of the wheels bears a distin­ searches have indicated that there that plugtre has been "exUrpa^T
The United Artisans was organ guished mime, and the visitor to tbs were indeed women fighters of high “common sanitation."
Until the recent sporadic imp­
ized in Oregon 20 years ago, and to­ jity Is made aware of their presence rank In those remote days.
A couple of years ago there was un­ cases, the last recorded cases of
day is the wealthiest order per long before lie sees them by the creak­
capita in America.
Its manage­ ing and groaning noise which greets earthed a sepulcher in that part of Italy In England occurred at Notfiog^*”’
1667. In that year plague
ment is conservative and does not bis ear. At first it suggests a pipe or­ known ns Etruria in which was discov­
terly from England for two and , h",
seek a mushroom increase in mem­ gan and Inter a brass baml ljracticing. ered a war chariot of bronze and iron, centuries. No one who has eun»l
wherein was crouched the skeleton of
bership, but prides itself in build- ' The wheels are built of a dark ma-
the records of the seventeenth ce^n
.bogaoy. which gives them at a dis- a woman. About this skeleton were
ing upon large per capita wealth.
edn believe that it was “extlrpatX
i ' tance the appearance of Iron. The lar- the remains of rich robes and orna­
It furnishes life insurance, acci
sanitation. Very gradually la th” /
. Igest of them boasts of a diameter of
dent disability, and old age pen
ceeding century and a ’half DiaT
I seventy five feet nnd 1» declared to be old traditions the Amazons wore In
sions combined. It is an institu­
I the
th» biggest
LiL-irest water wheel in existence battle. The bronze work and the terra withdrew from Europe also
tion of which Oregon may well be The tiaura nre erected on what is cotta vases fixed the date of the tomb
The date of its disappearance frnm
Constantinople has been fixed at
known as the undershot principle— as about 800 B. C.
the year 1841. It remained endeni
The first stories of the Amazons as
Come and enjoy a social evening that is to say. they nre driven by the
Admission free.
water striking them at their base. signed them to the northeastern part only in a few lonely piaceg ln
They serve not only to supply the town of Asia Minor, but Etruria wns peo­ world, such as the highland« of we,t
The greater event of the season in the dry goods busi­
with water, but also irrigate the ad­ pled from Asia Minor and had attained ern Arabia. Yunnan in China and m 2
a high degree of skill in certain of the opotamia. Sanitation, though an e7
jacent gardens.
ness of Tillamook.
The wheels never stop, summer or arts long before Rome was founded. eellent palliative, certainly never drove
Fair time is nearly here and we whiter, and day and night their creak­ Such evidence as tills tomb affords Is. the plague from Stamboul and Cajm
In order that we may become better acquainted and wish
In the in the opinion of more than oue au­ and the southern Mediterranean atu
to say a few words to the ex ing nod groaning are heard
that we may prepare for our removal into our new hibiters ; the fair is not for prizes, I summer months small boys may al­ thority. more convincing than the pic­ more than it did from England.
The shrinkage of plague is as great
tures of Amazons on the old vases or
but to show the world what Tills
quarters in the new I. O. O. K- building.
the neighborhood of tlie wheels, and such legends as that of Queen Pene- a mystery as the recent outburst which
mook county can produce.
for a small coin they will get In be­ thesilea, who was said to bare led infected the whole world. Perhaps the
We will offer our stock of goods (with the exception The prizes are to award people tween
the spokes of the wheels and al­ 5,000 women fighters to the aid of explanation is that in a few years bar
for their work in demonstrating
low themselves to be carried around Priam during the Trojan war.—Har- terla may go through the myriad trail»
of a few articles) at a great reduction.
