i % Tillamook Headlight, August 21, 1913, facing tortures . FRUIT FED RATS OF UGANDA.1 9y th» Nativ»» They Are Regard««! ae • a Dainty Oiah. FELINE FAMILY HISTORY. _ Her» Are the Facte, Although You May A FAMOUS OLD HOAX SANCTUARY IN ENGLAND. ________ The Principle Still Survive» to a Lim­ ited Degree. Kscly’s Motor, With Which He THACKERAY’S KIND HEART. Baf­ Not Believe Them. Tbe Idea of eating ruts is so reiiul- fled geiontists For Years. It by shouldn't a respectable cat sit Pie Courage Shown by o Much water has flowed unJer I-on- iS ,.bU' Imagine such The story of the Keely motor hoax n thing unless one were dih veu to it by jn tile fence and howl when extracts ion bridge since the British criminal will live loug Its Interest will be en­ an starvation Tbe people of Uganda, from Its family history read like llils: "OiiM defy tlie strong arm of the lawr hanced by the preservation In the 1 liroiigtiout lhe teitiicrv formations, by the single exiiedieut of escaping to I however, eat rats uot from u«*cessity. e Franklin Institute of the unslel of from the upper eoceue onward, there but because they like them, Tbe rat tbe m-arest church or hospital and the remarkable motor that Keely built TO DIE FOR tpiears a remarkable family of eats, ( eliiluiiug the prot«*ction of the "sanctu­ to deceive Inteudlug investors aud eu- of Uganda, however, is very differ« —.'eut with a deutition still more specialized ary." for dowu to the early Stuart ricli Its luventor until the fraud was from the little creature that gnaws than that of the feliuae. the true fe­ |t(ry of ■ Dramatic Epiaod» In Which boles In our cupbjmds This rat is lines. retaining other skeletal features days Great Britain bail thousands of exposed after Keel.v's death For twenty-five years Keely astound­ It Is more than a foot of a mure primitive type of eats. Just such refuges for the criminal. th, Iowa »nd Mu»qu»ki» Tribe» mm b larger. : from ciitbedrals mid royal palaces to ed eminent scientists of f Europe Eurtipe and a al figured—H»roi»m That Won th» long mid is therefore quite a substan u- ­ 1 bese were tbe maeliuerodolitinae. scores of towns and cities, where tbe America with the mac trine that be tial niiimal nnd as well worth cooking which survived until tbe pleistocene, ' tuan guilty of felony coukl laugh with clalmi'd hud solve«! the s«*cret of |>er- Admiration of tho Enemy. as a rabbit. both in Europe mid in America.” : impunity at the officers of law and petual motion The Inventor of this Tbe wonderful thing about this rat is A striking story of tbe courage and The information was found tn a Klf sacrifice of which the American that It has two mouths, one behind the geology student'» paper. "The Evolu­ Justice for a period ranging up to machine would start bis device going, I forty day» If within thnt time he apparently, by playing n tune ou a I Indian at his best is capable is giveu other. The first month lias n pointed tion of the Domesticate«! Cat.” Per­ chose to go before tbe coroner, clothe«! mouth organ, lie convinced ninny ratlike nose nnd Is furnished wltb two haps you are a little rusty on cat his­ In penitence nu«l sackcloth, and con­ clever men that he told the truth, aud by o. H. Mill» in the De» Molnea Reg- rows of sharp white teeth, with whii h tory and you find it difficult to remem­ joter and Leader. It was told to the fess bls guilt, be was free to quit tbe stock in th'1 new concern sold freely it bites off' its food mid passes It on to white men by the famous Sac chief, tbe second montb. wbl« h Is placed Just ber This Illuminating bit of informa­ i realm without any baud daring to To the da.v of his death Keely de­ tion will freshen it in your memory: . stay him Black Hawk, wbo himself saw the in­ above the tliro.it This inoiith also has clared that his discovery was a gen­ "Tbe pliocene period was tbe period Although no sueb asylum exists to­ uine oue. and It was only when the cident. two rows of t«*etb. but one lung slender af the carnivora. Tbe fellds included it all began with an