JlcaölioljL T illamook , O regon , anking for women . B Every woman who handles money should have a checking account. It will put a safeguard about her funds and systematize her money transactions. It will place at her disposal the advice of men of training in financial affairs. This bank has a special department for handing the accounts of women, and its officers and em­ ployes give courteous and con­ siderate attention to their re­ quirements. panied them to Portland, where he business men on the subject of will transact business. [ fostering home industries and pa­ Piano firm shipped too expensive tronizing home industries, at the pianos, they failed and now the pianos Commercial Club. Mrs. Weather- are to be sold. There are only 16 of red ie on a campaign of education, them and at the prices marked on each each showing the crying need of patron­ instrument they wont last long. See izing “Oregon made’’ goods and F.iU — • --- *- J Eilers ad on back page. It is the aim of this bank to creating more pay rolls. She The Nehalem Industral Fair will showed what a large amount of give the best banking service ‘ake place at Nehalem on Saturday, money was sent to Eastern states possibl e—a nd cue do it. and arrangments are all made to for merchandise and products which make this another attractive local should be made and produced in It is also our aim to have fair. There wifi be plenty of amuse­ Oregon Washington and Califor­ the best equipment such as ments all day with music and danc- nia women were doing a great deal fng in the evening. for their states in purchasing goods Modern Fire Proof Banking Another fire alarm was turned in and produce raised there, and the Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ on Saturday when a fire was dis women of Oregon should do the lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe same, for they spend about 90 per covered on the roof of the Tilla­ mook studio, and the presumption cent of the money in goods, She Deposit Boxes—and cue have is that it was a spark from the saw referred to the large amount of them. mill which was the cause. Fortu­ clothing and blankets which wete made in Eastern States manufac- nately no damage was done. , tured from Oregon wool which if The Werren Construction Co. has manufactured in this state would completed the hard surfacing of the nieau more prosperity. Mrs Wea- county road north of town, and will therred said the association helped soon have the six feet of rock on financially email industries in mak either side finished, which will ing a start, and in this way they make one of the best roads in this hoped to create more pay rolls. or any other county in the state. Arthur Atterbury, who had been Drowned at Barview. sick with tuberculosis for several While bathing at Barview on i months, died at tuberculosis hos. 1 Wednesday evening, Lloyd Hard- 1 — pital at Salem on Saturday and the ' man was taken out by the tide and . remains were buried in that city was drowned. He was from Port- ! on Monday. Hie father and brother land and about 30 years of age < Clarence were the end came. The body was recovered and Cor-1 Forty eight acres of all river bot­ oner Hav.-k held an inquest on the • tom land, lees than a mile from remains, f A verdict of accidental town at $200.00 an acre. The terms drowning was returned. on this are a small payment down and the balance on long time The Notice to Th; Public. All Furnished for light Housekeeping. right kind of a purchaser can dou­ A Lineback, a piano dealer from ble his money ou this buy in less Modern conveniences. Just the place to spend than five years. See Rollie W. Wat­ Portland, Oregon, is now a reai- dent of the city in Tillamook, ia son. a week or two. About 800 persons attended the selling a fine line of high grade society circus at Rockaway given pianos of the old and reliable firm, by the Commercial Club of that Kohler & Chase Piano Co. of Port beach resort on Friday evening. land.Oregon,a firm withhigh recoin There was a musical show given by niendationa throughout all the State local and professional talent and of Oregon for their honest and a street carnival which the beach square dealings with the people. I am selling high grade new visitors fully enjoyed. The Club pianos of old reliable make*, which will make this an annual affair. FROM 2 UNTIL 4, • is regularly priced at $¿375.00, which Wynn H. Redman, of Reed Col­ now can be bought for $31)0.00. A At the NEW STORE with lege, and Jos. H. Jordan, of the $850.00, now for $285 00 ; $325.00 piano Oregon Journal, were in the city for $275.00; a $300.00 piano, now Monday. They had hiked in from $205.00; also a new $300 00 piano, Portland and wherever they stayed with the exceptions of a little shop over night it was “Outin’ Inn.’’ worn, for $185.00. We sell on easy