The fair is for tlie county as a many times or bang on the outside of pel’s Weekly.
forming processes of evolution which
not for a few, and we want the wneel and drop back into the wa­
In tlie cuse of humanity take eons to
Before makingyour purchasesit will pay you to call
complete.—Pall Mall Gazette.
every farmer to help, if you have ter when halfway up.
on us.
sotr> filing nice bring it in. whether
a pi j . 3 is offered for it or not, and
Below 1,200 Feet the Poieonous Water
We have new goods constantly arriving which will be I in that way help us make a good
Kills AH Organic Life.
placed on sale at greatly reduced prices,giving you nice exhibit, there will be many people What It Means When the Contractors The Black sea. which in some parts There Wasn’t Much Said, but It Wu
at that time and we must '
All Right to the Point.
Begin Operations.
has a depth of more than <5.500 feet,
new goods of the latest styles ami at the best quality ' here
make a good showing.
A well known insurance official Mid
With the right of way established, Is poisoned by sulpbureted hydrogen
direct from the factory at jobbers’ prices.
We have asked the weather man a great army of men enter into the wherever the water is deeper than the other day at the Auditorium, In
' to give us good weather and I think J field The company does not build its 1,200 feet. This accounts for the curi­ Ch leu go:
"In the beginning of my career, when
It will be our policy to never misrepresent. If tin he will, so get ready for a good own road It is turned over to contrac­ ous fact that there Is no organic life
tors and is usually let in sections of below that depth, excepting perhaps I was only n bumble insurance agent, 1
time the 3-4 and St 1» of September
article has been represented as wool, we want you to t>ej There will be speeches and dem fr mi 200 to 31H) miles.
some bacteria of very low order, im- gained access one morning to the au­
The contractor must live up to cer­ pregnated with sulphur.
gust and formidable presence of I.
assured it is. Our sales ladies are instructed as to our I onstrations by the teachers of the tain
specifications, just as though he
The causes for this phenomenon are Pierpont Morgan."
' <). A. C. Sept. 3rd and 4th, and at
policy and if for any reason the rules should be disre­ two o'clock Thursday Sept. 4th, Dr. were building a house, and he fur- explained by the quick outflow of the
uidies everything—men. teams, ma- fresh water through the Bosporus,
“Yes,” the official insisted—"yes. It'i
garded, it would be considered a favor if von return the Kerr, the .president of the college, chinery. food and material. Few peo-
while salt water coming from the n fact. Don’t ask me bow I did It,
will speak.
Farmers don't miss
pie realize what this means. A con- Mediterranean enters through a deeper though, for that’s a secret. But it 10
goods and inform the management of the store your this
tractor must be very near to a king.
current into the depths of the Black o’clock oue morning behold me. a
There will be music, speaking
For iustance. there is the Hazelton sea. The waters
on the surface nre. young insurance agent, standing be­
etc.,most of the time from 10:G0a.m.
in the mountains. It is less therefore, controlled absolutely by fore the desk of the great J. Pierpont
This is the only exclusive ladies’ and children's store I till 10:00 p.m. each day, only hours section
than 200 miles In length. Before a horizontal currents of considerable with my big envelope of life and death
single shovel or pick was engaged in force, and vertical currents which statistics, tweuty year endowments,
in Tillamook County, and by confessing ourselves as for meals and parades.
grounds and buildings will the building of this section the con­ might carry the noxious gases from aud so forth, in my bund. I was. I
specialists we expect to be able to carry the most com­ be The
well lighted by the Electric Light tractors had to equip themselves with the bottom to the surface and fresh have since learned, the first and only
| a fleet of steamboats at a cost of $200,-
plete and up to date stock in the county.
insurance agent who ever managed to
| 000. They had to build scores of oxygen from the surface to the bottom
meet Mr. Morgan face to face."
are hardly ever noticeable.
We heard of one man telling that
nt from $2.000 to $4.000 a camp.
Whether you wish to buy or not make our store we had no place for stock. 1 I \ * i «imps
“Well, what happened?”
The water at great depths is so satu­
Each of these centers hud to be stock-
"‘Mr. Morgan,’ 1 began hurriedly,
your headquarters, we want von to feel at home, in fact,
ed with provisions, supplies and mate-
•you ought to carry more life insurance.
a tent 107 by 30 for rows aud an­ rills almost before a builder was
be at home in our store.
■ other
You see. sir'—
to the bottom by reason of its weight
one 80 by 40 for horses. These brought lu
Before these contractors
"And lucidly and cogently nnd brief­
that no fish or other living being which
are fitted witli proper stalls, and if
needs oxygen for its organic system ly. wasting no words, I laid my Insur­
these won’t accommodate the stock, single blast they had spent over $0,- can exist beyond a stated depth.—Lon- ance proposition before the great finan­
(X ».000
others will be furnished.
don Standard.
Each contractor's camp Is like a
We want everything in place
"He listened in silence. Those fierce
small city, with Its stores, hospital,
Wednesday-, Sept. 3rd, at 10:00 a.til ,
blue eyes of bls bored through me like
Made In Glasgow.
scores of sleeping shacks, kitchens,
when the president will touch a
It was n long nnd tedious train Jour­ lances.. Wbeu 1 stopped at last all be
dinlug rooms, warehouses and barns.—
button that will set Tillamook James Oliver Curwood in Leslie's.
ney. says the Glasgow News, and the said was:
“ 'How did you get lu here?’
county's first annual fair in opera­
other two occupants of the compart­
“’I walked In.' I answered.
ment had exhausted several other top­
The Russian Frontier.
"‘Well.’ s.id be. 'walk out”'-5ev
It will all lie worth seeing, Come
One feature In which the Russian ics and were now “on" about cock-
York Tribuue.
fighting. “When I was a lump o' a
over, and have a good time and go piete Ignorance of those living near the laddie in Blant're." said one of them.
Why Elephants Fear Mice.
"I bad a wee bantam that could bate
away happy, shouting praises for border of what Iles beyond.
It seems Incredible that so small and
Tillamook County.
harmless an animal as ii mouse is abi#
Let us be boosters, the Lord loves flint lie called nt the Automobile club this Sunday mornio' he bate tv.a cocks, to frighten an elephant almost out of
In Breslau, hoping to gain some infor­ yin efter the ither. but he wls that
boosteis for Ills country and even
its senses. One little mouse lu the
"The members received me sair torn that to pit him oot o’ pain I
the Devil hk-s a boost?r for his. No
Imy on which they are feeding wiJ
most kindly and did all they could to thrawed his neck and threw him on
one loves a drone.
help, but explained that they never the midden Then we took oot anither stampede un entire herd. In their a»
live land there are little animal».
All we lack to having a Paradise crossed the froutier and had no first pair o' birds, and yin o' them crawed
known as cliacunas, which feed ou i
in Tillamook is'for us all tofturn in to tin nd knowledge. The German customs his challenge, when up me wee ban
Angele, boosting the fair may help officer, living for teu years witbin tarn staggered tae his feet, gied a cock- small, sour berry of which elephant«
sprout the wings.
yards of Russia, spoke no word of Rus­ a leerte-law. and drapplt doon deid aff are very fond. They live in settle
ments. something after the manner of
1 hope we will all take advantage sian. and the Russians beyond the tlie midden." “Ye're an awfu' man.
prairie dogs, under the berry bush»"
of our opportunities in this good
When feeding, the elephants trample
"There Is a uetit.nl strip some three “Are ye no' feart ye drap doon deid
country and l e a happy people.
the little towns, aud the chacanas. in
General programs will be on the or four yards wide between Russia yersel' ?"
their fright, run up the tubes of th*
A .*9rNct Ha— absolutely dependable, every day. year in.
and Germany, along which many Rus­
grounds each day. Come to Tilla
year out. Built un honor, of thu boat materials.
elephants' trunks. Their long, sharp
sino sentries are posted, and mounted
Not Sufficiently Explicit.
mook City September 3 4 and 5 and Cossacks past nt short intervals, rid­
claws catch In the flesh, and they can
Outwears Three Ordinary Range*
"I think we met at a summer resort
not be ejected. The more violently t»
enjoy yourselves.