unfortunate tongue serves for both sets of grinders I the macberodonts, macbaerodus and day for the criminal, the principle of bouse In which the machine was quarrel between an Iowa and a Mus- Rats nre not only eaten lu Cgauda. aelur opsis. besides varieties anala- tbe "sanctuary" still manages to sur­ placed was thoroughly overhauled that the colossal fraud was discovered quakie, in which the latter killed the but they are regarded as a delicacy. gous to the leopard aud lynx. lu this vive. This privilege refers only to civil offenses and not to crimes as tn Keely had wired the walls of ttie former and then in a moxneut of freu The king muoug bis many retainers epoch appeared the serváis (Fells chrls- tbe olden days, and yet tbe privileges building. He ran his machine by high ' xy scalped bls victim. The two tribes bas one whose duty it is to furnish the 'tolli. At the time of — the ----- Fells chris- nre of considerable value pressure hydraulic power When the were at peace, and this act. allowable royal table with rats A rat catcher is toll there appenred also the European No clerg.vmnn can be arrest«*d with­ wires attached to the machine were only fn time of war. was. In Indian no? an exulted person usually, but in wild cat. Felis catus The earliest in the walls of bls church or while he the subject of Investigation Keely eyes, an Intolerable breach of good Uganda lie is looked upon with respect feline in America was Fells bllllauus. Is going to or returning from Ills duty. would file them to show that they and walks with an air of dignity He It appeare«! In the middle pliocene."— faith. Bishops mid nrcbblshops nre still more were solid and could not be use«l for Tbe Musquakies offered ail sorts of goes out rat bunting dally and general Kansas Industrialist. protected, for not one of them can tie any purpose other than that for w bleb re|«aratlou. but tbe Iowaa would ac­ ly finds bis game among the young linled before a magistrate even though they wen- attached. cept nothing but the person of the of baunna trees or In any place where Pieces of wire thus filed are th«* cause Is n crime, unless the king FEAT. fender, to be tortured and put to death fallen fruit or berries may be found especially commands It. Nor even up seen at the Franklin institute in propitiation of tbe outraged spirit for this Is what tbe rut lives on Sien Building a Railroad Across ths Ice and to the present time hns any warrant broken pieces show that the of tbe dead man. To this the Musqua­ der shoots of bamboo or banana or an effect within tlie precincts of any were hollow and that the luventor of Against Time. kies agreed on condition that the cul­ fruit aud leaves are bis food, aud this the wonderful motor curefully slopfied Along the Copper river valley lies of tbe king's palace».—Chicago Trib prit be given a month to fortify him diet makes his flesh tender anti whole Ids tiling abort of perforating the cen a standard gauge railroad. 191 miles In I une. self for his terrible ordeal. But Just some. ter. which would have exposed the length, tbe building of which was filled aS tbe month was about to expire be fra nd. - Sclent itie America n with romance. Its construction is re­ OF THE SKY fell HI with a raging fever. In thnt RUINS. garded as a distinct feat in world's condition be could not be carried across engineering, The road crosses the riv- Ard Their Connection With Stormy •r FORMATION OF COAL. tbe prub'le. but a failure to produce The Cu. ious Old Cliff Dwellings of the er between two glaciers (Ctllds aud Sunshiny Weather. blin at the appointed place would National Mesa Verde. Mlles). In "Our Own IVentiler" Edwin c. Condition» on Our Planet While th» ar< use tbe suspicions and perhaps tlie In the Mesa Verde National park. In Tbe false work of the bridge was M irtlu. lifter uotlng the Indications of Proc»»» Developed. hostility of the iowas. southwestern Colorado, are 3o<> cliff laid on tbe Ice In winter Men were weather shown by barometric read What may be said to be the stran A council