WHEELER OREGON, j THE MANUFACTURING CITY better OPPORTUNTITES than any other For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Tillamook Office : Portland Office : r 327 FAILING BUILDING Care of F. R. BEALS. f Tillamook Fire Wardens. For the information of those desiring to but., slashing in Tillamook county we are publishing at the request of Supervising Warden Aschim, the names of fire wardens appointed in this county to dale: S. M. Bstterson, Nehalem. Ore. E. M. Bolfing, Hillsborq, Ore. U. S Beyant, Timber. Cheater C. Coad, Tillamook. Harley Hilliker, " Clarence Hoyt, " C. W. Hulse, Hillsboro. W. R. llhngsworth, Tillamook. Ernest Lamb, Tillamook. James Lee, Tillaiftook. X A. L. McCarty, Mohler. J. B. McCowell, Hemlock. N. McMillan, Garibaldi. Edgar G. Munson, Tillamook. Koy Musselman, Garibaidi, Ore. D. mald New nan, Tillamook, Ore. Scott Obve, a Max M. Reecher " W. T Ridehslgh, Wheeler. Frank A. Rowe, •• Leonard Rush, Tillamook. W. B. Smith. Thomua Taylor, Tillamook. Thomae Keil ley « « Win. Tinnerstett • « Geo. Vaughn, « « John C. Wilson «• 8. C. Woods. The Federal Patrollmen appointed were: H. L. Rittenhouse, Mohler, Ore. W. H Edson, Blaine, Ore. Frank Hans uratt. Sandlake, Ore. Forest Service Employees appointed State Fire Wardens: Robert R. Craig, Hebo Ore. It |M Johnson. •• Marv in Williamson, Hebo. Each of these warden* is empowered to ieaue burning permits in hie individ­ ual territory and will be glad to look Up any proposed burning at any time noti­ fied. In case of any party wishing to do burning where a regular patrol does not reach the matter may be referred to John Aschim at Tillamook, Oregon, and will bo given prompt attention. How’s This ? Wt o*r Oaa Mvaasso | x > ll * s > limo eaa* «< Catarrk ihat eaaaol br cursa bj Hall'*'Catarrk Cura. F J cHKXKY a CO., Triedro W». Ih* usdrrslsnr.1 bave buona V i •’Arsrr far Ibe lari |3 year*. «mi balte«« Mi |W'k«Mlv bouorabk ,n «Il bu.ine«« raa«acll.»aa and Suaneiaii, «Mr io cari* aat «ar obHnatloa* matte kg kl. Srm MA TIOS AL BANK eoMMBSCR. T oled v, <1. Mail * Catarrk Cura I* labe« Inlrraaltv — dirseli* ------------ U|»>a ’Ss blo,«t .mi ma «tarla««« at lb« iril.s lesión amala #•< tVrr Fries TS venta per botile. S om •y all Ornaatata Tok. H.H , Panali, pm. f,„ coMUfattaa BARGAINS IN REAL1 Statement Of the Tillamook County Bank, of ESTATE. Tillamook City, County of Tilla 320 Acres on the Wilson River known as the Rush Farm, (except a right of way), with everything on he place, (except keep sakes). 00 Acres, 10 acres in meadow at $37.30 per acre, I, cash, balance OU time. 2 lots just west of the Academy for $7(0 00. on easy terms. 1 I.ot with 6 Room .louse, that rents for $15.00 per month. 2 Lots with small house on easy erms. 1 lot to x 105 dose in. 2 good large lota with house. A Homestead relinquishment for sale. 80 Acres of unimproved land, 5 Miles South of Tillamook City. 8 Acres with house and barn close in. J. S. STEPHENS, RM 20 Notice of COMMERCIAL Ad minstra tor's Account ______ _ h bld . Final N oth r: IB H ikiio G iven —That the undersigned administrator of the estate ot Joseph Anton Hirili- niaiin, deceased, lias tiled in the County Court for Tillamook County. Oregon, his final account, and that bv order of said Court, Monday, the 15th day of September, 1913, iit ten o’clock u in ia set an the time, and the office of the Comity Jiuige in the Court House of said County, as the place for the hearing of said nccount, when and where nil ob- lections to said account will be heard and determined. JllBEPH Dt’RRKR. Adniiniatrutor aforesaid. Dated August 7. 1913. Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipa­ tion and indigestion and speut hundreds of dollars for medicine anil treatment,’* writes C. H. Hines, of t\ inflow. Aik. *1 went to a St. Ixiuiti hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure was ef­ fected. On returning home 1 be­ gan taking Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for some time and am now all right.*’ Sold by all dealers. Remarkable Cure of Dy-wntery "I w.ia attached with /dysentery alsmt lulv : Mb. an is un able to do aiijtlnng «Ti Ful my weight dropped oppe«l from I l*5t< *5 Io |JS pounds I suffered for about two months when 1 was advised to use < hambarlain's t'olic. Cholera and Iharrhoea Remedy. I use*! two bottle* of it and it gave me permanent relief." writes B W. Ilill. of Snow Hill, N C. For sale by all dealers. mook, State of Oregon, showing „ ttie amount standing to the credit to every depositor July 1, 1913, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of hia deposit, principal or in­ terest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice address of such de­ positor, and the fact of his death, if known. W. A. Eggers. Balm. Ore., 10c. A. J. Knightly, Nehalem, Ore., $31.10. Wm Scott, W imx I s , Ore., 37c. State of Oregon, ( County of Tillamook, ) ‘ S- I. Erwin Harrison, being first duly , sworn, . depose and . ___ say ___ upon oath, that I am the Cashier of the Tillamook County Bank, of Tilla mook City. County of Tillamook. State of Oregon ; that the foregoing statement ia a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last know n residence or postoffice address, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor ns required by the provisions of Chapter 1*8, of the Genera) Laws of Oregon. 