Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 21, 1913, Image 2

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    Tillamook Headlight, August
agricultural travel
Will Visit Tillamook for Two
Days Daring The Fair.
Northcote, the Painter, Was Not Over,
powered by Royalty.
The story of “Lick's Folly, or the
Mahogany MIIL" has to do with the
A traveling general welfare
romance of tbe life of James Lick, the
lotior of the Lick observatory.
scimul and agricultural school, '
In early life young Lick fell in love
equipped with portable labor-1
with the daughter of a well to do
atones and educational exhib­
sillier for whom he worked When be
its designed for the special pur­
anide known bls love, which was re
pose of conducting demonstra­
clprocated by tbe girl, tbe miller was
tions and giving instructions.
nugry and Is said to have replied:
in the various general welfare I
“Out. you beggar! Dare you think
___ _ but Is he not overflowing."
and agricultural subjects, and | 1)crs
|,UHj the
tbe other,
other, “with envy, hatred if uiy daughter, who will Inherit my
conducted by 10 O A. C. PTO-’HIJ(j ul| uncbaritableness? He I b as riches? Have you a mill like this?
J J S memtiers
I S X. LJ 1 I ■ n ’ of
»B ( »pHeful as a woman-and then his nig- Have you a single penny la your
feasors, MCIOIOIX-V*
assisted k by
the state dairy au j food com-1 ________
Did be ever give away purse?'
To this Lick replied that he bad
mis.ion and representatives of, nnythlng?'
Yes. hii
his advice." said Hazlitt, "and nothing as yet but one day he would
the »tote grange and tlie Ore-
I have a mill beside which this one
gon Social Hygienesi K'iety, left very unpleasant it Is.”
Corvallis Monday on a six! This is not the picture of a charm­ . would be a pigsty.
In 1854 the quiet parslmoniou»
weeks’ tour of tlie state. These' ing man. and yet Northcote was not James Lick surprised everybody by
without his redeeming virtues. For
schools will carry to the people
one thing, he was refreebingly free building a magnificent flour mill near
of Oregon a rich store of valu-; from the worship of mere prestige in San Jose. Tbe mill was finished with
tibie knowledge in the econom-, an age when men were careful to ap­ In In solid mahogany, highly polished,
ics of home life and demonstra-( portion respect according to rank aud and was furnished with tbe best ma
. ehlnery possible. He made the grounds
tiens of approved farm manage-, stm ion.
Tbe Prime of Wales, when be wns about the mill very attractive and be­
This comprehensive educa­ a young man, met the painter and was gan early to set out trees both for
fruit and ornament.
tional cornpaign is conducted mu.-li pleased with hla conversation.
Lick caused bls elegant mill to be
"What do you know of his royal
by the extension division of the
photographed without aud within and
Oregon agricultural college in highness?" inquired Sir Joshua Rey­ sent the pictures to the miller who bad
conformity with the recent leg- j nold« Inter.
scorned him In bis youth.
“Nothing." answered Northcote.
filiation which made appropria- , "Nothing, sir! Why, he say. ba
Nineteen years after Mr. Lick bnllr
tiona for this survice. The ser­ knows you very well.”
his mill. Jan. 16, 1873. be surprised the
vice to tie rendered to the peo-j “I’ooh!” said Northcote.
“That's people of San Jose again by giving it
pie in carrying forward tliis' only his brag.”
to the Paine Memorial society of Bos
movement was considered of, The president of (he Itoyal academy ton. half tbe proceeds of sale to be
so much value that tlie above smiled. “Bravely said,” he muttered, used fur a memorial hall aud half to
sustain a lecture course.—Exchange.
named societies as well as the "bravely said!”
Grangers Take Interest in
County Fair.
Juut’s K hickson .
When profile of nervous temperament
ret|rv for the night and cannot sleep It
la usually because tlielr brains nre still
To Water Consumers.