was called to debate the dwellings, of which only the three Inr hired to work nigbt and day. M. .1. Ings, the variations of tbe winds and gest period through which our earth matter, before which appeared Cono, a gest have been repaired The largest Heney. tbe contractor, the man who i their meaning, the ever changing has pnsstHl Is the oue that was rea|>oii brother of tbe sick man. “There are ruin, called Cliff palace, stands about built another "Impossible” road across I i forms of tbe clouds, shows how the sible for tbe formation of coal. Tbe no squaw men in our family,” he de­ a thousand feet alipve the bottom of the mountains from Skagway, and his colors of the sky act as weather signs: planet Is described us having been at clared. “1 will go lu his place.” tile canyon and 300 feet below the top chief engineer, E. C. Hawkins, con- | Ordinary observation lias gathered Hint time Hat and smooth 11s to surface Tbe others tried to dissuade him and of the ledge All the houses connect celved tbe idea of using tbe river ice a great number of weather signs from and peculiar as to vegetatlou Tbe descrilied to him the tortures be would and open into on«* another, the entire for tbe bridge scaffolding simply the ever varying colors of the continents were Just beginning to rise bave to undergo, but he Insisted upon As the spring approached hundreds sky. Among the more familiar and re­ above the.ocean and the land hn<) not settlement forming a crescent about making tbe sacrifice. Accordingly an 300 feet in length from end to end of men were kept busy every minute liable ones nre: yet become dry. Mountain ranges bad escort «ns selected to accompany him, As we contemplate these silent ruins of tbe day and night, for if not com­ A bright blue sky Is the sky of fine not arisen from the swamps, mid the at tbe bead of which Black Hawk, pleted by the time tbe ice burst nil the It is hard to believe that at one time weather. atmosphere was thick with fog III (Ids tlieD a young but widely respected they resounded with the bum of Indus work and material would have been A bright yellow sky nt sunset prom stale of affairs there sprouted and cbfet, was placed. try, the laughter of children, the dron lost isos winds, n pale yellow sky rain fluiirlslied tlie plants which were later “I never saw a more pathetic scene,” Ing of priests, and the strident cry of The ice went out. carrying tbe fnlse ami a "sickly greenish" sky both wind with It» coal sup said Black Hawk, “than the parting of the sentinels calling the warriors to work with it. less than an hour after aud rain. A rosy sky at sunset prom­ to furulsh the world ply Cono and his father and mother and battle Tbe dwellers of these aban tbe spike wns driven In the connecting ises fair weather, but a dark red sky These plants grew ns big ns our lar other relatives. The whole tribe was dotted communities have left no writ span and the work was completed. at sunset promises rain. A red sky in gent trees, taking deep root in the mo overwhelmed with gloom.” Tbe bridge cost H.400.000. - "Alaska, tbe morning promts«*» wind or rain. rasa mid flourishing like the lush ten record, but the shape of the struc­ In tbe middle of the afternoon the tures and the relics that bare been an Empire In tbe Making,” by John J. “A red sun Inis water in his eye." grasses In moist meadow lam) and de party arrived at tbe (owns’ village. dug from tbe debris of centuries give Underwood. “If tbe sun sets In dark, heavy veloped Into lhe strange shapes now Cono had asked that his Identity should clouds, expect rain the next day.” found In tropic vegetation The forest some Idea of bow these people lived not be disclosed, but one of the Iowaa and moved and bad tbelr being. At Sea In a Coffin. Even a gray sunset indicates rain. looktsl, the scientists assure us. like wbo was present at the time tbe young It was tbe French assassin Lupi who But a gray morning indicates a The main bouses were built on a dense growths of weeds, rushes and Indian was slain saw that the guilty