1907. E rwin H arrison Subscribed and sworn to before me thia l*th day of June A.D . 1913. C. A. McGhee, Notary Public for Oregon. Notice of Sale of Tide Lands N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the State I.and Board of the State of Oregon will sell to the highest bid­ der at its office in the Capitol Build ing at Salem. Oregon, on October 7, 1913. at 10: (Ml o'clock a. in , of aaid day. all the State's interest in the tide and overflow lands hereinafter described giving however to the owner or owners of any lands abut ting or fronting on «inch tide and overflow lands, the preference right to purchase said tMs and overflow lands at the highest price offered tsrovided such offer is made in good faith, and also providing that the land will not be sold for, nor am offei therefor accepted o( less than $7 GO |»er acre the Board reserving the right to tejsct any and all bids Said lands are situate in Tillamook County. tHegou. and described as follow«, towit Beginning .it a |»oint W ti feet N 21 deg. «7 mtn K. from the quarter section corner „ between Section« ...... r —.......w' > and 8. . k k T. k 5 S. i " " ' c* " ** the high water line on the right bank ot the Little Nestucca River -“*• R. lO W.of W.M. Applications and bids should be addressed to G. G. _ I Brown, Cletk State Land Hoard, Salem, Oregon, and marked " Application and bid to purchase tide lands." G. G. B rown , Clerk ¿late Land Board. Dated July.22nd, 1913. fore patent issues, by filing a cor- roborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. H. F. H igby , Register. GOOD OLD LWl Notice of Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. L andoffice at Portland, Ore. June 12tlu 1913, N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That Alonzo E. Shirlej whose post-office address is 1241 E Mam St. Portland, Oregon, did, on the 18th day of No­ vember, 1912, tile in this office Sworn Statement and Application No. CUI88, to purchase the S\\of NE1*. Section 12. Township 2 North, Range 10 West. Willamette Meridan, and the timber thereon, under the ■ provisions of the act of June 3. 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the! "Timber and Stone Law," at such • value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, the timber estimated 100.00 and 120 000 board feet at 25 and 40 cents per M. and the land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of bis application and sworn statement on the 3rd day of September, 1913, before the Regist e* and Receive# of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro-' test this purchase before entry, or 1 initiate a contest at any tune before ' patent issues, by filing a corrobor- ed affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry H. F. H iqbt , _______ Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. WHISKEY SKa"*'* :he Tillamook Next to POST OFFICE. « I I i "«imated N A2 deg 53 nun U 27ti 1 feet .•?£ »'.O» boerd feet .t along high water line. $j#'tio“".h tk !Tr •Bd ,he '*,,u’ 43 deg. 37 mtn W «10 feet to »-MHO, that said applicant will ffrt low water line, i i ,,,PPCM <»« h!S sp,,h & 13, before ,43degs 3, min t 71 Ofeet and R?uci\rr I* k* — tothe ------ - the Regtster . wv.w] place of beginning. < containing 1.»nd Office at F'ortl «nd Or*.» . ‘‘ - .------ * .«• acres of tide land, being tide Any person is at liberty n \ ro . » 'o ,r”n* tract owned bi test tb s purchase before mtrJ n Lh-e. K-y. ia Sevuon.iaudtv TV.p-.t..te - wnt.rt X FOR SALE BY *E F LAUGHLIN, Tillamook, Monk fs Studio. v 3 North. Range 9 West? \Viilame7te Meridian, anil the timber thereon under the provisions of the act of lune 3, 187S, ami acts amendorv, known as the " Timtier and Stone •• Such value as niurlil tin hxed by appraisement, and th n pursuant to such .•pp|ll ... h ,'. ' 'I’d at d timlwr then i>n liH>r t Pure, mellow, with a flavor that tickles the palate and linger* in the memory. Let us show you our special display of attrac­ tive new styles. We are perfectly ^equipped for making group pictures and will please you with the quality of our work. Department of the Interior. I .S Land Office, nt Portland Oregon, June 20th. 1>13 N otk k K H ereby G iven , rtiat CLARENCE E. BROUGHTON a— w \U1 I I W Whose iHwt ofbce addree« i. Cheuo e with. Washington, did, on the 25th * J dav of Septemlier. 1912, file in ffiis office Sworn Statement ami Ant.H Jil'i',n<e t •ng here. You will get the t- » qualities, the moat thorough a • I conscientious wnrkmaaslwp sod e •™Wl ,uo*< reasonable prict ’■ «e can supply single or aoul e hets or any single article that J« u may be in need ot w. A, Williams A Co.