ï illa m mik TILLAMOOK, OREGON, AUGUST 21, 1913 \ ,'Pmen‘ of dr-V «roods was 1 'nTn ?e<1 88‘ Wfek by A A’ Pen- • n-ngton at the old stand of Mason, Peuuington 4 Co. t'lp*nenced «’an wants to rent » 1.00; cow 50 cents per month. Ap- Those in the vehicle had a narrow more profitably. Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ ply to Peter Newberg. Hemlock, escape, and when the outfit was It’s an extravagance not to be a bank lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe bandlake road, Oregon. pulled back on the road the only in­ jury was a flesh wound received by Mrs. Frank Bester of Fairview, is Deposit Boxes—and cue have depositor, for nothing help so much to save enjoying a visit from her sisters, one of the horses. them. Mrs. Amy Spitler and Miss Nelly At noon on Saturday an informal money as having an account with Turney from California. | meeting of some of the members Choice young ducks, dressed. 25c. of the Masonic Lodge gathered at a pound post paid, weighing from the new building when the corner 2lbs. uptoSIbs., guaranteed. Miss stone was laid. R. T. Boats, mas ter of the lodge, C. E. Trombley, Anna Roenieke, Woods, Ore. P. \\ Todd, Rollie W. Watson and Brown mare for sale, ten years old Elbert Ginn deposited articles of oldes I t T CAPITAL ! and weight about 1200, good work interest, after which P. W. Todd mare. Can be seen on the Todd sealed tlie stone. COUÑTY M OOK^IT E ■ JsUPEPVlsiON I ranch. Call at Headlight office. . i I A meeting of the United Artisans For sale, Pair ShetlandPonies and will be held at the Oddfellows' Hall Spring Colt, Pony. Surrey, Double this (Thursday) evening at eight Harness, Saddle and Bridle. En- o’clock. Forty new members have $100 per year. It was necessary that ' was piogressive and up-to-date. He quire at office A. F. Coats Lumber been secured for the local lodge in . Mr. Goldsworthy return to the state was particularly interested in the Report of the Condition of Co. this city. All visiting Artisans are and teach another year in order that he •cientific manner in which the roads » The Nazarene Church holds ser- invited to attend. This meeting is might receive the pension offered by the were constructed and the small vices 1 ueeday and Friday evenings. for the purpose of re-organization state. Mr. Goldsworthy has now taught number of road supervisors em­ Sunday School at 2 p.m., and and iuiiiation of new members. A twenty-seven years in Wisconsin and ployed. Mr. Holman said that Till­ At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of busi­ preaching services at 3:CO and 8:00 good social time is assured and four years in Oregon. amook County could give Multno­ ness Augnst 9th, 1913- p.m. light refreshments will be served. Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred, mah county some pointer« on hi.w to build roads correctly and econo­ Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­ John W. Boyer and M.O.Boyer vs representing the Oregon Manufac RESOURCES. mically. He had planned to come practor. successfully treats all ner­ Fred T. Blinn is a suit filed in the turers’ Association, who is cam to Tillamook last month, but busi­ paigning in the interest of County Loans and discounts ................................. .. ... $311,303.81 county court to recover $2.25, grow- ' vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. ness prevented him from doing so. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ..........• 3,498.79 Consultation free. Office Com­ ing out of a dispute over toll fares. and State institutions, is in the city and will address the business men At a meeting of the City Council Bonds an.l warrants ................................. ........ 32,538 24 Plaintiffs operate what is known as mercial Building. on tlie subject of patronizing home on Monday evening, with Erwin Stocks and other securities................................ 304.83 the Salmon River toll road, which . Dawson Bros, will meet all trains products and encouraging new in­ Harrison presiding, several matter« Banking house.......................................................... 40,250.00 with bus, and will handle passen­ allows them to charge 75c for a four i dustries in Oregon "Made in Ore­ were taken up in regard to street im­ Furniture and fixtures.................................... . • ■ • 6,017.26 wheeled vehicle Defendant passer! ( gers ant’ baggage to all parts of the gon" is a slogan that ¡«drawing at- provements. A deed was accepted Other real estate owned...................................... 4 500.00 city. Call or phone at the Livery through the gate and then refused pay the plaintiffs so they brought e 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline, Capital stock paid in________ ........ $ 75,000.00 The joke the ladies played on Bert H. M. Kerroti, president of the after the street committee bau n- When you get them your troubles 5,500,00 Surplus fund....................................... made him look serious, but he failed Portland Riding Academy, and a ■pected it. A question was raised are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes to catch the fun and the laughter ’ brother of Dr. S. M. Kerron, arrived as to tlie amount of Win. Roy’s bill, agent for the Ford auto. i the ladies were having. Put up the I here with a party of twelve from who charged $250 for inspector’s paid........................ ................................................... C. M. Vidito had the misfortune candies, Bert, for the ladies had one ! Portland, coming in over the Wil­ work while four blocks of pavement Postal savings bank deposits............................ to scald his right hand with a pan on you and you can square yourself son river. This is the sixth annual ( were being laid. The bill was order­ Deposits due State Treasurer.......................... of greace'on Tuesday and as a re­ that way. Individual deposits subject to check i trip Mr. Kerron has macle to this ed paid Mr. Dahlgren wanted in ordinance passed to tax photogra­ sult, he has his hand in a sling, the Demand certificates of deposit ........................ This summer ie a record breaker 1 county. The party remained at the pher, but the city council would fingers being,badly burned. Time certificates of deposit............................... for visitors to this city and Tilla­ I Hotel Tillamook until Wednesday, not stand for it, which cut: cd sot. e Savings deposits .................................................... Eighteen acres in the city limits mook beaches. Some trouble have when they left lor'Neuh-Kah-Nie, on of Tillamook at $500,00 per acre. This been experienced in finding accom­ their way to A«toria|where they will | amusement. The city council will $482.154.92 Total is a choice proposition and suitable modations along Garibaldi beach, ship their horses. The party con-i meet again this evening. for sub-dividing in town lots. Easy as the crowds have been unusually sistedof: H. M. Kerron and wife, Orauge Cider. State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. money for someone. See Rollie W. large, and a number of lota have Miss Noyes, W, M. Ryan, Helen I, Erwin Harrison, Cashier of the above-named bank, do Watson. A delicious, refreshing, cooling . beeo sold to persons who intend tc Galbreath, Evelene Calbreath, Dr. Mlemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of J. F. Calbreath, Miss P Cook, Mrs. drink made from Clough's conce • build, some of the owners of the For sale, team, harness and my knowldege and belief E rwin H arrison , Cashier. R. W. Wilson, Miss Edith Old«. trated extract of orange cider. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of Aug. wagon. Horses about 1100 pounds, town sites having done a big busi Win. Wilson and "Baldi” (Mascot )■ A 50c bottle will make 5 galloi » well mated, gentle, gray. The ness, disposing of most of their 1913.—E. J. Claussen, Notary Public. The weather last Sunday was quite ' of orange cider. Correct—Attest : H. T. Botts, M. W. Harrison, Directors. whole thing for $350. Wagon practic­ lots. showery, and one of tlieshowers de-, Mixed with water and sugar it ally new. C. N. Cruson, Tillamook, Married, on Saturday evening, at velopecl into n torrent of rain that ready for use. Ore. Phone 78J. Christian Church, Rev. R. E Jope Clough, tlie reliable druggilt. resembled a Southwest rain storm ' T illamook J tottings Earl a was >«”>>' d *° Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, who under­ officiating, Mr. Ralph Himes anti in the winter. Thunder and light I C. Randal! and Mies fennie B. went an operation at Portland a Miss Winnifred Wallace. The bride The Presbyterian Church. I short time ago, is steadily improv­ is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Jeff ning preceded the heavy «bower of J Tefft, both of Newberg. Ore. B S. Clark, auctioneer. rain. The south part of the county The Sunday School will loop«, i Ray A Co. get Fleischmann's ing in health, and her friends heie Wallace, and after the ceremony tlie did not obtain any of the benefits of next Sunday at 10 a. m. Let ti See Dr. Monk for novelties in place are glad to learn that she will soon happy couple and their friends par yeaet Monday, Wednesday and Fri ­ card«. rain, as it did not reach there, but teachers and scholar» tie ou liar. I be able to return to her home. took of tlie wedding feast at the home day by mail. Leave your orde s the center of the county was well' promptly. Stylish City Photographs at the Miss Fannie Nelson, who has the bride's parents. The young soaked, which will help to produce Amateurs ! Better pay a small Preaching services morning an I Tillamook Studio. charge and get good results from been visiting her uncles, Erick and couple have the congratulations a large crop of green feed for the evening at tlie usual hours. Mort, For Fine Photographs at popular your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio . Nels Glad of this place, returned to and best wishes of friends and rela­ dziry herds. The showers were dis­ ing service at 11 a. tn. Evening Price«.