■utlve mid refuse to part with the
blood whh li should properly travel else
T he Water Commission Ims given where What the sleepless really need
Mr. Hong positive instructions to 1« a sloping beil. so that the congested
shut off water (rom all consumers bend will relieve Itself easily of the
who have not pan! tlielr water rent supvt ttiioiis bliss! For the upper part
of the I hm I v . being heavier than the
by the lililí of each month.
lower. Inevitably sinks more deeply
By Onici Weior <-.,m mission.
Into the laaldlng, mid even If one props
the head on two pillows the neck Is
curved and strained mid obstructs the
backward flow of blood
Tillamook, Ore., Aug. 7, 1013.
« » »-«**,*
For Flies
On stock in and arouuil
tile most effective and
cheapest Jfly killer made,
it costs ready to sptey
from 7c. to toe. a gallon,
it is to be mixed with
water and therefore ia
less ex [tensive then other
fly killers.
Cktigh’s Carbolic Coin-
' pou nd is many
stronger then anv other,
one pint is sufficient for
th gallons of pi*)’.
Reliable Druggist
Easy to Put the Big Brutes to Flight if
One Knows the Trick.
The village dogs of Arabia are a real
| danger to strangers, whom they attack
on sight without provocation. By
strangers I mean any one except their
i own Immediate owuers, whether na­
tives or not. writes Lady Ramsay in
the Sunday School Times. They nre.
as a rule, great, powerful brutes, often
very handsome, extremely fierce and
capatde of defending tbe Docks from
wolves and other marauders. I have
often been told that when attacked by
these ferocious animals tlie proper
thlug to do Is to sit down quickly on
Jhe ground, when they will at on<e de
But for my part I never had the
courage to try this plan and had uever
seen it done during all my years of
travel till last year. We had stopped
to rest and eat our luueli In a village
oda. and I was looking out from an
opeu balcony nnd saw an elderly Turk
coming along between some bouses op
Suddenly two huge dogs, barking fu
rlously. dashed at him from on open
gateway. Instantly he dropped to the
ground In a sitting position. For a
moment I thought he bad fallen and
ex pectin! to see the dogs on top of
him To my nstonlshment they turned
and tied. tlielr tails between tlielr legs
Before they could return. If they
she disappeared Into the scrub, The would have done so. a couple of vil­
'tell' of tlu> bullet and her answering lagers appeared. helped the old feliow
snarl told me Hint I had lift her. which to his feet and accompanied hlm out
blood spots on tlie leaves confirmed."
of tbe range of my vision.
At n meeting of the l-'nirview
Grange toiluy, it was decided that
He Couldn’t Plow.
tlie Grunge have u booth nt the
A certain liiildent connected with
fair, nnd a committee composed of the great Napoleon while lie was In ex­
Crawford, ile In Elba 1« innimeuiorated In the Is.
Maxwell, Bester and Sheets, was land to tills hour by an Inscription nf-
fixed to the wall of a peasant's house.
placed iu harge of this.
It was decided that the Fairview A min named Glncoul was plowing
when the famous exile came along one
Grange would take part in tlie
day and expressed an Interest In his
parade and will invite other granges work
Nnpohsin even took tbe plow
to do the same.
share ont of the man'« liaml and at
tempted to guide It himself. But the
The Board is anxioua to hear
oxen refused to obey lilui. overturnisl
who intend to exhibit ami under tbe plojr and spoiled the furrow
whiit head, which would he a great The hiscriptlon runs tlms: “Napoleon
help to the Director.,
tie)* Great, passing by this place In
M IM'CCX IV. took In the neighboring
field a plowshare from tlie hands of a
peasant anil himself tried to plow, but
Notice ia Hereby Given,—That I tile oxen, retielllous to those bands
will not lie rrsponsitde for any ilelits which vet hnd guided Europe, bead
contracted by my'wife, Kltielenu long tlisl from the furrow."
Erickson, alter this date.
Elisa Jans Knew.
The Minister'. Wife (tv Industrial
arbolan Elisa Jane. I'm sorry to hear
from your s< hisihiilstresa you ara not
diligent at your nevsilework. You
know who It Is Ami. work for Idle
liitnds to do? Elisa .Inno (Intensely
anxious to propitiate)— Yea'in; pleaae'm.
you d<> London G lot*.
Tried a Bluff.
Wife (angrflyi-This la a nice tima
to mine home!
Hub­ tiled to hear you nay so. my
dear I was afraid you might think It
nithc lai».- Boston Transcript
Before and Attar.
"DM von noth» how sadly (hat beg
gnr Unified when liu ram» In?"
"Yes I tmtli <il also bow briskly hr
walked out after you bad glveu him
th» quarter “- Judge.
/V Beefeater and a Yeoman Lock It.
Gates Every Night.
Lick Mads Good Hie Boast
Whan 8corned as a Suitor.
■lames Northcote. the English portrait
pnluter, said tine things and malicious
things almost In tbe same breath. "He
is a bottle of aqua fortls,” observed
some one to Hazlitt. the first critic of
bis day. “that corrodes everything it
tom lies."
"Except gold,” Bald Hazlitt.
uever drops upon Sir Joshua or tbe
state library commission joined
in the movement. Also tlie
Fede rated
th rough tile president, Mrs.: And Three of Them Got a Dos» of
Lead In Short Order.
Sarah A. Iivan», fully endorse
Cnptniu H A Wilson lias written a
tbe work anil are lending ns-
record of "Service and Sport In Equa-
»¡»tniice to it.
The agricultural »chool will tortn" 111 “A British Borderland.” Ho
relates u thrilling encounter be bad with
follow the same methods of in-
sei eti lions ou the Mara river when ill
»tniction as nre pursued by the pursuit of roan mid accompanied only
ifeneral welfare school, but for by his gun bearer. Five of them were
the subject of social hygiene 'Jonesses. They were all full grown
will substitute tbe subjects of and occupied with tbt-lr kill—a cow
animal and poultry husbandry, I giraffe. They were feeding slowly,
dairying, Held crops, fruits and tlielr first hunger appeased, pushing
farm management.
The in­ mid Jostling one another playfully,
structional force, working in re­ their low growls distinctly.audible:
“For n couple of minutes I waited,
lays of live, will consist of l)r. wntclilng them; then, as the biggest
James Withycombe, Professors lion, n tine, black ui.oed fellow, turned
E. L. Potter and G. R. Sampson, sideways to me. I raised my rille and
department of animal husban­ let drive nt his neck, I beard the thud
dry; Ava B. Milam and Mrs. of the bullet on tlesb. nnd he dropped
Orin Buxton, domestic science I I In Ills tracks like a stone. With a
and art ; A. G. Lum, poultry simultaneous growl every bead went
husbandry; II. D. Scudder, G. up. and the lions swung round, facing
the noise of the shot. I let fly a second
R. Hyslop and VV. L. Powers,
bullet at the chest of the second male,
agronomy ; mid Mr. S. Schrock, nnd with n deafening roar he bounded
deputy state dairy and food high In the air. dashed a dozen yards
commissioner, dairying.
forward mid fell dead to earth Just as
This school will hold one day I was drawing u second bend on hlin
meetings, generally of three afresh
"The remainder, nil lionesses, turned
sessions each, in the ngircnl-
shot mid walked slowly
turnl communities visited, and lit my . .....
with mueli tall lashing and a
will be in Tillamook Septem­ awn.v
i horns of growls
I was Just In time
ber 3 an d 4-
to get a snapshot a’ the li I nd most a a
14, 1013
Not Mysticism, but Mathematics.
Mrs. Madison, whose Infest hobby Is
..the psychology and tbe esoteric infill
ence of colors, was deeply gratified
when her husband admitted without
urging that there might be something
In her theory after all.
"Dawson put me ou to It today nt
tbe fnrtn." Mr Madison continued.
"Dawson’" questioned Mrs. Madison,
amazed, for Dawson Is the manager
of her husband's stables and unknown
among psychologists
Mr Madison nodded "He says the
bays oat more than the grays."
"Really!" It was ii humble victory,
but Mrs Madison's face glowed with
triumph “How does Dan son account
for ItF'
"There are ten more bays than
grays." sold Mr Madison—Youth's
Coing In For Methuselah's Record.
Ao ambitious new cltlxen. with tbe
habit of tnklng literally the every day
expressions of American», obtained a
position a. train caller st tbe Union
One <hiy be had Just called. “All 1-1
a boar r rd for Kansas City. Denver.
Salt l.ake. New Orrleans, Chinebin
nail. Buffalo. Baltimore and Nu
A man ran up to him and almost
brenthlesslv asked. “I want tlie last
train ont for Cleveland!"
The perplexed culler exclaimed.
"What. you should live so longf-St
t. oil la Po.t-Dtsp.trh
Strauge to say. very few people are
aware of an ancient custom which Is
¡■dll kept up Ht tbe Tower of Dnidou.
Just before midnight a beefeater mid
the chief yeoman porter secure tbe
keys from the governor's bouse to
“lock up" Having received the keys
they proceed to the guard room.
“Escort for tbe keys!" calls out tbe
porter, and a sergeant and six privates
turn out.
Tbe procession then marches off. and
the sentries they pass Issue the usual
challenge of "Wfio goes there?" to
which the answer Is "Keys."
Arriving at tbe entrance to the Tow-
er grounds, the lion's gate, the porter
locks the gates and the party returns
to tbe guardroom, tbe sentry challeng­
ing as before and receiving the same
However. <m arrival at tbe
guardroom ngnin the sentry stationed
there stamps his foot, at the same
time giving tbe usual challenge.
“Keys." replies the porter.
“Whose keys?" the sentry asks.
“King Georges keys.”
"Advance King George's keys, and
all's well."
The porter then says. “God bless
King George.” and all present respond
with “Amen”
The keys are then
saluted and returned to tbe governor's
house, where they remain until the
next night's ceremony. — Pearson's
Tillamook, Ore.
Let us handle your accounts both new
and old.
We guarantee to make an
earnest endeavor to collect them with the
least possible bother or unpleasantness to
all concerned.
Rentals, Notes, Mortgages and General
Mapping and
General Engineering.
We arrange Loans and have on hand at
present several good securities awaiting
Offices in connection with Tillamook Title and
Abstract, in New Tillamook County Bank Bld.
Fall and Winter Samples
—Now on Display--
It Takes Some Peculiar Twists In th»
Matter of Heredity.
Professor Bateson In lecturing be- i
Rain or Shine, Our Suits will lit and give satisfaction,
fore the Itoyal institution on “Heredity
let us prove it. We also do cleaning and pressing.
of Sex" related some curious facts
which had been discovered as the re­
sult of examining several generations
of a family In which color blindness
a ppea red.
A color blind woman wns very rnre­
SECOND AVENUE EAST, Opposite Ed's Parage.
l.v found, and sile wns always the
daughter of a color blind man. Her
sons and daughters would be normal
and her sons' families would be nor- j
mill, but
mu If
ii uer
her daughters
uuunmvis had
u«u oouc,
sons '
they would be found to be normal and
color blind in equal numbers.
A curious auomaly with reference to.
color blindness appeared In twin girls.
Attorney-at-Law and Notar,
They were exactly alike In appearance,
but one girl wns color blind and the
other not. No explanation of Ibis ex­
ception has been found.
Professor Bateson said that there
was a popular belief that sons In cer­
tain respects took after their mothers
mid daughters after llieir fathers.
Within a reasonable range of specula­
tion this wns so. As to sons tnklng
after their mothers, they saw tills in I
(be experience of tlielr own families.—
Ixindon Cor. New York Times.
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Company
Why Clocks Get Out of Order.
Abstracts: Real Estate
Surveying; Insurance
The reason why mantelpiece clocks
so often get out of older Is so obvious
tb.it It Is strange that attention to It
has not been drawn before. A London BOTH PHONES.
i lockmaker said:
“It is because mantelpieces are rnre­
ly level. If a dock meant for a man­
telpiece is not placed In an exnctly
horizontal position It is sure to go
wrong. When the clock gains or loses
because of Its slantlug position people
regularly move the hands forward or
backward, as the case may he. In or- ,
der to adjust It. Eventually the clock's
hands are moved about so much that
the mechanism gets out of order nuil
the clock refuses even to tick. Wati-liea
mid traveling clocks are constructed
differently from the stationary clock,
mid they will go In any position. That
Will be
Is why they are relied upon more than
the ornamental mantelpiece clock.”— '
New York Times.
Ouiner of
in Tillamook from THURSDAY
until MONDAY
each week for the next tuuo months at the
A Born Statesman.
“What's the idea. George?” Inquired
Mr. Washington. "Why do you chop
down this cherry tree? Have yon any­
thing against cherry trees?”
"No. sir.”
"Maybe you are in favor of defor-
"No, str."
"Doing this for a moving picture
"By no men ns.”
"Then why chop down a tree?”
"I Just thought of going on the
stump." replied the future father of
bis country
And then Mr. Washing­
ton realized that George was a born
statesman— Kansas City Journal.
Rough on ths Minister’s Son.
Willie, aged five, wns one day sent
awny from the dinner table for misbe­
havior He went Into tbe kitchen, and
the tnald said:
"Willie. I’d be ashamed to be sent
• way from th« table, as big a boy a.
you are.”
"Well, that's what a fellow gets for
being born In a preacher's family.'’ re­
joined tbe little fellow—Chicago News.
Th« Limit.
It was an English ship with an
English crew slid mi American passen­
ger list
Two stewnnls were having
In His Oefense.
a boated alten'atlon and pouring forth
"Daughter." called the father from
anathemas apnn each other's heads,
his position nt the top of the stairs at
when as a crowning Insult on.-. said to
the well known hour of ll:5fl p m..
the other. "Aw. you .aits Just Ilk. a
"doesn't that young man know bow to
passenger *—Argo until
aay good night r
“Does beF echoed the young ladv In
Th« Culprit
th» darkened ball. “Well. I should
"Flad all my money taken last night. aay he does. —latdlea' Hom. Jr.nra.i
Woke up hearing some on» tn th.
Item-bed under the pillow for
Mis Meek Suggest>»n.
my revolver, but dldn t shoot”
Mrs Grimly—Is there any way yon
"Why didn't yimr
"I'd be a widower If | had “-London can break ymirwlf of that habit of
talking In n,t,r
(tremulo,wir. but hopefully»- [»,,
think it would help any. my dear If
Meet Intensive.
you'd Irt ni» tsik mora when I'm
"Do yon heilere in Intensive garden-
■ WBk»?-|*tl<k.
Ing. Mrs liners ke?" .eked the visitor.
"Well, rather“ said Mr. Hoerakei
It I« Oily by labor that thon It ht can
I «fient sil hl«t winter raising „0*
be made bealthy. and tmìy'by tb^tit
reran I um in a soup pus. -Harper.
I' tbr.t isbor can be mads bappy— R1W
if it I. not right «h« not do It If It
I» n«»t tnie do t»ot say It —Marcus Au
Merchant’s Collection Association
Commercial Stables.
Spend August at “Nature’s Playground”
Tillamook County Beaches
New hotels with every mxiern accommodation, coxy cottage,
and camping grounds at nominal cost. The trip down there
Through the Virgin Forests of Tillamook County
Is one that should not be missed.
Two Daily Trains—Chair Buffet Car Service
on the afternoon train.
Low Season and Week End Fares
from various points on the Southern Pacific.
Splendid fishing along the Nehalem and Salmonberry rivers,
as well as on the briny deep.
Call for our new folder ‘•Tillamook <oa*^
Beaches,” it contain, full information, <*
suit with any S. P. Agent
' vc T f V
Ceserai Passenger Agent