F U g,« 1
I m * » i’ 1 " <j I
mndo ontiroly of cbarroal and malltablt iron,
n. b only
ing the boundary.”—New York Sun.
two or three years ago. didu't we?"
M. dltablo iron can t break charcoal non won't root Itho etoeL
monster blows through its colled truM
Yours to boost our county.
"Perhaps we did. Your face looks
the more firmly the hooked cla»« ’
Economical In Fuel
R. Y. B lalock ,
The Word "Poultry.”
very familiar to me."
the little animal become Imbedded m
The rrnme of the AfH/eatic nre riveted (not put together with
Poultry, according to the definition
"It ought to. I proposed to you one tlie flesh. Inflammation and death are
build a nd iitovo putty) —they will aiwayr remain air tight,
* L-
given in one standard encyclopedia, in­ evening and you accepted me ”
I kk hum » nvit her heat nor eokl atTeet* them. The Ma/oetic
the result. In captivity the elephan ’
ov< rt ia b'ned throuabuut with pure aebeetoe board,
"the whole of the domesticated
"Did I? Do you remember where it
Not Too Expensive For i cludes
lu I in place by an opaa
<n tax’ it — ana
think they are in danger of the deadly
1 I’l- • nlxs t >
Air tight joints nnd pure ns bee toe
feil, trJ; h
Imiiur Mature an even baking h«*at. wax inw one-half the fuel.
chacanas when they see a mouse.
I their flesh and their eggs." The word
It was on a hotel veranda, behind a
AH doore drop to form r»»«d ehelvee. hit tprinee.
| comes from the Latin "pullus." which lot of palms and rubber plants."
Malleable iron oven rack» slide out auUMnaUcally» bud*
The best is none too good and espcc-
in*r whatever they contain.
"Oh. you will have to be more ex­
ially when you can buy the tw.-t at the could mean a young horse or donkey
Malaria has been recognized «!£•
price ordinarily asked for a cheap as well as a chick (the English "foal" plicit than that Nearly half of my eti
is nkln to this), through the French gagements have taken place with that the days of Hippocrate» as one of «
most formidable and destrwtlr* "
You can and you should investigate 'poule. a fowl. But It Is curious that kind of a stage setting "-Chicago Rec
maladies, the more formidable bees’*
this sale as the Tillamook Music Co. "poultry" has no French version, the ord Herald.
It wns supposed. In accordance »■■
have unit and their difference with nearest equivalent being “volatile," or
Ellers' Music House has been settled "olseaux de basse cour,” birds of the
the name which Maccullob sd«P'«“
out of court.
Not an Uncommon Experience.
for It from the Italian les« ««»
low yard German in Its descriptive
The very finest pianos in the most
I don t know whether or not It's century ago. to be caused by » P*
expensive styles at startling reductions way knows poultry as “federvich," because they have a personal grudge
rnsive venom In the air R’1 *
and on such easy terms. See ad on feather cattle.
against me. ' said the smlliug cynic, the epochal observations of
back i page.
"but I know when I ride In full day­ the labors of Golgf and bls <wesr
Eilers Music House.
A Vanished Shrine.
light on a street car with which I'm
and the experiments and «11»«*
“What of your trip abroad?"