ledge close to Its front, and bnck of escaped to sea from Cayenne in a cof­ day. enormous ferns Roiue of them grew party was not being delivered, and this was an open space that answered fin He managed to get some nails, tar “When tbe sun draw» water rain In the shape of cacti, having spines nil Black Hawk told the whole story. The tbe purpose of a court, a street, a play­ and cotton, and one dark night he got follows soon.” over them This kind of vegetatlou Iowaa accepted it as true and, after a ground or a place for Industrial pur­ into tbe coffin shed. He selected a fine, And. finally, wbat In till» connection wns very rich In carbon, which It de­ brief council, consented to the arrange­ suits. sueb as weaving aud pottery stanch and seaworthy coffin aud fas­ It would be perhaps the most reproach­ rived from the warm, moist ntmos ment Tbe death circle was staked out niakiqg. At Intervals along tbe front tened tbe lid in order to turn It Into a ful of all poslble omissions not to men pliere. Then the millions of years roll and patrolled with armed guards, aud were towers and bastions, and In tbe deck, leaving a cockpit sufficient to en­ tian: < m 1 by. the forests of giant weed» were Cono was placed in Jts center, while Interior were kivas or secret chambers able him to crawl in. lie calked all Rainbow at night. burled fly deposits of earthy material Sailor's delight: his escort was entertained in the tep«*e used for religious ceremonies In ev tbe Joints as well as he could, and mid the ehemleal change took pluce Rainbow In th» morning. of tlie chief. It was a chill November ery village "were storehouses to pro- when this work was finished he made which slowly clninged them Into coal Sailor's warning day, and the sun was Just sinking be­ vld a Mpply of provisions In times of a pair of paddles out of two planks. Illis proi'css censed with the eiirbon hind tbe cliffs of the Des Moines river wnr^br failure of crops. Then he brought out bis cruft wltb The Great White Shark. I Iferoiis age. so Hint when I In- present w hen the escort left the camp. great precaution. Without much diffl The man eating tifli pnr excellence la supply of <'o:ll Is dug out of tbe grouud culty be reached tbe water's edge. Si­ tbe great white shark. It Is otherwise there will I«' no more.-Exchange. They paused on a hill about a half balL ' . _ L.igh _ « Hunt's Chaotic Hom». lently and slowly he proceeltbd In the mile distant from tbe camp. ! TJW known by the name of man eater. Oc A curious description of I.eigli Hunt s coulil see that the fires had been lighted house, where the poet lived with bls hope of reaching either Venezuela or enslonally spis linens ar«« seen on both Sealed Ordors. round the death circle, and in the hush wife and six children, is that given by British Gubina. 150 nautical miles dis­ coasts of the Unlt«*d State», though Its The elisioni ut imvltig warshlpa sali of the evening came. -tHe plaintive Carlyle, as rect«rded In "Bulletin and tant. Fortunately or unfortunately for more eiistomnry habitat 1« In tropical under benhai ornerà m use frolli t he de- sound of Cono chanJJnl^ his death song Review of tbe Keats-Shelley Memorial. Lupi, the steamer Abellle. returning waters This frightful creature attains sire of niiiiìtlme power» to preconi (Ile from tbe Antilles, off Paramaribo a length of nearly forty feet, nnd It 1» Having traveled some two hours, Rome:" plans frolli heeouiitig kliown tu thè they hulted*nnd made entnp. About "Hunt's bouse excels all you bare picked him up half drowned and al­ able to «wallow a man whole This euemy III thè American niivy sin li nihlnight they beard the clatter of ever read of—a poetical tlnkerdom most in n fainting condition, aud a few fa t Is prov«*d by nil experiment which orders come frolli thè presldent and horaea' feet, aud in a moment more a without parallel even In literature In hours later he was Io irons In bls cell. sailors nre fond of making when jmeh are delivered Io ii commander of a ship a shark Is captured The skull being