EXPENSE FOR 10 HOURS ABOUT 3 CTS. Mr. Redman was surpiieed with terms and will take your organ as New, Economical and Guaranteed. the rapid growth of the city since part payment. We invite the good W. II. GU EST, Prop. he was last here on a vacation. people of Tillamook and county to Near the Bakery. Agents Wanted. They visited most of the localities come and see and get the low and had a most enjoyable outing. prices of those pianos, which are Justice Warren, of Bay City, now on sale. bound E. Hemmel over to the And before purchasing a piano grand jury for killing a dog, and elsewhere, don’t fail to come anil failing to obtain bonds, he was see me and my pianos, and I will brought to this city aud placed in save you money the county jail, where he will re My pianos are located on 8th main until next November at the Street and 2nd Ave. E . in my pri taxpayers’ expense. Probably the vate home, no extra rent to pay for dog was not worth a dollar, but the store room. taxpayers will have to pay a board We give our custo.nets the bene­ V bill of about $75 00. fit of tlie high rent which others Edgar Meresee of The News Re­ have to pay. I have been in the porter, accompanied his brother, piano business for 20 years. I A. Meresse of theCondonGlobe, went kcow the business from A to Z, to Tillamook on a week end visit. and won't be undersold. All I ask They had not seen the cheese cen­ is come and see me before purchas­ ter of Oregon for eight years and ing a piano. I will treat you right. the growth of the city amazed them Our place of business is open even­ Tillamookers are building medern ings until 9. brick buildings, paving their streets, A. L ineback , DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE. and making improvements that Manager. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Ind 3rd AVENUE WEST count and which are pleasing to Mutual phone. Both phones. visitors.—News Reporter. Bell No. 11 J. The mail on Monday contained 20 sacks of Sears Roebuck A Co’s, I catalogues. We are informed that this firm does more business in Oregon and Washington than in all the Atlantic states, which is an other indication of the large amount of money sent out of Oregon to Write us for Special Proposition I make ray rolls in other states. There is a crying need in Oregon We will make a special introductory proposition J in behalf of patronizing home mer­ chants and home industriea, which on the first five Silos Sold in Tillamook County. 1 is the only way Oregon and this county can be built up and pay The Celebrated Hinge Door Silo is Imilt to | rolls created. Patronize your home merchants. last a life time. A fishing boat on Saturday nigl t Every detail in the construction of the was destroyed ofl Cape Lookout by Hinge Poor Silo is studied with extreme the exploeion of the gasoline tank. care The Hinge Doors are perfect They "" The boat was from Grays Harbor, cannot stick, sag, bind, nor freeze Have a aod was named the Sunshine, and big malleable step with seven-inch clearance had on board Captain H. Hansen, fur a ladder. H O. Halverson and H. Peterson. OUR POWERFUL ALL STEEL DO R - FRAME extends the entire length of the The captain was blown out of the Siio Without a steel frame, no Silo is com­ pilot house into the water and the plete. Makes certain the doors will always b ,at was set on fire by the explosion. work. TIIE FAMOUS 8ILI ERZAHN I A boat was launched and the Then ncte our one piece coast CUTTER is sold exclusive "/ I v 1 captain ricked up by the other two ua. Enmons for many yen's for a fir staves ; our inside hoop ; our men. when they made shore south its high quality : noted for its I special roof frsnie ; our power­ of the cape, the fishing boat being safety to the operator and the low N power it takes to ran it. H.v destroyed, which wee worth abuu ful foundation anchors; big turn great strength trig capacity an'* I «5 OXk Thejnen made their way to buckles ; and steel wire cables. longlife. Write lor catalog. 3 Heilock where C. J. Crook kept IT S THE BEST SILO IN THE WORLD. The best in none too " them over-night and brought them to this city, when t»ey took.the good for you. Write for iqiecial proposition now. State nizc wanted. train to P< rtland. They would all have been drowned had it not been for the small boat On Thursday evening, Mrs. Edjrth 1410 Common st., Spokane, Wash BRANCHES-309 E Yamhill at., Portland, Ore.--Belling», Moat.--B >iae, Ide. Tozier Weatberred, who represent» he Oregon Manufacture.’ Aaao< ia UpO addressed a »mall meeting ot First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. ¡^TILLAMOOK COUNTY BAfP“ ! COUNTY; L—-TILLAMOOK CJTY. qB EJ august 28, 1913? SOPfPVIsioH Ocean Crest Apartments, TILLAMuOK JOTTINGS 1 played Two games of ba8e bal1 win be in this city on Sunday and B. S. Clark, auctioneer. Monday between the O. W. R. & See Dr.Monk fornovelties in place N- and Tillamook teams, j cards. Brown mare for sale, ten years old Stylish City Photographs at the and weight about 1200, good work I Tillamook Studio. mare. Can be seen on the Todd Try some of that kippered sal­ ranch. Call at Headlight office. . mon st the clam market. Elmer D. Payne and wife are in For Fine Photographs at popular from Eugene on ¡a vacation and prices.—Tillamook Studio. visiting at the home of Mrs. Payne's Call up the Mutual Phone fora parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNair. date at the Tillamook Studio. A petition is being circulated re­ Glasses fitted. Any kind, any questing the Water Commissioner to lower the water rates or when style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * A marriage license was issued to desired a water meter may be used. JaniesW. Bailey and Juanita White. For sale, Pair ShetlandPonies and Uve chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Spring Colt. Pony Surrey, Double mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. Harness, Saddle and Bridle. En­ per pound. • I quire at office A. F. Coats Lumber • We are in a position to make Co. •ome long time farm loans, First Judge Webster Holmes, who had National Bank. . been holding circuit court at Dal­ If ou-work does not suit you tell i las, returned on Saturday. Mrs na; if it does tell your friends. City . Holmes and Miss Barrett returned with him. Transfer Company • Bring your chickens to the Tilla- I W. A. Davies vs. Edith L. Hart, mook Meat Company’s Market We i« a case filed in the circuit court to recover $47.O\ balance on a contract car 12c. per pound • for building a dwelling house at ■A car load of lumber has reached Rockaway'fcr'theI M^way Bea‘h’ i Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­ ing to be erected there. Ray V Co. get Fleischmann’s practor, successfully treats all ner- 'tatt Monday, Wednesday and Fri­ ; vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. i Consultation free. Office Com­ day by mail. Leave your orders. . Our best piano tuner will be here mercial Building. Dawson Bros, will meet all trains hursday leave orders for tuning at Patilaf building. Eilers Music House. with bus, and will handle passen­ gers and baggage to all part» of the Mrs. Lee M. Travis and children city. Call or phone at the Livery and Miss Emma Travis left on Mon­ barn on 2nd Ave East. day on their return home to Eu­ W. B. Combs. Everett Cobb, geni. I Frank Hunt and Byron Mathews of Starr, clerk of the State Tax Portland walked in over the Wilson -‘>m .issioner, is in the city for river and arrived here on Friday, ■'bout s week going over the asses- and left by way of Seaside. ’m»nt rolls. Buy a Ford car because they run free, «n elegant bevel edged stag 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. handle hand mirror, containing When you get them your troubles yocr photo with our folders.—Tilla­ are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local mook Studio. . agent for the Ford auto. Eiperienced man wants to rent Rosenburg Bros , who have re­ ■tscked and fully equipped dairy turned to the city from Aumsville, •ann. References. F. E. Goffar. have bought out the grocery store Tillamook, Oregon. of Honey 4 Hathaway, and will J- C. Gallagher, representing take over the business on Monday. E'le-s Music House, is in the city Married, on Saturday, at the *•00; cow 50 cents per month. Ap­ by the Rev. R Y. Blalock. Jam’s ply to Peter Newberg, Hemlock, W. Bailey and .Miss Juanita White Sandlake road, Oregon. Eighteen acres in the city limits The first shipment of fall miilin- of Tillamook at $500,00 peracre. This erT io charge of Mrs. James Hiner is a choice proposition and suitable •>» arrive stout Sept let. At the for sub-dividing in town lots. Easy money for someone. See Rollie W A. Pennington Store. Watson. > Bern on Thursday, to the wife of For sale, team, harness atd • M. Clark a girl; to tne wife of Clement Runt, a girl ; to the wife wagon. Horses about 1100 pounds, well mated, gentle, gray. The 11 Rev. A. Ii. MacKenzie. a boy. whole thing for $350. Wagon practic­ G. Dwight vs. Jonn Krebs, ally new. C. N. Cruson, Tillamook. *jn'»,nG. Willett, Elizabeth Wil- Ore. Phone 78J. *«, George G Willett,Lena W illet.t Mrs. Carl Kuudaon and mother, J J Gee and H. C. Ellie, ie s suit '«d in the circuit court to recover Mrs P. A. Latimer, left on Friday ao(j be for a visit with relatives at Star buck, Wash. Mr. Knudson accom 'flowed - ~ — I ----- VARIETY STORE, TIUbAtnOOK’ << ELMORE PARK FREE DEMONSTRATION Imperial Self Heating Iron Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Boot Paint LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY. BUY THAT SILO NOW. THE INTERSTATE SILO CO., OREGON Drop in and book Around I