".My wife was deeply disappointed perfectly familiar the conductor calls of Ross It has lost much of Its •
a tea hrttk*, Ihnrjfh a
Temperance Meeting.
art tina a«airN*t
In one thing She visited Shakespeare', every cross street loudly and clearly, terlous terror, and the sure »i!
una vt water m a »err
No services in the I’resby ferian home all right"
but when I'm trying to find my way
nu’ a ml n wrvotr mi« ves*
prevention and extirpation »»
on a dark night in an entirely new
church next Sunday morning or
revealed —New York Trlbuns-
---------------------- - ------------------ -nj* n* catete» aahae.
neighborhood he's slleit as a church
A a S ng M ydbow *0« <*• rrceifrst
"j*0 Wante<1 ‘° W » T’»1‘
4M «■ rxmm
A union temperance ineeting will to the tub of Diogeues.”—Kansas City on a Monday morning."—Milwaukee
Making a Choie*
•» T wight,
b»iv the t
Y'Hi expect to last a Rfa
uiw»««," t>r exHt'il be »ura t«» hx- ite­
7 Sentinel.
1 «»llMItil I MuiiniJI
"Don’t you love the merry P”
be held in the United Brother n Journal.
si. t'umw (o «w»r ature. an4
MU. ad
t - have it* n'«nv rxrbwive fr-at'ir-a ex-
_’ 1
Unti xh H whr the W.eujnr ta W» »!n«gtt
church at fl p.m to which the
the children?"
J other
where nv st 1
a ar-
Jumbled Wrong.
"Yes." replied Mr Growcbev
It te the brat ran«* at any pnce au4 M ahuuM
united temperance forces in the
Manager—My dear madam, vour com­ some hesitation-“that 1» •• -Sole
be iM fhMtf teUben.
"Dobbleday seem» to think himself a
The Very Important person."
plaint is a very foolish one The stage rather hear Freddie and " '*
two »iieakei» lor the evening are
We •$
"" '«v. he can't even stand on a street direvtor did not slander you because he than learning to play the bug*
new voices in Tillamook.
M ìm corner and wh R for a trolley e.r with- gave your rale to another actress Ac- snore drum."-Washington 8«r.
Ixiia Smith etale «uperintt ndent of out putting o„ „ many
„ be tress—Of course he slandered me.
Uie I oval Temperane«- I
,in . were taring a cornerstone,"-Blrmlng Didn't he take away my character?—
Mr. Gevirge N Taylor, field secretary ham Age-Herald
“ Baltimore American.
"Those old warriors mu»' ■*
of the State Anti Saloon I.-’.igue
ed grotesque In their etahora»
Come «mt ami hear these intereat-
Hard to Beat
Ha Knew.
"Yes: almost ns grotesq®»
tog speaker*, Vhev have a met. be
l ady Customer-I wish to tell yon
,h* n',n °f ,he h0ÜM M
in a baseball catcher's outfit
be nmnn.ft.lly surveyed three carpeta b«»w these Shoes of mlue are to be
•age for yon.
ball suit ."—Exchange
finí WT
on ,b* ek>tbea made
Shoemaker-Oh. I know that
r* * N V K enzik
,"... ph
* -^mtunatioa bard to well enough—large Inside and small
Family Divisis*
'*•*- —• rtneeton Tiger.
How the Trotiblr «tarts.
outside. — Meggendorfer Rlntter
Friend-So that 1»
< on,tipat.on is the caiwe ot
He looks very Intelligent '
ailment, .nd dminlera th.t „.¿Ue
Lucky Hoi-Mahaa.
Pretty Bad.
Me mi.erable. TakeUhambert.“'J -’iritis
n>s—Just as I *»’
A ren t yon going to smoke daughter, now. is more >
keep your bowel, re. ,
and you wit) .voul thee di»ej“-l »•an emblem of luc-te? He-Yes tf those cigars | g»ve you? Hnwlsanel —
—Nos lajtslra
For Mte by all dealers.
* dvu Opinion
2« I m keeping them till Tommy be
• hmw -L to
The man who I»
afrsM rf
’nioke Tb*F'l »etile
It.-lUustrated Bit».
seldom baa t® tac*
County Fair Notes
Some of the Reasons Why
The Great
M ajestic
R ange
^Charcoal and Malleable Iron
« •« t
It Should
Be In Your