Northwest Panama - Pacific Tours Company Subscription Campaign IH Officially Opened Thursday, August 14th IT’S NEW, IT’S ORIGINAL GET IN AND WIN All Aboard! FOR THE WORLD’S FAIR San Francisco 1915 AN UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITY FOR WIDE­ AWAKE, AMBITIOUS MEN AND WOMEN TO WIN VALUABLE AWARDS AGGREGATING HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS Campaign open to every one in Tillamook and adjoining counties. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. All Aboard! FOR THF WORLD’S FAIR San Francisco 1015 Here Is What the Trip to the World’s ----------------- Fair Includes------------------ NOMINATE SOME ONE AND MAKE FIVE DOLLARS IF THEY WIN THE LAST TRIP IT COSTS YOU NOTHING HERE IS THE REMARKABLY COMPLETE ITINERARY That $111.50 Through the Northwest Panama-Pacific Tours Company Buys for You (CUT THIS OUT) Nomiration Coupon—Good for 1000 VOTES NOMINATE A CANDIDATE And W'.n a Nomination Prize in the Headlight'» Creat Contest He 1 Nominate........................................................................................................................ Address.................................................................. ........................................................... Phor.e No............................................................................................................... Signed ........................................................................................................................... Address.............................................................................................................................. Only the First Nomination Blank cast for Each Candidate Will Count a 1,000 Votes. Names of Persons making nominations will not be divulged t VOTE THIS COUPON FOR THEM AND PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 1. First-class railroad fare to San Francisco and return. 2. Standard Pullman berth to San Francisco and return. 3. Transfer of baggage to and from hotel in San Francisco. 4. Bus accommodations to and from hotel in San Francisco. 5. First-class hotel accommodations for at least 14 days—European plan. 6. Ten admissions to Exposition grounds. 7. Admission to ten concessions or amusement attractions within the grounds. 8. A delightful steamer trip on San Francisco Bay, including trip to Vallejo and Mare Island Navy Yard. » I 9. Trip to Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods, with ride on the “Crooedest Railroad in the World.” FOR THEM 10. Trolley trip through the city of San Francisco (|>crsonally conducted.) 11. Trolley trip through Oakland and Berkley, with visit to the famous Greek Theatre and Idora Park. 12. Auto sight-seeing trip around San Francisco, visiting Golden Gate Park, Cliff House and other points of interest. 13. Choice of any of the following side trips— Individual Vote Coupon The Tillamook Headlight’s Subscription Campaign Good for 50 Votes For M Add’.es» ............................................................................................................. This coupon when n5»tly clipped out. name and filled In and brought to or aent to the Campaign Department of th Tillu- wook Headlight, Tillamook, Oi-egon.. will count as 50 votes. e dip out neatly and do not roll but bring or send in flat packages. Not Good After August 21, 1913 invite your attention to our itinerary; in other words, what von secure for your trip _________ (•) One First-Class Fare from San Francisco to Santa Clara Clara Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains and return. (b> One First-Class Fare from San Francisco to Santa Rosa or Napa Valley and return. It w provided that should the Subscriber share then and in that event the Company shall rebate to said Sub­ 1 scriber the sum of 47 and rebates will also be made on deeping («) One First-Class Fsre, via steamer from San Franciaco to Sacramento, the state capital, and return. REBATES hotel accommodations at San Francisco with another Subscriber, accommodations as provided under "Pullman Sleeping Accom­ modations." I Every Contestant that Turns in Not Less than $10.00 of Subscription Money Will Win a Prize PRIZES AWARDED SEPTEMBER 6, 1913 Toor to the Panama Pacil« Exposition as per the Atx>ve Itinerary, and Minor Poles PRIZES AWARDED SEPTEMBER 24, 1913 -Tour to the Panama Pacific Exposition as per the Above Itinerary, and Other Prizes I RULES— / No. 1, Anv per»on is eligible to become a contestant No. 2. This contest r hall continue for a period No. 3. Candidates shall lx furnished with receipt*t lx given for all paymenes of subscriptions. <>r mem- No. 4. No employee of the Tillamook Headlightormuj ber ot anv employee's family will be allowed to participat “ 'xTT’Z'eh.n«. of name at the. .me,=e now receiving the Tillamo >k Headlight will not be cons, «red a new subscriber. . and not . No. 6. Votes obtainerT bv one co to turned into the office can no t be transie .......... another contestant. 1 , _ Lirn,1t,ht direct to No. 7. Subscription» must be fully the Contest Department. If u. 'ailed, pos g P" Special rote« wiH be .Uo.«3 »» “ ,on°ws: Price 1 1-year Subscription....$1.50 .... 30O ............................ I I i 1 1 1 1 .......................................... 900 2-year Subscription.. $3.00 ...................... 1800 ..................... 3-vear Subscription.. 4.50 .......................................... 16000 ...................... 4-year Subscription.. 6.00 ........................................ 4500 ..................... 5-vear Subscription. . 7.50 .......................................... on coupons to be " No. 9. Vote» will also be i allowed printed in the Tillamook Headlight lor nomination coupon*, and for the »ale of trip» to the World'» Fair. 10. This contest »hall be divided into two periods*