or squadron by a contidentlal ilieusen single horseman rode up. It was Cono! bls family room, where are a sickly Licorice Root. pr»*er««*d. they amuse Hieinselves by get wbo knows nothing of tbelr con This wna his remarkable story: large wife and a whole shoal of well Very few people, «ays u writer In the crawling on«* after another through the tents Koine!lines they lire In cipher, The fires of the death circle were conditioned, wild children, you will Wide World Magazine, have any Idea distended Jaws It would be unsafe to but they are always settled with the burning brightly, and the squaws with find Half a dozen rickety chairs gath where tbe familiar licorice root comes do this, however, when th«* head has official seal of the navy ibqiartment tbelr burning sticks were preparing to ered from half a dozen dlff«*rcnt hack make the first attempt to extort a cry sters. On these and around th«-in and from. As a matter of fact, the hulk of been frostily cut off. because under mid llie package cannot be «qiened tin vt paiu and ngony, when an old mnn. over the dusty table and rugged car|«et It halls from Syria Here It 1» gathered hii «'I i conditions Hie Jaws will snap to­ III the time marketl on It. nhhb Is Hie fnther of the dead Indian; raised "lie al1 kinds of litter-tswiks. papers and piled Into great »tacks w here it re­ gether fi«*rcel.v for some tlgie after­ usually several hours after the hour bls voice; eggshells, scissors and. lost night mains until It Is thoroughly dry It Is ward If anything Is placed between of leaving port By this precaution "Stopn he »aid. “Let me speak. I when I was there, the torn heart of a then taken to the factory to undergo them the newspaper» are prevented from a:n the otie that has suffered. M.v son half quartern loaf. His own room he certain processes The finished prod dlsclunlng prematurely the movements uct is used for flavoring confectionery Legend of th» M obs Ro«e. w-iis killed and scalp«*d by a Alusqna- keeps cleaner." which may lie of the greatest linpor and beer, ns well a» entering into the A German tradition gives the origin tnuce. and the spies of the enemy nre ’* 1e. I was huDgry for revenge.and were ,------------------------- makeup of many brands of tobacco. of the moss rose ns follows: An angel tbe one that killed and «calf»*«! him • A Real Born Lady. render««! useless so fur ss tln-lr aldl He Ity to discover the secret of such here I would shout with Joy at his The word "lady" has been variously Some Idea of the extent of the Indus­ came to earth In mortal guise. try may be gathered when It Is stated sought « place of shelter nnd repose torture p But this young man is brave. defiu«*d rerbups tbe b**st test, how­ m—I really don't know, ma'am. I'm veloped Into • ,r** thinker of hte —New York Times “ (fcm't die'* — Cleveland Plain ■nr* Mrs Morris Tarke-Oh. can't Grtm-hswVe»: hl» Wife has t«een (tea 1er. , puroe that «huta » Itood Try It. ■on mak< R »«ingestion? Mary (cheer • way from bom* for a week -fuefc ♦isrt out with the Intention of calling fullyi_| „a try. Wbat do you make than It opens ” It of >-Buck. Tbe world tom» »»Ide to let » man everything by who knows whither be Is going — will < henge «onr mind fw.'ore you U'S with.»it tb» evaevtub'» feather» -Me tone a block.- Chicago News. , David St«n Jordan you make money your god. ditU. - - • P'-’gae you like a devil.-»leidlug. i Sublime American Indian. WILLING ANOTHER. AN ENGINEERING A CRESCENT OF COLORS I Th» Author Was Called a Cynio, but He Loved Children. Thackeray's word» were satirical, and he himself wna called a cynic, but the author of "l.ove Affairs of Some Famous Men" shows what sort of heart beat In the satirist's breast by quoting from tbe letter of one to whom tbe following Incident happened: “In the week following his death there appeared some genial memoria lines in the pages of Punch. Walklug down the then unsavory thoroughfare known as B«*dfordbury. my eye caught the opeu page of the popular periodical, and I stayed to rend the graceful trib Ute to the dead moralist. Turning away at length, a poorly dressed uiau In worklug garb said to me: “ '1 knew that man, sir.' “•You knew ThackerayY,I asked. “'Yes, sir. I keep that little bilker'» shop yonder,' pointing to the opposite side of tbe street, aud ninuy's the time Thnckerny would come and buy a pound or two of cuke of me. 1 cut It Into slices for him. and then, distribut­ ing it among tho crowd of hungry chil­ dren. tie would walk nwny and bide In that court over there, that be might have the pleasure of seeing their en­ joyment. He didn't know 1 knew him. but I did. People used to call blui a cyulc, sir. but It wasn't true. He loved tbe children, sir. aud no mau Is a cyulc who does that' ” THEY NEVER SEE SPOOKS. That I» On» Consolation That Color Blind P»r»on» Hav». Are you afraid of the dark» There isn't a chilli«'« of you seeing a ghost If you are coloi blind, which may furulsb you a ray of comfort for the beauties of landscape and floral decoration» you may have missed dining your lifetime. Dr. August Lummer. trend of the physical Institute of tbe University of Breslau, tn Germauy, is authority for this. Dr. Luuimer explains the phenotn»- non In this way: "Tlie normal eye bas au arrangement of tiny rods and cones in the retina. The rods perceive light und the cones color. When a person wltb a normal eye tiles to see in a half dark place the cone», which nre useless. Interfere with the effective action of the rods, and consequently the confusion creates the effect of apparitions thnt come and go and change their shapes. "The color blind person Incks the cones, aud tils rods act with extraordl- nary efficiency In tho dark, The color bllixl («enroll aces a clear, permanent outline of things ns long ns there Is the least nmount of light present. That menus Unit he never see» ghoits.’* New York Herald.* Lexington Monument». All along (lie road to Lexington from Cambridge. Mass., In the United State» of America, there are monuments to “rebel colonists" wbo slew British sol­ diers April 19. In 1775. but the most striking Is Hint which is raised to the memory of Samuel Whittemore He wus eighty ««‘ill's of age lit the time, and lie killed three British soldiers with Ills own hand, The stone rec- ords that for tills he recelved punlsh- incut of three kinds. He was shot. lie was bayoneted and lie wns beaten. He was then, reasonably enough, left for dead Tin* old fellow must have had n magnificent constitution and a spirit which the most devoted optimist might envy. For tlie Inscription got» on to any that be recovered and lived to the uge of ninety eight 11195 must have been "a good vlntnge"*-for — I.«union Chronicle Th»lr Passport. A senator told at a luncheon In Washington a senate story. "We'd be n bard lot. Indeed, we sen­ ators." lie snld. "If we were i>n black as we're painted. I once benrd a dreadful story against us “Two Indies. It appeared, carne to the visitor»' gallery and demanded ad­ mission. but they hud no eards. "'If yon have no curds, ladle»,' »aid tbe doorkeeper, 'iierhaps you know one of tile senators and can get a card from him ' '• 'Oh. no, we don't kno# any sena- tors,' they said hastily. "The doorkeeper bowed low. " 'That. Indie»,' he said. 'Is very much t*> your credit Pass right In.’ ' W»»h- Ington Star. Why She Wspt. A young man who Is very particular about bls washing recently wrote a note to his washerwoman and one to his sweetheart and by strange fatality put the wrong address on each enrol- >| m - ipid sent tliem off The washer­ woman was sent the Invitation to take an nuto ride the nest day. but when the young Indy read. "If you crumple my shirt bosom as you did last time I'll go somewhere else,” she burst Into tears and vowed she would never speak to him »gain —Florida Times Union. Well Described. Rmsll Hadh* was walking along th» street »Illi her mother when a fero­ cious looking but friendly bulldog »p- proaclied With n little scream ah» riuiig t<> tier mother, crying. “Oh, ma mum. look at tbe «log wltb tbe tan­ gled f»<*e!"-Cbl