— Tillamook Studio. tives that their married life may be Mrs. E. F. Weatherred of Portland, Portland on Tuesday. The Mieses agreeable to campers but a great service at 8 p.m. I up the Mutual Phone fora strewn with happiness. Stranger« in the city lire cordially and Mrs. Francis Weatherred of Elsie and Ella Glad accompanied t benefit to the county. Since Sunday ate at the Tillamook Studio. H F. Goodspeed. D. Martiny, w. the weather ha« been beautifully invited to the«e service«. Hilleboro, came in on Wednesday. her to the beach, where they spent the day. ClsMe« fitted. Any kind, any G. Dwight, F. S. Whitehouse, G H. : fice, with a large number of persons D. A. M ackenzie , Auction sale of household goods, I Saturday evening. Aug. 30th, the •tyle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. • Ward and A. G. Beals vs. M R ¡ going to the beaches Pastor. thoroughbred chickens and farm 1 United Artisans will have a proces Hanenkratt is a suit filed in the cir­ hr. Percy Wiley and wife are implements, at Hemlock, Aug. Mr. and Mr«. Rufus Holman and _ How the Trouble Start«. ! «¡on and drill in this city, and the cuit court to recover $49.02. This Mr. and Mrs. Phil Metschan, jr., •Pending a vacation at Nehalem. Constipation is the cause of many 23rd. 1 3upreme officers and a team from is another case growing out of the were in the city and left for Portland ailments and disorders that make J* C. Urie and W. A. Schoel, of Miss Lula Johnson, of Carlton •ma», VIash., are jn (he city on came in on Wednesday and is visit- Portland, assisted by a local team, pavement fight, Hanenkratt having ' by auto on Tuesday morning. Mr. life miserable. Take Chamberlain's will be present Full program will signed to pay 10 per cent of his Holman is chairman of the board of Tablets, keep your bowels regular business. you will avoid these dilesse«. ing at the Price home on the Wil- i te given next week. improvement to pay attorneys to county commissioners for Multno­ and For «ate by all dealera. «^¿hickene Wan,ed at the Tills- aon river. Edgar Meresse, of the News Re­ fight the construction company. He mah, and, like a great many of the «Meat Company’s Market, 12c. Arguments in the pavement case porter, and Abel Meresse,.a news refused to pay, and the result is the vjBitor« who have come to ilia- Auction »ale of household goods, i*1 pound. • will be made in Portland next paper man at Condon, were in the plaintiffs have sued him for the mook for .the lir„ time, wan sur­ thoroughbred chickens and farm 2nd are *u a position to make month, commencing on the city last week, both of whom were amount prised to find the road« in «uch implement«, at Hemlock, Aug long time farm loans. First Septemper. agreeably surprised at the progress W.ihf Alien of tlie Omron Judge Robt. Aken, of the Oregon splendid condition and a city that 23rd. "•tional Ban«. Free, an elegant bevel edged stag the city and county ie making since Supreme Court, and Mr«. Aken, of -J* ?Ur Worfc doe« not suit you tell handle hand mirror, containing the railroad started. Salem have been «pending a vaca . llit doe« tell your friends. City your photo with our folders.—Tilla­ Lars Olesson died at the home of tion visiting place« of interest in Jr*o«fer Company • hie eons. Lewie «nd Alfred Larson, this county The judge told Attor­ mook Studio. >our chickens to the Till«- News wa« received by Mrs. D. Bil­ on Wilson. Tuesday. Deceased wa« ney Henderson that the Supreme atCt,IBpany’« Market. We lings that her nephew, Lester Cur­ a native of Sweeden and wai 76 Court had rendered several deci w *«• per jiound. • tiss, who was known in this city had year« of age. The remain« were «ions in caaea similar to the pave­ f «rw^r*1^ kee Travi« came in died on the 6th August at Penning­ buried in th« Oddfellows’ cemetery ment case in this city, and that it had decided that after a contract is k. i U(fene on Saturday to visit ton. He wa« 30 years of age and on Wednesday hmiiy for , few daya A fire alarm wa« turned in Mon- let citizena cannot step in and sue, died from hemorrhage of the brain day, a fire having originated under unless there is fraud, as it ie a mat one of the plainer« at the «aw mill ter t>etween the city and the con- belonging to the A. T. Coat» Lum­ tractors Jas. Goldsworthy, who is well known ber Co. Although the hose company I quickly responded. the fire was ex as ■ teacher in this county and was a I tinguished by the fire appliance« at ca xiidate for county school commis­ sioner last spring, returned from Wis ­ the mill- The Industrial Fair and Floral consin last week. where he has been ü i Show at Nehalem 1« set for Satur teaching for a year. Wisconsin has a dav Argust 39, «nd, no doubt ■ law which provides that after teaching DOCKS t WARKHOU9K large number of citizen« will attend school thirty year« (twenty-«ev«n years FRONT STXKHT, BKTWItRN 2nd |A 3rd AVKNUR WKffT it fortheNehalemite« not only make in the state and three years elsewhere), it interesting forthose who visit the th. teacher shall receive ■ pension of Farmer Near Here First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. œ TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, Dfi|WAR’S VARIETY STORE. TI L ACDOOK, OREGON- Drop in and book Around. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY.